What is the right wing offering this country

The 19th century
-No workers productions
-No environmental regulations
-No clean air, water or food.
-No anti-trust laws
-A hatred of the minimum wage
-A hatred of educating our children
-A hatred of science

Everything they offer sucks ass...The 18th and 19th century isn't something to want....period.

And it looks like they might get to offer it....in November.

Bummer dude.
At one time the republican party led the clean up of the environment with the creation of the EPA, invested in our highways during the 1950's and created nasa. What are they today?? Oh'yesss, people that think this was all a mistake. Backwards religious nut cases that believe we should live in our own shit.

The right today offers little besides trash.

Aryan Nation, KKK, Nazis, all the right wing crazies love the guy. He uses all the dog whistle words they live to hear.

I take it you drank an insane volume of alcohol.

Prior to hitting puberty?

Do your 6 remaining brain cells a favor. Turn off MSNBC and navigate away from the Soros hate sites.

I drink very little due to allergies to brewers yeast, and other ingredients. I don't have MSNBC, and have never been to a Soros site. I live in Canada and get my news from sources outside the US.

We're all laughing at the idea that anyone would vote for this clown.

Well, you better hope that he doesn't decide to annex you.

It would take about four weeks and 1/10 of our army to do it.
These piss ants are down to threats now.

Are you saying he isn't crazy enough to do it ?

Which is it...moron ?
The 19th century
-No workers productions
-No environmental regulations
-No clean air, water or food.
-No anti-trust laws
-A hatred of the minimum wage
-A hatred of educating our children
-A hatred of science

Everything they offer sucks ass...The 18th and 19th century isn't something to want....period.

And it looks like they might get to offer it....in November.

Bummer dude.

And you think this is good? Please consider how bad most of the world is in answering.
At one time the republican party lead the clean up of the environment with the creation of the EPA, invested in our highways during the 1950's and created nasa. What are they today?? Oh'yesss, people that think this was all a mistake. Backwards religious nut cases that believe we should live in our own shit.

The right today offers from little besides trash.

Not that you could make a case for anything you've said beyond the fact that Nixon started the EPA (something I'll be you didn't know).

There are a lot of Bernie supporters who are behind Trump.

You trashing them too ?
The 19th century
-No workers productions
-No environmental regulations
-No clean air, water or food.
-No anti-trust laws
-A hatred of the minimum wage
-A hatred of educating our children
-A hatred of science

Everything they offer sucks ass...The 18th and 19th century isn't something to want....period.

And it looks like they might get to offer it....in November.

Bummer dude.

And you think this is good? Please consider how bad most of the world is in answering.

1. I never said it was good.
2. I've been saying that for a long time. It is quite clear that all you look to do is throw your tantrums on this board.
3. Why would I give a rat's ass about what the rest of the world thinks ?
Deport the illegals, thus improving jobs and wages for the Working Class and Middle Class.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, thus improving jobs and wages for the Working Class and Middle Class.

Stop Fucking with Russia, thus reducing the danger of a global thermonuclear war.

That is what the Right WIng is offering this election.

Everything else is the Left trying to distract from that.
At one time the republican party lead the clean up of the environment with the creation of the EPA, invested in our highways during the 1950's and created nasa. What are they today?? Oh'yesss, people that think this was all a mistake. Backwards religious nut cases that believe we should live in our own shit.

The right today offers from little besides trash.

Not that you could make a case for anything you've said beyond the fact that Nixon started the EPA (something I'll be you didn't know).

There are a lot of Bernie supporters who are behind Trump.

You trashing them too ?
Bull shit on the Bernie supporters , The ding dong world of a controlled puppet mind.
JBander: King of No Links.
Have a solution for you, go someplace else.
I have a solution for you; actually, no one has a solution for you.
You don't contribute your gone
Great grammar.
What exactly IS, "your gone"?
That would be I'll never read another one of your lying bullshit empty puppet minded remarks. You have contributed nothing except who you hate and everyone is wrong except the real bullshitter, you. Good Bye.
JBander: King of No Links.
Have a solution for you, go someplace else.
I have a solution for you; actually, no one has a solution for you.
You don't contribute your gone
Great grammar.
What exactly IS, "your gone"?
That would be I'll never read another one of your lying bullshit empty puppet minded remarks. You have contributed nothing except who you hate and everyone is wrong except the real bullshitter, you. Good Bye.

And what have you contributed other than partisan blather?

I answered the question in post 147.
The 19th century
-No workers productions
-No environmental regulations
-No clean air, water or food.
-No anti-trust laws
-A hatred of the minimum wage
-A hatred of educating our children
-A hatred of science

Everything they offer sucks ass...The 18th and 19th century isn't something to want....period.

And it looks like they might get to offer it....in November.

