What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Republicans see mass shootings as a form of population control, I guess.

That is a really stupid post......

Number killed in 2016.... 71, number killed in 2017....117

Number of people killed falling off ladders? 300.

Number of people killed in car accidents...38,000.

Conservatives and supporters of the 2nd Amendment know how to stop mass shootings and how to lower the gun crime rate....but because people like you are only interested in banning guns, not stopping gun crime, you won't listen to those solutions.

Ladders have a purpose.

Cars have a purpose

You toting a gun to make you feel like a tough guy is not a purpose.,

Self-defense is not a purpose?
If they are equivalent to the AR-15 then why do you need them?

Because they are customizable, easy to shoot for all sizes of shooters especially women and the only reason you twits want the AR-15 so bad is that if you establish the precedent that the AR-15 rifle is dangerous because it is a semi automatic weapon....then you can come back and demand all other semi automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns, as well as revolvers be banned because as we tell you, and you will state later.....they all operate the same way.

You left out the mos important. It's the one designed to do the most damage in the fastest time. And you left out that it was designed as a combat rifle. Then you left out that there are much better alternatives. You left out that it has the body count record for mass shooters. You left out that it's easy to conceal and transport it.

I don't advocate outright banning of the AR but I do advocate better controls on it through common sense firearms regulation.

The first requirement of common sense firearms regulation is common sense. Since none of the proposed "common sense" gun regulations would prevent another mass murder, they are far from common sense regulation.

No regulation has kept a single gun out of the hands of a gang banger or a potential mass murderer. Adding more regulations will not solve the firearm murder rate. Mainly, since those determined to do the murders don't give a tinker's damn about your regulations. The only people affected are honest, law abiding citizens.

Next, is this over fascination with numbers. One dead, no big deal, ten dead, big deal. Yet, ten dead is nothing more than one dead, ten times over. People die individually, and are mourned individually.

All common sense gun regs do is minimize the body count and make it harder for stupid people to kill so easily. There is quite a bit involved in those common sense regs but you will find each and every one of them an affront to your "Rights".

The problem you have is the phrase "common sense". Who decides what that is?
according to the democrat party common sense should be defined by nancy pelosi and maxine waters, the dems two experts on common sense.
Republicans see mass shootings as a form of population control, I guess.

That is a really stupid post......

Number killed in 2016.... 71, number killed in 2017....117

Number of people killed falling off ladders? 300.

Number of people killed in car accidents...38,000.

Conservatives and supporters of the 2nd Amendment know how to stop mass shootings and how to lower the gun crime rate....but because people like you are only interested in banning guns, not stopping gun crime, you won't listen to those solutions.

Ladders have a purpose.

Cars have a purpose

You toting a gun to make you feel like a tough guy is not a purpose.,

Self-defense is not a purpose?

You don't need an assault type rifle for self defense.
Republicans see mass shootings as a form of population control, I guess.

That is a really stupid post......

Number killed in 2016.... 71, number killed in 2017....117

Number of people killed falling off ladders? 300.

Number of people killed in car accidents...38,000.

Conservatives and supporters of the 2nd Amendment know how to stop mass shootings and how to lower the gun crime rate....but because people like you are only interested in banning guns, not stopping gun crime, you won't listen to those solutions.

Not against a beta male like you, no.
Ladders have a purpose.

Cars have a purpose

You toting a gun to make you feel like a tough guy is not a purpose.,

Self-defense is not a purpose?

You don't need an assault type rifle for self defense.
There is no “common sense” type of gun control. The solution is common sense person control, by removing the liberal social structure that has been forced on our country. Remove the idea of entitlement, remove the basis for perceived injustice and you remove the persons reasoning behind mass shootings. Our schools have breeding grounds for this type of person. The ruling class narrative pushed by them is anti constitution, anti individual, and anti American.

IMO feminization has a lot to do with it as well. Boys need to be boys but liberals object to that idea. They think gender is something you decide on instead of chemistry and chromosomes.

New parents read these liberal books telling them how to raise their children. Colleges teach future teachers how to handle children. The end result is boys not growing up into men.

Never say the word "no" to your child. Do you know how many times a child hears that negative word?

Never strike a child. Hitting children teaches them violence.

You don't flunk a child who does badly in school, you pass them with a lower grade.

We don't play dodgeball because the most likely target is the weakest child, and we don't want them to develop a complex when the kids on the opposing team aims at them first.

