What is the solution? Or at least what action should be taken?

I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?

I think it is just something we live with. We are the fattest country and more people die from heart disease than these shootings but no one really regulated food. We have more auto deaths than anywhere else in the world but people still drive cars. These shootings are actually few and far between. They are tragic. They suck. But they are part of life in America. Only real answer I see is greater numbers of policing and security.
I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?

Since you are rejecting regulating guns, then apparently the solution is to defeat your party.

hes a libertarian,,,

Mostly, you are correct. But if you think calling out political parties is going to do anything to help this problem, you are an idiot.

No you can't call out political parties but you can condemn certain individuals in each party. There are many unstable people in this world and when you repeatedly tell your followers that Mexicans are subhuman "rapist" and "murderers," don't be surprised when one of them grabs their gun and walks into a Walmart near the Mexican border to commit an atrocity on your behalf.

On the other hand, if you repeatedly (for decades) tell white males that they have no future, that they're inherently evil for noticing differences in people and that they're destined to be wiped away by a "never ending wave" of immigration (and that's a good thing) then don't be surprised when some of them lash out violently.
I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?

first thing to do is ban both the democrat and republican parties and reinstall the constitution to its rightful place as the rule of law,,,

So you want to ban freedom of association.

Good to hear...

you can associate with who you want,,,but there is no place in the constitution that allows for the parties that have clearly divided the people
For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.
We have come up with solutions.. when our representatives have spent the last 20 years trying to find ways to flood our poor American neighborhoods with foreigners AMERICANS WILL STRUGGLE!
We took actions we voted for trump to end it and return focus on struggling Americans, deregulation, more opportunity for us! AMERICAN WAGES! Prosperity ..

All things democrats are against
Without good guys armed with guns, there is no way to stop an armed killer in the first few minutes of an attack on a large group of people. The one constant in all mass shootings is there has never been one at a gun show or a biker bar. These cowards always seek out soft targets.

Longer term, we need to stop releasing photos, manifestos, and names of the killer. It is a sick Narcissism combined with anti-Social behavior that is the common denominator in these shooters. Who gives a shit what a disturbed 21 year old writes as his justification for doing the unthinkable? Stop giving these sick people the fame they crave.
Close both borders to all but examined commercial traffic. 25% tax on remittances. Begin mass round ups and deportations.
So what are the answer(s)?
I know this is not the kind of response you're looking for, but I think the question is moot. Sadly.

This is a terribly complicated issue, as are many we face. And we simply no longer have either the willingness nor the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate our way out of this.

What I'm not sure of is whether this condition is temporary or permanent.
We all know the direct cause of this......media coverage.
The answers to this are very simple...

1. Reinstate the ability for people to be institutionalized without consent when necessary

2. Keep dangerous, violent criminals in jail or execute them.

3. Create an expectation for Security at ALL public places.

4. Private citizens need to step up and start being the first responders in these incidents. Carry your gun to protect yourself and others.

5. A Federal firearms license incorporated into the drivers license system that disqualifies individuals who shouldn’t have access rather than asserting positive licensing.

6. A NICS system that can be accessed by everyone and takes no longer than 90 seconds to respond.

Thst would be a good start.
Item 1 is un-Constitutional, it violates the right to due process.

Item 2 is un-Constitutional, it violates the 8th Amendment.

Item 3 makes no sense.

Item 4 is reckless, irresponsible, and without merit.

Citizens have the right to carry firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense – not to act in the capacity of law enforcement, not to deter crime, and not to act as ‘first responders’ to an active shooting incident.

Item 5 has some merit, but separate and apart from state-issued drivers licenses.

And item 6 would be a violation of privacy rights.

Not a good start.
Surprisingly, you have provided solid answers and a start to the actual discussion.

Yet we aren’t having that discussion. Nor will we as a nation. Mostly because the two main political parties both lose under the scenario I’m advancing.
So what are the answer(s)?
I know this is not the kind of response you're looking for, but I think the question is moot. Sadly.

This is a terribly complicated issue, as are many we face. And we simply no longer have either the willingness nor the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate our way out of this.

What I'm not sure of is whether this condition is temporary or permanent.
We all know the direct cause of this......media coverage.

I saw a meme I liked. Start naming the shooters funny stuff instead of cooler names.

Make them the perpetrator of the MicroPenis Massacre. Or the Can't Get Laid shooter.
The answers to this are very simple...

1. Reinstate the ability for people to be institutionalized without consent when necessary

2. Keep dangerous, violent criminals in jail or execute them.

3. Create an expectation for Security at ALL public places.

4. Private citizens need to step up and start being the first responders in these incidents. Carry your gun to protect yourself and others.

5. A Federal firearms license incorporated into the drivers license system that disqualifies individuals who shouldn’t have access rather than asserting positive licensing.

6. A NICS system that can be accessed by everyone and takes no longer than 90 seconds to respond.

Thst would be a good start.
Item 1 is un-Constitutional, it violates the right to due process.

Item 2 is un-Constitutional, it violates the 8th Amendment.

Item 3 makes no sense.

Item 4 is reckless, irresponsible, and without merit.

Citizens have the right to carry firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense – not to act in the capacity of law enforcement, not to deter crime, and not to act as ‘first responders’ to an active shooting incident.

Item 5 has some merit, but separate and apart from state-issued drivers licenses.

And item 6 would be a violation of privacy rights.

Not a good start.
So what you are saying about citizens rights to carry, if they see someone with a gun shooting innocent women and children, the carrier of the lawful weapon should just walk away and wait for Law enforcement, am I correct with that assumption?

Forced 2 year boot camp military style service for all 18 yr. olds period.

