What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

But wouldn't you agree that most Americans (regardless of the percentage you think) use their guns for recreational or good purposes?

Every one of those good purposes can be affected without the need for a semi-auto magazine fed weapon...certainly without an assault weapon
The gun manufacturers solutions to mass shootings?

MORE, FREAKING GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, and then after we've saved ourselves in a crime situation that 99.9 % of the time the lefties created for us, we will just be sitting back and waiting for the law to arrive while they are still out there making wrong turns after they leave the donut shop trying to get here to us.

What happened to the perp you ask ???

Well let's just say that the perp needs an ambulance, and that was the second call after the call to the police went out.

Except that's not how it works in reality. In LaLa Land, every dude with a gun is a good guy and always does good. In reality, not everyone is a good guy with a gun and sometimes petty arguments are settle with the gun. I don't know where you got your 99.9 figure from but I can bet it would be quite painful if you place it back in the area from whence it came.

But wouldn't you agree that most Americans (regardless of the percentage you think) use their guns for recreational or good purposes?

It's like the internet we are communicating on now. It's very beneficial for most of us. But some will use this great tool for nefarious ways. Some will be looking up how to make a bomb, some will be downloading child porn, some will use it to bully or get even with somebody on social media, some will use it to scam people out of money or steal their credit cards.

This wonderful internet cost lives as well, but we don't need government regulation to try and fix the problems. Like guns, it won't work. Like guns, you would be taking away liberty from hundreds of millions of good folks. Like guns, you would be giving them limitations as to where they are allowed to go. Like guns, you would be taking the enjoyment of using this great technology.
Good points, and you hit them where it hurts when challenging their wants and needs in their technologies. They are quick to ignore those problems, because they know that those problems are mostly hidden from the naked eye of society, otherwise they can control it (so they are ok with it) even if they know it's bad also.

Sure, I mean people do risky things all the time, but we don't ban those risky things. If you drive a motorcycle, you can end up dead or in a wheelchair the rest of your life paralyzed from the neck down. If you go swimming, you risk drowning. If you drive a car, you risk killing yourself or other people. If you take a job as a police officer, you can end up dead or find yourself going to jail for murder. Lots of things are chances in life. We can't expect the government to fix each and every potential problem.
But wouldn't you agree that most Americans (regardless of the percentage you think) use their guns for recreational or good purposes?

Every one of those good purposes can be affected without the need for a semi-auto magazine fed weapon...certainly without an assault weapon

Yes, we could just allow firearms that are single-shot or revolvers. That will scare the hell out of the criminal.
The gun manufacturers solutions to mass shootings?

MORE, FREAKING GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, and then after we've saved ourselves in a crime situation that 99.9 % of the time the lefties created for us, we will just be sitting back and waiting for the law to arrive while they are still out there making wrong turns after they leave the donut shop trying to get here to us.

What happened to the perp you ask ???

Well let's just say that the perp needs an ambulance, and that was the second call after the call to the police went out.

Except that's not how it works in reality. In LaLa Land, every dude with a gun is a good guy and always does good. In reality, not everyone is a good guy with a gun and sometimes petty arguments are settle with the gun. I don't know where you got your 99.9 figure from but I can bet it would be quite painful if you place it back in the area from whence it came.

But wouldn't you agree that most Americans (regardless of the percentage you think) use their guns for recreational or good purposes?

It's like the internet we are communicating on now. It's very beneficial for most of us. But some will use this great tool for nefarious ways. Some will be looking up how to make a bomb, some will be downloading child porn, some will use it to bully or get even with somebody on social media, some will use it to scam people out of money or steal their credit cards.

This wonderful internet cost lives as well, but we don't need government regulation to try and fix the problems. Like guns, it won't work. Like guns, you would be taking away liberty from hundreds of millions of good folks. Like guns, you would be giving them limitations as to where they are allowed to go. Like guns, you would be taking the enjoyment of using this great technology.
Good points, and you hit them where it hurts when challenging their wants and needs in their technologies. They are quick to ignore those problems, because they know that those problems are mostly hidden from the naked eye of society, otherwise they can control it (so they are ok with it) even if they know it's bad also.

