What is the REAL reason that Dems are so scared to lose a seat on SCOTUS?

Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?

The real reason is that we believe in a secular democracy with freedom and rights for every citizen. Conservative christian republicans believe that only THEY have rights.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
Think about it:

Obamacare is Unconstitutional and Violated The Commerce Clause. The Democrat Party is The Party of Globalism-Socialism-Marxism. They want state run economies. Obamacare took over 1\6th of the US Economy. They cannot do that without a duplicitous Supreme Court. They cannot do a lot of what they do without activist Judges on Circuit Courts.

They can't force nuns to pay for abortions without control of the courts and corrupt activist judges, so for The Democrat Party getting a Corrupt Activist Judge on the Supreme Court is Life or Death. They'll do anything to make that happen so they can push the DemNazi Agenda.

If it were not for corrupt courts, we would not have allowed The IRS and Federal Reserve to be created. We would not have all the Extra Constitutional things like The Patriot Act and FISA Courts. Both Unconstitutional.

When you start putting Institutionalist Judges on The Bench, it holds The Federal Government in Check.

That more than anything is why The DemNazis are batshit crazy to keep Kavanaugh off of the bench.
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Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?

why did conservatives go to such great lengths to deny Obama the right to select a judge?
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?

The real reason is that we believe in a secular democracy with freedom and rights for every citizen. Conservative christian republicans believe that only THEY have rights.
Who brainwashed you with that horse shit?

It was The Enlightenment Movement, which was a movement within The Christian Community that gave Birth to the idea of God Given Immutable Rights. The Concept of Natural Law was developed by Christian Philosophers.

The Idea of Individual Liberties comes from The Christian Judeo Ethic. Whomever your teacher was in school, should maybe be working as a Butcher because they made a bloody mess of history.

Without Freedom of Religion, and without Natural Law, and the ideas of Freedom of Speech, Thought and Actions, you cannot even have an America.

Leftists seek to destroy all of the philosophies which lead to all of these human freedoms we enjoy in America.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?

why did conservatives go to such great lengths to deny Obama the right to select a judge?
Obummer was never denied anything. He selected his candidate.

The Judge was not confirmed, and he was not confirmed imo because he was a little too political and because of the so called Biden Rule. But you are a troll on your 100th or so fake account, so why on Earth I am conversing with you is beyond me.

Don't you think after a while that there has to be a reason people keep putting you on IGNORE?
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
Think about it:

Obamacare is Unconstitutional and Violated The Commerce Clause. The Democrat Party is The Party of Globalism-Socialism-Marxism. They want state run economies. Obamacare took over 1\6th of the US Economy. They cannot do that without a duplicitous Supreme Court. They cannot do a lot of what they do without activist Judges on Circuit Courts.

They can't force nuns to pay for abortions without control of the courts and corrupt activist judges, so for The Democrat Party getting a Corrupt Activist Judge on the Supreme Court is Life or Death. They'll do anything to make that happen so they can push the DemNazi Agenda.

If it were not for corrupt courts, we would not have allowed The IRS and Federal Reserve to be created. We would not have all the Extra Constitutional things like The Patriot Act and FISA Courts. Both Unconstitutional.

When you start putting Institutionalist Judges on The Bench, it holds The Federal Government in Check.

That more than anything is why The DemNazis are batshit crazy to keep Kavanaugh off of the bench.

trump endorsed roy moore.
roy moore stated he wants the USA to be CERTIFIED a "CHRISTIAN NATION" with laws directly from the christian bible. He specifically stated that GAYS and ATHEISTS should be criminalized (cuz god says so), rounded up, incarcerated and....executed (to save on tax dollars) for their "crimes" against god.....

now...explain to me how THAT is NOT fascism......or murder...and then explain to me how YOU are NOT a fascist murderer if you support moore......Thanks.
Pubs OVERWHELMINGLY confirmed Sodamayor and Suter.


Works for me....these are the NEW RULES.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?

why did conservatives go to such great lengths to deny Obama the right to select a judge?
Obummer was never denied anything. He selected his candidate.

The Judge was not confirmed, and he was not confirmed imo because he was a little too political and because of the so called Biden Rule. But you are a troll on your 100th or so fake account, so why on Earth I am conversing with you is beyond me.

Don't you think after a while that there has to be a reason people keep putting you on IGNORE?

"after the death of Scalia, Republican Senate leaders announced that they planned to hold no vote on any potential nomination during the president's last year in office.[4] Senate Democrats responded that there was sufficient time to vote on a nominee before the election.[5]Garland's nomination expired on January 3, 2017, with the end of the 114th Congress. The nomination remained before the Senate for 293 days,[6] the longest nomination process in the history of Supreme Court nominations.[7] With the failure of Garland's nomination, President Donald Trump, a Republican, successfully nominated Neil Gorsuch in 2017.[6]"
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
Think about it:

Obamacare is Unconstitutional and Violated The Commerce Clause. The Democrat Party is The Party of Globalism-Socialism-Marxism. They want state run economies. Obamacare took over 1\6th of the US Economy. They cannot do that without a duplicitous Supreme Court. They cannot do a lot of what they do without activist Judges on Circuit Courts.

