What is the REAL reason that Dems are so scared to lose a seat on SCOTUS?

Because Kennedy wrote PP v. Casey that in theory laid out what regulations states could place on abortion providers. Without him, any regulation will be approved.

I will buy this.

it's all about abortion.

Nope. It's about far more than abortion. Abortion is just the requisite rallying cry for their proletariat masses.

The Democrats are looking to eventually institute totalitarian control over all aspects of American life. They see, and rightfully so, that seating Kavanaugh leans the Court to the American side and cripples them for at least a generation.
I might have agreed with you if you mentioned corporate speech, but the dems already caved on not challenging Heller.

But it's about abortion. the theocrats have spent hundreds of millions getting to this point,. They'll kill for those fetuses
A rational reconsideration of Roe v. Wade would exposed the moral depravity of its defenders. This is also why leaving it up to individual states (as it should be) is intolerable to the "pro-choice" crowd. They don't want to (and can't) answer the question of when human life begins, so they resort to extreme positions (e.g., partial birth abortions) and attack anyone who asks this question.
Dunno.....I think they also are against having anyone with Christian ties in power......Trump & Kavanaugh (both openly Christian)

Islam?......SURE....Christianity?....over their dead snowflake bodies

Oh, and it's also unacceptable that both are WHITE MALES!!! OMG!!!!
The Dems in Congress are using their useful idiot supporters who don't know a fucking thing about Civics.

There is a reason they stopped teaching Civics in many schools. The left wing lunatics DON'T want people to actually know how the government works.


It's a bullshit lie.
The Dems in Congress are using their useful idiot supporters who don't know a fucking thing about Civics.

There is a reason they stopped teaching Civics in many schools. The left wing lunatics DON'T want people to actually know how the government works.


It's a bullshit lie.
Well red states will be able to shut down clinics if docs don't have admitting prividleges to local hospitals and clinics that don't have all kinds of equip that is in local hospitals if women want it. It's going to be open season clinics in red states.

The question will be whether access to abortion inducing drugs will be available in the first trimester and even 4 weeks.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
They won't get to murder babies anymore for one thing. The other is that they don't believe in rule of law, they prefer feelings rule or whims.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?

Because the swing vote becomes a conservative vote.

The legislature does not want to legislate they would rather have political
talking points.

Thus they need to court to legislate for them. This guy won't do that.
He will follow the law. SCOTUS gave cover to the legislature to legislate
DACA. They didn't legislate it. DACA is on the court docket this term.
DACA will be history and we have the addresses of all 1.8 million of
them to get them out of this country.

California's immgration laws will be struck down. Immigration is the role
of the Feds not the States. Jerry Brown's remarks the other day that "it
is our border" is ludicrous. An International Border belongs to the Feds
not the states.

The President's foreign policy decisions will be upheld.

Whoever controls SCOTUS controls the direction of the Country.
Odd that not many liberals responded to this question.

I don’t think they even understand what the SCOTUS does...they just get mad because they are told they are supposed to be mad.

Derp, coathanger abortions if Kavanaugh is confirmed, derp derp derp.
So you would put in a drug addict , maniac , pervert , whatever , just to spite ? That’s how you role ?
Well, there is also the whole thing about the guy knowing how to properly interpret the constitution, rather than use it as toilet paper and make up whatever he wants.

How does Kav fit that description??!! WHat about his history says he interprets the Con properly ?

What says he doesn't? If he didn't, wouldn't your side have been talking about that while he was being interviewed, lol.

You pick the hill you want to die on, ever heard that phrase; or rather, is this the hill you want to die on.

Yep, this is it! If he is voted down, Trump will re-nominate, and make it a midterm campaign issue. Instantly, there goes Indiana, Missouri, Dakota, and Tennessee for you people, and if you don't believe me, check out public sentiment-)

Wouldn't want to be in your shoes, and we have a new mantra------------>

We aren't going to bow to your PC bullshit anymore, we are going to defeat you, with raw-political-power! All the polls are switching because of what was done to Judge K, and you people are going to pay through the nose, and we thank you very much for overplaying your phony-baloney hand.
The SCOTUS has one job, to verify that all laws passed by Congress adhere to the Constitution and that people are not violating the Constitution in following those laws.

Dimms want the SCOTUS the change the Constitution to fit their ever changing ideology.

That is the job of Congress to pass laws that change.

Dimms can’t get Congress to pass laws, so they try to get the courts to change the laws.
Just a thought for left wing lunatics.

Get Congress to pass laws that support your position.

That’s how it works.
They want as few conservative Constitution following judges as they can get.

They want left leaning liberals who will go along with what they want.

They don't want a Judge who follows the Constitution.
It will be an obstacle to furthering FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION where Statism, and Globalism is the norm. It is an obstacle to the Totalitarian Communism the Left wants, and its further consolidation of power, and wealth to the elite few. Silicon Valley, and the Tech industry is just one example.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
roe vs wade is my guess.

what i don't understand is - how can any ONE judge overturn past decisions like this? it would still take all of them as it has in the past and it would still need to come before them. this is far from a "get it done by lunch" process but fears like this don't really include a whole lot of common sense.
The Dems in Congress are using their useful idiot supporters who don't know a fucking thing about Civics.

There is a reason they stopped teaching Civics in many schools. The left wing lunatics DON'T want people to actually know how the government works.


It's a bullshit lie.
Well red states will be able to shut down clinics if docs don't have admitting prividleges to local hospitals and clinics that don't have all kinds of equip that is in local hospitals if women want it. It's going to be open season clinics in red states.

The question will be whether access to abortion inducing drugs will be available in the first trimester and even 4 weeks.
this the same left that said shit like

1) trump will push the nuclear button in his first year (oops)
2) trump will ruin the economy (oops)
3) trump will start a war with (insert country here) (oops)

both the left and right love to scare people insane worst case scenarios and make themselves believe it will happen *if* their views are not met.

gets so very old.
Because Kavanaugh is a lying psycho! Why do you want that scum on the SC!?
Because it pisses you commies off, and you deserve no less.

The only commies are you Trumpists whose leader has proclaimed his love for Putin and Kim Jong Un. I have seen the commie and he is the Trumpist. Embrace your true feeling, commie Trumpist.

Who sold Russia US uranium via the UraniumOne scam? The dem commies
Who paid Russians for the Steele Dossier? the dem commies
Who killed Russians in Syria? Trump
Who tightened sanctions on Russia? Trump
Who said that he'd have more flexibility after the election? the dem commie
Who gave NK billions in aid that they used to develop nukes and missiles? Clinton/dems
Who got NK to stop testing missiles and nukes? Trump
I could go on with a bigger list, but you see how dumb your post looks when facts are used

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