LW took away ability to work them, gave all the dirty entry level construction jobs to illegal DEM voters.....cant expect them to sit home for 5 yrs playing Ms. Pacman and trying to stay high with no income.
So what are the answer(s)?
I know this is not the kind of response you're looking for, but I think the question is moot. Sadly.

This is a terribly complicated issue, as are many we face. And we simply no longer have either the willingness nor the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate our way out of this.

What I'm not sure of is whether this condition is temporary or permanent.
We all know the direct cause of this......media coverage.

I saw a meme I liked. Start naming the shooters funny stuff instead of cooler names.

Make them the perpetrator of the MicroPenis Massacre. Or the Can't Get Laid shooter.
I like the idea of taking these worthless perps who commit massacres, and publicly humiliate them in front of the world on national TV, then put them in the gallows and watch their heads be removed from their shoulders. I think even a crazy person would think twice about killing.

Item 1 is un-Constitutional, it violates the right to due process.

Item 2 is un-Constitutional, it violates the 8th Amendment.

Item 3 makes no sense.

Item 4 is reckless, irresponsible, and without merit.

Citizens have the right to carry firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense – not to act in the capacity of law enforcement, not to deter crime, and not to act as ‘first responders’ to an active shooting incident.

Item 5 has some merit, but separate and apart from state-issued drivers licenses.

And item 6 would be a violation of privacy rights.

Not a good start.

Items 1 & 2 were the law of the land for decades if not longer, until we lost our guts and started being more interested in feelings than protecting Society.

Item 3 simply ensures that all public facilities have proper armed and trained security at all times. Especially if they’re gun free zones.

Without Item 4, nothing can be done to stop these attacks, period.

I don’t think you understand what I mean in item 5. I’m talking about fully incorporating the LTC/CCW system with the nationally accessible drivers license systems and basically asking it a system where unless you’ve got a disqualification factor your drivers license is all you need (after age 18) to buy a gun.

Item 6 solves the gun show/private sales loophole the left constantly whines about.
A guy in Paris, France gets pissed…he gets over it eventually since a mini arsenal isn’t available to him.
A guy in Paris, Texas gets pissed….he gets a gun and kills people since a mini arsenal is available.

2016 Nice truck attack - Wikipedia

A guy in Paris, France gets pissed…he gets over it eventually since a mini arsenal isn’t available to him.
A guy in Paris, Texas gets pissed….he gets a gun and kills people since a mini arsenal is available.
And please shelve the argument that they are somehow different….
They watch the same movies
They read the same books
They have the same internet
They have the same socioeconomic pressures
What they don’t have is a 2nd Amendment that allows the arsenal to be purchased.
It’s that simple.

Do you understand that Texas and France contain completely different cultures? People in one of those places do not even speak, read, or write the same primary language as those in the other.

No, they do not watch the same movies, or read the same books, and they do not have the same socioeconomic pressures. They are completely different societies, with completely different cultures.
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So what are the answer(s)?
I know this is not the kind of response you're looking for, but I think the question is moot. Sadly.

This is a terribly complicated issue, as are many we face. And we simply no longer have either the willingness nor the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate our way out of this.

What I'm not sure of is whether this condition is temporary or permanent.
We all know the direct cause of this......media coverage.
Yes, from both ends.
For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).
Winterborn, I'm a liberal and I do not know a single person that would ban all guns, although I'm sure they are around. I own a gun. So at my house your claim that liberals want to ban all guns is not valid. Assault weapons made for war..no dicking around with technical hair splitting, and large clips can go the way of the dodo in civilian society for all I care. But that is simply a limitation, not a ban.

As for your question about a solution, I do not know your generation, but for us really old folks one solution would be to stop pandering to prejudices. We all had (have) them, such as my Yankee scorn of the Southern Pride. But it was even then considered 'bad form'.

As Americans, I figure we are all free to hate anybody we desire. What we are not free to do is turn that hate into action that harms in any way another American
So what are the answer(s)?
I know this is not the kind of response you're looking for, but I think the question is moot. Sadly.

This is a terribly complicated issue, as are many we face. And we simply no longer have either the willingness nor the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate our way out of this.

What I'm not sure of is whether this condition is temporary or permanent.
We all know the direct cause of this......media coverage.
Yes, from both ends.
From one side more than the other.
It's cause and effect.
Most of it originates from one source.....the Mainstream.
The other side is purely reactionary.
God? How many people have died or killed in the name of God? Billions.

Not even a tiny fraction of those murdered by the Godless.

Legalized abortion, by itself, now accounts for more than three Nazi Holocausts worth of mass murder. Throw in the mass murders committed by Godless Communist governments. And even those murders supposedly committed in the name of God, where committed by Satanic elements who perverted and corrupted the very concept of God, to fit their evil and murderous agendas.

The rejection of the true God, and of the standards which he has given us for morality and ethics, is at the very core of nearly all of our social ills.

Satan is very good at filling in the void that is left when we drive God out of our lives, out of our institutions, out of our society. Sometimes his work is very subtle, and you have to look very carefully, and know what you are looking for, to see it. Sometimes it is very blatant, and you have to be spectacularly blind not to see it.

I find is disturbing how spectacularly blind much of our society has become.
So what are the answer(s)?
I know this is not the kind of response you're looking for, but I think the question is moot. Sadly.

This is a terribly complicated issue, as are many we face. And we simply no longer have either the willingness nor the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate our way out of this.

What I'm not sure of is whether this condition is temporary or permanent.
We all know the direct cause of this......media coverage.
Yes, from both ends.
From one side more than the other.
It's cause and effect.
Most of it originates from one source.....the Mainstream.
The other side is purely reactionary.
Yeah.....how can one blame both sides if you actually listened to reason.

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