What is the right wing offering this country

View attachment 89368Both Ugly,pompous, crude, lying, self Righteous, Megalomania , Regressives want this mentally handicapped, half wit, ass hole to stand over the red button that with one push will kill us all. Like I've been saying for the last few years, this insane hateful group are by far a worse threat to this country than any terrorist group that exists at this time. They are the enemy of this country, populated by exactly what Clinton said they were populated by, people I wouldn't be seen with, people who should be every American patriots first and foremost enemy.

Yeah, fuck you, you asshole.
I drink very little due to allergies to brewers yeast, and other ingredients. I don't have MSNBC, and have never been to a Soros site. I live in Canada and get my news from sources outside the US.

We're all laughing at the idea that anyone would vote for this clown.

Anyone voting for Deplorable Hillary is far worse.

I don't much like Trump, but in the immortal words of Al Capone, "That deplorable Hillary is a fucking crook."
I drink very little due to allergies to brewers yeast, and other ingredients. I don't have MSNBC, and have never been to a Soros site. I live in Canada and get my news from sources outside the US.

We're all laughing at the idea that anyone would vote for this clown.

Anyone voting for Deplorable Hillary is far worse.

I don't much like Trump, but in the immortal words of Al Capone, "That deplorable Hillary is a fucking crook."

Republican lies and deflections. Trump is dishonest and is calling Hillary a crook to deflect from his own dishonest behaviour, Trump U fraud charges.

Hillary released her taxes. Where's Trumps? Where are his medical records? What about his college transcripts?

Hillary has done everything in public. Been investigated so many times, based entirely on the lies Republicans repeat even after they've been proven false.
I drink very little due to allergies to brewers yeast, and other ingredients. I don't have MSNBC, and have never been to a Soros site. I live in Canada and get my news from sources outside the US.

We're all laughing at the idea that anyone would vote for this clown.

Anyone voting for Deplorable Hillary is far worse.

I don't much like Trump, but in the immortal words of Al Capone, "That deplorable Hillary is a fucking crook."

Republican lies and deflections. Trump is dishonest and is calling Hillary a crook to deflect from his own dishonest behaviour, Trump U fraud charges.

Hillary released her taxes. Where's Trumps? Where are his medical records? What about his college transcripts?

Hillary has done everything in public. Been investigated so many times, based entirely on the lies Republicans repeat even after they've been proven false.

You're right, Hillary does everything in public and everyone who investigates her dies and Liberals don't care anyway.

Aryan Nation, KKK, Nazis, all the right wing crazies love the guy. He uses all the dog whistle words they live to hear.

I take it you drank an insane volume of alcohol.

Prior to hitting puberty?

Do your 6 remaining brain cells a favor. Turn off MSNBC and navigate away from the Soros hate sites.

I drink very little due to allergies to brewers yeast, and other ingredients. I don't have MSNBC, and have never been to a Soros site. I live in Canada and get my news from sources outside the US.

We're all laughing at the idea that anyone would vote for this clown.

Well, you better hope that he doesn't decide to annex you.

It would take about four weeks and 1/10 of our army to do it.
I drink very little due to allergies to brewers yeast, and other ingredients. I don't have MSNBC, and have never been to a Soros site. I live in Canada and get my news from sources outside the US.

We're all laughing at the idea that anyone would vote for this clown.

Anyone voting for Deplorable Hillary is far worse.

I don't much like Trump, but in the immortal words of Al Capone, "That deplorable Hillary is a fucking crook."

Republican lies and deflections. Trump is dishonest and is calling Hillary a crook to deflect from his own dishonest behaviour, Trump U fraud charges.

Hillary released her taxes. Where's Trumps? Where are his medical records? What about his college transcripts?

Hillary has done everything in public. Been investigated so many times, based entirely on the lies Republicans repeat even after they've been proven false.
We still don't know what ails her so that's a big fat lie. Hillary lies when she speaks, the FBI has already called her on it, do you get US news up there in Canada?

Hillary lives off the public dime so her taxes should matter, Trump has private businesses but are under audit for the moment. Says he'll release his medical records but don't expect it from Hillary.

Republican lies and deflections. Trump is dishonest and is calling Hillary a crook to deflect from his own dishonest behaviour, Trump U fraud charges.

Hillary released her taxes. Where's Trumps? Where are his medical records? What about his college transcripts?

Hillary has done everything in public. Been investigated so many times, based entirely on the lies Republicans repeat even after they've been proven false.

