What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

The only thing the government should do, is it should get involved in finding out how an idiot gets his hands on a gun to then go and kill people with it. If the findings show that leftist policies are the problem or leftist do gooder idiocy ignores the obvious, then it should work to shore up the dam as so it stops leaking or worse bust from time to time. This never involves the gun, but instead should involve the mental health status of the citizens.
Yep, People kill people not firearms

Yes, people kill people but firearms of today makes it more efficient.
No it doesn’t! Why aren’t there more occurrences then?

Dust off those unused brain cells and think about it.
So no answer

There are tons of occurances with all types of weapons. But the most damaging in fact and potential in killing would be the AR with 5 30 shot Mags in the hands of a nutcase.

Now, take that and think about it. Use those brain cells. I know it will hurt you to but if you do it enough it will stop hurting and actually feel good.
That is the game plan.....that is why they focus so hard on the AR-15...if they can get that banned because they can get gullible people to think it is too dangerous...there is no reason to prevent them from banning all other semi automatic rifles, pistols, shotguns and revolvers.......

Ban assault typerifles & high capacity magazines. You need neither.

What anyone needs or doesn't need is not for you to decide
Never was
Never will be

So, legalize drunk driving because you drunks have to get home.

Should we bring back prohibition so nobody drives home drunk?

We should stop all gun toters & give them mental exams & throw them in jail if they fail the exam.

Drunk driving is illegal so those doing it can be stopped before the kill someone.

So, in the same light, we should stop toters & demand they take a test to show that are not mentally unfit to own a gun.

Sounds like a plan.

Again, everyone suffer from mental illness, so you would be arresting everyone that owns a gun.

You may not realize this but you even have mental illness along with every human the walk this planet.

So your plan is another ridiculous idea and oh not everyone drinks or does drugs.
Yep, People kill people not firearms

Yes, people kill people but firearms of today makes it more efficient.
No it doesn’t! Why aren’t there more occurrences then?

Dust off those unused brain cells and think about it.
So no answer

There are tons of occurances with all types of weapons. But the most damaging in fact and potential in killing would be the AR with 5 30 shot Mags in the hands of a nutcase.

Now, take that and think about it. Use those brain cells. I know it will hurt you to but if you do it enough it will stop hurting and actually feel good.

The Parkland shooter had that you dipstick.......he killed 18....the guy in Crimea with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun killed 21....... The Virginia tech shooter killed 32 with 2 pistols, the Luby's cafe shooter killed 24 with 2 pistols...you don't know what you are talking about.....
Yep, People kill people not firearms

Yes, people kill people but firearms of today makes it more efficient.
No it doesn’t! Why aren’t there more occurrences then?

Dust off those unused brain cells and think about it.
So no answer

There are tons of occurances with all types of weapons. But the most damaging in fact and potential in killing would be the AR with 5 30 shot Mags in the hands of a nutcase.

Now, take that and think about it. Use those brain cells. I know it will hurt you to but if you do it enough it will stop hurting and actually feel good.
What percentage of ARs are used by violent criminals in this country?
I will give you a hint… Not enough to matter
Just look up how many people are killed by medical mistakes every year in this country… That’s an issue
Yes, people kill people but firearms of today makes it more efficient.
No it doesn’t! Why aren’t there more occurrences then?

Dust off those unused brain cells and think about it.
So no answer

There are tons of occurances with all types of weapons. But the most damaging in fact and potential in killing would be the AR with 5 30 shot Mags in the hands of a nutcase.

Now, take that and think about it. Use those brain cells. I know it will hurt you to but if you do it enough it will stop hurting and actually feel good.

The Parkland shooter had that you dipstick.......he killed 18....the guy in Crimea with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun killed 21....... The Virginia tech shooter killed 32 with 2 pistols, the Luby's cafe shooter killed 24 with 2 pistols...you don't know what you are talking about.....
Yep, ARs are paper Tigers...
We should stop all gun toters & give them mental exams & throw them in jail if they fail the exam.

Drunk driving is illegal so those doing it can be stopped before the kill someone.

So, in the same light, we should stop toters & demand they take a test to show that are not mentally unfit to own a gun.

Sounds like a plan.

There it is, a group of shit spreading lying scum and one true statement, PROVING that the objective of all the lies and conjecture is only to hide their agenda of control, dictatorial actions and removal of constitutional rights. Thanks for finally telling the truth, now come and get mine if you think you and a hundred lying piles of shit can.
Please don't play stupid. Fire up the old google and look it up yourself.

There aren't any jurisdictions where AR-15 are prohibited. You wrote a check with your mouth your behind refuses to cash. Not surprising.

