What is the REAL reason that Dems are so scared to lose a seat on SCOTUS?

The Dems in Congress are using their useful idiot supporters who don't know a fucking thing about Civics.

There is a reason they stopped teaching Civics in many schools. The left wing lunatics DON'T want people to actually know how the government works.


It's a bullshit lie.
Well red states will be able to shut down clinics if docs don't have admitting prividleges to local hospitals and clinics that don't have all kinds of equip that is in local hospitals if women want it. It's going to be open season clinics in red states.

The question will be whether access to abortion inducing drugs will be available in the first trimester and even 4 weeks.
this the same left that said shit like

1) trump will push the nuclear button in his first year (oops)
2) trump will ruin the economy (oops)
3) trump will start a war with (insert country here) (oops)

both the left and right love to scare people insane worst case scenarios and make themselves believe it will happen *if* their views are not met.

gets so very old.
An Anus Fetish Is Not a Sexuality

Just as in the 80s, when fairyphiles told us that Straights would soon get sexually transmitted AIDS just as frequently as Gayists.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
Abortion, mostly. Obviously.

The pseudocons want the seat to ban gay marriage and return Again to the days of Jim Crow when America was Great. That's why they trashed Clinton and her friends and family.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
Abortion, mostly. Obviously.

The pseudocons want the seat to ban gay marriage and return Again to the days of Jim Crow when America was Great.
so it was never about kavanaugh's "sexual assault"...got it.
The perversion of the Senate nominating progress did not start here.
The outrageous obstruction of Merrick Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court — the 10-month-long stonewall by Senate Republicans that not only stymied the high court's ability to do its job but effectively stole the nomination of a new justice from President Obama — is now delivering its rewards to the cynical politicians who carried it out. Did they think there would be no repercussions?

Then why did the democrats start it with the Harry Reid nuclear option?

Well, there is also the whole thing about the guy knowing how to properly interpret the constitution, rather than use it as toilet paper and make up whatever he wants.

How does Kav fit that description??!! WHat about his history says he interprets the Con properly ?

His 12 years on the DC Circuit Court?

Oh? Is he most senior ?

What does that have to do with anything? He has plenty of written opinions or concurances you can look at.

One would be totally surprised if those insisting Kavanaugh will destroy the Constitution have either read or had explained to them even one of his many rulings.
OLD SCHOOL: Due Diligence
NEW AGE: Dudes Delinquent

But isn't it more fun for the rich and lazy Limousine Liberals to GoFundMe a lying skank than to suffer from stress disorder after having to go through the trauma of reading anything above the level of a graphic novel?
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
Abortion, mostly. Obviously.

The pseudocons want the seat to ban gay marriage and return Again to the days of Jim Crow when America was Great.
so it was never about kavanaugh's "sexual assault"...got it.
No the reason Ford had to be dismissing even by gop women is that the primary issues are abortion and the view that the dem party is for extra rights for non-whites. And after the BLM and Rodney King stories of the last two years of Obama's terms, I'm not going to say there's no basis for gop views. As for abortion, abortions will be hard to get for lower earning women in red states. Women with the money to seek HC out of state, and the availability of RU-486, will mean middle and upper middle class white women just see "inflation," esp in red states.
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Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
Abortion, mostly. Obviously.

The pseudocons want the seat to ban gay marriage and return Again to the days of Jim Crow when America was Great. That's why they trashed Clinton and her friends and family.
No, this is about states rights, or to put it another way, to preserve the integrity of the Constitution. In the unlikely event Roe v. wade were overturned, the issue of the legality of abortion would be decided by the individual states and abortion would be legal under state law in most states. The same is true about same sex marriage. The Tenth Amendment states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." In other words, the SC has no Constitutional right to rule on abortion or gay marriage or any other issue unless the Constitution has specifically delegated that right to the federal government or prohibited it to the states.
The REAL real reason is "because". That is the reason for every fucking fight on this forum.

Because (fill in the blank) has the wrong letter after their name.

You can take a serial adulterer, New York limousine liberal Democrat who donated to the Clintons and donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats who wanted Bush impeached for lying about WMDs, and who wanted to cut and run from Iraq...you can take a real low-life far left piece of shit scum like that, take him down to City Hall and change the letter after his defiled name from a D to an R, and he will suddenly be the world's greatest conservative hero of all time!

It's all about the letter after the name, folks.

That's. It.

I do not buy for one second it is about freedom or the Constitution or family values or morality or fiscal responsibility or any of that bloviating horseshit.

Not for one goddam second.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
Abortion, mostly. Obviously.

The pseudocons want the seat to ban gay marriage and return Again to the days of Jim Crow when America was Great. That's why they trashed Clinton and her friends and family.
No, this is about states rights, or to put it another way, to preserve the integrity of the Constitution. In the unlikely event Roe v. wade were overturned, the issue of the legality of abortion would be decided by the individual states and abortion would be legal under state law in most states. The same is true about same sex marriage. The Tenth Amendment states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." In other words, the SC has no Constitutional right to rule on abortion or gay marriage or any other issue unless the Constitution has specifically delegated that right to the federal government or prohibited it to the states.
So, states should be able to decide whether women can have abortions, or gay people can marry? if so, I agree that you've identified the issue, but it's more about state power > individual rights
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?

