What is the GOP doing?

Because we have zero idea of how those documents came to be in those boxes.

It may have had nothing to do with Biden taking them. Vice Presidents have a large staff who handle things for them routinely and accidents happen. We are talking about a couple dozen documents admit many thousands.

So I’ll repeat that you’re going to need more evidence which you simply don’t have. Based on what we know, it’s not prosecutable.

Are you really stupid enough to believe that classified documents are just laying around the Capitol floor where somebody could accidentally pick them up by mistake? That's like a suspected murderer saying he was just using his knife to clean his fingernails and his victim happened to be running towards him on the sidewalk and ran into it.
Wow, so, the left can complain about trump non stop…and that’s ok, but make an allegation against Biden and it’s “prove it and do something about it, or shut up about it”?

He's trying to show his non-partisanship knowing that the DOJ is part of the deep state and would never prosecute one of their own.
Are you really stupid enough to believe that classified documents are just laying around the Capitol floor where somebody could accidentally pick them up by mistake? That's like a suspected murderer saying he was just using his knife to clean his fingernails and his victim happened to be running towards him on the sidewalk and ran into it.
I think that neither of us know all that much about how classified documents are being handled in the highest levels of government. It’s perfectly clear that they are not nearly so strictly controlled that documents can’t go missing.

Trump managed to carry off hundreds of them and the government can’t figure out what he took.

Again, mistakes happen. We shouldn’t be in the business of criminally prosecuting simple mistakes.
I think that neither of us know all that much about how classified documents are being handled in the highest levels of government. It’s perfectly clear that they are not nearly so strictly controlled that documents can’t go missing.

Trump managed to carry off hundreds of them and the government can’t figure out what he took.

Again, mistakes happen. We shouldn’t be in the business of criminally prosecuting simple mistakes.

Trump was the President of the United States, not a Senator. Trump had the authority to declassify anything he wanted, Senators don't.

Regardless where those documents are kept, Dementia would have to go out of his way to get them. It was no accident. He knew what he was taking.
Trump was the President of the United States, not a Senator. Trump had the authority to declassify anything he wanted, Senators don't.

Regardless where those documents are kept, Dementia would have to go out of his way to get them. It was no accident. He knew what he was taking.
Stop playing the declassification game. It’s irrelevant and a waste of time. We all thought the government was keeping close track of classified documents and we were wrong. Trump walked off with hundreds of classified documents and the government has no clue what he all took. The government bureaucracy clearly hasn’t been keeping track of documents very closely. They go missing.

So no, Biden wouldn’t have had to go out of his way to get them because people at his level of government are working with classified documents all the time, some of which can go missing without anyone noticing.
Stop playing the declassification game. It’s irrelevant and a waste of time. We all thought the government was keeping close track of classified documents and we were wrong. Trump walked off with hundreds of classified documents and the government has no clue what he all took. The government bureaucracy clearly hasn’t been keeping track of documents very closely. They go missing.

So no, Biden wouldn’t have had to go out of his way to get them because people at his level of government are working with classified documents all the time, some of which can go missing without anyone noticing.

Bullshit. The only people working with classified documents are those that were granted authority by the US President. Nobody else should be near them.

Furthermore is it was Dementia's own lawyers that alerted the government he did indeed have classified documents. How would they know that if Dementia didn't even know? Did his lawyers decide for no reason whatsoever to start digging around his garage and a university that had Chinese relations to see if there were any?
Bullshit. The only people working with classified documents are those that were granted authority by the US President. Nobody else should be near them.
I think you’re failing to acknowledge how many people in the government have access to classified documents and how much material the government considers classified. There’s millions of people with access. Hell, loser 20 something’s can have too secret access and spread that crap on discord, if you haven’t been paying attention
Furthermore is it was Dementia's own lawyers that alerted the government he did indeed have classified documents. How would they know that if Dementia didn't even know? Did his lawyers decide for no reason whatsoever to start digging around his garage and a university that had Chinese relations to see if there were any?
They were vacating the office so Biden’s lawyers were clearing out the office and came upon them. You don’t need any conspiracy theories.
I think you’re failing to acknowledge how many people in the government have access to classified documents and how much material the government considers classified. There’s millions of people with access. Hell, loser 20 something’s can have too secret access and spread that crap on discord, if you haven’t been paying attention

They were vacating the office so Biden’s lawyers were clearing out the office and came upon them. You don’t need any conspiracy theories.

Okay hot shot, what were classified documents doing in his office in the first place? All classified documents are marked and I'm sure in a secured location in the Presidents office or something similar. For a US Senator to get them he had to go out of his way to do so.
Okay hot shot, what were classified documents doing in his office in the first place? All classified documents are marked and I'm sure in a secured location in the Presidents office or something similar. For a US Senator to get them he had to go out of his way to do so.
Senators receive classified briefings and documents all the time. It’s part of their oversight and legislative responsibilities. Biden had less than 30 classified documents almost entirely from his days as Vice President.

If every document is marked and so carefully tracked, how did Trump escape to Mar a Lago with hundreds of them? Obviously they’re not that carefully marked and tracked.
The funding was held up before the phone call. A President has the authority to hold up that funding if he feels something isn't right. That's why it has to go through him in the first place.
The funding being held up before the phone call isn’t that relevant because the pressure applied to Zelensky started before the phone call too.

And no, the president does not necessarily have unilateral authority. Different appropriations bills give the president different authority. GAO found that Trump broke the law with some of the money.

