What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

I always go back to him....what an incredible man!

He warned us all of the truth! Bless him.

Bullshit, better ask your Russian comrades what the fuck they were doing annexing Ukranian territories and heading an armed conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Children where dying in the conflict areas, not those under Ukranian control. When Gherkin (FSB) and his gang of invaders was knocked the f out of Slovyansk suddenly children stoppped dying there from shells landing on them.

Russia could've easily spared many lives of children and their own people BY NOT INVADING THEIR NEIGHBORS.

That is totally ignorant.
When Russia gave the Ukraine its independence in 1992, it was under the conditions that the Ukraine "never join an alliance hostile to Russia", and that Russia was to always have access to Sevastopol.
In 2014, the Ukraine violated both those terms of the treaty that gave them sovereignty.
So Russia could and should have invaded then.
But they hoped for a negotiated compromise.
But last year, not only did the Ukraine illegally stockpile US weapons, but effectively declared war by cutting off all further negotiations.

The Ukraine is not a real country at all.
It used to be the heart of Russia, and Kyiv used to be the Russian capital.
The name "the Ukraine" translates as "the disputed borderlands".
It is where the old Polish Empire was defeated and left occupying native Russian territory.
Horseshit, it wasn't American policy that led to war in Ukraine, it was Putin's war of choice against a brother-country that wants to be a western style democracy instead of living under Putin's klepto boot.

Putinists and Chomskys keep thinking that Ukraine is someone's tool, can't even phantom that it's a sovereign nation, with it's own society, that makes it's own choices, chooses it's own path.

Yeah, none of those things happened because you said so. Nice try, neocon, but you're only fooling yourself.

BTW, the points raised did not come from Chomsky but from U.S. gov't officials from the Bush and Clinton admins.
JFK also warned Americans against the Military Industrial Complex....and we all know how that ended.

But the stood up to these scum....Bless him.
Wrong. Putin the scumbag invaded a neighboring sovereign nation which had not attacked Russia. He waged a monstrously atrocious ruthless military campaign against helpless and innocent civilians. He is justifiably wanted by the International Court of Justice as a War z criminal.

Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.

I fervently hope he dies tonight.

That is totally ignorant of what actually happened.
First of all, there is no country of the Ukraine.
It was always just Russia, since 900AD.
Around 1600, the Old Polish Empire tried to invade Russia, and failed.
The got about half way across what is now called "the disputed borderlands".
The reason they attacked Russia, is because they are incredibly racist, and Russia was allowing all the nomads from the east, settle there.
That included Mongols, Moghuls, Tatars, Cossacks, Turks, etc., who defeated the Polish invasion by 1700 or so.
The racism comes from the old Trojan Scythians, who were the ancestors of Vlad the Impaler, who guarded the eastern Polish border a century before.

The only reason why the Ukraine got the Donetsk, Luhansk, Crimea, etc., in 1955 is that Khrushchev was an ethnic Polish Ukrainian, and he gave these Russian provinces to them.

If you do not believe the ethnic Polish in the Unkraine are racist and evil, then just look up how many Ukrainians ran Hitler's death camps for him, in Poland?

{... Ukrainian guards outnumbered Nazi SS men 10-to-one at the Sobibor death camp, but they fell strictly under the Germans' authority, a Jewish survivor testified Wednesday at the trial of John Demjanjuk.
You might want to see the definition of HIWIS (Auxilary troops ) and Ost Legionen also . Also the Ukranians were often from the area of Lemberg (Lviv) which was Austro-Hungarian until 1918 and had a pro-German minority . There was also an SS division form that area called "Galicien".
Note that most recruits came from the 1941-42 period when Hitler promised to "free" Ukraine .

It is the ethnic Polish government in Kyiv who is evil and trying to commit genocide against their old enemies, the ethnic Russian Mongols, Moghuls, Tatars, Cossacks, and Turks.

