What is this "Do not mention Nazis" thing?

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Yes, you did write a whole lot that was insulting to me personally. I am not personally insulted, though, when a poster puts up their opinion, which I did in my recent OP. Is that the one you mean? Because I don't recall responding to you or "to support such usage of the word."

Please consider your response carefully Bruce. OldLady is good people, we need more liberals like her to bridge the divide.
You want to know why removing the word from debate won't change anything? Because there will not be better thought out responses than there are now. Because the frustration of the left will not decrease one bit. Because labeling people is what the left does. If not this label, then another will be used.

All very true, but the right is just as guilty. You just don't notice.

Oh I notice. Even called a few out every once in a while. It gets me in trouble. Not that it will change anything.

So...when you bitches going to stop whining about a word? :lol:
That was FCT, not us.
Ricechickie writes up a good question:

"The whole point is, “Nazi” can only be used in its most literal meaning?"

Since THAT word only have ONE specific meaning, it should be treated that way.

That is why I objected to it being applied to President Trump since he is a member of the Republican party. He doesn't round up citizens or create concentration camps or murder lots of people, promote bloodless diplomacy for territory or start a big war in the aim to take over the world. and so on.

Nazi is the NAME of a political party it has no other definable meaning.

Ever hear of a grammar Nazi? Soup Nazi?

Language evolves and changes.

The DEFINITION of the word doesn't change at all, which is why it is relevant for the last 98 years and counting..

Actually the definition has evolved. A Soup Nazi is not a member of the Nazi party who serves soup. It was a way of comparing him to a dictator in his own shop.

A Grammar Nazi doesn’t only apply to German fascist grammarians. It just means someone who is strict about language rules.

Soup Nazi is NOT a defined word or phrase!

I posted the CURRENT DEFINITION of the word NAZI and you ignore it with your silly "evolution" claim.

And yet I would bet that 9 out of 10 people know exactly what I mean when I say “soup Nazi.”

Did you know what I meant?

If so, then you know the definition.
Never heard of it.
Ever hear of a grammar Nazi? Soup Nazi?

Language evolves and changes.

The DEFINITION of the word doesn't change at all, which is why it is relevant for the last 98 years and counting..

Actually the definition has evolved. A Soup Nazi is not a member of the Nazi party who serves soup. It was a way of comparing him to a dictator in his own shop.

A Grammar Nazi doesn’t only apply to German fascist grammarians. It just means someone who is strict about language rules.

Soup Nazi is NOT a defined word or phrase!

I posted the CURRENT DEFINITION of the word NAZI and you ignore it with your silly "evolution" claim.

And yet I would bet that 9 out of 10 people know exactly what I mean when I say “soup Nazi.”

Did you know what I meant?

If so, then you know the definition.
Never heard of it.

Never heard of it, not found in a dictionary.
I don't feel a need to use it. That doesn't remove it from my right to express myself that way if I choose. Censorship starts innocently, but grows into intolerance for many things that are good and right and true. That means you end up defending idiots who can't express themselves without using offensive language today.
It's not making the word go away. It's not being expunged from Websters or the history books or -- fer goddsakes -- The History Channel.
I don't see the sense in banning "Nazi" when the fierce flaming that goes on here, even in Zones 2 and 3, makes Nazi look like a first grader's epithet. It sure isn't going to improve the "tone" of the board, by itself. But you would need to do a bit more explaining to move me toward your side on this one.

Here is the thing is most like you want to use a word like Nazi to describe those that disagree with you.

Many like you attempt to equate Trump handling of Illegal Immigrant children being seperated from their parents as being what Nazis did during World War II, but it is not.

You and those like you invoke the word so you can get a negative reaction that you are searching for and then complain that person is out of line when attacking.

Trump is more along the lines of Joe McCarthy than anything like Nazi, and no Hitler was not as smart as you claimed in another thread.

If you knew a sliver about American History then you would realize Trump is more like the old Isolationist of this country and yes they existed even though you believe they did not and some were Republicans.

So I can see why the Moderation team has deemed the usage of Nazi unfit because it is being used to troll those on the right for a negative reaponse which you seem to support for some reason.

Many Americans want stricter border access to prevent Illegal Immigrants from entering but does that give you the right to use the Nazi term?

You wrote in another thread that because Trump is bashing the media it is the same the Nazis would do, but it is the same Communists would also do, so is Trump a Communist?

Of course you would say no, but why couldn't he be just Stalin and be a Stalinist instead or Trotsky or some form of Marxist?