Sure, I mean people do risky things all the time, but we don't ban those risky things. If you drive a motorcycle, you can end up dead or in a wheelchair the rest of your life paralyzed from the neck down. If you go swimming, you risk drowning. If you drive a car, you risk killing yourself or other people. If you take a job as a police officer, you can end up dead or find yourself going to jail for murder. Lots of things are chances in life. We can't expect the government to fix each and every potential problem.
----------------------------- can't EXPECT 'gov' to fix everything . All i want from government is National defense and the best war fighting ability available plus sealing of the borders . And thats it !!
The gun manufacturers solutions to mass shootings?

MORE, FREAKING GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isn't it amazing that their "solution" makes them richer?

Ya know it used to be that between wars...gun manufacturers fell on hard times.

They have found a way to deal with that. Flood our society with their very dangerous toys...and use fear and bullshit (and campaign contributions) to do it
Someone calling for less guns or no guns explain why there were no mass shootings in US history until 1965 with University of Texas and since then- more than 50 years- there have probably been more than 50 mass shootings? As many violent, savages in US history, no one thought of shooting up a school house. Why? Because even the evil back then did not think to shoot up innocent children. Further, the teacher had a shotgun in the classroom.

If someone is intent on committing a mass shooting of innocents, with the gun laws in place today, they can be pretty certain more than 95 percent of the people they are going to shoot are not going to return fire. What if 25 percent of the people were likely to return fire?
Yep, and then after we've saved ourselves in a crime situation that 99.9 % of the time the lefties created for us, we will just be sitting back and waiting for the law to arrive while they are still out there making wrong turns after they leave the donut shop trying to get here to us.

What happened to the perp you ask ???

Well let's just say that the perp needs an ambulance, and that was the second call after the call to the police went out.

Except that's not how it works in reality. In LaLa Land, every dude with a gun is a good guy and always does good. In reality, not everyone is a good guy with a gun and sometimes petty arguments are settle with the gun. I don't know where you got your 99.9 figure from but I can bet it would be quite painful if you place it back in the area from whence it came.

But wouldn't you agree that most Americans (regardless of the percentage you think) use their guns for recreational or good purposes?

It's like the internet we are communicating on now. It's very beneficial for most of us. But some will use this great tool for nefarious ways. Some will be looking up how to make a bomb, some will be downloading child porn, some will use it to bully or get even with somebody on social media, some will use it to scam people out of money or steal their credit cards.

This wonderful internet cost lives as well, but we don't need government regulation to try and fix the problems. Like guns, it won't work. Like guns, you would be taking away liberty from hundreds of millions of good folks. Like guns, you would be giving them limitations as to where they are allowed to go. Like guns, you would be taking the enjoyment of using this great technology.
Good points, and you hit them where it hurts when challenging their wants and needs in their technologies. They are quick to ignore those problems, because they know that those problems are mostly hidden from the naked eye of society, otherwise they can control it (so they are ok with it) even if they know it's bad also.

Sure, I mean people do risky things all the time, but we don't ban those risky things. If you drive a motorcycle, you can end up dead or in a wheelchair the rest of your life paralyzed from the neck down. If you go swimming, you risk drowning. If you drive a car, you risk killing yourself or other people. If you take a job as a police officer, you can end up dead or find yourself going to jail for murder. Lots of things are chances in life. We can't expect the government to fix each and every potential problem.
----------------------------- can't EXPECT 'gov' to fix everything . All i want from government is National defense and the best war fighting ability available plus sealing of the borders . And thats it !!

The federal government should only be allowed to intervene with that which is stated in the United States Constitution. It's why they wrote the damn thing.

