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What is white privilege?

How do we stop white privilege?

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What is white privilege and how do we stop it from happening?
White privilege is being in the only race that can't blame other races for their problems.

This "white privilege/ white supremecy stuff makes me so angry.its the only race that is now socially acceptable to speak against.the only racism I see is against white people it's so hypocritical and wrong.

And don't even get me started on the " white male" demonization that's going on right now ugh sickening
This "white privilege/ white supremecy stuff makes me so angry.its the only race that is now socially acceptable to speak against.the only racism I see is against white people it's so hypocritical and wrong.
Where is it coming from, in your view? Why is it happening? And, just as important, what's the end game?
This "white privilege/ white supremecy stuff makes me so angry.its the only race that is now socially acceptable to speak against.the only racism I see is against white people it's so hypocritical and wrong.
Where is it coming from, in your view? Why is it happening? And, just as important, what's the end game?

All good questions. I'm not sure how the US got to this point of attacking white people.. there are more racial protests and groups etc then I've seen in my lifetime. I don't think America is racist yes there are racist people and events but I don't think racism is the problem some think or the media portrays.

I think the media has a role in the problem and singular events are applied to the culture as a whole..why do they do this , ratings? Not sure tho

I think that groups such as Black Lives Matter has played a role.Even if their intention initially was to bring attention to unjust police brutality the result of this group does a lot more than just that and has morphed into something more harmful then good in my opinion.

People literally believe that there are all these racist cops that go out to hunt down black people and kill them.Are there bad apples in the police force of course but to apply. A few officers actions to millions is wrong and damaging. BLM has also added to people using the race card more and more.

When a cop shoots and kills a black person now it's immediately a major news story and is judged as a racist act. While there are events that contain police brutality and I'm sure there are racist cops out there.. it's not a major occurnance at all.. I think this BLM thins has spilled over into other aspects of life.more and more people and events are automatically judged as racially motivated. I hear more things like black people are in jail because of racism, black peoples problems are because of racism etc.

When you say hardships or events of black or other people of color are because America is racist it created a bigger problem then I think people realize.

When poverty and crime etc of minorities
Is deemed to be caused by racism it doesn't help solve any problem and just isn't true. While it's true that more minorities are born into a poor household with less opportunities.. it shouldn't be blamed on white people or racism anymore. Take the cards your dealt and make decisions that allow you to stop the poverty cycle. my mother was 1 of 8 kids dirt poor but she worked her ass of in high school to save money and then in school to get into a good college and then in her career. People will say oh it's because she had white privelage. That's crap hard work is hard work doesn't matter your race. Especially now people of color have better chances to get into colleges , there's no excuses anymore. And racism isn't why people do not succeed.

I judge events and people by the content of their character and their actions. Race needs to be taken out of the equation.

This isn't all the reasons that "racism"and people blaming white people claiming white privelage has came about.. but a few examples

As for the end game .. the solution gosh I don't know so many people are so stubborn in their beliefs and unwilling to consider they could be wrong.. and now we have a president so many people falsey deem as a racist and then judge his supporters as racist too.. it's awful I hate it.
I'm not sure how to fix this
I think the media has a role in the problem and singular events are applied to the culture as a whole..why do they do this , ratings? Not sure tho

I think that groups such as Black Lives Matter has played a role.

Yes, I think both those things--the media, and Black Lives Matter--play a significant role. What about movies?
I think the media has a role in the problem and singular events are applied to the culture as a whole..why do they do this , ratings? Not sure tho

I think that groups such as Black Lives Matter has played a role.

Yes, I think both those things--the media, and Black Lives Matter--play a significant role. What about movies?

Yeah Hollywood certainly contributes to the problem.for example have you seen the Netflix preview for a show called Dear White People?? Horrible
I heard about it. It's almost as if there is an actual effort to destroy whites, or purposely stoke racial hatred, or spark an all-out race war. Do you agree?
I heard about it. It's almost as if there is an actual effort to destroy whites, or purposely stoke racial hatred, or spark an all-out race war. Do you agree?

I wouldn't go as far to say to destroy white people and I often wonder why all this white critism white supremecy crap is now socially acceptable and not condemned as it should be.. i hear more and more people in the public say comments against white people especially men.. and it's no big deal no one makes an issue with it.. but why is this why isn't the public and media speaking against this ??

If there was a common dialogue against any other race there would be massive public outrage.. I don't understand why white people are exempt from this. If the problem BLM and others claim is racism and judging people by their skin color not their character or individual actions.. it's hypocritical for them to do this to another race . Majority or minority doesn't matter it needs to stop and it's not right and harmful to our country

The thing is I don't know any racist people I've lived in 5 states including 2 southern and I've never met someone that is hateful and commits acts of racism., I'm not saying these people don't exist but the media and civilians have somehow come under the false impression that there's all these white racists agsinst them.. that's false and the myth needs to be de bunked not perpetuated every time one racist asshole is in the news. If there are acts of racism condemn these individuals and they should face the law .. but then move on don't make everything a protest .. but people don't just stop there .. they use these stories as evidence to their false beliefs that's there's all these white racists running rampant in America

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