The real reason is that we believe in a secular democracy with freedom and rights for every citizen. Conservative christian republicans believe that only THEY have rights.
The Liberals' Imposed Zero Sum Is Erosive

Democracy is absolute rule by the majority, which gives the greatest good to the greatest number. Every minority right takes away a larger right from the majority in an intentional lowering of our value as a nation. Affirmative Action, welfare, education, and civil rights for useless untamed savages has taken $20 trillion away from the majority.

The only right minorities have is to form part of a majority. For example, the normal Republican vote comprises businessmen, gunowners, Evangelicals, and working-class cultural traditionalists.
The REAL real reason is "because". That is the reason for every fucking fight on this forum.

Because (fill in the blank) has the wrong letter after their name.

You can take a serial adulterer, New York limousine liberal Democrat who donated to the Clintons and donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats who wanted Bush impeached for lying about WMDs, and who wanted to cut and run from Iraq...you can take a real low-life far left piece of shit scum like that, take him down to City Hall and change the letter after his defiled name from a D to an R, and he will suddenly be the world's greatest conservative hero of all time!

It's all about the letter after the name, folks.

That's. It.

I do not buy for one second it is about freedom or the Constitution or family values or morality or fiscal responsibility or any of that bloviating horseshit.

Not for one goddam second.
I think there are two things. Trump and views of the anti-establishment gopers. I think most of the latter would agree Trump is an imperfect champion, but he was the only one offered. However, his general view on globalism may be genuine (except when it is about him building casinos for his name). And he's a died in the wool racist. That's genuine. LOL
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?

The real reason is that we believe in a secular democracy with freedom and rights for every citizen. Conservative christian republicans believe that only THEY have rights.
The Liberals' Imposed Zero Sum Is Erosive

Democracy is absolute rule by the majority, which gives the greatest good to the greatest number. Every minority right takes away a larger right from the majority in an intentional lowering of our value as a nation. Affirmative Action, welfare, education, and civil rights for useless untamed savages has taken $20 trillion away from the majority.

The only right minorities have is to form part of a majority. For example, the normal Republican vote comprises businessmen, gunowners, Evangelicals, and working-class cultural traditionalists.
BoR sort of went past your ear?
Who here really believes they will overturn Roe v Wade? Seiously. They will likely not even touch an abortion case.

No one. This is bullshit political posturing by wingers caught up in the circle jerk of hate they have against each other. Entertaining perhaps, but still BS at the end of the day.
Who here really believes they will overturn Roe v Wade? Seiously. They will likely not even touch an abortion case.

No one. This is bullshit political posturing by wingers caught up in the circle jerk of hate they have against each other. Entertaining perhaps, but still BS at the end of the day.
Oh, Kennedy's prohibition on limits on abortion that are really just impediments to access rather than really regulations to protect the patient are toast. WTF did you think the was about? You think the antiabortion folks spent hundreds of millions on this, and Garland never got a hearing, was just some coincidence? Kennedy wrote PP v Casey, which did away with Roe's trimester approach.
The Dems in Congress are using their useful idiot supporters who don't know a fucking thing about Civics.

There is a reason they stopped teaching Civics in many schools. The left wing lunatics DON'T want people to actually know how the government works.


It's a bullshit lie.
Well red states will be able to shut down clinics if docs don't have admitting prividleges to local hospitals and clinics that don't have all kinds of equip that is in local hospitals if women want it. It's going to be open season clinics in red states.

The question will be whether access to abortion inducing drugs will be available in the first trimester and even 4 weeks.
this the same left that said shit like

1) trump will push the nuclear button in his first year (oops)
2) trump will ruin the economy (oops)
3) trump will start a war with (insert country here) (oops)

both the left and right love to scare people insane worst case scenarios and make themselves believe it will happen *if* their views are not met.

gets so very old.

The terrorists won. We continue to double and triple down on fear. :dunno: Not much to be done about it now.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
Abortion, mostly. Obviously.

The pseudocons want the seat to ban gay marriage and return Again to the days of Jim Crow when America was Great. That's why they trashed Clinton and her friends and family.
No, this is about states rights, or to put it another way, to preserve the integrity of the Constitution. In the unlikely event Roe v. wade were overturned, the issue of the legality of abortion would be decided by the individual states and abortion would be legal under state law in most states. The same is true about same sex marriage. The Tenth Amendment states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." In other words, the SC has no Constitutional right to rule on abortion or gay marriage or any other issue unless the Constitution has specifically delegated that right to the federal government or prohibited it to the states.
So, states should be able to decide whether women can have abortions, or gay people can marry? if so, I agree that you've identified the issue, but it's more about state power > individual rights
If you believe that's true, the legitimate way to assert individual rights on any issue that is not addressed in the Constitution is a Constitutional amendment, which is what the first ten amendments, the Bill of Rights, do. The Congress and the states have the Constitutional right to add more rights to the Constitution but the SC does not.

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