What is the primary reason Trump should be impeached?

What is the primary reason Trump should be impeached?

  • The DNC was exposed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clinton was exposed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Liberal media was exposed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black Lives Matter.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trump won.

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • Trump works with Putin toward common goals & security (like he does every other country)

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Other (be objective)

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
The official reason as of today is "Obstruction of Justice."

Congressmen introduce Article of Impeachment against President Trump
Congressmen introduce Article of Impeachment against President Trump


Yeah right!
It's not going to make it out of the committee.
Here's the best I can come up with. Feel free to add some, but try to support your opinion with something other than narrative. In other terms, be objective.
The far-left neo-communist democrats of today want Trump out for three reasons.
1. He won and isn't of their party.
2. He's not ultra-socialist/communist.
3. He believes in actual borders.
How can you obstruct justice when the things you are deflecting does not exist?
Curtailing a witch hunt is not obstruction, in fact it is Justice
INTENT is the key, suh! INTENT...
What intent to do what? No action, no intent idiot.
If you haven't heard by now that Donald Trump junior admitted that he went to that meeting with the intent of getting damaging information on Hillary, I don't know what to tell you. That confession pins-the-tail-on-the-donkey. Junior admitted that he was going to accept criminally obtained information from an enemy agent, ostensibly to help disrupt or influence the outcome of a national election. Whether you admit it or not,. That fateful meeting is part of a series of concurring suspicious events that changed the tide of public opinion and moved many voters towards Trump resulting in Hillary's defeat instead of a resounding victory.
You seem to be a late bloomer. Catch up on the information and come on back when you have something intelligent to say or ask.
There are no legitimate grounds for impeaching Trump and that is highly unlikely to change. If the Democrats wish to continue down this moronic path so be it
I can't believe you are so dumb you think the Democrats have any power to do anything. You do know Republicans control all three branches of government...don't you? But they cannot ignore the possibility that Americans might have conspired with
Russian agents to help steer
voters to Trump.
I'm not sure insanity or some other mental aberration makes him subject to impeachment but there is a case to be made.
His puerile narcissism underscores his unfitness for the office. But don't take this layman's word. Read and review the clinical assessments of
trained psychiatrists and psychologists who have evaluated his mental state as abnormal.

1. Donald Trump has a “dangerous mental illness” and is not fit to lead the US, a group of psychiatrists has warned during a conference at Yale University.

His narcissism is evident in his “grandiose sense of self-importance … without commensurate achievements.” From viewing cable news, he knows "more about ISIS than the generals” and believes that among all human beings on the planet, “I alone can fix it.” His "repeated lying," “disregard for and violation of the rights of others” (Trump University fraud and multiple sexual assault allegations) and “lack of remorse” meet the clinical criteria for anti-social personality. His bizarre conspiracy theories, false sense of victimization, and demonization of the press, minorities and anyone who opposes him are textbook paranoia. Like most sadists, Trump has been a bully since childhood, and his thousands of vicious tweets make him perhaps the most prolific cyber bully in history.

3. A recent letter to the editor in The New York Times signed by 35 psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers, put it this way: “We fear that too much is at stake to be silent.” It continued, “We believe that the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr. Trump’s speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president.”

MY RESPONSE: Given these dark opinions of a platoon of experts pertaining to Trump's mental state, as a layman I had to take notice. In reality, though, it doesn't take an expert to see that something is wrong with Mr. Trump. While impeachment might be premature at this juncture, I hope someone strong is keeping an eye on everything Trump does behind closed doors. We don't want him starting wars because some foreign leader insulted him...

Any psychiatrist who signed a stupid letter like that should be stripped of his ability to practice....making a diagnosis without even examining the individual.....that is as unprofessional as it gets.....they truly are quacks....

What's disturbing is it's based on lies, assumptions and plain old opposite opinions of ideology.
Most of the University type Psychology professors believe that conservative thinking is a mental illness rather than an opposing opinion. They should be fired for their unprofessional diagnosis.
I have to ask... I just have to. How the heck do you know whats true or not or whether the mental evaluation is based on lies?? Just a wild hunch?
I'm not sure insanity or some other mental aberration makes him subject to impeachment but there is a case to be made.
His puerile narcissism underscores his unfitness for the office. But don't take this layman's word. Read and review the clinical assessments of
trained psychiatrists and psychologists who have evaluated his mental state as abnormal.