Here, chew on this.

U.S. judge upholds Massachusetts assault weapons ban | Reuters

(Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday upheld a Massachusetts law banning assault weapons including the AR-15, saying the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment guarantee of Americans’ right to bear firearms does not cover them.
U.S. District Judge William Young in Boston ruled that assault weapons and large capacity magazines covered by the 1998 law were most useful in military service and fall outside the scope of the Second Amendment’s personal right to bear arms.

“In the absence of federal legislation, Massachusetts is free to ban these weapons and large capacity magazines,” Young wrote.

He also rejected a challenge to an enforcement notice Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey issued in 2016 to gun manufacturers and dealers clarifying what under the law is a “copy” of an assault weapon like the Colt AR-15.

Healey announced that notice after a gunman killed 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

Healey welcomed Young’s ruling. “Strong gun laws save lives, and we will not be intimidated by the gun lobby in our efforts to end the sale of assault weapons and protect our communities and schools,” she said in a statement.

The decision came amid renewed attention to gun violence and firearms ownership after a gunman killed 17 students and staff at a Florida high school in February, prompting a surge of gun control activism by teenage students.

Young acknowledged that the plaintiffs had cited the semi-automatic AR-15 rifle’s popularity in arguing the law must be unconstitutional because it would ban a class of firearms Americans had overwhelming chosen for legal purposes.

“Yet the AR-15’s present-day popularity is not constitutionally material,” Young wrote. “This is because the words of our Constitution are not mutable. They mean the same today as they did 227 years ago when the Second Amendment was adopted.”

The Gun Owners’ Action League of Massachusetts, which was among the plaintiffs who sued in 2017, said in a statement that it was concerned by the ruling, which sets a “dangerous precedent.” It said it would consider its next steps.
The U.S. Supreme Court in 2008 held for the first time that the Second Amendment guaranteed an individual’s right to bear arms, but the ruling applied only to firearms kept in the home for self-defense.

The justices have avoided taking another major gun case for eight years. Most recently, in November, the court refused to hear a case challenging Maryland’s 2013 state ban on assault weapons.

That means that there ARE areas where the AR-15 is banned and it's been upheld in Federal Court. Heller V only dealt with DC and Handguns in the home. The places that spelled out the bans with general definitions were turned down. But these places specifically read "AR-15 and the clones". These have stood in the Federal Courts. Now, don't you feel foolish.
You lefties depend on your control of or the allies you have helped in putting these judges in office to serve you, and not them serving in the interest of the U.S. Constitution. It is exactly why the complete meltdown of the left over Trump winning the election began. Part of the leftist agenda is controlling key areas of government in order to effect change for the leftist radical Agenda's.
The fact of killing is that normal people don’ t commit murder. Liberals like the ones in antifa groups are the most prevalent types of murderers. Mass murder accounts for many less actual deaths than common murder. But guess what some common murders actually are not counted as mass murders by gun grabbers because they are committed by pet groups or do not meet their gun control narrative. THE fact is that most of the gun control advocates on this thread know nothing but what they google about guns. As an armor in the military, among other jobs in there, I am fully aware of the workings of the weapons you idiots have labeled “assault” weapons. They are not fully automatic and without committing a felony they cat be made into a fully automatic weapon. A 22 rim fire semi automatic rifle wit a fixed tubular magazine can be made into a full auto easier than most other types of semi autos can by simply filing the notch off of the secondary seat. Point being that is also a felony just as it is for any gun.
Yep, People kill people not firearms

Yes, people kill people but firearms of today makes it more efficient.
No it doesn’t! Why aren’t there more occurrences then?

Dust off those unused brain cells and think about it.
So no answer

There are tons of occurances with all types of weapons. But the most damaging in fact and potential in killing would be the AR with 5 30 shot Mags in the hands of a nutcase.

Now, take that and think about it. Use those brain cells. I know it will hurt you to but if you do it enough it will stop hurting and actually feel good.
Shit dude four planes went down with seven hundred people that died, all because of box cutters. You should learn
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Someone calling for less guns or no guns explain why there were no mass shootings in US history until 1965 with University of Texas and since then- more than 50 years- there have probably been more than 50 mass shootings? As many violent, savages in US history, no one thought of shooting up a school house. Why? Because even the evil back then did not think to shoot up innocent children. Further, the teacher had a shotgun in the classroom.

