What is Trump's actual economic plan? Anyone know?

Why not end taxes on the less wealthy so they will work harder to "earn" their own money.

Less than what?
Less than what they are now.

How do you pay less than zero? You want to give them money?
Nobody pays less than zero taxes. Consumption taxes are taxes and they impact the least wealthy disproportionately than the wealthiest. Only the Right likes to plead so specially, simply because they have no Pride in their work.
End the Work Tax. After all, every knows it Only takes hard work to make it under Any form of Capitalism; according to the Right.

because every left-wing idiot knows only Mommy Government really knows what you need, how to take care of you
Dude; why not get a clue and a Cause; we have a new round of elections. It is time to put in your requests, in writing, hopefully.

Here is the point I am trying to make with the clueless and the Causeless.

It is about ending taxes for the wealthiest or the least wealthy. Why should the wealthiest get a tax break for not working hard or "earning" their Income like the least wealthy usually must do--End the Work Tax and save a wealthy Person from the gates of hell. Is it immoral to Tax the wealthiest into Heaven?

um dude; why dont you get a clue and just move to the marxist country of your choice and leave normal people alone?
you say the wealthy dont work hard, arent "earning" their income?
you obviously arent rich
heaven has nothing to do with anything
gosh i mean i try to be nice; but are you slow?
The interviews I heard from the so called straight talking Trump were as much hand waiving as any other politician. He's for jobs. No shit, who isn't? He'll create them. How can government create jobs when it only destroys economic value? It can only stop destroying them. He'll run the government like a company. Um...the government doesn't create a product.

No idea what any of that actually means in terms of his policies. A lot of people like that he's pissing off the left and the liberal media. He's also going after establishment hacks like McCain, which works for me as long as he stays away from his military record. But I vote for plans, and so far Trump has offered me zero, just like all the rest of them.
He's rich. Really really humogously unbelievably unknowingly rich.
Why not end taxes on the less wealthy so they will work harder to "earn" their own money.

Less than what?
Less than what they are now.

How do you pay less than zero? You want to give them money?
Nobody pays less than zero taxes. Consumption taxes are taxes and they impact the least wealthy disproportionately than the wealthiest. Only the Right likes to plead so specially, simply because they have no Pride in their work.

You're wrong... plenty of people actually get all their taxes back and then some. And yes, poor people pay consumption taxes, but many pay them using other people's money.
End the Work Tax. After all, every knows it Only takes hard work to make it under Any form of Capitalism; according to the Right.

because every left-wing idiot knows only Mommy Government really knows what you need, how to take care of you
Dude; why not get a clue and a Cause; we have a new round of elections. It is time to put in your requests, in writing, hopefully.

Here is the point I am trying to make with the clueless and the Causeless.

It is about ending taxes for the wealthiest or the least wealthy. Why should the wealthiest get a tax break for not working hard or "earning" their Income like the least wealthy usually must do--End the Work Tax and save a wealthy Person from the gates of hell. Is it immoral to Tax the wealthiest into Heaven?

um dude; why dont you get a clue and just move to the marxist country of your choice and leave normal people alone?
you say the wealthy dont work hard, arent "earning" their income?
you obviously arent rich
heaven has nothing to do with anything
gosh i mean i try to be nice; but are you slow?
no work ethic or morals; i got it, Person on the Right.
Why does the right believe the wealthiest need any tax breaks to create more jobs?

In 2007 the richest 1% of the American population owned 34.6% of the country's total wealth, and the next 19% owned 50.5%. The top 20% of Americans owned 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 80% of the population owned 15%. From 1922 to 2010, the share of the top 1% varied from 19.7% to 44.2%, the big drop being associated with the drop in the stock market in the late 1970s. Ignoring the period where the stock market was depressed (1976-1980) and the period when the stock market was overvalued (1929), the share of wealth of the richest 1% remained extremely stable, at about a third of the total wealth.[20] Financial inequality was greater than inequality in total wealth, with the top 1% of the population owning 42.7%, the next 19% of Americans owning 50.3%, and the bottom 80% owning 7%.[21] However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 34.6% to 37.1%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 87.7%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36.1% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11.1% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the 1% and the 99%.[19][20][21] During the economic expansion between 2002 and 2007, the income of the top 1% grew 10 times faster than the income of the bottom 90%. In this period 66% of total income gains went to the 1%, who in 2007 had a larger share of total income than at any time since 1928.--Source: Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Is it any wonder some on the left believe the right is just clueless and Causeless. We should be having a job boom with all of the wealth flowing up.
Look, I don't know what Trump's endgame is, but I know this, there was no questioning the Community Agitator from Chicago... none. And frankly, what exactly had he done other than being a guest lecturer?