1. Donald Trump has a “dangerous mental illness” and is not fit to lead the US, a group of psychiatrists has warned during a conference at Yale University.

His narcissism is evident in his “grandiose sense of self-importance … without commensurate achievements.” From viewing cable news, he knows "more about ISIS than the generals” and believes that among all human beings on the planet, “I alone can fix it.” His "repeated lying," “disregard for and violation of the rights of others” (Trump University fraud and multiple sexual assault allegations) and “lack of remorse” meet the clinical criteria for anti-social personality. His bizarre conspiracy theories, false sense of victimization, and demonization of the press, minorities and anyone who opposes him are textbook paranoia. Like most sadists, Trump has been a bully since childhood, and his thousands of vicious tweets make him perhaps the most prolific cyber bully in history.

3. A recent letter to the editor in The New York Times signed by 35 psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers, put it this way: “We fear that too much is at stake to be silent.” It continued, “We believe that the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr. Trump’s speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president.”

MY RESPONSE: Given these dark opinions of a platoon of experts pertaining to Trump's mental state, as a layman I had to take notice. In reality, though, it doesn't take an expert to see that something is wrong with Mr. Trump. While impeachment might be premature at this juncture, I hope someone strong is keeping an eye on everything Trump does behind closed doors. We don't want him starting wars because some foreign leader insulted him...

Any psychiatrist who signed a stupid letter like that should be stripped of his ability to practice....making a diagnosis without even examining the individual.....that is as unprofessional as it gets.....they truly are quacks....

What's disturbing is it's based on lies, assumptions and plain old opposite opinions of ideology.
Most of the University type Psychology professors believe that conservative thinking is a mental illness rather than an opposing opinion. They should be fired for their unprofessional diagnosis.
I have to ask... I just have to. How the heck do you know whats true or not or whether the mental evaluation is based on lies?? Just a wild hunch?

Watch some C-Span every once in a while, rather than the spins.
Here's the best I can come up with. Feel free to add some, but try to support your opinion with something other than narrative. In other terms, be objective.
Why Trump should be impeached:

His name is Donald Trump.
He is a Republican.
He is wealthy.

Outside of that, the Democrats have nothing.

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You forgot white

Actually most libs consider him to be orange.

Proving that liberals hate people of color.
There are no legitimate grounds for impeaching Trump and that is highly unlikely to change. If the Democrats wish to continue down this moronic path so be it
I can't believe you are so dumb you think the Democrats have any power to do anything. You do know Republicans control all three branches of government...don't you? But they cannot ignore the possibility that Americans might have conspired with
Russian agents to help steer
voters to Trump.
And yet despite this Democratic Reprensentive Brad Sherman introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump I can believe you are so dumb you didn't know this. Now feel free to continue with the Russian fantasy rather than come to terms with the fact Hillary was a sorry candidate.
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There are no legitimate grounds for impeaching Trump and that is highly unlikely to change. If the Democrats wish to continue down this moronic path so be it
I can't believe you are so dumb you think the Democrats have any power to do anything. You do know Republicans control all three branches of government...don't you? But they cannot ignore the possibility that Americans might have conspired with
Russian agents to help steer
voters to Trump.
And yet despite this Democratic Reprensentive Brad Sherman introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump I can believe you are so dumb you didn't know this. Now feel free to continue with the Russian fantasy rather than come to terms with the fact Hillary was a sorry candidate.

And do you think it will actually get out of the committee with Repubs in control? :lmao:
There are no legitimate grounds for impeaching Trump and that is highly unlikely to change. If the Democrats wish to continue down this moronic path so be it
I can't believe you are so dumb you think the Democrats have any power to do anything. You do know Republicans control all three branches of government...don't you? But they cannot ignore the possibility that Americans might have conspired with
Russian agents to help steer
voters to Trump.
And yet despite this Democratic Reprensentive Brad Sherman introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump I can believe you are so dumb you didn't know this. Now feel free to continue with the Russian fantasy rather than come to terms with the fact Hillary was a sorry candidate.

And do you think it will actually get out of the committee with Repubs in control? :lmao:
Of course not it just highlights the silliness of the left right now.
Here's the best I can come up with. Feel free to add some, but try to support your opinion with something other than narrative. In other terms, be objective.
Why Trump should be impeached:

His name is Donald Trump.
He is a Republican.
He is wealthy.