In the end the word Nazi is being used incorrectly when describing Trump and his people and if you wrote McCarthyist then by all means I would agree but you would not get the reaction you want when using Nazi which is very onsulting to a Jewish person like myself...
OMG Bruce. I have no idea what to say about your comprehension skills today.
Why I am suddenly your poster child for the liberal enemy, I don't know. But go for it. It makes you look pretty stupid, though.

I did not write anything isulting to you, so please reframe from doing the same to me upstairs.

It is your side calling posters Nazis on this board and it was you using Trump bashing of the media for your reason to support such usage of the word, so let remember that.

The fact is Communist leaders used the same tactic so I could as easily call Trump a typical Communist but you see that as being silly just like I see those like you using the term Nazi as foolish.
Yes, you did write a whole lot that was insulting to me personally. I am not personally insulted, though, when a poster puts up their opinion, which I did in my recent OP. Is that the one you mean? Because I don't recall responding to you or "to support such usage of the word."

So you have no clue about what you wrote in another thread?

The fact you believe Trump bashing of the media is the same as what the Nazis did and we should stop it before it goes too far?

You yourself have equate Trump and his bashing of the media to Nazism, so yes you are part of the problem and I can PM you Toro thread in the Zone and you can explain your remarks further.

If you felt insulted then maybe you should stop and think why my opinion has been lowered when it come to you.

Invoking Nazism to compare to Trump or his supporters is just proving your argument is weak and has no substance.

Again if you said Trump is a wannabe Joe McCarthy, well love I would agree but again that is not the reaction you want.

You want to compare seperating illegal immigrant children to Jews, Gypsies and others being sent to death camps where they were gassed and cooked in ovens.

You even went as far as saying Trump is dumber than Hitler in another thread, so please understand you have shown your opinion of Trump is worst than Hitler and for me that is very sad but not surprising.

From 2001 - 2009 those like you compared George W. Bush to Hitler and compared our Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq to the Nazis and now your side is attempting to do it again but alas this time it will not sell so easily seeing Trump is not caring what you think and is usuing your words to his benefit in red and purple states.

See Trump knows he can never win in States like California but he also knows Progressives ( not Liberals ) will shoot themselves in purple states like Michigan because of the usage of Nazism to describe him and his voters.

So as you attempt to tell me how I am wrong, well know Trump is more like Joe McCarthy and nothing like that guy from Austria that once ruled Germany...
Try google, folks. I didn’t make it up.
No one said you made it up; I would just appreciate a definition. Maybe an example? I'm a pretty concrete thinker.

The Soup Nazi - Wikipedia

It’s from a Seinfeld episode. And the character wasn’t German and didn’t sport a Hitler mustache.

He was a dictator in his own restaurant. If a customer ordered wrong, he would shout, “No soup for you!”
I cannot in good conscience post more on this thread. The thought of FCT needing more meds from my posts is too much to bear.
. We've pretty much done away with the public lynchings and the epic brawling in the Mod Room. Civilization moves on.. :badgrin:

Well, that sounds boring as hell.

In any case, just policing the Current Events and deleting the fake news spam crap will go the furthest in 'cleaning up'; let the gimps post in the Conspiracy forums or 'Stuff Our Handlers Are Telling Us To Parrot ' forums or something. And get rid of the sniveling angry faggots trolling the Religion Forums once in a while, too; most of their idiot crap is just crybaby baiting, Xian bashing, and not about religion at all, and should be in the Philosophy forum. There really isn't that much wrong here, actually.

Oh yeah, and ban those gay John Wayne avatars, too.

Ahem, Go fuck yourself, faggot.
Try google, folks. I didn’t make it up.
No one said you made it up; I would just appreciate a definition. Maybe an example? I'm a pretty concrete thinker.

The Soup Nazi - Wikipedia

It’s from a Seinfeld episode. And the character wasn’t German and didn’t sport a Hitler mustache.

He was a dictator in his own restaurant. If a customer ordered wrong, he would shout, “No soup for you!”

Looked like a kebab to me. :dunno:
You want to know why removing the word from debate won't change anything? Because there will not be better thought out responses than there are now. Because the frustration of the left will not decrease one bit. Because labeling people is what the left does. If not this label, then another will be used.
All very true, but the right is just as guilty. You just don't notice.

Oh, yes they are and I have noticed more times than not...

How many times I have seen someone on the right call Obama a Maoist or those like you a Communist?

So both sides are wrong, ans maybe we should call Trump what he really is and that is Donald John Trump and not attempt to equate him to someone else that was not part of American History...
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