Bummer dude.
It is quite awesome.....
JBander: King of No Links.
Have a solution for you, go someplace else.
I have a solution for you; actually, no one has a solution for you.
You don't contribute your gone
Great grammar.
What exactly IS, "your gone"?
That would be I'll never read another one of your lying bullshit empty puppet minded remarks. You have contributed nothing except who you hate and everyone is wrong except the real bullshitter, you. Good Bye.
Says The Hater With No Links.
Have a solution for you, go someplace else.
I have a solution for you; actually, no one has a solution for you.
You don't contribute your gone
Great grammar.
What exactly IS, "your gone"?
That would be I'll never read another one of your lying bullshit empty puppet minded remarks. You have contributed nothing except who you hate and everyone is wrong except the real bullshitter, you. Good Bye.

And what have you contributed other than partisan blather?

I answered the question in post 147.
He contributes racism.
What is the GOP offering?

A candidate who has not endangered our national security, gotten Americans needlessly killed, and one who at this very minute is NOT STEALING FROM THE ELDERLY AND THE POOR, like Hillary is.

Check out the Thread, 'Breaking: Thief - Hillary LITERALLY Stealing from Elderly, Poor'!

Hillary Clinton, on top of all of her other scandals, is LITERALLY STEALING from her elderly and poor supporters / campaign donors!

Banks are reporting getting 100+ calls a day from Hillary donors for repeated overcharging of 1-time campaign contributions. She did this, as reported and filed, in 2007, resulting in her having to give back thousands and thousands of dollars.

She got away with it in 2007 without being punished, so now she is at it again!

Complaints have been filed with Attorney Generals and the FEC!


Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors
Have a solution for you, go someplace else.
I have a solution for you; actually, no one has a solution for you.
You don't contribute your gone
Great grammar.
What exactly IS, "your gone"?
That would be I'll never read another one of your lying bullshit empty puppet minded remarks. You have contributed nothing except who you hate and everyone is wrong except the real bullshitter, you. Good Bye.

And what have you contributed other than partisan blather?

I answered the question in post 147.
The fact that Trump to being the leader of the regressive party , it means your majority are heat driven and would threaten our country with a person that is in the league of all of the worst tyrants as leaders in the world. Also post 24 shows that if your interested in our economy then you would have to be stupid to vote for any regressive as president. I showed again that there isn't one of you meat heads that know what a Communist , Socialist or Marxist is and how it reflects on progressives. , Which, although quite easy, I've shown in almost all threads that I have written in the last couple of years. Not a clue!
What is the GOP offering?

A candidate who has not endangered our national security, gotten Americans needlessly killed, and one who at this very minute is NOT STEALING FROM THE ELDERLY AND THE POOR, like Hillary is.

Check out the Thread, 'Breaking: Thief - Hillary LITERALLY Stealing from Elderly, Poor'!

Hillary Clinton, on top of all of her other scandals, is LITERALLY STEALING from her elderly and poor supporters / campaign donors!

Banks are reporting getting 100+ calls a day from Hillary donors for repeated overcharging of 1-time campaign contributions. She did this, as reported and filed, in 2007, resulting in her having to give back thousands and thousands of dollars.

She got away with it in 2007 without being punished, so now she is at it again!

Complaints have been filed with Attorney Generals and the FEC!


Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors
Your thread you listed is from a multitude of wacko forum's and nonsense sites. I'll give you a real fact, 95% of your bullshit about Hillary is partisan lies . That You can't support, in fact non of you regressive have supported anything you have said about Hillary. Lots of opinions , no facts. You better believe that your goof ball sights you listed won't be considered as a source. Of course your bullshit can't be proved but I don't have the same problem with Your evil candidate that runs your party. I can just take it from Video clips of what comes out of his shit mouth--------------------By the way simply go to the hypertext sight that one of the better liars in your group Easy has offered. Look at all the other stories that are listed on their page. It says all that needs to be said.
Your thread you listed is from a multitude of wacko forum's and nonsense sites.

Whatever you have to tell yourself, bander....

It's documented. filed with state Attorney Generals and the FEC. It is also on record Hillary did this in 2007 and had to return hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations. Once a criminal, as she proves, always a criminal!
The Republicans, I suppose, are the right wing that is marked by a disbelief of government which is why they do nothing but cause gridlock, as far as I can see.
View attachment 89368Both Ugly,pompous, crude, lying, self Righteous, Megalomania , Regressives want this mentally handicapped, half wit, ass hole to stand over the red button that with one push will kill us all. Like I've been saying for the last few years, this insane hateful group are by far a worse threat to this country than any terrorist group that exists at this time. They are the enemy of this country, populated by exactly what Clinton said they were populated by, people I wouldn't be seen with, people who should be every American patriots first and foremost enemy.
who are you talking about?

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