What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Yes dumbass. there were 40 guns per 100 people. Now there are 120
And the types of guns have changed. Now semi autos with high capacity magazines are everywhere. Even angry children easy get guns.
18 year olds are not children
They certainly can be mass murderers with the help of military style weapons

A guy in Crimea used a 5 shot pump action shotgun to murder 20 college students...more than the shooter in Parkland killed with an AR-15 rifle. The Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 with 2 pistols..more than the Parkland shooter the the AR-15 rifle.

It isn't the weapon, it is the time he is allowed to kill in a gun free zone targeting helpless, unarmed people....

Crimea is a War Zone and not in the United States. This has nothing to do with what we do in the US. Next you are going to start making claims just how dangerous it is to not be armed in Mars against the marauding Martians.

Law abiding people owning and carrying guns does not increase the gun crime rate....so nothing you say is even close to being accurate or true...

Landmark Study Finds Concealed Carry Does NOT Increase Violent Crime - The Truth About Guns

On October 22, Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO) presented new concealed carry-related research to the Congress of the American College of Surgeons. The key takeaway from this research is that relaxing concealed carry laws has no effect on violent crime rates.

This paper, which was well received and is now available online (paywalled),is an important step toward clarifying contradictory findings in the existing research literature. Past research focused largely on concealed carriers as a group or on the number of concealed carry licenses among the population. However, increased interest in concealed carry is very possibly a response to rising crime rates, not a cause. For this reason, this DGRO-affiliated study measured the effects (or lack thereof) of legislation only, not the number of permits issued or the number of gun owners in the population.

Using data from a 30-year period (1986-2015), during which many U.S. states changed their concealed carry policies in favor of greater leniency, the researchers designed a Carry Restriction Scale that incorporated “no carry,” “may issue,” “shall issue,” and “unrestricted carry.” This allowed the leniency of concealed carry legislation to be meaningfully understood as a variable in their statistical analysis. Then, for good measure, they created a second, binary variable that also measured restrictiveness of concealed carry laws.

For each state and year during that 30-year period, the researchers amassed data on 14 different variables, including the Carry Restriction Scale variable. Among those, they included not only data on various violent crimes (rape, aggravated assault, homicide, etc.) but also data on unemployment and poverty rates, which are known to influence crime. Thanks to this dynamic approach, they were able to actually isolate the variable they were interested in.

Finally, applying a regression analysis that involved over 21,420 discrete data points and two different measures of concealed carry leniency, the researchers confidently confirmed their hypothesis: There is no association between state-level concealed carry laws and the rate of ANY violent crime.

The study...



During the study period, all states moved to adopt some form of concealed-carry legislation, with a trend toward less restrictive legislation. After adjusting for state and year, there was no significant association between shifts from restrictive to nonrestrictive carry legislation on violent crime and public health indicators. Adjusting further for poverty and unemployment did not significantly influence the results.

This study demonstrated no statistically significant association between the liberalization of state level firearm carry legislation over the last 30 years and the rates of homicides or other violent crime. Policy efforts aimed at injury prevention and the reduction of firearm-related violence should likely investigate other targets for potential intervention.
In 1903 and 1905, the Winchester Repeating Arms Company introduced the first semi-automatic rimfire and centerfire rifles designed especially for the civilian market.

And it was a dismal failure since it was the blowback model. The Gas Charge versions didn't come about until 1937 by anyone unless it was belt fed.

So the fuck what

the FUCKING FACT is that semiautomatic rifles have been available to civilians for over 100 FUCKING YEARS

So what. It can be made available but if it doesn't sell, so what. blowback works terrible. Better to have a pump which many 22lrs were at the time.

And I am still correct.

Just because the rifles got better in subsequent models is irrelevant and if a rifle was a commercial success by definition it was bought by civilians

It made very few sales. It sucked the big one.

Commercial success if Winchester lost money they wouldn't have kept making them

The Remington 1906 was even more well received as it was available in more calibers and was used by some law enforcement agencies

and again Remington saw commercial success and continued to produce them

I would expect the rifles to get better the longer they were in production

So whine and rant all you want

The semiautomatic rifle has been available to civilians for over a century
Yes dumbass. there were 40 guns per 100 people. Now there are 120
And the types of guns have changed. Now semi autos with high capacity magazines are everywhere. Even angry children easy get guns.
18 year olds are not children
They certainly can be mass murderers with the help of military style weapons

Semiautomatic rifles are not "military style"

Semiautomatic firearms have been available to the public for over 100 years
And have become much more popular in recent years. Law enforcement used revolvers when I was a kid.

You do know that a revolver is a semiautomatic don't you?
In 1903 and 1905, the Winchester Repeating Arms Company introduced the first semi-automatic rimfire and centerfire rifles designed especially for the civilian market.

