What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Except, the Fed will never come for your guns. That would be against the Constitution.

It wasn't the Fed but police in New Orleans went door to door confiscating any and all guns. So it can happen.

Subsequently, they were sued and, thankfully, lost.
Ladders have a purpose.

Cars have a purpose

You toting a gun to make you feel like a tough guy is not a purpose.,

Nonsense, and you know it. Grow up.

How is defending yourself NOT a purpose?

I have been a Realtor for over 40 years. Next to law enforcement, it is one of the most dangerous professions. Sometimes I have carried a weapon when it seemed prudent. I carried a gun one time when I was inspecting a vacant house, in a sketchy neighborhood, late in the afternoon. I did not draw my gun when I wound three guys doing drugs in one of the bedrooms. I told them I was armed, that I was going to back out the front door and call the police. They escaped out the back and I called the police.

Did it prevent a crime? I have no clue but I was darn glad I had it in my belt. Having been a bouncer in my youth, I've had my share of dust-ups but I had no desire, whatsoever to have one then.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Oh, they do. Their solution is to arm everyone, because apparently this will somehow work. Yeah, more guns will mean more people die, which will then destroy humans in the US and when they're all dead, there won't be any gun crime.
No, just arm the good people as so they can then protect themselves from the bad people who are being created faster than a person can blink these days.

Now since you don't have any honest solutions on how to curb or stop so many bad idiots from getting on board the good people train, then just sit back and watch as the nation attempts to drain the swamp that has been created over time now.

And who are the "good people"?

Such a ridiculous concept.
You asking such a ridiculous question is the ridiculous concept that's going on with the left these days.

Why is asking who the "good people" are a ridiculous question?

Remember that each and every criminal was a "good person" before they become a criminal. That a lot of these mass killings were carried out by "good people".
So everyone is guilty until proven innocent in your mind eh ?? It must be tough thinking everyone is bad in your world until proven good again. And just think, this is the world the Demon-crats have created now. Wow.
I once got a ticket for driving 104 on one of Florida's turnpikes. Was my '66 GOAT responsible? Actually, it was a bit over 110 but the patrolman gave me a break. I disobeyed the law, not the car.

Your story reminds me of something that happened to the father of a late friend of mine. He was a Polish immigrant. The cops followed his father home and stopped him in front of his house after he parked the car. He failed both the field sobriety test and the breathalyzer. He was arrested and his car was towed.

He went to court and was upset at having to spend some time in jail and went on a rampage of sorts. He told the judge "I understand, I was drunk, I was wrong. But they towed my car in front of my house. My car wasn't drunk, I was!!!!" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I'll never forget that story as long as I live.
There is no “common sense” type of gun control. The solution is common sense person control, by removing the liberal social structure that has been forced on our country. Remove the idea of entitlement, remove the basis for perceived injustice and you remove the persons reasoning behind mass shootings. Our schools have breeding grounds for this type of person. The ruling class narrative pushed by them is anti constitution, anti individual, and anti American.

It seems to me the idea that no solution exists is your only strength. Solutions exist, they work in the vast majority of Western Democracies because they do not have a 2nd A.

Come try and take my guns kid...…;)

Just don't shoot someone in back, or the UPS driver.

I bet Doc1 is one of those cowards who feel the need to carry a gun to go buy a six pack of Bud at the grocery store.
Ain't nobody gonna get that 6 pack without a fight is my bet.. Go Doc.... lol

If the store is deep in the Demon-crats created povertyville, one better carry a weapon if smart.
I can shoot. Those that can't need that semi-automatic aspect.

Wow, I'm impressed. You're so brave that you're willing to stake your life and that of your family on one shot when they have 17.
I once got a ticket for driving 104 on one of Florida's turnpikes. Was my '66 GOAT responsible? Actually, it was a bit over 110 but the patrolman gave me a break. I disobeyed the law, not the car.

Your story reminds me of something that happened to the father of a late friend of mine. He was a Polish immigrant. The cops followed his father home and stopped him in front of his house after he parked the car. He failed both the field sobriety test and the breathalyzer. He was arrested and his car was towed.

He went to court and was upset at having to spend some time in jail and went on a rampage of sorts. He told the judge "I understand, I was drunk, I was wrong. But they towed my car in front of my house. My car wasn't drunk, I was!!!!" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I'll never forget that story as long as I live.

Good that I was stone sober. The patrolman had been going in the opposite direction and had turned around in the median. He said he had been catching up to me for half an hour. He was a good guy.
In a Builiding of a mass public shooting, the police with hand guns are not outgunned by a rifle....the rifle is a long range weapon that loses it's advantage in the confines of a building....in fact, it can become a disadvantage in close quarters....

So you're saying that an assault rifle is a lousy self defense weapon. I agree.

It's also a lousy hunting weapon.

So we "need" them why?

A semiauto .223 is NOT an assault rifle and is a very good choice for small game and pest control.

I shot a rabid skunk with my .223 semiauto this summer so maybe I saved your dog or your kids from getting bit by a dangerous animal

you're welcome
I can shoot. Those that can't need that semi-automatic aspect.

That statement alone shows you never shot a gun in your life.