They can't force nuns to pay for abortions without control of the courts and corrupt activist judges, so for The Democrat Party getting a Corrupt Activist Judge on the Supreme Court is Life or Death. They'll do anything to make that happen so they can push the DemNazi Agenda.

If it were not for corrupt courts, we would not have allowed The IRS and Federal Reserve to be created. We would not have all the Extra Constitutional things like The Patriot Act and FISA Courts. Both Unconstitutional.

When you start putting Institutionalist Judges on The Bench, it holds The Federal Government in Check.

That more than anything is why The DemNazis are batshit crazy to keep Kavanaugh off of the bench.

trump endorsed roy moore.
roy moore stated he wants the USA to be CERTIFIED a "CHRISTIAN NATION" with laws directly from the christian bible. He specifically stated that GAYS and ATHEISTS should be criminalized (cuz god says so), rounded up, incarcerated and....executed (to save on tax dollars) for their "crimes" against god.....

now...explain to me how THAT is NOT fascism......or murder...and then explain to me how YOU are NOT a fascist murderer if you support moore......Thanks.

Trump endorsed Moore's opponent in the primary. Get your facts straight!
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
roe vs wade is my guess.

what i don't understand is - how can any ONE judge overturn past decisions like this? it would still take all of them as it has in the past and it would still need to come before them. this is far from a "get it done by lunch" process but fears like this don't really include a whole lot of common sense.

To be sure it's going to take one more after Kavanaugh.
It will take 5 votes and I'm not sure Roberts can be trusted on Roe v Wade.
He's too much of a stare decisis guy.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
roe vs wade is my guess.

what i don't understand is - how can any ONE judge overturn past decisions like this? it would still take all of them as it has in the past and it would still need to come before them. this is far from a "get it done by lunch" process but fears like this don't really include a whole lot of common sense.

To be sure it's going to take one more after Kavanaugh.
It will take 5 votes and I'm not sure Roberts can be trusted on Roe v Wade.
He's too much of a stare decisis guy.
hell given the frenzy by the left you think kavanaugh can simply sign it away within 10 minutes after confirmation.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
Think about it:

Obamacare is Unconstitutional and Violated The Commerce Clause. The Democrat Party is The Party of Globalism-Socialism-Marxism. They want state run economies. Obamacare took over 1\6th of the US Economy. They cannot do that without a duplicitous Supreme Court. They cannot do a lot of what they do without activist Judges on Circuit Courts.

They can't force nuns to pay for abortions without control of the courts and corrupt activist judges, so for The Democrat Party getting a Corrupt Activist Judge on the Supreme Court is Life or Death. They'll do anything to make that happen so they can push the DemNazi Agenda.

If it were not for corrupt courts, we would not have allowed The IRS and Federal Reserve to be created. We would not have all the Extra Constitutional things like The Patriot Act and FISA Courts. Both Unconstitutional.

When you start putting Institutionalist Judges on The Bench, it holds The Federal Government in Check.

That more than anything is why The DemNazis are batshit crazy to keep Kavanaugh off of the bench.

trump endorsed roy moore.
roy moore stated he wants the USA to be CERTIFIED a "CHRISTIAN NATION" with laws directly from the christian bible. He specifically stated that GAYS and ATHEISTS should be criminalized (cuz god says so), rounded up, incarcerated and....executed (to save on tax dollars) for their "crimes" against god.....

now...explain to me how THAT is NOT fascism......or murder...and then explain to me how YOU are NOT a fascist murderer if you support moore......Thanks.

Hey Troll: Homosexuality is either a Genetic Defect or a Moral Defect. You go ahead and choose. We can continue this discussion when you come up with an answer for that. Regardless, they still have rights, and we still treat them with respect and tolerance. That does not mean we have to accept their practices, or that we have to teach our children that Homosexuality is natural and acceptable.

Either you are born that way, or your a nurtured in to being Homosexual, or Maybe It's Maybeline. You decide, and I'll discuss it with you when you figure that out. Regardless, Homosexuality is damaging to the family unit either way, and that lifestyle should not be promoted in educational settings as it represents recruitment of children in to the Homosexual Lifestyle.

One man's opinion does not make a law. Despite the fact many view Homosexuality as a sin, they still are afforded Christian Rights (individual liberties) to pursue their dreams, work, play, have free speech, freedom of worship etc. etc.