If someone is intent on committing a mass shooting of innocents, with the gun laws in place today, they can be pretty certain more than 95 percent of the people they are going to shoot are not going to return fire. What if 25 percent of the people were likely to return fire?
There are a lot of reasons...but the main one in my view is that there were half as many guns per capita then than there are now...and the number of semi-autos was FAR less
The point that flew right over your blunt little head is that a person hell bent on killing people doesn't need a rifle and if you ban one weapon then that person who is hell bent on murder will simply use a different weapon

And you keep pretending that all weapons are equal.

They aren't

A baseball bat is a weapon...but much less lethal than a machine gun. No?

A shot gun is lethal...but far less lethal than a semi-auto magazine fed assault weapon
Matters not, because if we stop the idiots from using any weapons to kill people with, then we have made America safe again.

First we have to deal with the sympathetic left who has sympathy for the evil ones.

Have to limit the power they have in setting devil's up on high. This nation should have had enough of it by now, but for some reason it just keeps going and going.
As can be seen, those obsessed with their lethal toys have no inclination to discuss the victims of gun violence, because they have this self proclaimed Right.

You motherfucking idiot!!!!!

Move to another country. You know SHIT about your own.


Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).
Someone calling for less guns or no guns explain why there were no mass shootings in US history until 1965 with University of Texas and since then- more than 50 years- there have probably been more than 50 mass shootings? As many violent, savages in US history, no one thought of shooting up a school house. Why? Because even the evil back then did not think to shoot up innocent children. Further, the teacher had a shotgun in the classroom.

If someone is intent on committing a mass shooting of innocents, with the gun laws in place today, they can be pretty certain more than 95 percent of the people they are going to shoot are not going to return fire. What if 25 percent of the people were likely to return fire?
There are a lot of reasons...but the main one in my view is that there were half as many guns per capita then than there are now...and the number of semi-autos was FAR less

Wrong as usual.
As can be seen, those obsessed with their lethal toys have no inclination to discuss the victims of gun violence, because they have this self proclaimed Right.

You motherfucking idiot!!!!!

Move to another country. You know SHIT about your own.


Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).
Trump uses fowl language & you kiss his fast ass every day.

So your real name is Wry Catcher. Who knew? You are just a cowardly POS hiding behind a keyboard too.
What is liberals solution to 35,000 people dying behind the wheel every year, year after year, around the country? Ban all cars?
Driving serves a purpose. The government tells you what you are allowed to drive on our highways. You have to take a test to drive.
Ban assault typerifles & high capacity magazines. You need neither.

What anyone needs or doesn't need is not for you to decide
Never was
Never will be

So, legalize drunk driving because you drunks have to get home.

Should we bring back prohibition so nobody drives home drunk?

We should stop all gun toters & give them mental exams & throw them in jail if they fail the exam.

Drunk driving is illegal so those doing it can be stopped before the kill someone.

So, in the same light, we should stop toters & demand they take a test to show that are not mentally unfit to own a gun.

Sounds like a plan.

Again, everyone suffer from mental illness, so you would be arresting everyone that owns a gun.

You may not realize this but you even have mental illness along with every human the walk this planet.

So your plan is another ridiculous idea and oh not everyone drinks or does drugs.
Wow, you really are quite stupid. Everyone does not have ac mental illness.
Yes, people kill people but firearms of today makes it more efficient.
No it doesn’t! Why aren’t there more occurrences then?

Dust off those unused brain cells and think about it.
So no answer

There are tons of occurances with all types of weapons. But the most damaging in fact and potential in killing would be the AR with 5 30 shot Mags in the hands of a nutcase.

Now, take that and think about it. Use those brain cells. I know it will hurt you to but if you do it enough it will stop hurting and actually feel good.
Shit dude four planes went down with seven hundred people that died, all because of box cutters. You should learn

And it was completely against any sane thinking that this could happen. We have safe guards in place to prevent that today. No matter how tragic is was, you do have to admire the brilliance of the plan and the execution done. It was downright elegant. Our domestic terrorists are Sunday Schoolers in comparison.
Someone calling for less guns or no guns explain why there were no mass shootings in US history until 1965 with University of Texas and since then- more than 50 years- there have probably been more than 50 mass shootings? As many violent, savages in US history, no one thought of shooting up a school house. Why? Because even the evil back then did not think to shoot up innocent children. Further, the teacher had a shotgun in the classroom.

If someone is intent on committing a mass shooting of innocents, with the gun laws in place today, they can be pretty certain more than 95 percent of the people they are going to shoot are not going to return fire. What if 25 percent of the people were likely to return fire?
There are a lot of reasons...but the main one in my view is that there were half as many guns per capita then than there are now...and the number of semi-autos was FAR less

Half as many guns per capita??? You are talking about the time period between 1791 ( passage of the Second Amendment) and today. Per capita??? Based on what?

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