So true!
Oh, they do. Their solution is to arm everyone, because apparently this will somehow work. Yeah, more guns will mean more people die, which will then destroy humans in the US and when they're all dead, there won't be any gun crime.
No, just arm the good people as so they can then protect themselves from the bad people who are being created faster than a person can blink these days.

Now since you don't have any honest solutions on how to curb or stop so many bad idiots from getting on board the good people train, then just sit back and watch as the nation attempts to drain the swamp that has been created over time now.

And who are the "good people"?

Such a ridiculous concept.
You asking such a ridiculous question is the ridiculous concept that's going on with the left these days.

Why is asking who the "good people" are a ridiculous question?

Remember that each and every criminal was a "good person" before they become a criminal. That a lot of these mass killings were carried out by "good people".
So everyone is guilty until proven innocent in your mind eh ?? It must be tough thinking everyone is bad in your world until proven good again. And just think, this is the world the Demon-crats have created now. Wow.

Bloody hell, this is another one of those games of Fucked Up Chinese Whispers, hey?

The point, if you give a shit about the point, here is that you say we should give guns to "the good people". I asked who "the good people" are.

Are "the good people" all the people who have never been convicted of a crime? I'd think a lot of people would disagree with you. Seeing how such a person is capable of picking up a gun and going and shooting anyone.

But hey, feel free to distort everything for your own entertainment. Just don't expect me to hang around and keep you entertained.
In a Builiding of a mass public shooting, the police with hand guns are not outgunned by a rifle....the rifle is a long range weapon that loses it's advantage in the confines of a building....in fact, it can become a disadvantage in close quarters....

So you're saying that an assault rifle is a lousy self defense weapon. I agree.

It's also a lousy hunting weapon.

So we "need" them why?
First of all it depends on the set up, Ars can be set up to be a great personal defense firearms depending on the situation.
There is no better varmint rifle than an ar/m-4 platform. Obviously you use emotion to make up your opinion that makes you a fucking retard....

You can't use a .222 for varmit? Why do you need a semi-automatic?

Prairie dogs are a hoot to shoot… There are far too many of them, ARs and the like work best for eradicating the diseased parasites.

Wow, shooting harmless little animals get you off.

Prairie dogs carry the black plague, they should be eradicated from the planet
There is no “common sense” type of gun control. The solution is common sense person control, by removing the liberal social structure that has been forced on our country. Remove the idea of entitlement, remove the basis for perceived injustice and you remove the persons reasoning behind mass shootings. Our schools have breeding grounds for this type of person. The ruling class narrative pushed by them is anti constitution, anti individual, and anti American.

So just blame it on someone else rather than accepting any responsibility of your own. My,My, that really works.

Stupid statement I have NO responsibility for anyone else’s actions because I have not supported any thing the made them decide to commit a crime. So your stupid guilt analysis is wasted on me but it is a major source of laughter to everyone I showed it to. Ha ha haha what’s joke.
Partly because there is no real difference between an assault weapon and any other magazine fed semi-auto weapon...and no real need for either of those very dangerous weapons

That statement is just foolish.

Please give us your definition of an assault weapon. Not your fantasies, what is the definition of an assault weapon. What is the difference between that and, say, an AR-15?

You will agree that a M-16 is an assault rifle, right? And that definition has nothing to do with the A in the AR. It's used to assault in a war condition and it's pretty damned good at it. It's normally used in it's single shot setting because it just wastes ammo otherwise. So now you have a single shot M-16. Can you tell me the difference between an AR-15 and a M-16/M-4? And don't give me that crap about the AR must being a sporting rifle. You may be right but the sport animal it was designed to assault is human. All other uses are secondary.

So you agree that the AR-15 is far from being any sort of Assault Weapon. THANK YOU!

Follow along kiddies.

We're told that it's important to have an AR-15 because it is a good gun for shooting squirrels...

We're also told that it's not a good self defense weapon (there are many much better)...

And that the main reason for having one is a "defense against the government"...but that it's not a military grade weapon.

Of course defending oneself against an actual military with a weapon that is admittedly not military grade sounds silly but then the entire gun hugger argument is pretty fucking silly so....

Oh and no...the gun huggers have no solution to mass shootings or gun violence because ...they just don't see it as a problem
Partly because there is no real difference between an assault weapon and any other magazine fed semi-auto weapon...and no real need for either of those very dangerous weapons

That statement is just foolish.

Please give us your definition of an assault weapon. Not your fantasies, what is the definition of an assault weapon. What is the difference between that and, say, an AR-15?

You will agree that a M-16 is an assault rifle, right? And that definition has nothing to do with the A in the AR. It's used to assault in a war condition and it's pretty damned good at it. It's normally used in it's single shot setting because it just wastes ammo otherwise. So now you have a single shot M-16. Can you tell me the difference between an AR-15 and a M-16/M-4? And don't give me that crap about the AR must being a sporting rifle. You may be right but the sport animal it was designed to assault is human. All other uses are secondary.

So you agree that the AR-15 is far from being any sort of Assault Weapon. THANK YOU!

Follow along kiddies.

We're told that it's important to have an AR-15 because it is a good gun for shooting squirrels...