Withholding money to compel Zelensky to help him go after Biden is not something we should support.
The funding being held up before the phone call isn’t that relevant because the pressure applied to Zelensky started before the phone call too.

And no, the president does not necessarily have unilateral authority. Different appropriations bills give the president different authority. GAO found that Trump broke the law with some of the money.

Withholding money to compel Zelensky to help him go after Biden is not something we should support.

That's because that never happened. Nowhere in his phone call did Trump once threaten Zelenskyy with withholding the aid unless he cooperated.
Senators receive classified briefings and documents all the time. It’s part of their oversight and legislative responsibilities. Biden had less than 30 classified documents almost entirely from his days as Vice President.

If every document is marked and so carefully tracked, how did Trump escape to Mar a Lago with hundreds of them? Obviously they’re not that carefully marked and tracked.

Because the President has the authority to set his own standards on declassification. Trump's policy was anything that leaves the White House in his possession was automatically declassified. As for Dementia, he was stealing classified information since he was a Senator.
That's because that never happened. Nowhere in his phone call did Trump once threaten Zelenskyy with withholding the aid unless he cooperated.
True. But it would be quite unusual for him to be so stupid as to say it entirely out loud.

Withholding the aid (at least partially illegally) at the same time is incredibly suspicious, isn’t it? Coincidences like that must raise some eyebrows. We don’t really have an alternate explanation for why he decided to stick his fingers into such a technical and otherwise uncontroversial process. Trump personally involving himself is extremely unusual.
True. But it would be quite unusual for him to be so stupid as to say it entirely out loud.

Withholding the aid (at least partially illegally) at the same time is incredibly suspicious, isn’t it? Coincidences like that must raise some eyebrows. We don’t really have an alternate explanation for why he decided to stick his fingers into such a technical and otherwise uncontroversial process. Trump personally involving himself is extremely unusual.

I explained that before. Trump didn't know Zelenskyy and never met him. He wanted to check him out a little bit before releasing the rest of the aid. It's no secret Ukraine is a corrupt country renown for corrupt leaders.

Regardless, unless the commies could come up with actual evidence that Trump was withholding anything unless he got the cooperation from Zelenskyy, they conducted a phony impeachment based on their supposed assumptions. Our system of law doesn't work that way, not that the Communists would care. In our country the accused is presumed innocent until empirical evidence of guilt which never happened. It's from their Holy Bible, the book 1984 where Thought Police were illustrated.
Because the President has the authority to set his own standards on declassification. Trump's policy was anything that leaves the White House in his possession was automatically declassified. As for Dementia, he was stealing classified information since he was a Senator.
So far, no one has corroborated that the policy of declassifying things that leave the White House were declassified. It’s just a crazy thing that Trump said because he can say whatever he wants and none of you question the logic.

The government had no information about any supposed declassification of any of these documents.

It’s clear that the government was not keeping close track of these documents since Trump could walk off with hundreds of them. Trump’s mysterious, secret declassification changes nothing about this fact because the government was unaware of this supposed action.
Yeah, I'd love to see where he's said the same thing to a leftie continually screaming and bitching about Trump.

Who are you talking about? Biden? I’m not talking about Biden, I’m talking about the left wing community. You seem to be ok with their non stop complaining about trump, but rather intolerant if anyone complains about Biden.
Because we have zero idea of how those documents came to be in those boxes.

It may have had nothing to do with Biden taking them. Vice Presidents have a large staff who handle things for them routinely and accidents happen. We are talking about a couple dozen documents admit many thousands.

So I’ll repeat that you’re going to need more evidence which you simply don’t have. Based on what we know, it’s not prosecutable.

Does that large staff have top secret clearance and sciff access? Or are you suggesting that Biden had top secret documents laying around and his staff just grabbed them and stuffed them into boxes as they were packing his things.
I think that neither of us know all that much about how classified documents are being handled in the highest levels of government. It’s perfectly clear that they are not nearly so strictly controlled that documents can’t go missing.

Trump managed to carry off hundreds of them and the government can’t figure out what he took.

Again, mistakes happen. We shouldn’t be in the business of criminally prosecuting simple mistakes.

So, mishandling top secret documents amounts to. “Oops, my bad”? Is that what we are saying?
I think you’re failing to acknowledge how many people in the government have access to classified documents and how much material the government considers classified. There’s millions of people with access. Hell, loser 20 something’s can have too secret access and spread that crap on discord, if you haven’t been paying attention

They were vacating the office so Biden’s lawyers were clearing out the office and came upon them. You don’t need any conspiracy theories.

I think you’re failing to acknowledge how many people in the government have access to classified documents and how much material the government considers classified. There’s millions of people with access. Hell, loser 20 something’s can have too secret access and spread that crap on discord, if you haven’t been paying attention

So, we should not police those who mishandle our nations secrets? You’re suggesting that bidens staffers had access to areas where Biden had classified documents just laying around, and those staffers were able to scoops them up and pack them into boxes, and they had no idea….too secret documents were just laying around, and then went missing for decades, and nobody had a clue they were missing, but a week outside of trump leaving office and the NARA is calling asking for their documents back….

So far, no one has corroborated that the policy of declassifying things that leave the White House were declassified. It’s just a crazy thing that Trump said because he can say whatever he wants and none of you question the logic.

The Supreme Court also said it.

The majority ruling in the 1988 Supreme Court case Department of Navy v. Egan — which involved the legal recourse of a Navy employee who had been denied a security clearance — addresses this line of authority.

"The president, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the president, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant."

Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, told PolitiFact in 2017 that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will."


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