We don't keep scores in school sports during gym. The losing team may develop a defeatist complex.

We don't use the color red to mark a failing grade. The color red is threatening.

So boys grow up to be egg shells and incapable of handing rejection when they are finally confronted with it. It may be a girl laughing at them when a boy asks her out. It may be the jock who pushes you into the lockers during switching classes It may be the supervisor of your company reprimanding you about doing a terrible job. But one way or another, you're going to face rejection, and unless you were brought up knowing how to handle it, you fly off the handle and kill everybody you believe are responsible for your feelings. For crying out loud, who would have thought "bullying" in school would one day be a national concern?
it is no faster than any other semiautomatic rifle and here you are saying you don't want to ban all semiautomatics while calling to get rid of just one type because it's "too deadly"

Thats how it starts. Ban one or a couple of mean looking guns, and after the public is comfortable with that, THEN bring up the fact that other guns can do just as much damage, and introduce legislation to ban those as well.

But never tell the public they all do the same thing or you would have a revolt on your hands. Save that valuable tidbit of information until the end, or wait until somebody uses those other types of weapons for a mass shooting to support your point.
Republicans see mass shootings as a form of population control, I guess.

That is a really stupid post......

Number killed in 2016.... 71, number killed in 2017....117

Number of people killed falling off ladders? 300.

Number of people killed in car accidents...38,000.

Conservatives and supporters of the 2nd Amendment know how to stop mass shootings and how to lower the gun crime rate....but because people like you are only interested in banning guns, not stopping gun crime, you won't listen to those solutions.

Ladders have a purpose.

Cars have a purpose

You toting a gun to make you feel like a tough guy is not a purpose.,

Self-defense is not a purpose?

You don't need an assault type rifle for self defense.

No, you don't, but that doesn't mean you they don't have a purpose.
ARs are used in less than 1% firearm violence in this country... You need to realize there are much larger fish to fry.

Lets look at mass shootings. Bury this among all firearm violence is dishonest.
No conflating mass shootings into a major factor in the murder rate is dishonest

The advantage of tne AR15 is highlighted in mass shootings.where the semi-automatic aspect with larger magazines & accuracy creates a higher death toll.

When reducing these death tolls, the banning on these assault type rifles makes sense.

It makes no sense. Changing a magazine on any gun does not take that long. Here is a video of how fast a magazine can be changed on a handgun; pay attention to the accuracy as well:

If they are equivalent to the AR-15 then why do you need them?

Because he's a good guy, and not a bad guy so it shouldn't matter to you ever why he wants one. The End !
There is no “common sense” type of gun control. The solution is common sense person control, by removing the liberal social structure that has been forced on our country. Remove the idea of entitlement, remove the basis for perceived injustice and you remove the persons reasoning behind mass shootings. Our schools have breeding grounds for this type of person. The ruling class narrative pushed by them is anti constitution, anti individual, and anti American.

It seems to me the idea that no solution exists is your only strength. Solutions exist, they work in the vast majority of Western Democracies because they do not have a 2nd A.
There is no “common sense” type of gun control. The solution is common sense person control, by removing the liberal social structure that has been forced on our country. Remove the idea of entitlement, remove the basis for perceived injustice and you remove the persons reasoning behind mass shootings. Our schools have breeding grounds for this type of person. The ruling class narrative pushed by them is anti constitution, anti individual, and anti American.

It seems to me the idea that no solution exists is your only strength. Solutions exist, they work in the vast majority of Western Democracies because they do not have a 2nd A.

Come try and take my guns kid...…;)
Partly because there is no real difference between an assault weapon and any other magazine fed semi-auto weapon...and no real need for either of those very dangerous weapons

That statement is just foolish.

Please give us your definition of an assault weapon. Not your fantasies, what is the definition of an assault weapon. What is the difference between that and, say, an AR-15?

You will agree that a M-16 is an assault rifle, right? And that definition has nothing to do with the A in the AR. It's used to assault in a war condition and it's pretty damned good at it. It's normally used in it's single shot setting because it just wastes ammo otherwise. So now you have a single shot M-16. Can you tell me the difference between an AR-15 and a M-16/M-4? And don't give me that crap about the AR must being a sporting rifle. You may be right but the sport animal it was designed to assault is human. All other uses are secondary.

