What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

As can be seen, those obsessed with their lethal toys have no inclination to discuss the victims of gun violence, because they have this self proclaimed Right.

You motherfucking idiot!!!!!

Move to another country. You know SHIT about your own.


Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).
Someone calling for less guns or no guns explain why there were no mass shootings in US history until 1965 with University of Texas and since then- more than 50 years- there have probably been more than 50 mass shootings? As many violent, savages in US history, no one thought of shooting up a school house. Why? Because even the evil back then did not think to shoot up innocent children. Further, the teacher had a shotgun in the classroom.

If someone is intent on committing a mass shooting of innocents, with the gun laws in place today, they can be pretty certain more than 95 percent of the people they are going to shoot are not going to return fire. What if 25 percent of the people were likely to return fire?
There are a lot of reasons...but the main one in my view is that there were half as many guns per capita then than there are now...and the number of semi-autos was FAR less

Also back then most people had religion in their lives. Christian religions taught that after death, you go to God for judgment. If you fail in God's eyes, it's eternal damnation.

Also we had a process called being committed. If a police officer or family member suspected somebody be incapable to function in society, they had a hearing in court and a judge would determine if the individual was safe from himself as well as other people. If the judge found that not to be the case, he would rule that the subject be committed to a mental institution.

At the time, Geraldo was just coming out and had his own prime time weekly show. As a lawyer himself, he believed that being sentenced to a mental institution was unconstitutional, and those people were being imprisoned unjustified; that our institutions should not be used to lock up innocent people. Not long after that series, his liberal audience came out to support his position, then they had to open the doors of those institutions and allow people to leave if they so desired. They are still roaming our streets today.

People always had guns. It's just people didn't have this desire to kill others along with themselves. Even the kooks were in fear of God at the time whereas today, more people believe that when you die, everything just turns black and it's like before you were born.
As can be seen, those obsessed with their lethal toys have no inclination to discuss the victims of gun violence, because they have this self proclaimed Right.

You motherfucking idiot!!!!!

Move to another country. You know SHIT about your own.


Punk, a cowardly person who uses fowl language and fighting words when safely confined in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard. Aptly applies to you Mr. BLF. You would not have the balls to say this to my face (unless of course you came armed and ready to commit a felony).
You are such a fucking tough guy.

I did n't threaten you. I called a spade a spade.

You're a goddamn know-nothing idiot who hates (doesn't know shit about) his own fucking nation. You don't deserve to live in the sane nation as me. You belong in some communist shit hole.

Get the fuck out.


What are you gonna do?

It seems to me the idea that no solution exists is your only strength. Solutions exist, they work in the vast majority of Western Democracies because they do not have a 2nd A.

Come try and take my guns kid...…;)

Just don't shoot someone in back, or the UPS driver.

I bet Doc1 is one of those cowards who feel the need to carry a gun to go buy a six pack of Bud at the grocery store.

Ain't nobody gonna get that 6 pack without a fight is my bet.. Go Doc.... lol

If the store is deep in the Demon-crats created povertyville, one better carry a weapon if smart.

Seems you suffer from the Zimmerman Syndrome. Must very suck to awaken scared and feel in danger 24-7. I pity your kind, do you shit your pants whenever you feel in the range of every "Demon-crat" (code word for the color of a man?).
When you got nothing, (you) just like all your Demon-crat buddies throw the old race card.

What took you so long ??

Sad thing is for you, is that (the race card), is thrown willynilly because in no way can you accuse me of being a racist, but here you are desperate to do so... Good grief.
The point that flew right over your blunt little head is that a person hell bent on killing people doesn't need a rifle and if you ban one weapon then that person who is hell bent on murder will simply use a different weapon

And you keep pretending that all weapons are equal.

They aren't

A baseball bat is a weapon...but much less lethal than a machine gun. No?

A shot gun is lethal...but far less lethal than a semi-auto magazine fed assault weapon

A truck with a snow plow is a weapon too.

and arguably as deadly as a firearm.

you're to thick to realize banning one rifle will not stop one murder

Sit down. I don't take questions from Fake News.
Once again you feeble minded old coot there was nothing in the exchange you just quoted that was directed to you so I wasn't asking you anything

Then I suggest you stop spreading "Fake News".


Here’s your ‘Fake News’. Of course it IS from CNN, so you’ll have to be the judge on that.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
Republicans are the only ones that have come up with a solution.
More open carry.
you need to learn what a semiautomatic weapon is maybe then you will realize that it is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle just like any other that has been available to the public for over 100 years

He probably knows. The AR15 IS a rapid fire weapon. Even with just semi auto. It came into being as the AR-15 Model 601 and has seen a ton of battles in Combat. There is little difference between the AR-15 Model 760 and the AR-15 Model 601. That means that there is little difference between the modern AR-15 and it's clones and the M-4. It has features to help a scared shitless skinny young kid carry it for long periods of time and put a lot of lead into the enemy. The normal operation of the M-4 is semi auto and that means it's so close to the AR-15 model 760 there isn't enough to argue about. Yet, you do argue.

The first thing that we have to do to stop the mass shootings of today is to get rid of the AR Cult. And you demonstrate why each and every time you post.
one shot per trigger pull is not rapid fire

There you go again. One shot per trigger pull. A non bump stock AR-15 might have trouble making 120 rounds a minute. But with a bump stock, it does many times that amount. That means that it IS a MG. You can keep going on like this but you are just digging yourself deeper.

