What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

You are a lost cause. The ONLY thing the 2nd amendment does is limit the Feds.

That is, after all, the entire purpose of our Constitution. Much to the exasperation of Democrats.

So it's all the Dems fault. Thank you for verifying that it's always someone elses fault for your own plight. And NEVER take an responsibility since that would not be Manly.

Comprehension is not your strong suit, is it? Specifically, how did I blame anyone for anything?
The advocates here claim it's not the gun that kills , and maybe they're right.

yet by the same token , it's not the gun that grants you our freedoms

in fact, since 9/11 our freedoms have dimimished , insiduously via our many domestic letter departments valiantly tryng to save us from ourselves.

The end result being Inversley proportional freedom(s)

Republicans see mass shootings as a form of population control, I guess.

That is a really stupid post......

Number killed in 2016.... 71, number killed in 2017....117

Number of people killed falling off ladders? 300.

Number of people killed in car accidents...38,000.

Conservatives and supporters of the 2nd Amendment know how to stop mass shootings and how to lower the gun crime rate....but because people like you are only interested in banning guns, not stopping gun crime, you won't listen to those solutions.

It was obviously a joke.
The gun bunny solution to mass shootings?

MORE, FUCKING GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The gun manufacturers solutions to mass shootings?

MORE, FREAKING GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump's solution to mass shooting's?

'I don't care, just allow me to date my daughter Ivanka.'
All I have seen in any gun control thread is the same old tired shit statements by liberal leftist who for the most part have no idea what they are talking about, have never even held a gun or been in any serious fight for their life, have never spent much time in an intercity ghetto They are intent on deciding what rights other people can exercise while at the same time believing their right to dictate to others what they can have, what they must pay for, what their choices can be and what they must use for their different needs. They presume to know and want to dictate to people they do not know or have no idea the needs of how they can protect themselves and their families in situations they have no knowledge of whatsoever. They have no working knowledge of the area, threat, opponent timeline or possible help involved yet their self professed intellectual superiority gives them those dictatorial rights. BULLSHIT! You idiots take care of your own dumb asses just wait for the cops. What you dumb asses don’t realize is that most of those murders that don’t involve a gun happen because the dead person waited on and depended on the cops to protect them. Being a liberal you should want a gun since your neighborhoods have made the cops have to wait till a gun is pointed at them before they shoot. Their job has become investigate the murder don’t shoot unless you are shot at.

View attachment 229415
Yeah "Pro-choice" to kill an innocent little baby in the womb for whom can't see them lefties coming for him or her, but not pro-choice when it comes to our out of the womb current freedoms, liberties, and lives.

They are the ultimate dictators everyone of them. It must be in their DNA, because they all act the same, and they follow along like little programmed robots to each other.
All I have seen in any gun control thread is the same old tired shit statements by liberal leftist who for the most part have no idea what they are talking about, have never even held a gun or been in any serious fight for their life, have never spent much time in an intercity ghetto They are intent on deciding what rights other people can exercise while at the same time believing their right to dictate to others what they can have, what they must pay for, what their choices can be and what they must use for their different needs. They presume to know and want to dictate to people they do not know or have no idea the needs of how they can protect themselves and their families in situations they have no knowledge of whatsoever. They have no working knowledge of the area, threat, opponent timeline or possible help involved yet their self professed intellectual superiority gives them those dictatorial rights. BULLSHIT! You idiots take care of your own dumb asses just wait for the cops. What you dumb asses don’t realize is that most of those murders that don’t involve a gun happen because the dead person waited on and depended on the cops to protect them. Being a liberal you should want a gun since your neighborhoods have made the cops have to wait till a gun is pointed at them before they shoot. Their job has become investigate the murder don’t shoot unless you are shot at.

View attachment 229415
Yeah "Pro-choice" to kill an innocent little baby in the womb for whom can't see them lefties coming for him or her, but not pro-choice when it comes to our out of the womb current freedoms, liberties, and lives.

They are the ultimate dictators everyone of them. It must be in their DNA, because they all act the same, and they follow along like little programmed robots to each other.

Wrong base to be blaming someone on this subject. If you want to discuss that, please start another message string.
You are a lost cause. The ONLY thing the 2nd amendment does is limit the Feds.

That is, after all, the entire purpose of our Constitution. Much to the exasperation of Democrats.

So it's all the Dems fault. Thank you for verifying that it's always someone elses fault for your own plight. And NEVER take an responsibility since that would not be Manly.

Comprehension is not your strong suit, is it? Specifically, how did I blame anyone for anything?

You can't figure it out? And then you want to try and discuss something even with me?
The gun manufacturers solutions to mass shootings?

MORE, FREAKING GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, and then after we've saved ourselves in a crime situation that 99.9 % of the time the lefties created for us, we will just be sitting back and waiting for the law to arrive while they are still out there making wrong turns after they leave the donut shop trying to get here to us.

What happened to the perp you ask ???

Well let's just say that the perp needs an ambulance, and that was the second call after the call to the police went out.
The gun manufacturers solutions to mass shootings?

MORE, FREAKING GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, and then after we've saved ourselves in a crime situation that 99.9 % of the time the lefties created for us, we will just be sitting back and waiting for the law to arrive while they are still out there making wrong turns after they leave the donut shop trying to get here to us.

What happened to the perp you ask ???

Well let's just say that the perp needs an ambulance, and that was the second call after the call to the police went out.

Except that's not how it works in reality. In LaLa Land, every dude with a gun is a good guy and always does good. In reality, not everyone is a good guy with a gun and sometimes petty arguments are settle with the gun. I don't know where you got your 99.9 figure from but I can bet it would be quite painful if you place it back in the area from whence it came.
You can't figure it out?
To yor credit, and you'll excuse me for forgeting just where the thread went , the citizen militia ideal became a moot subject.

there just isn't going to be one in this country, no matter how hard anyone hammers the 2nd

Well let's just say that the perp needs an ambulance, and that was the second call after the call to the police went out.

which is yet another idealist view, especially if one can not realize that this is spawning a police state

that's the $$$ of it all

which is yet another idealist view, especially if one can not realize that this is spawning a police state

That idealist failed former President Barack Hussein Obama wanted a military, under his control, which would have been as large as our armed forces and as well funded. Another one of his lies.
say what?

Did you not know that Obama wanted a National police force?

When he got wholly rejected on that, he weaponized DHS and the Bureaus.

Where have you been for the past 10 years?

My solution to ending mass shootings:

Reopen State Mental Health facilities, and get some Jesus.

Also, try, convict and hang murderers quickly.

How is it that damn kid from Broward county is still alive to assault people? He should have been hanged months ago.
In a Builiding of a mass public shooting, the police with hand guns are not outgunned by a rifle....the rifle is a long range weapon that loses it's advantage in the confines of a building....in fact, it can become a disadvantage in close quarters....

So you're saying that an assault rifle is a lousy self defense weapon. I agree.

It's also a lousy hunting weapon.

So we "need" them why?

A semiauto .223 is NOT an assault rifle and is a very good choice for small game and pest control.

I shot a rabid skunk with my .223 semiauto this summer so maybe I saved your dog or your kids from getting bit by a dangerous animal

you're welcome
I can shoot. Those that can't need that semi-automatic aspect.
So all the millions of people who have owned semiautomatics in the more than 100 years they have been available to civilians couldn't or can't shoot

YEah right

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