And it was a dismal failure since it was the blowback model. The Gas Charge versions didn't come about until 1937 by anyone unless it was belt fed.

So the fuck what

the FUCKING FACT is that semiautomatic rifles have been available to civilians for over 100 FUCKING YEARS

So what. It can be made available but if it doesn't sell, so what. blowback works terrible. Better to have a pump which many 22lrs were at the time.

And I am still correct.

Just because the rifles got better in subsequent models is irrelevant and if a rifle was a commercial success by definition it was bought by civilians
You are being dishonest as usual.

Tell me exactly what is dishonest about the statement that semiautomatic rifles have been available to civilians for over 100 years
And the types of guns have changed. Now semi autos with high capacity magazines are everywhere. Even angry children easy get guns.
18 year olds are not children
They certainly can be mass murderers with the help of military style weapons

Semiautomatic rifles are not "military style"

Semiautomatic firearms have been available to the public for over 100 years
And have become much more popular in recent years. Law enforcement used revolvers when I was a kid.

You do know that a revolver is a semiautomatic don't you?

They know....which is the bait and switch...they get the uninformed to sign on to banning semi automatic weapons of war...and all of a sudden the uninformed gun owner has to hand over their revolver as a semi automatic weapon of war.......not only that, they will call it a weapon of native American genocide, you can bet on that...
the Model 1903 achieved commercial success and continued to be manufactured until 1932 when the Winchester Model 63 replaced it.

the Model 1903 achieved commercial success and continued to be manufactured until 1932 when the Winchester Model 63 replaced it.

Commercial success

You still insist that the world is as YOU say it is

IOW you are fucking delusional

A. It was a tube fed .22
B. Less than a half million of both the 1903 and the 63 combined were made in the FORTY FUCKING YEARS they were being manufactured.

You really need to sit in the corner
the Model 1903 achieved commercial success and continued to be manufactured until 1932 when the Winchester Model 63 replaced it.

the Model 1903 achieved commercial success and continued to be manufactured until 1932 when the Winchester Model 63 replaced it.

Commercial success

You still insist that the world is as YOU say it is

IOW you are fucking delusional

A. It was a tube fed .22
B. Less than a half million of both the 1903 and the 63 combined were made in the FORTY FUCKING YEARS they were being manufactured.

You really need to sit in the corner
So the fuck what

It was a semiautomatic rifle available to the public
You do know that a revolver is a semiautomatic don't you?

Except for a few obscure examples..revolvers are either single or double action. They are NOT "semi-auto"

Really...stay in the corner

A double action revolver is a semiautomatic

One trigger pull fires one round and nothing else needs be done but pull the trigger to fire another round
That is the definition of a semiautomatic firearm.

yes, and every other state as well. but if the transaction is in the parking lot, or behind a crack house, there will never be a background check, Its impossible. Criminals do not comply with laws, that's why they are called criminals.

Now, if I give one of my guns to one of my kids or grandkids, there will be no background check.

Deal with reality, fool

The same things were said in 1934 when they were trying to figure out a way to deal with the Thompson SMG. You honestly believe your arguments are original? It took about 10 years to finally get the Thompson off the streets by grandfathering the law in. And yes, a few went to jail or were heavily fined that operated like you would have. But it only took a few before the others got the hint and either got their FFL Licenses, turned their Thompsons in, kept their Thompsons, or filled the barrels up and messed up the actions to make it unserviceable as per the law. The ones that did not comply with the law were treated as criminals.

A Law abiding Citizen abides by the law. A Criminal breaks the law. If you decide to break the law and transfer your weapons to your children without background checks and it's against the law, just how does that not be considered breaking the law? Yes, cupcake, you just became a non law abiding citizen and you have made your children the same. Unless they decide to abide by the law and do the background checks themselves which they can. But, either way, you are a Criminal by all definitions. And you are right, Criminals like you don't follow the law.

make it the law, but there is no way to ever enforce it. you live in liberal fantasy land. Unless you plan to use the tactics of Hitler and Mao and send jack booted troops in to every house and apartment in the nation. any idea how may troops that would take and how many of them would wind up dead before the people revolted and replaced the government with a coup. Remember, we have the guns, the police, and the military on our side, and most of them would not take part in your gun confiscation. It would be a short bloodless coup.

Simple answer. You honestly believe this is the first time that this has been discussed? It was discussed in 1934 dealing with the Grease Guns and Thompson SMGs. And they found a way. It worked. Were those people so much smarter than we are today? (probably, it seems). So they found a way. So don't tell me that it can't be done. Yes, there were those that said exactly the same things you said. Some went to prison. Some died in a fight but most complied. In the end, the law was followed.