Outside of that, the Democrats have nothing.

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Watchdogs to DOJ: Trump Jr. meeting broke campaign finance laws
You clearly have no concept of the word lie.

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
he exposed the Democrats and their plan to rid society of conservatives.
There are no legitimate grounds for impeaching Trump and that is highly unlikely to change. If the Democrats wish to continue down this moronic path so be it
I can't believe you are so dumb you think the Democrats have any power to do anything. You do know Republicans control all three branches of government...don't you? But they cannot ignore the possibility that Americans might have conspired with
Russian agents to help steer
voters to Trump.
And yet despite this Democratic Reprensentive Brad Sherman introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump I can believe you are so dumb you didn't know this. Now feel free to continue with the Russian fantasy rather than come to terms with the fact Hillary was a sorry candidate.
Introducing an article of impeachment by a democrat against any republican these days is doomed from the start.
You seen dumber than ever.
I do agree that Hillary was a sorry candidate but still better than Trump.
Now that you've put a megalomaniacal
Madman in the White House..what do you have to say for yourself?
he exposed the Democrats and their plan to rid society of conservatives.
no, I'm afraid you are confused.The plan was t6 get rid of KONSERVATIVES, not conservatives. Konservatives, it seems, would be much happier in Russia.
Democrats founded conservatism in America. They even fought liberal republicans in the Civil War to preserve it....heh heh heh...
he exposed the Democrats and their plan to rid society of conservatives.
no, I'm afraid you are confused.The plan was t6 get rid of KONSERVATIVES, not conservatives. Konservatives, it seems, would be much happier in Russia.
Democrats founded conservatism in America. They even fought liberal republicans in the Civil War to preserve it....heh heh heh...
we've all experienced the melt down of the nazi left at universities and cities around the country in attempts to end the first amendment. All brought to view in one simple election. wow, fifty years of work spoiled by one man. It is a wonder they're so outraged, the program exposed it all. BTW, this includes many GOPers as well. EXPOSED to end the middle class and create a country of subservients. Trump and the country said fk you and the ground you stand on.
he exposed the Democrats and their plan to rid society of conservatives.
no, I'm afraid you are confused.The plan was t6 get rid of KONSERVATIVES, not conservatives. Konservatives, it seems, would be much happier in Russia.
Democrats founded conservatism in America. They even fought liberal republicans in the Civil War to preserve it....heh heh heh...
we've all experienced the melt down of the nazi left at universities and cities around the country in attempts to end the first amendment. All brought to view in one simple election. wow, fifty years of work spoiled by one man. It is a wonder they're so outraged, the program exposed it all. BTW, this includes many GOPers as well. EXPOSED to end the middle class and create a country of subservients. Trump and the country said fk you and the ground you stand on.

Stop lying there is no Nazi leftwing in this country. The Nazis were Far Right populists just like you.
But your crazy logic doesn't stop there, you go on to posit the illusion that the middle-class only consists of right-wing Kool Kaw-cajun Kats like you.Hmmm.that acronym certainly is appropriate isn't it? :lol:
tell me in your bizarre world, what happened to all the Democrat, liberal and other just plain apolitical middle class people? If you answer that question you might begin to see just how stupid you are. By the way, the only people interested in destroying the middle class are the wealthy people at the top. And if you didn't know it, the top Republicans have been representing that's small Group for more than fifty years. Dummies like you are just being used.
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he exposed the Democrats and their plan to rid society of conservatives.
no, I'm afraid you are confused.The plan was t6 get rid of KONSERVATIVES, not conservatives. Konservatives, it seems, would be much happier in Russia.
Democrats founded conservatism in America. They even fought liberal republicans in the Civil War to preserve it....heh heh heh...
we've all experienced the melt down of the nazi left at universities and cities around the country in attempts to end the first amendment. All brought to view in one simple election. wow, fifty years of work spoiled by one man. It is a wonder they're so outraged, the program exposed it all. BTW, this includes many GOPers as well. EXPOSED to end the middle class and create a country of subservients. Trump and the country said fk you and the ground you stand on.