We're also told that it's not a good self defense weapon (there are many much better)...

And that the main reason for having one is a "defense against the government"...but that it's not a military grade weapon.

Of course defending oneself against an actual military with a weapon that is admittedly not military grade sounds silly but then the entire gun hugger argument is pretty fucking silly so....

Oh and no...the gun huggers have no solution to mass shootings or gun violence because ...they just don't see it as a problem

That's your imagination. Of course it's a problem. The question is if it can be solved. Our stance is that disarming the public and even the removal of AR's will not solve anything. It would only make people like yourself feel better.

But even if you could accomplish either of those things, and the next mass shooting takes place, you will want to advance to the next step, and the next, and the next.

That is where we really stand.
All I have seen in any gun control thread is the same old tired shit statements by liberal leftist who for the most part have no idea what they are talking about, have never even held a gun or been in any serious fight for their life, have never spent much time in an intercity ghetto They are intent on deciding what rights other people can exercise while at the same time believing their right to dictate to others what they can have, what they must pay for, what their choices can be and what they must use for their different needs. They presume to know and want to dictate to people they do not know or have no idea the needs of how they can protect themselves and their families in situations they have no knowledge of whatsoever. They have no working knowledge of the area, threat, opponent timeline or possible help involved yet their self professed intellectual superiority gives them those dictatorial rights. BULLSHIT! You idiots take care of your own dumb asses just wait for the cops. What you dumb asses don’t realize is that most of those murders that don’t involve a gun happen because the dead person waited on and depended on the cops to protect them. Being a liberal you should want a gun since your neighborhoods have made the cops have to wait till a gun is pointed at them before they shoot. Their job has become investigate the murder don’t shoot unless you are shot at.
All I have seen in any gun control thread is the same old tired shit statements by liberal leftist who for the most part have no idea what they are talking about, have never even held a gun or been in any serious fight for their life, have never spent much time in an intercity ghetto They are intent on deciding what rights other people can exercise while at the same time believing their right to dictate to others what they can have, what they must pay for, what their choices can be and what they must use for their different needs. They presume to know and want to dictate to people they do not know or have no idea the needs of how they can protect themselves and their families in situations they have no knowledge of whatsoever. They have no working knowledge of the area, threat, opponent timeline or possible help involved yet their self professed intellectual superiority gives them those dictatorial rights. BULLSHIT! You idiots take care of your own dumb asses just wait for the cops. What you dumb asses don’t realize is that most of those murders that don’t involve a gun happen because the dead person waited on and depended on the cops to protect them. Being a liberal you should want a gun since your neighborhoods have made the cops have to wait till a gun is pointed at them before they shoot. Their job has become investigate the murder don’t shoot unless you are shot at.

That was some rant.

Too bad it was total bullshit but hey...you had to say something right?

Are we to assume that you regularly hang out in "intercity ghettos"? That you have been in "fights for your life"?

Odd that after you accuse "liberals" of never being in the "intercity ghettos" you also claim that we all live in them

Did you wipe the spittle off your chin after that diatribe?
We get to keep our AR 15. Go ahead and cry you pussies.

You wil never ever EVER get another "assault weapons" ban. That was your best shot and it turned oht to be a huge loser.

Scared? GOOD. Fuck you.


We really need to break up this shitty, dead union. I do not want to share a nation with all these gun-grabbing fucktards. I fucking hate them. They are not human beings. They have no value and must be eliminated forever.

All I have seen in any gun control thread is the same old tired shit statements by liberal leftist who for the most part have no idea what they are talking about, have never even held a gun or been in any serious fight for their life, have never spent much time in an intercity ghetto They are intent on deciding what rights other people can exercise while at the same time believing their right to dictate to others what they can have, what they must pay for, what their choices can be and what they must use for their different needs. They presume to know and want to dictate to people they do not know or have no idea the needs of how they can protect themselves and their families in situations they have no knowledge of whatsoever. They have no working knowledge of the area, threat, opponent timeline or possible help involved yet their self professed intellectual superiority gives them those dictatorial rights. BULLSHIT! You idiots take care of your own dumb asses just wait for the cops. What you dumb asses don’t realize is that most of those murders that don’t involve a gun happen because the dead person waited on and depended on the cops to protect them. Being a liberal you should want a gun since your neighborhoods have made the cops have to wait till a gun is pointed at them before they shoot. Their job has become investigate the murder don’t shoot unless you are shot at.

I am liberal.jpeg
Demanding weapons regulation will be a capital offense. Free speach is subordinate to freedom of arms.

That's right. You faggots will never leave well enough alone, so we will blow your motherfucking brains out if you speak ill of guns.

You started it.

We WILL finish it by finishing you.


We get to keep our AR 15. Go ahead and cry you pussies.

You wil never ever EVER get another "assault weapons" ban. That was your best shot and it turned oht to be a huge loser.

Scared? GOOD. Fuck you.


We really need to break up this shitty, dead union. I do not want to share a nation with all these gun-grabbing fucktards. I fucking hate them. They are not human beings. They have no value and must be eliminated forever.

THIS is an ambassador for the gun hugger NRA crowd

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