You Gun Crazies seem to think that we are coming for all your guns. Nope, just the ones that are the most dangerous in the hands of the most dangerous. Or we may be after those parts that make a gun the most dangerous in the hands of the most dangerous. Believe it or not, Cops do not like being outgunned. And if they can have anything that will enable them to be the top dogs then they are going to be for it. Take it from me, you DON'T have the Military or the Police on your side when the law is trying to make the streets a little safer with minor gun regulations. It is also trying to make a Police's Life a lot safer as well. Just read up on the 1934 Federal Firearms Law and see how that was done. It can and has been done so stop kidding yourself and follow the friggin law or be branded the exact same thing you keep saying you hate the most (other than a liberal) and that is a criminal.

the vast majority of gun crime in this country is done with cheap handguns, not semi automatic large capacity rifles. Banning and/or trying to confiscate "assault" rifles will accomplish nothing.

And the vast number of straw purchases in the border states that end up in the Metro Gang Hands are cheap handguns. One addresses the Mass Killings while the other addresses the more individual gang killings. But we can do something about both using different methods.

For the AR, we limit the mag size and de cultize it like we have around here. Simple as that. When you remove the banana clip of 30 from it you change the entire look and it's no longer the sought after dress for the well dressed Mass Shooter.

For the cheap handgun or even the expensive one, have all states do universal background checks and vigorously enforce it. Yes, there will still be guns stolen from homes but those will be finite. And there will be guns stolen from the military and cops but those are really hard to come by and resell. The straw purchase enforcement will take away that leg of the illegal arms sales. No, you can't stop it all but you can seriously curtail it.

If this saves even one life, it's worth it. And the last time I checked, every person that gets murdered has their first amendment rights stomped all over.

we already have background checks in every state, you will never find a way to background check a private transaction between two ghetto thugs.

If you are really concerned with innocents dying, how about the millions that planned parenthood murders every year? mostly minorities.
A double action revolver is a semiautomatic

Double action and semi-auto refer to two very different mechanisms.

If you don't understand the subject you really need to shut the fuck up
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Bullshit. You have no idea what you are talking about

An ignorant gun hugger.

What a surprise
Bullshit. You have no idea what you are talking about

An ignorant gun hugger.

What a surprise

An unarmed citizenry is one of the goals of the commies......looks like we know which side you are on.
Molon Labe, mofo....
Bullshit. You have no idea what you are talking about

An ignorant gun hugger.

What a surprise

I know exactly what I'm talking about'

A double action revolver fires one round per trigger pull until it is out of ammo

The fact that the trigger pull moves the next round into place is a technicality that is a distinction without a difference in the result

But then again you morons think that an AR 15 is somehow different from any other rifle chambered for 5.56
Dude...you don't know the fucking difference between a semi-automatic weapon and a double action revolver.

What little you know you get from wiki...and you barely understand even THAT.

Give up while you're behind.

It's embarrassing

But then again you morons think that an AR 15 is somehow different from any other rifle chambered for 5.56

No. We don't. That's the GUN HUGGER claim.The fact that an AR-15 and an M-4 are basically the same weapon is what we have been saying all along stupid.

You need to sit in the corner before you hurt yourself
Dude...you don't know the fucking difference between a semi-automatic weapon and a double action revolver.

What little you know you get from wiki...and you barely understand even THAT.

Give up while you're behind.

It's embarrassing

But then again you morons think that an AR 15 is somehow different from any other rifle chambered for 5.56

No. We don't. That's the GUN HUGGER claim.The fact that an AR-15 and an M-4 are basically the same weapon is what we have been saying all along stupid.

You need to sit in the corner before you hurt yourself
DUH ryl says they are not the same because one is so much deadlier than the other

and you and DUH ryl are butt buddies
And the types of guns have changed. Now semi autos with high capacity magazines are everywhere. Even angry children easy get guns.
18 year olds are not children
They certainly can be mass murderers with the help of military style weapons

Semiautomatic rifles are not "military style"

Semiautomatic firearms have been available to the public for over 100 years
And have become much more popular in recent years. Law enforcement used revolvers when I was a kid.

You do know that a revolver is a semiautomatic don't you?
You do know they don’t use high capacity magazines right?
And it was a dismal failure since it was the blowback model. The Gas Charge versions didn't come about until 1937 by anyone unless it was belt fed.

So the fuck what

the FUCKING FACT is that semiautomatic rifles have been available to civilians for over 100 FUCKING YEARS

So what. It can be made available but if it doesn't sell, so what. blowback works terrible. Better to have a pump which many 22lrs were at the time.

And I am still correct.

Just because the rifles got better in subsequent models is irrelevant and if a rifle was a commercial success by definition it was bought by civilians
You are being dishonest as usual.

Tell me exactly what is dishonest about the statement that semiautomatic rifles have been available to civilians for over 100 years
You are ignoring that they having been that popular until recent years. Which was my point. Our worst mass shooting have been done with them.

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