Why does the right believe the wealthiest need any tax breaks to create more jobs?

In 2007 the richest 1% of the American population owned 34.6% of the country's total wealth, and the next 19% owned 50.5%. The top 20% of Americans owned 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 80% of the population owned 15%. From 1922 to 2010, the share of the top 1% varied from 19.7% to 44.2%, the big drop being associated with the drop in the stock market in the late 1970s. Ignoring the period where the stock market was depressed (1976-1980) and the period when the stock market was overvalued (1929), the share of wealth of the richest 1% remained extremely stable, at about a third of the total wealth.[20] Financial inequality was greater than inequality in total wealth, with the top 1% of the population owning 42.7%, the next 19% of Americans owning 50.3%, and the bottom 80% owning 7%.[21] However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 34.6% to 37.1%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 87.7%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36.1% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11.1% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the 1% and the 99%.[19][20][21] During the economic expansion between 2002 and 2007, the income of the top 1% grew 10 times faster than the income of the bottom 90%. In this period 66% of total income gains went to the 1%, who in 2007 had a larger share of total income than at any time since 1928.--Source: Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Is it any wonder some on the left believe the right is just clueless and Causeless. We should be having a job boom with all of the wealth flowing up.

What on Earth are you babbling about now?
Why not end taxes on the less wealthy so they will work harder to "earn" their own money.

Less than what?
Less than what they are now.

How do you pay less than zero? You want to give them money?
Nobody pays less than zero taxes. Consumption taxes are taxes and they impact the least wealthy disproportionately than the wealthiest. Only the Right likes to plead so specially, simply because they have no Pride in their work.

So then when you are advocating tax breaks for people who don't pay taxes and no one pays less than zero taxes, how are you going to make that tax break work exactly?
The interviews I heard from the so called straight talking Trump were as much hand waiving as any other politician. He's for jobs. No shit, who isn't? He'll create them. How can government create jobs when it only destroys economic value? It can only stop destroying them. He'll run the government like a company. Um...the government doesn't create a product.

No idea what any of that actually means in terms of his policies. A lot of people like that he's pissing off the left and the liberal media. He's also going after establishment hacks like McCain, which works for me as long as he stays away from his military record. But I vote for plans, and so far Trump has offered me zero, just like all the rest of them.
He's rich. Really really humogously unbelievably unknowingly rich.

The interviews I heard from the so called straight talking Trump were as much hand waiving as any other politician. He's for jobs. No shit, who isn't? He'll create them. How can government create jobs when it only destroys economic value? It can only stop destroying them. He'll run the government like a company. Um...the government doesn't create a product.

No idea what any of that actually means in terms of his policies. A lot of people like that he's pissing off the left and the liberal media. He's also going after establishment hacks like McCain, which works for me as long as he stays away from his military record. But I vote for plans, and so far Trump has offered me zero, just like all the rest of them.
He's rich. Really really humogously unbelievably unknowingly rich.

There's a reason you ain't seeing nothing there.
Ok, question for the hopelessly brain-dead left... other than "yes we can" and "hope and change", what exactly was Obama's plan?
The interviews I heard from the so called straight talking Trump were as much hand waiving as any other politician. He's for jobs. No shit, who isn't? He'll create them. How can government create jobs when it only destroys economic value? It can only stop destroying them. He'll run the government like a company. Um...the government doesn't create a product.

No idea what any of that actually means in terms of his policies. A lot of people like that he's pissing off the left and the liberal media. He's also going after establishment hacks like McCain, which works for me as long as he stays away from his military record. But I vote for plans, and so far Trump has offered me zero, just like all the rest of them.
He's rich. Really really humogously unbelievably unknowingly rich.

There's a reason you ain't seeing nothing there.

Yes, a lot of politicians are rich. The Clintons got rich as politicians like a lot of them. Liberals never see it except in Republicans.

I'm not a flaming hypocrite like you are. And I don't consider rich to be an insult. I care about policies, not bank accounts. Note the OP and the thread title...
....But I vote for plans, and so far Trump has offered me zero, just like all the rest of them.

I believe the plan is to declare war on Mexico and destroy the illegal immigrants of mass destraction

Trump/El Chapo 2016!

Want to put Mexico behind the 8-ball?

Send the 12,000,000 back across the border.

Then seal it tight.

And sit back and watch the fun.

Moving in, to pick up the pieces, afterwards.

Conquest, without firing a shot.

Akin to the 'Reconquista' sugar-plum visions swimming-about in their own heads - but with a different focus.

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