A bump stock does NOT make it a machine gun, you are entirely incorrect. You are the one digging a hole

It enables the AR to do exactly like the old AR-15 Model 601 (M-16A-1) does. It makes it more deadly than a current M-16 with the 3 shot burst. If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

Butt socks makes a gun very inaccurate for one, it also does not allow you to deplete an entire clip from one trigger pull the same as a automatic machine gun, so they are NOT an equivalent. Take it from a military veteran, you don’t know what you are talking about. That is the same crazy “logic” an individual would use to try and compare a Corvette to a Ferrari. Keep digging your hole deeper.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.


The Gun Violence ARchive lies.....if you want an accurate account of the number of mass public shootings in this country go to the Mother Jones mass shooting index.....they are a left wing, anti-gun site, but they actually follow the FBI definition of a mass public shooting and it does not include gang shootings and there has to be 3 or more dead ( It used to be 4 but obama had it changed to 3 when there weren't enough happening to help his gun control push).

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0

Wait wait, that can't be right. I'm repeatedly told by black members on here that only whites commit mass murder.
Um yeah, in terms of individual mass shootings, it’s basically all white guys.

Ummmmm, you mean except for Virginia Tech, the worst school shooting, then you have the Navy Yard shooter, the D.C. snipers, the Pulse Night club shooting, San Bernadino, the Long Island train shooter.......
Wait wait, that can't be right. I'm repeatedly told by black members on here that only whites commit mass murder.
Um yeah, in terms of individual mass shootings, it’s basically all white guys.

Ummmmm, you mean except for Virginia Tech, the worst school shooting, then you have the Navy Yard shooter, the D.C. snipers, the Pulse Night club shooting, San Bernadino, the Long Island train shooter.......
Those are still statistical anomalies. Most are white guys. Of course If you think bringing up the worst of them matters, you should consider the the Vegas shooter who committed the most out of any. Guess what? He was white!
Wait wait, that can't be right. I'm repeatedly told by black members on here that only whites commit mass murder.
Um yeah, in terms of individual mass shootings, it’s basically all white guys.

Ummmmm, you mean except for Virginia Tech, the worst school shooting, then you have the Navy Yard shooter, the D.C. snipers, the Pulse Night club shooting, San Bernadino, the Long Island train shooter.......
Those are still statistical anomalies. Most are white guys. Of course If you think bringing up the worst of them matters, you should consider the the Vegas shooter who committed the most out of any. Guess what? He was white!

Me too, bring it?
Wait wait, that can't be right. I'm repeatedly told by black members on here that only whites commit mass murder.
Um yeah, in terms of individual mass shootings, it’s basically all white guys.

Ummmmm, you mean except for Virginia Tech, the worst school shooting, then you have the Navy Yard shooter, the D.C. snipers, the Pulse Night club shooting, San Bernadino, the Long Island train shooter.......
Those are still statistical anomalies. Most are white guys. Of course If you think bringing up the worst of them matters, you should consider the the Vegas shooter who committed the most out of any. Guess what? He was white!

And your solution to mass shootings?
I'm not 100% sure I buy that blacks commit the most mass murders. I mean maybe I just don't hear about them when they happen but I always see mass murderers as white dudes. Maybe an Asian like the VT shooter I believe was, but it's mostly crackers.
Wait wait, that can't be right. I'm repeatedly told by black members on here that only whites commit mass murder.
Um yeah, in terms of individual mass shootings, it’s basically all white guys.

So....we have given you pages of the actual solution to mass public shootings....what is your solution....?
Gun control policies that work. Other first world nations don’t even have this problem. Unfortunately for America where there are an endless supply of fucking guns, it would require ceasing production. Yeah, yeah, you don’t like that idea. Don’t bother telling me.
Wait wait, that can't be right. I'm repeatedly told by black members on here that only whites commit mass murder.
Um yeah, in terms of individual mass shootings, it’s basically all white guys.

Ummmmm, you mean except for Virginia Tech, the worst school shooting, then you have the Navy Yard shooter, the D.C. snipers, the Pulse Night club shooting, San Bernadino, the Long Island train shooter.......
Those are still statistical anomalies. Most are white guys. Of course If you think bringing up the worst of them matters, you should consider the the Vegas shooter who committed the most out of any. Guess what? He was white!

And your solution to mass shootings?
A start would be better background checks and ending the gun show loophole. That wouldn’t be enough of course. It would require ceasing production of most guns.
Wait wait, that can't be right. I'm repeatedly told by black members on here that only whites commit mass murder.
Um yeah, in terms of individual mass shootings, it’s basically all white guys.

So....we have given you pages of the actual solution to mass public shootings....what is your solution....?
Gun control policies that work. Other first world nations don’t even have this problem. Unfortunately for America where there are an endless supply of fucking guns, it would require ceasing production. Yeah, yeah, you don’t like that idea. Don’t bother telling me.

How about specifics....my gun control policy, getting rid of gun free zones work...but what actual policies do you support. The other first world nations were destroyed in World War 2 and are catching up by destroying their families, and importing violent 3rd world criminals.

And guess what...as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun crime rates went down, not up.....how do you explain that? While Britain banned guns and their gun crime rate keeps going up...how do you explain that?

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

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