Stop lying there is no Nazi leftwing in this country. The Nazis were Far Right populists just like you.
But your crazy logic doesn't stop there, you go on to posit the illusion that the middle-class only consists of right-wing Kool Kaw-cajun Kats like you.Hmmm.that acronym certainly is appropriate isn't it? :lol:
tell me in your bizarre world, what happened to all the Democrat, liberal and other just plain apolitical middle class people? If you answer that question you might begin to see just how stupid you are. By the way, the only people interested in destroying the middle class are the wealthy people at the top. And if you didn't know it, the top Republicans have been representing that's small Group for more than fifty years. Dummies like you are just being used.
LOL, the left's behavior mimicks the nazi's to a fking 'T' a big Fking 'T' don't go getting all shy, be proud of your hate and willingness to shut the opposition up. you enjoy it, just like ole Adolf did. Shit dude, your side is opening up classes to train on how to take on the right wing and stop em with violence. your moving just so slowly in that direction. Break a few more Windows and burn a few more cars, take out the cops. Yep you all are amazing nazis.
he exposed the Democrats and their plan to rid society of conservatives.
no, I'm afraid you are confused.The plan was t6 get rid of KONSERVATIVES, not conservatives. Konservatives, it seems, would be much happier in Russia.
Democrats founded conservatism in America. They even fought liberal republicans in the Civil War to preserve it....heh heh heh...
we've all experienced the melt down of the nazi left at universities and cities around the country in attempts to end the first amendment. All brought to view in one simple election. wow, fifty years of work spoiled by one man. It is a wonder they're so outraged, the program exposed it all. BTW, this includes many GOPers as well. EXPOSED to end the middle class and create a country of subservients. Trump and the country said fk you and the ground you stand on.

Stop lying there is no Nazi leftwing in this country. The Nazis were Far Right populists just like you.
But your crazy logic doesn't stop there, you go on to posit the illusion that the middle-class only consists of right-wing Kool Kaw-cajun Kats like you.Hmmm.that acronym certainly is appropriate isn't it? :lol:
tell me in your bizarre world, what happened to all the Democrat, liberal and other just plain apolitical middle class people? If you answer that question you might begin to see just how stupid you are. By the way, the only people interested in destroying the middle class are the wealthy people at the top. And if you didn't know it, the top Republicans have been representing that's small Group for more than fifty years. Dummies like you are just being used.
LOL, the left's behavior mimicks the nazi's to a fking 'T' a big Fking 'T' don't go getting all shy, be proud of your hate and willingness to shut the opposition up. you enjoy it, just like ole Adolf did. Shit dude, your side is opening up classes to train on how to take on the right wing and stop em with violence. your moving just so slowly in that direction. Break a few more Windows and burn a few more cars, take out the cops. Yep you all are amazing nazis.
Nice fantasy...write a book. You might get a literary award for best fiction.
he exposed the Democrats and their plan to rid society of conservatives.
no, I'm afraid you are confused.The plan was t6 get rid of KONSERVATIVES, not conservatives. Konservatives, it seems, would be much happier in Russia.
Democrats founded conservatism in America. They even fought liberal republicans in the Civil War to preserve it....heh heh heh...
we've all experienced the melt down of the nazi left at universities and cities around the country in attempts to end the first amendment. All brought to view in one simple election. wow, fifty years of work spoiled by one man. It is a wonder they're so outraged, the program exposed it all. BTW, this includes many GOPers as well. EXPOSED to end the middle class and create a country of subservients. Trump and the country said fk you and the ground you stand on.

Stop lying there is no Nazi leftwing in this country. The Nazis were Far Right populists just like you.
But your crazy logic doesn't stop there, you go on to posit the illusion that the middle-class only consists of right-wing Kool Kaw-cajun Kats like you.Hmmm.that acronym certainly is appropriate isn't it? :lol:
tell me in your bizarre world, what happened to all the Democrat, liberal and other just plain apolitical middle class people? If you answer that question you might begin to see just how stupid you are. By the way, the only people interested in destroying the middle class are the wealthy people at the top. And if you didn't know it, the top Republicans have been representing that's small Group for more than fifty years. Dummies like you are just being used.
LOL, the left's behavior mimicks the nazi's to a fking 'T' a big Fking 'T' don't go getting all shy, be proud of your hate and willingness to shut the opposition up. you enjoy it, just like ole Adolf did. Shit dude, your side is opening up classes to train on how to take on the right wing and stop em with violence. your moving just so slowly in that direction. Break a few more Windows and burn a few more cars, take out the cops. Yep you all are amazing nazis.
Nice fantasy...write a book. You might get a literary award for best fiction.

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