So you agree that the AR-15 is far from being any sort of Assault Weapon. THANK YOU!
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Oh, they do. Their solution is to arm everyone, because apparently this will somehow work. Yeah, more guns will mean more people die, which will then destroy humans in the US and when they're all dead, there won't be any gun crime.
No, just arm the good people as so they can then protect themselves from the bad people who are being created faster than a person can blink these days.

Now since you don't have any honest solutions on how to curb or stop so many bad idiots from getting on board the good people train, then just sit back and watch as the nation attempts to drain the swamp that has been created over time now.

And who are the "good people"?

Such a ridiculous concept.
You asking such a ridiculous question is the ridiculous concept that's going on with the left these days.

Why is asking who the "good people" are a ridiculous question?

Remember that each and every criminal was a "good person" before they become a criminal. That a lot of these mass killings were carried out by "good people".
BS. That land is controlled 100% by either the Forest Service or BLM. You try and not do control burns. If the conditions are wrong they almost always get away. Instead, you harvest the undergrowth that is the most likely to burn first in a forest fire. Getting rid of the under growth, there is more water for the trees and they aren't nearly as dry. Plus, there is spacing between trees so the initial fire will be isolated to a very small area or not happen at all. I have been involved in Forest Fires before. Before I went into the service and after I went in. You can't prevent them, really. But you can minimize the damage one can do and slow it's spreading down. Yoru so called Control Burns in California would have resulted in even a larger fire that spreads faster. And, just like the clearing of the underbrush, a control burn costs a whole bunch of money. But the BLM and Forest Service had it's funding cut to the bare bone. The defensive measures were never funded as they didn't have the funding. When you have the conditions like CA, you had better damn well fund the countermeasures. That fault goes to the Republican Controlled Congress and the President also a Republican.

Malarkey! Your desperation is duly noted. Note the source, even California disagrees, rightfully, with you.

Lack Of Controlled Burns Contributing To California Wildfires
By Emily Turner August 3, 2018 at 6:11 pm

(KPIX 5) — California’s devastating wildfires have been fueled by drought, heat and what Calfire calls missed opportunities to clear overgrown forests.

Controlled burns, fuel load, vegetation management – these are buzz words being thrown around the state capital right now. While the state is making all that a priority, the fact of the matter is it hasn’t for decades and we are dealing with the consequences.


Lack Of Controlled Burns Contributing To California Wildfires
I think if someone had noted the quantity he was buying. That should have been at least a trigger for him to be looked at. One person buying that much can't really be up to no good. That is, unless you are guncrazy who shows no sense at all and is arming for the great "Revolution" that is sure to happen any day now


People collect stamps, coins, gold, cars, motorcycles, fish, name it, someone collects it. Why not guns and what business is it of yours?

How many mass shooters have owned more than say ten guns?
There is no “common sense” type of gun control. The solution is common sense person control, by removing the liberal social structure that has been forced on our country. Remove the idea of entitlement, remove the basis for perceived injustice and you remove the persons reasoning behind mass shootings. Our schools have breeding grounds for this type of person. The ruling class narrative pushed by them is anti constitution, anti individual, and anti American.

It seems to me the idea that no solution exists is your only strength. Solutions exist, they work in the vast majority of Western Democracies because they do not have a 2nd A.

Come try and take my guns kid...…;)

Just don't shoot someone in back, or the UPS driver.
There is no “common sense” type of gun control. The solution is common sense person control, by removing the liberal social structure that has been forced on our country. Remove the idea of entitlement, remove the basis for perceived injustice and you remove the persons reasoning behind mass shootings. Our schools have breeding grounds for this type of person. The ruling class narrative pushed by them is anti constitution, anti individual, and anti American.

It seems to me the idea that no solution exists is your only strength. Solutions exist, they work in the vast majority of Western Democracies because they do not have a 2nd A.

Come try and take my guns kid...…;)

Just don't shoot someone in back, or the UPS driver.

I bet Doc1 is one of those cowards who feel the need to carry a gun to go buy a six pack of Bud at the grocery store.
Oh, they do. Their solution is to arm everyone, because apparently this will somehow work. Yeah, more guns will mean more people die, which will then destroy humans in the US and when they're all dead, there won't be any gun crime.

You were saying?

