What is with right-wingers Being Angry they Can't Say the Word N*****?

Just spitballin' here, but maybe it's because we grew up in a nation where all people were SUPPOSED TO BE EQUAL?
Once we begin allowing words to be criminalized, things are headed to a VERY bad place. Psst... that includes YOUR destination, as well.

Try to follow my logic. I grew up in the deep south in the 60s and 70s. I remember a time when a black man would have been lynched or at a minimum, beaten near death for walking down the street with a white girl. IOW, I saw REAL racism. I grew up going to school with and playing with black people my own age. I didn't use that word because I knew it was meant to be hateful.

TODAY, if I chose to use it, I could lose job, respect, and even my life. GOOD, you say? The problem with that is that eventually, the people who are being punished or even destroyed over their use of a WORD... will decide that if they're going to lose everything anyway, they'll take the source of their misery down with them. It's human nature. Idiots today have forgotten that it is dangerous to corner people and leave them no way out.





Why is it so many GOPers say "Black people say it, so why can't I?"
I am conservative....so if that makes me a right winger, so be it. I don't want or feel the need to say the infamous N-word. That being said, some black people seem to like calling each other the N-Word. I'm personally not going to use the word, but if you are black and use the word around me and I might say "that's right brother, that's right....you said it. I agree."

Seriously, if the word is banned for me to use, then you should not use the word either even if you are black. And don't pretend that you find the word offensive if used by a white person if you think it's okay to use the word yourself.
Why is it so many GOPers say "Black people say it, so why can't I?"

The vast majority of us who say anything about that, are just enjoying pointing out that you lefties are hypocrites who have different rules for different people based on race. And are willing and eager to ruin people for breaking them.

You know, ,real actual racism.

Glad to answer your question for you. You are welcome.

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