So there are several reasons Russia could no longer tolerate the government the US established in Kyiv.
They tried to illegally prevent Russian use of Sevastopol, they stole billion in oil/gas, they murdered over 30k ethnic Russians, tried to join NATO, violated treaties, and would have allowed the US to install a nuclear first strike on the Russian border.
It was the Ukraine who deliberately started the conflict by cutting off negotiations.

And the claims of war crimes are ridiculous propaganda.
Russia could have easily put all of the Ukraine the dark the first day of the war.
Obviously Russia has been incredibly careful and tolerant.
For example, it was claimed the Russians killed civilians in Bucha.
But that obvious was false, because the dead civilians there were murdered AFTER the Russians left.
And all those killed were ethnic Russians.
They all had their hand tied.
So it was the Azov Battalion conducting its racial purity once again, just like in WWII.
JFK also warned Americans against the Military Industrial Complex....and we all know how that ended.

But the stood up to these scum....Bless him.

The US was the evil scum, like setting up dictators like Batista in Cuba, the Shah in Iran, Diem in Vietnam, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Chaing Kai Shek in China, Samosa in Nicaragua, etc.
That is totally ignorant.
When Russia gave the Ukraine its independence in 1992, it was under the conditions that the Ukraine "never join an alliance hostile to Russia", and that Russia was to always have access to Sevastopol.
In 2014, the Ukraine violated both those terms of the treaty that gave them sovereignty.
So Russia could and should have invaded then.
But they hoped for a negotiated compromise.
But last year, not only did the Ukraine illegally stockpile US weapons, but effectively declared war by cutting off all further negotiations.

The Ukraine is not a real country at all.
It used to be the heart of Russia, and Kyiv used to be the Russian capital.
The name "the Ukraine" translates as "the disputed borderlands".
It is where the old Polish Empire was defeated and left occupying native Russian territory.
What alliance hostile to Russia did Ukraine join in 2014? Oops! They didn't!

Where did these negotiations take place? Are you lying yet again?

Ukraine means "borderland" There is no "disputed" to it! Another lie!
Ukrainian death camp guards working for Hitler in WWII.


Group portrait of Trawniki-trained guards at Belzec killing center, 1942.​

from United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Instytut Pamieci Narodowej
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What alliance hostile to Russia did Ukraine join in 2014? Oops! They didn't!

Where did these negotiations take place? Are you lying yet again?

Ukraine means "borderland" There is no "disputed" to it! Another lie!

The Ukraine first started trying to join NATO in 2012.
It is an act of war to TRY to join NATO, and Russia is not going to wait until they actually succeed.
Then it is too late.

And it is obvious you are lying about "disputed borderlands".
If a border is not disputed, then it is one infinitely fine line.
When a border is larger than that, it is always because it is disputed.
You can never have a borderland that has any width at all, unless the border is disputed.
Russia has never been a threat to anyone.
But they stopped us from taking over China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, etc., so then we have to utterly destroy them.
And we keep trying.
To do that, we need nukes on their border, so we would have a first strike capability they could not retaliate against.
That is why we put nukes in Turkey in 1955, and in Poland in 2010.
What we are trying to do now is put nukes in the Ukraine, because it is behind the Russia defense grid.
Wrong and all lies
The USSR was the greatest threat to the entire world in all of history.

we never tried to take over those countries the USSR did

You are a liar

we did NOT try to put nukes in Poland in 2010 and that is a proven fact

We did not and are not trying to put nukes in Ukraine. That is a lie you dreamed up
The Ukraine first started trying to join NATO in 2012.
It is an act of war to TRY to join NATO, and Russia is not going to wait until they actually succeed.
Then it is too late.

And it is obvious you are lying about "disputed borderlands".
If a border is not disputed, then it is one infinitely fine line.
When a border is larger than that, it is always because it is disputed.
You can never have a borderland that has any width at all, unless the border is disputed.
Wrong motherfucker it is absolutely legal and not an act of war to join NATO
Of course NATO supports war.
NATO is fake.
It is not really defensive at all, but actually are the old colonial imperialist powers that deliberately started WWI with assassination and invasion of Bavaria.
I am referring to England, France, and the US being the newcomer who replaces Spain.
NATO countries have been responsible for deliberately starting every war.
It was even NATO that murdered Qaddafi in Libya.