However the conditioning of generations that government is the highest power in the universe and they have an answer to every problem is why we have the people we have today.
Firearm ownership is no one else’s business Except the individual that owns the firearms. End of story
Full disclosure..Rustic SELLS guns for a living.
and he obviously knows far more than you do about rifles

If he knew as much as he says he does, he would be saying things a bit different. He's a walking, typing sales brochure.
Buy more guns and ammo... itt doesn’t get anymore American than that. Amen
Dip shit, Ar15’s are not military grade... And they do not shoot off hundreds of rounds a minute… Because they are not military grade... see epic failure

8 minutes of near continuous machine gun firing....and how many hundreds (thousands?) of rounds?

I don't know what you think you proved there genius but Paduch managed quite well in Vegas.

FIVE HUNDRED people shot in minutes

Somewhere around 300 rds = epic failure
Hardly an impressive firearm.... :abgg2q.jpg:

So you provide a video of an AR failing after 300 rounds (so you say) in 8 minutes...how'd the Vegas shooter manage 500 victims (plus a LOT of misses) in a very short period with no failure....

He had multiple firearms…
And also he was a progressive and a crazy person...

Firearms have never been the problem, the problem is we have no criminal control in this country. The vast majority of violent criminal behavior in this country is by repeat offenders in progress of controlled urban areas…

This is OP is not about normal murder and mayhem. It's about ideas to stop or cut down on mass shootings. I notice that your and your buddies are tag teaming again. In the last 8 hours, you three have posted 59 posts to just this one area. No matter how wrong your posts are, I won't even try to answer all of them. But you keep posting. It just goes to show that common sense firearms laws are necessary.

There is no common sense involved with more frivolous gun control laws
So why are you so obsessed with a rifle that is used in less than 1% of all murders?

We are talking about mass murders where innocent people are slaughtered.

Accorduing to you, we can't do anything about them because they represent a low percentage in the all gun violence statistics.

I'm saying banning one rifle will do nothing to stop them.

If you want to stop people from shooting up a school then don't allow people with guns to simply walk into a school as they all seem to be able to do

The AR is not used because it is somehow more deadly than any other semiautomatic rifle it's it tends to be used because it is the most popular rifle platform in the country.

It's no different than the most popular car model in the country being involved in more accidents than any other model.

It's used for the same reason just another model of it is used in Combat. It's damned good at killing or wounding lots of people fast and even a child can operate it with little training.
And you keep saying that we have ZERO chance at removing and replacing a tyrannical government.

Make up your mind. Are 90 million AR-style weapons effective in ground combat or are they not?

Unless you show up with Mobile Artillery which kills more than any MG in existance. Unless you have the the logistics, unless you have an Air Force. Unless you have your own Navy.

As for 90 million, most people don't own an AR. Most of the ARs are owned by a very low percentage of the population. If you have one, there is a good chance you will have at least 2 or more. You seem to have left that out.
ARs are just sporting rifles, and are not a threat to the American public... in any way
Follow along kiddies.

We're told that it's important to have an AR-15 because it is a good gun for shooting squirrels...

We're also told that it's not a good self defense weapon (there are many much better)...

And that the main reason for having one is a "defense against the government"...but that it's not a military grade weapon.

Of course defending oneself against an actual military with a weapon that is admittedly not military grade sounds silly but then the entire gun hugger argument is pretty fucking silly so....

Oh and no...the gun huggers have no solution to mass shootings or gun violence because ...they just don't see it as a problem

That's your imagination. Of course it's a problem. The question is if it can be solved. Our stance is that disarming the public and even the removal of AR's will not solve anything. It would only make people like yourself feel better.

But even if you could accomplish either of those things, and the next mass shooting takes place, you will want to advance to the next step, and the next, and the next.

That is where we really stand.

The only thing we can do is actually a social problem. Yah, I know, I type social and you transpose "Socialist" over it. But social change has nothing to do with a bunch of commies. Here are some steps that have helped here, at the permission of the Voters

1. Put in detectors right on the front door of the School, or any public gathering place. This stops even handguns from being brought in. Yah, I know, there are still stupid kids that try and bring in their Daddys handgun out of kicks but the get bagged very quickly and the gun gets confiscated by the Police to never be returned. The Onus is on the Parents in this case. And put well trained Armed Security on that Gate. It prevents or slows down firearms being brought into the public areas where you have no choice but to have as a Gun Free Zone.

