What is with right-wingers Being Angry they Can't Say the Word N*****?

The reason why I don't say the N word is because I have never understood it in the first place. African American is what I go with instead since that may be the more technical or in general phrase anyway. What I have here is a picture of my most favorite person from the African American community..........if only the beautiful precious masterpiece of a gentleman was still here. :( :( :(


God bless you and his family always!!!

Holly (a girl who will forever love him)

P.S. Go here to check out a good deal of his beautiful singing and songwriting.
I doubt the word was ever meant to hateful, never.

Like so many slang words, they simply roll off the tongue, easier. Especially for southerners who can not talk at all. They had a real hard time pronouncing Negros so it just came out sounding like nigg...
and let us not forget, that simply stating, "everybody who uses the word nigg... hates black people", is a stereotype

Nowhere in the world can you simply say, everybody does this or that for the same reason, except of course in arabia.

It is simply a characteristic of bigotry when one starts saying, "everybody does ...".
I doubt the word was ever meant to hateful, never.

Like so many slang words, they simply roll off the tongue, easier. Especially for southerners who can not talk at all. They had a real hard time pronouncing Negros so it just came out sounding like nigg...
Remove all doubt... You're a moron, Elektra.
The Constitution of my nation grants me the right to free speech, and I cherish that right. What the Constitution doesn't get in to is consequences, that's something you're taught at home and learned in life.
Why is it so many GOPers say "Black people say it, so why can't I?"

Blacks want to be equal, ok fine, it goes both ways.

If blacks can say nword then so should white people. Blacks get preferential admissions into schools just for being black then so should white people, if a black person gets a job just for being black then so should white people, if blacks can run around and burn down buildings and steal then so should white people, and so on. You can't be equal and get special treatment and consideration at the same time because equal and special are not the same things.

Either it's all ok or none of it's ok.

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