Deplorable Hillary IS a crook, and you know it. In fact, that's what you love about her - she exactly represents your ethics and values - which is to say none at all.

Demagogue - sociopaths, not a hint or shred of integrity in any damned one of you.
What are they offering? Read about the glided age and the life of the poor during that time.

Now see how most africans or poor sweat shop workers live.

Let that sink in.

Regardless of offerings hack boi, Deplorable Hillary is not fit to serve as president. No matter how much George Soros can make from another puppet president, Deplorable Hillary is not fit to serve as president. No matter how much your masters train you to salivate with hate when you hear "Trump" , Deplorable Hillary is not fit to serve as president.

Deplorable Hillary is a crook, a liar, and a traitor. She belongs in prison and is a testament that we are no longer a nation of laws. Look, you are borderline retarded, that's obvious from your posts - but supporting an aristocracy who is certified by the FBI (fib) to be above the laws that govern commoners is insane. Even someone as stupid as you should be able to grasp this.
View attachment 89368Both Ugly,pompous, crude, lying, self Righteous, Megalomania , Regressives want this mentally handicapped, half wit, ass hole to stand over the red button that with one push will kill us all. Like I've been saying for the last few years, this insane hateful group are by far a worse threat to this country than any terrorist group that exists at this time. They are the enemy of this country, populated by exactly what Clinton said they were populated by, people I wouldn't be seen with, people who should be every American patriots first and foremost enemy.

Trump is RW?
Are you THAT stupid?
The RW HATES him.

Aryan Nation, KKK, Nazis, all the right wing crazies love the guy. He uses all the dog whistle words they live to hear.
Maybe their Economic situations are the same as everybody else's.
I wonder how Trump became the head of the regressive hate party without the hate party being the hate party.
You want regressive?
Wait till the Muslims take over America and tell you how to dress and what type of music to listen to.

Or are you Muslim?
Or an Illegal?
Or related to one of the above?
Blind paranoid idiot. Commie behind every corner, the ski is falling, cup half empty dead head.

Aryan Nation, KKK, Nazis, all the right wing crazies love the guy. He uses all the dog whistle words they live to hear.

I take it you drank an insane volume of alcohol.

Prior to hitting puberty?

Do your 6 remaining brain cells a favor. Turn off MSNBC and navigate away from the Soros hate sites.
Nothing here, other then I hate you and your wrong.
It's "you're", not "your".
For someone so intelligent as yourself...
Thank you , I know I've won the argument when they start attacking my spelling.
That's me being nice.
I would attack your intellect but I don't know if possess one.
Why are you here idiot , you don't contribute and calling me names and hating me, isn't going to do anything , that includes anything to me also. I have never been moved by what a piss puddle has said to me.
It's "you're", not "your".
For someone so intelligent as yourself...
Thank you , I know I've won the argument when they start attacking my spelling.
That's me being nice.
I would attack your intellect but I don't know if possess one.
Did you miss the word "you" somewhere in that comment?
Not that I should have to point this out.
I know for a fact that I'm under their skin when they start attacking my bad spelling , Love it.

You're just an angry brotha, aren't you?
Your spelling is fine, it's your irrational anger that's ugly.
Ready to provide some Links?
To you no , your just here moving dead air,
Why are you here idiot , you don't contribute and calling me names and hating me, isn't going to do anything , that includes anything to me also. I have never been moved by what a piss puddle has said to me.


Suicide is not always a sin, Comrade.

I'm just saying...
View attachment 89368Both Ugly,pompous, crude, lying, self Righteous, Megalomania , Regressives want this mentally handicapped, half wit, ass hole to stand over the red button that with one push will kill us all. Like I've been saying for the last few years, this insane hateful group are by far a worse threat to this country than any terrorist group that exists at this time. They are the enemy of this country, populated by exactly what Clinton said they were populated by, people I wouldn't be seen with, people who should be every American patriots first and foremost enemy.

Yeah, fuck you, you asshole.
I told you you don't exist, so why waste your time.
I drink very little due to allergies to brewers yeast, and other ingredients. I don't have MSNBC, and have never been to a Soros site. I live in Canada and get my news from sources outside the US.

We're all laughing at the idea that anyone would vote for this clown.

Anyone voting for Deplorable Hillary is far worse.

I don't much like Trump, but in the immortal words of Al Capone, "That deplorable Hillary is a fucking crook."
Ok give us something she has been found guilty of and the sight you got it from, no bull shit opinions. Your all fucking lame brains, we know she did nothing especially the things that you trained dogs say she did.

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