What is the solution to "immigration" in a severely overpopulated world.


Mar 27, 2021
The only solution I could give you around here is the solution that slaves are allowed. The very same solution a plantation owner in the old south would allow one of their negro slaves to have. Submission. But there is an actual solution. Think of the solution you aren't allowed to utter. (Let alone perform) THAT is the solution.
The only solution I could give you around here is the solution that slaves are allowed. The very same solution a plantation owner in the old south would allow one of their negro slaves to have. Submission. But there is an actual solution. Think of the solution you aren't allowed to utter. (Let alone perform) THAT is the solution.

AFrench2. It surprises me that somebody who probably supports the French Revolution should be surprised by what I said.
The only solution I could give you around here is the solution that slaves are allowed. The very same solution a plantation owner in the old south would allow one of their negro slaves to have. Submission. But there is an actual solution. Think of the solution you aren't allowed to utter. (Let alone perform) THAT is the solution.

Socialism. There is nobody trying to flee from anyplace where they know that have a place to live, something to eat, and medical care.

If Reagan had not interfered in Central American countries in the 80's, for the purpose of preventing socialism, there wouldn't be people at the border trying to get in.

He should have taken his own advice.
The only solution I could give you around here is the solution that slaves are allowed. The very same solution a plantation owner in the old south would allow one of their negro slaves to have. Submission. But there is an actual solution. Think of the solution you aren't allowed to utter. (Let alone perform) THAT is the solution.
Let me give you a quick lesson in overpopulation.

If you took all the people in the world and put then shoulder to shoulder, front to back...The total mass area of people would be the size of Texas..

The only reason why people starve is that Prog Masters keep their people from achieving their freedom by keeping them poor.
Immigrants and refugees do not leave their home countries because it's too crowded. They leave because the governments of their countries are so corrupt, they focus on filling their own pockets rather than the safety and well-being of the people.

Why do you say it's severely overpopulated?


The world is most certainly not overpopulated. Entirely false premise to this thread.
The only solution I could give you around here is the solution that slaves are allowed. The very same solution a plantation owner in the old south would allow one of their negro slaves to have. Submission. But there is an actual solution. Think of the solution you aren't allowed to utter. (Let alone perform) THAT is the solution.
Let them in to work as indentured slaves until they have earned their right to citizenship> About 200 years. Indentured servants were men and women who signed a contract (also known as an indenture or a covenant) by which they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and, once they arrived, food, clothing, and shelter.
People are just reproducing too abundantly where people should not be reproducing at all.
The only solution I could give you around here is the solution that slaves are allowed. The very same solution a plantation owner in the old south would allow one of their negro slaves to have. Submission. But there is an actual solution. Think of the solution you aren't allowed to utter. (Let alone perform) THAT is the solution.
I could certainly use a slave, but just not every day.

Are you available on Tuesdays and Fridays?
People are just reproducing too abundantly where people should not be reproducing at all.
People need birth control, not asylum.
People need education and many kinds and levels of help to live successfully where they are.
There are also, surely, justified cases for asylum that can and should be addressed. There is no reason to simply accept just any number from just any place.
In other words, we need to use intelligence and wisdom.
The situation appears hopeless.

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