2. Educate the general public. In Texas, you may see people walking around on a hot sunny dry day wearing Rain Coats or Dusters. Here, if you see that, the Cops are called if you are within 1000 feet of a School. The Cops respond. 3 times the cops have been called. 2 of the times, it was a stupid fashion statement that I doubt if that student will ever do again. The 3rd time, under that Rain Coat was an AR and 4 30 round mags. The School didn't call it in. A concerned Citizen called it in and the Cops took all 3 as serious as a heart attack.

You don't need every Teacher Armed. Right after the States Board of Education approved that the Teachers can be armed, the Teachers Association along with the PTAs turned it down. There have been accidental discharged by teachers in schools that have done this. And if you same one life then you should do it. There are other methods.

There are other methods that can be used at the same time. If you want to see them, google Colorado Firearms Regulations. When you total it all together, you end up with a much safter place.

No school that I'm aware of has ever created policy of mandatory armed teachers. It's a leftist lie if that's what's out there. Armed faculty is an option that only those interested may participate. Even then, most of the time the requirements are a lot of training beyond just having a CCW permit.

No, not mandatory. But enough have done Voluntary to show that it's not a good idea. There are better methods and most schools around here have adopted those methods. If you want to mass shoot and there are not student so shoot and all the doors into a large area are made of heavy metal and electronically locked remotely then you really can't have much of a mass shooting. While you are running around trying to find a way in, SWAT is coming in the front door. Or it might be a bunch of pissed off cops with guns that are pissed off that you interrupted their Donut Break.
A better idea is to bring back freedom to the educational system, where as it is a privilege to go to school, and in this thought it will only be mandatory through the 6th grade, and after that we would not force students to participate any longer in the government run system.

Summary - After 6th grade school becomes volunteer for the student to attend.

Ok, for example you have 7 years (to include kendergarten), to teach the kids who might leave after the 6th grade voluntarily, to then have enough knowledge to survive in the markets.....

Summary - 7 years to educate them enough to survive in the manual labor markets of society after such a move.

If a former student decides to continue their education on their own (outside of the public system)or (inside of a public or private system), then the government could arrange to have all such students tested in the facility of choice, where as the former students would then show up if wanted to advance to the grade level excepted by the government standard, and this upon the testing results reviewed outside of the student physically being present or required to be in the classroom any longer. Choice of ones school should be the next add after 6th grade is finished for the students. Otherwise just like colleges, the student would then choose the destination of choice in order to meet the needs of the students from that point further. Example, the military could make way for students to be excepted into an early military styled school where the student could get military training to go along with their education from 7th grade forward if choose this path in life.

Companies or rather major corporations could also open schools that would meet the needs of their future employees who might want to get into those careers later in life as well. The government could give insentives to corporations willing to take on such responsibilities either in the singular or in allied groups of corporations that would want to do such a thing in this way.

All these uneducated Mexican's excetra, excetra who have been illegals that were working in many labor markets in our society, would no longer be required to fill those jobs. The Americans will fill those jobs upon their own free will. Their choices in life will be honored, and the door to further education will remain open to them throughout their lives.

Most children begin to be corrupted in the public system in middle school, and if this volunteer system could fix that for them, then good deal. Otherwise the kids that want to push on to make their schools great, safe, and secure, then who will stand in their way ??? If young men or young ladies want to opt out until a later date in life, then who will stand in their way ????

Guns will become a non-issue in our society again, if we would just put freedom back into everything, and quit forcing people to do (in some cases as is orchastrated by these idiots whom have horrible Agenda's), and that are forcing the young folks to do against their will's ridiculous things (be it this or be it that), in this society such crazy things... Then at this point we just might get a handle on this thing again.

An update of ideas written about before.
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Because they are customizable, easy to shoot for all sizes of shooters especially women and the only reason you twits want the AR-15 so bad is that if you establish the precedent that the AR-15 rifle is dangerous because it is a semi automatic weapon....then you can come back and demand all other semi automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns, as well as revolvers be banned because as we tell you, and you will state later.....they all operate the same way.

