What is With the Anti-Trump GOP Establishment?

I would start out with, by far, those expenses I have every month...

Health Insurance (Opposite of Free Market)
Auto Insurance
Car Lease
Cell Phone
Home Cable Services
Life Insurance

My Job
Wife's Job
No Stock Portfolio worth mentioning

Of the Outcome, the following, I believe, are the most affected by the Free Market...
Car Lease

Food has risen in price due to increases in oil prices.
For anyone who has noticed, the drop in oil prices has not caused the Stock Holders to call for the Food profiteers to follow suit and lower food prices.

Off-shoring has two victims...
Those left without careers or jobs.
The communities where the businesses were located and where many employees reside.

Off-shoring has one victor...
The Stock Holders.

Since the majority of my monthly expenses is not related to goods produced abroad, I am only occasionally benefitting when I need to buy clothes.
My salary has been, at times, 1/4th to 1/3rd what it was prior to 2002 and GW's Business Visas flood.
I was able to spend more money on more necessities and luxuries prior to 2002 than currently.
This applies to several million people who have been replaced by Business Visas.

Successful businesses have been around prior to 2002 and non-Indians had the skills to drive buses.
A skill which Bill Gates currently claims is missing from anyone who's not from India.

I find it fascinating that Liberals and Conservatives with Stock Portfolios are never concerned about hundreds, or thousands, of US factories closing in a few months or 100,000 people in Manhattan being replaced by H1-Bs in 3 months, but God forbid someone should mention reversing that and Stockers start shitting in their pants.
That lack of action on the part of GOP congresses is part of the reason the rank and file are turning to outsiders.
Oh…okay. We’ve had 20 elections. In nearly all of them, each representative in the House was on the ballot. How many have been “primaried” by you guys who are “turning to outsiders”?

Your assumption that Trump will be motivated more by his clothing profits than his desire to be seen as a Successful President and get re-elected to a second term is just you suffering from Confirmation Bias.

Confirmation bias? No..pretty much reality. Can you point to any time in the history of your messiah when he didn’t act in his personal interest?

1. Your attempt to set the bar for my position is arrogant and rejected. My point stands.

2. I clearly pointed out in my previous post that you were supposedly replying to, that as President his personal interest would change. Confirmation Bias often leads to missing important contrary information like that.

Would you like to now address that point?

I did.
He's never not acted in his own interest. There will be no change in that. If you listen to his speeches today, it is nothing other than self-congratulatory and arrogance.

Your point is comical and your support of your new Messiah is based on one thing; he's crude and funny and that appeals to you. Your trying to cloak it in some sort of higher purpose is more comical still.

His self interest will change if he is President.

Now who is suffering from Confirmation Bias?

Certainly not me.

HIs self interest will change if his situation changes that much, from business man to politician.

That you refuse to see that obviously true fact shows that YOU are the one who can't see reality.

What is the primary goal of all recently elected Presidents?
GOP Establishment Plotting Anti-Trump Coup
Party leaders plan to deny Trump the nomination even if he wins most of the delegates.
March 22, 2016
Matthew Vadum

The Republican Party establishment is prepared to manipulate the rules at the party's national convention this summer to deprive Donald Trump of the presidential nomination -- even if he wins an outright majority of delegates -- according to longtime political operative and Trump confidant Roger Stone.

At the same time, Republican leaders are also moving forward with an eleventh-hour push to stop Trump in the remaining primary races, the New York Times reports. Their plan involves "a 100-day campaign to deny him the presidential nomination, starting with an aggressive battle in Wisconsin’s April 5 primary and extending into the summer, with a delegate-by-delegate lobbying effort that would cast Mr. Trump as a calamitous choice for the general election."

If that effort fizzles, anti-Trump Republicans will fight their nemesis tooth-and-nail at the convention and in the weeks leading up to it.

"Despite his historic run in the primaries, Trump will never, repeat never, get the nomination if this bunch can stop him," Stone declares in an op-ed.

"The insiders have poured over the rules of the Republican Party ... and they have found a way to lie, cheat and steal Trump out of enough delegates to force a second ballot."

Known for his insights and no-holds-barred tactics, Stone boasts of attending every Republican National Convention since 1964 and of "working the floor in every convention since 1972 including for Ronald Reagan in 1976," the last time the GOP had a contested convention.

It is worth noting that the Democratic Party's national conventions are unruly, mobocratic events, often punctuated by violence committed by activists who attack the party for being insufficiently radical. They often make for good TV.

By contrast, the Grand Old Party's national conventions tend to be staid, even dull, affairs, at least on the convention floor. But not this time.

This time the Republican establishment is planning to engage in procedural chicanery in hopes of disqualifying Trump delegates before the convention even begins, Stone writes.

"They’ve cooked up a strategy to be employed at all costs to steal delegates from Trump so that he’ll fall below the 1,237 on the first ballot," Stone avers, "and then, before the second ballot to present one of their group (Mitt Romney, call your office) as the Savior of the Grand Old Party."

"While each state’s individual law governs, most delegates are not bound to the candidate that brought them once the first ballot is over. Stall Trump on the first ballot and the Bush-Romney-Rubio-Kasich-Ryan-McConnell combine can go really to work."

At just past the midway point in the current primary season, Trump now has 678 delegates, compared to 423 for Ted Cruz, 143 for John Kasich, and 164 for Marco Rubio (who suspended his campaign earlier this month), according to the running tally at Real Clear Politics. As Stone notes, a candidate needs to obtain at least 1,237 votes on the convention floor to secure the nomination outright and avoid additional rounds of balloting.

In the coming weeks Trump may hit the so-called magic number of 1,237 delegates in which case the nomination would be his under ordinary circumstances.

But these are not ordinary times.

Stone is correct when he notes that the GOP establishment, which recently trotted out losing 2012 candidate Mitt Romney to attack Trump with a gusto unseen in his campaign against President Obama, is determined to prevent Trump from winning no matter how much support he garners from the voters.

A statement by Curly Haugland, a member of the Republican National Committee's rules committee, bolstered Stone's claims last week when he reminded them that the party has the ultimate say on the nomination, not primary voters. The party can block Trump even if he wins a clear majority of delegates, he stated matter-of-factly.

"The primary votes are not considered [at the convention], it's the delegates' votes," Haugland said on CNBC.

"The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination," he said. "That's the conflict here."


Douthat and those like him would prefer that Republicans lose in November, rather than let a brash outsider like Trump who at least has some conservative policies become the 45th president.

They want Trump crushed even if wins a majority of the GOP delegates.

The argument could be made that, maybe after two terms of Obama-led upheaval and civil unrest, they would be better off putting America, as opposed to a mere political party, first.

GOP Establishment Plotting Anti-Trump Coup

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