NATO is strictly defensive.
Russia put up with us interfering in the Ukraine since 2012.
The Ukraine stole more than $20 billion in oil/gas, murdered over 30k ethnic Russians, tried to illegally deprive Russia of the use of their only warm seaport, tried to join NATO, violated treaties to not join NATO, and wanted to put US nukes on Russia's border.
So this is NOT Russian aggression.
This is defensive desperation after the Ukraine committed a series of acts of war.
Ukraine violated NO TREATY whatsoever. There was NEVER any treaty to not join NATO

THEY murdered NO ONE.

They Stole NOTHING

This is EXCLUSIVELY Russian aggresion

Those are facts

We did not try to put nukes on their border,
There is no reason to do that, it is illegal, and we need Russia to counter our insane military that constantly wants to install dictators, like in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, etc.
The USSR was the dictator trying to install new ones.
Hey not-brain-surgeon, huge majorities in America and Europe support Biden's policy in addressing this conflict. Even most Republicans are on-board.

How the hell is that possible if it's supposedly about some personal "laundry"?
IF that is true, then why did we surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban?
What alliance hostile to Russia did Ukraine join in 2014? Oops! They didn't!
Not for luck of trying. After the fascist coup in 2014 (supported by the US) they changed the constitution to include the goal of joining NATO. And don't give me any crap about NATO being a peaceful, defensive alliance.
Remember the hysteria in the U.S. when Soviet missiles were installed in Cuba?
Russia put up with us interfering in the Ukraine since 2012.
The Ukraine stole more than $20 billion in oil/gas, murdered over 30k ethnic Russians, tried to illegally deprive Russia of the use of their only warm seaport, tried to join NATO, violated treaties to not join NATO, and wanted to put US nukes on Russia's border.
So this is NOT Russian aggression.
This is defensive desperation after the Ukraine committed a series of acts of war.
Every "point" in this tirade is based upon a false premise.
In 2004 Russia began moving Russian agitators and propagandists into Ukraine...specifically Crimea and then Donbas later. Right after they gave up their nuclear weapons as part of the NPA.

Ukraine has a pipeline running through the Northern areas from Russia to EU...there is no "stealing" of oil. They flat out don't need it or use much. It's a semi-private company (oligarch controlled) and that oligarch is one that who is a mafia type....blame him first.

When the Russian pro Russian agitators and propagandists (funded exclusively by Russia) began a Civil War inside of Ukraine yes, the Ukranians fought back. And Russian propagandists and agitators died...the Russian Oligarchs siezing power still pulled all sorts of strings and stole and were leaders of corruption inside of Ukraine.

The warm seaport in Crimea has ALWAYS been Ukranians to begin with. It never belonged to Russia. They had service contracts only for using that port.

NATO is DEFENSE ONLY...not aggressive. Only a complete moron does not know the difference militarily. Are you claiming moron status? Ukraine has been and continues to be too small economically to join NATO. There are specific financial requirements for every member nation to perform. Ukraine can't afford a membership.

And NATO has not invaded anyone, anywhere, at anytime.
However Russia has invaded and occupied and stolen resources from several other countries in the past 40 years...which is why countries from the former Soviet Bloc desire to never again be a part of Russia and want nothing to do with them. They join NATO as soon as they can.
And look, Russia invaded and stole things from Ukraine, limiting trade for fair prices of goods they produced. (Another deal they couldn't refuse)

So yeah....NATO has been helping Ukraine. You on the other hand are a lying Russian bot.
NATO is DEFENSE ONLY...not aggressive. Only a complete moron does not know the difference militarily.

And NATO has not invaded anyone, anywhere, at anytime.
Your brain is beyond repair. You are fit now for post of President of USA. Congratulations!

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