You left out the mos important. It's the one designed to do the most damage in the fastest time. And you left out that it was designed as a combat rifle. Then you left out that there are much better alternatives. You left out that it has the body count record for mass shooters. You left out that it's easy to conceal and transport it.

I don't advocate outright banning of the AR but I do advocate better controls on it through common sense firearms regulation.
hey didn't you just say the 5.56 was a round designed to wound not kill?

make up your mind

and you know as well as I do that an AR fires no faster than any other semiautomatic rifle

Let's take a look at the Vegas shooting. Over 500 people were wounded versus 57 confirmed dead. It does a lot of both wound and kill and it does it very fast and efficient. It's design, for the day, was dead on for combat.

it is no faster than any other semiautomatic rifle and here you are saying you don't want to ban all semiautomatics while calling to get rid of just one type because it's "too deadly"

I don't want to ban any of them. But I do want some checks and balances. When one weapon is as efficient in killing and wounding as the AR then it's worth seriously looking at.

The fact is, if you are going to go balls out for 10 minutes, the AR IS much faster than the sporting semi autos. If you are talking about one 30 round mag then no it's not. But bring lots of mags and the AR is now being used for what it was originally designed for and it's better at it than all the others.
Na, not really

ARs are just sporting rifles.... no two ways about it
It's too bad these gun debates are always two dimesional /black/white mentality

That's the biggest part of the problem


Progressives are control freaks... They can’t help it
hey didn't you just say the 5.56 was a round designed to wound not kill?

make up your mind

and you know as well as I do that an AR fires no faster than any other semiautomatic rifle

Let's take a look at the Vegas shooting. Over 500 people were wounded versus 57 confirmed dead. It does a lot of both wound and kill and it does it very fast and efficient. It's design, for the day, was dead on for combat.

it is no faster than any other semiautomatic rifle and here you are saying you don't want to ban all semiautomatics while calling to get rid of just one type because it's "too deadly"

I don't want to ban any of them. But I do want some checks and balances. When one weapon is as efficient in killing and wounding as the AR then it's worth seriously looking at.

The fact is, if you are going to go balls out for 10 minutes, the AR IS much faster than the sporting semi autos. If you are talking about one 30 round mag then no it's not. But bring lots of mags and the AR is now being used for what it was originally designed for and it's better at it than all the others.

That is utter horseshit

to paraphrase you

if it sounds like a gun ban it is a gun ban.

You do not want anyone to have a .223 semiautomatic

The 223 isn't the problem. It's a substandard round for hunting. Many times, it doesn't do the kill in one shot. One Shot, One Kill. When you can get one shot one kill then that's a good round no matter what it's fired from. If it has a higher degree of wounding then it's a substandard round. And since the 556 Nato (which is a more powerful round if you have the right chambered barrel) is designed to borderline kill then as a hunting rifle even that is substandard. But if you can throw out more lead than any other of the sporting rifles then that's not a sporting rifle anymore. It's using it as it was intended for and that is the shoot lots and lots of people fast and continuous. And that is exactly what the AR can do and does do for both the Military and the Sillyvillians.
You need to get your head out of your ass, It’s retarding your thinking...
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the .223 rem, It checks all of the boxes.
Cheap... Great for plinking and varmint shooting(Prairie dogs,coyotes,foxes,crows,etc)
Versatile... I would have no problem with hunting up to Mule deer with a .223...
Short action... Means that it’s inherently accurate, lightweight and compact.
Available... You can buy ammo from the grocery store, hardware stores, Convenient stores, home-improvement stores… Etc.
No recoil… Especially in an AR platform
Not a barrel burner… For obvious reasons and helps in accuracy
And you can get almost any type/brand of firearm chambered in it.

...And it is a sporting rifle… No two ways about it
I am glad mass shooting idiots have not figured this out yet. With buckshot, one magizine could kill 50-100 people in a tight crowed.


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