Please provide quotes and sources for any accusations against Moore you are making. But regardless, One man, One Senator cannot be a law unto himself. Homosexuals have rights just like any other Citizen, and your Fears are Hysterical in nature.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?

why did conservatives go to such great lengths to deny Obama the right to select a judge?
Obummer was never denied anything. He selected his candidate.

The Judge was not confirmed, and he was not confirmed imo because he was a little too political and because of the so called Biden Rule. But you are a troll on your 100th or so fake account, so why on Earth I am conversing with you is beyond me.

Don't you think after a while that there has to be a reason people keep putting you on IGNORE?

"after the death of Scalia, Republican Senate leaders announced that they planned to hold no vote on any potential nomination during the president's last year in office.[4] Senate Democrats responded that there was sufficient time to vote on a nominee before the election.[5]Garland's nomination expired on January 3, 2017, with the end of the 114th Congress. The nomination remained before the Senate for 293 days,[6] the longest nomination process in the history of Supreme Court nominations.[7] With the failure of Garland's nomination, President Donald Trump, a Republican, successfully nominated Neil Gorsuch in 2017.[6]"
You folks do realize that we are probably conversing with a Liberal Social Justice Nut Job like Blasey Ford who is paid to lie, so anything I or you say to them, they will IGNORE and they will continue to pound the pulpit with their agenda, right?

Biden in 1992 on Supreme Court Vacancy
Biden in 1992 on Supreme Court Vacancy
So you would put in a drug addict , maniac , pervert , whatever , just to spite ? That’s how you role ?
Well, there is also the whole thing about the guy knowing how to properly interpret the constitution, rather than use it as toilet paper and make up whatever he wants.

How does Kav fit that description??!! WHat about his history says he interprets the Con properly ?

His 12 years on the DC Circuit Court?
The perversion of the Senate nominating progress did not start here.
The outrageous obstruction of Merrick Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court — the 10-month-long stonewall by Senate Republicans that not only stymied the high court's ability to do its job but effectively stole the nomination of a new justice from President Obama — is now delivering its rewards to the cynical politicians who carried it out. Did they think there would be no repercussions?
So you would put in a drug addict , maniac , pervert , whatever , just to spite ? That’s how you role ?
Well, there is also the whole thing about the guy knowing how to properly interpret the constitution, rather than use it as toilet paper and make up whatever he wants.

How does Kav fit that description??!! WHat about his history says he interprets the Con properly ?

His 12 years on the DC Circuit Court?

Oh? Is he most senior ?
So you would put in a drug addict , maniac , pervert , whatever , just to spite ? That’s how you role ?
Well, there is also the whole thing about the guy knowing how to properly interpret the constitution, rather than use it as toilet paper and make up whatever he wants.

How does Kav fit that description??!! WHat about his history says he interprets the Con properly ?

His 12 years on the DC Circuit Court?

Oh? Is he most senior ?

What does that have to do with anything? He has plenty of written opinions or concurances you can look at.
So you would put in a drug addict , maniac , pervert , whatever , just to spite ? That’s how you role ?
Well, there is also the whole thing about the guy knowing how to properly interpret the constitution, rather than use it as toilet paper and make up whatever he wants.

How does Kav fit that description??!! WHat about his history says he interprets the Con properly ?

His 12 years on the DC Circuit Court?

Oh? Is he most senior ?

What does that have to do with anything? He has plenty of written opinions or concurances you can look at.

One would be totally surprised if those insisting Kavanaugh will destroy the Constitution have either read or had explained to them even one of his many rulings.
Because Kavanaugh is a lying psycho! Why do you want that scum on the SC!?
Because it pisses you commies off, and you deserve no less.

The only commies are you Trumpists whose leader has proclaimed his love for Putin and Kim Jong Un. I have seen the commie and he is the Trumpist. Embrace your true feeling, commieTrumpist.
If at First You Don't Suck Seed, Try, Try Again

You're reaching so hard for a Gotcha that you've got your whole fist stuck all the way up your ass.
Why is it so important that they would try to ruin the lives of Ford and her freinds and family and Kavanaugh and his friends and family?

Specifically, why are they going to these great lengths for this seat?
roe vs wade is my guess.

what i don't understand is - how can any ONE judge overturn past decisions like this? it would still take all of them as it has in the past and it would still need to come before them. this is far from a "get it done by lunch" process but fears like this don't really include a whole lot of common sense.
A Tsunami Created for Washed-Up Lawyers

Three of the four judges appointed by pro-life President Nixon voted pro-choice on Roe V Wade. That's how distant SCROTUS is from the will of the voters. Remember, Earl Warren who ran as Dewey's running mate in 1948, was a Right Winger until the power of the Judicial Politburo went to his head.

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