You can do anything you can with an AR 15 with any other semiautomatic .223

The 223/556 was invented for the AR-15 Model 601 and the round was designed not to kill but to wound. I know you know nothing about combat but it takes extra personnel to care and transport a wounded than it does a dead body. The Dead can wait until after the battle concludes. The wounded can't.

But if you get close enough, it can kill or wound with the best of them if you fire enough rounds. That means the round was thought to be well suited for combat but not as a long ranged varmint round. That thought is changing in the Military who are looking at upgrading probably to a 6.8 caliber with composite casings that kill very efficiently and can effectively go out past 400 yds which is the absolute range maximum for a 223 to do any actual damage and not start succumbing to the elements (drift).

So stop with the sales pitch trying to sell those ARs you have that you can only sell one a month. You'll sink your money into better inventory and eat much more steady.

then you should be happy mass shooters like the .223 since it wasn't designed to kill. Just think of the death toll if mass shooters used 6.8 or 7.62 rounds

and a .223 kills rabid skunks, raccoons and coyotes just fine thank you very much

School is in
Think about what you have just said. Let's look at the 6.8. It's about the same length but a bigger diameter in both bullet and cartridge. The cartridge is made up of a very light and strong composite. The weight is less than the 556 or 223 so you don't add weight. It's being designed for WAR just like the 556 was designed for war. It just does it a bit better at a longer range. So you don't give up the amount of ammo you can carry but have a more effective weapon of war.

They replaced the M-14 with the M-16 because the weight of the gun and the weight of the ammo. The M-14 was far superior in a firefight but you ran out of ammo too fast. The 7.62 or 308 is the far superior cartridge but it's heavy in comparison therefore you can't carry as many rounds. Plus, due to the power of the cartridge, the gun has to be larger and heavier. You wouldn't know this because you haven't spent 16 hours force marching from point A to B with 80lbs of other equipment on your back. Every ounce saved.......

Now, about the 223, most school shootings are done close up. The 223 will kill larger game (meaning us) easily at close range. And since you have so many rounds, don't worry about wasting it. Even if the aftermath looks like a battle zone, it's not. You have ammo to burn. Before you run out of ammo you will run out of time and you only have a few minutes to operate until the Cops take you out or you put the muzzle in your mouth. And most shooters are part of the AR Cult. No dues, no memberships just insanity. You are part of that AR Cult. the only difference is, you don't have the guts to go out and do a mass shooting yourself in the name of the Revolution. The only reason that Vegas Shooting had such a high body count at that range was he through hundreds of rounds out very fast. It's like throwing a bunch of rocks at a wall full of balloons. Some will hit and most will miss but if you throw enough, you can burst almost all the balloons. This is the method of the Full Auto M-16 or the AR-15 with a bump stock. This has been abandoned by even the Military. But it's not ineffective when you have a target rich environment like a theater, school or Club. The 223 does exactly what it was originally invented to do at that point.

You are part of a cult. And the way to stop mass shootings is to outlaw the cult. Maybe we should handle it like any other violent cult and just start arresting the cult leaders.

Meaningless as is everything you post.

and you're not going to stop mass shooting by getting rid of one rifle because any semiautomatic rifle will kill just as many people as an AR

and I'll tell you again since you have obviously forgotten the other 20 times I have told you that I do not own an AR 15 because I saw no benefit to buying one because I already have 2 rifles chambered for the .223 round

The problem most of us have with you is that you have put out so outlandishly uninformed information in here, we automatically assume you aren't telling the truth about anything.

Why would anyone buy anything other than an AR type for 223? For sporting, it's a terrible round. There are just so many better choices when you start going with other guns.

I would buy an AR-15 just to piss folks like you off. The trouble with that is I, thankfully, don't know anyone like you. Almost all my friends are rednecks and hunters.
I bet Doc1 is one of those cowards who feel the need to carry a gun to go buy a six pack of Bud at the grocery store.

So...to you making yourself defenseless and vulnerable is a sign of bravery? Really?
I mentioned it and you disagreed that it was a Machine Gun, fruitcake.

Your desperation is duly noted. As you know, and know well, the AR-15 is not a machine gun. Using a bump stock does not change the weapon. It is not being used as designed.

I once got a ticket for driving 104 on one of Florida's turnpikes. Was my '66 GOAT responsible? Actually, it was a bit over 110 but the patrolman gave me a break. I disobeyed the law, not the car.

Why do you continue to beat a dead horse? Other than your being a troll I mean.

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