What is "woke"? And what is the opposite of "woke"?

I liked the one about white supremacy the best. That really hit home. How can anyone be that ignorant is beyond belief. Or the one on the Kavanaugh hearings ( or more properly said, the lack thereof ) or West's support for trump ( another bad joke ).

Link those.
Woke in the manner in which it is used in the political vernacular is someone that is batshit nuts, led by any of a myriad of SJ, Equity or race issues etc., with an absence of any sort of rational analysis of their own position, much less of those that they buy this nonsense from.

The opposite is those people standing opposite of them, laughing their asses off at how ridiculous they are.
Woke is like hope and change and other jive “now” words that sound Obama like hip and cool but convey no meaning and only feelings.

"aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"

"Aware of the injustice of the social system in which one lives: "

"Someone who is woke is very aware of social and political unfairness."

So, woke is someone who is aware or attentive to political matters around them, especially unfairness, social injustices.

So, the opposite, people who are not "woke" are people who are totally unaware of what is happening around them. The opposite of "woke" is "ignorant".



Woke is like hope and change and other jive “now” words that sound Obama like hip and cool but convey no meaning and only feelings.
Woke is better than lies. Nothing better than the whole truth.
Because the ONLY truth that should matter is that found in the Scriptures.
Truth? That's religious propaganda. And yes there is some truth there. People shouldn't murder one another, rob from each other, lie about others or hate others. Those are no-brainers. The rest is garbage for simpletons.
Those concepts are supported by one American ideal, it's called freedom. I believe it still exists, despite all the attempts to destroy it.
No. . . . I can't agree with that. Freedom is gone for some years now.

I have been trying to figure out exactly when it was destroyed; I think it was when the Cancel Culture started up, or maybe the fraudulent quotas and Affirmative Action. Recently, but it's gone.
No. . . . I can't agree with that. Freedom is gone for some years now.

I have been trying to figure out exactly when it was destroyed; I think it was when the Cancel Culture started up, or maybe the fraudulent quotas and Affirmative Action. Recently, but it's gone.
Do you live in China, North Korea or Russia ? I pity you.
Woke is better than lies. Nothing better than the whole truth.
Flesh that out a bit as to how woke reveals whole truth
To me it’s just snappy patter. Asleep is what one would be before awakening but what magic or special enlightenment is derived from “becoming woke”
Save your pity for yourself, Buster Brown. If you want me to read your posts, don't smart off at me.
Actually I live in the United States so I can say most anything I want. You can't force me to shut up. I can vote and I can hold a job, I can go to any or no church as I please and most important of all I cannot be discriminated against. America's come a long way since it's inception, when only white land owners were allowed to vote ( less than 25% of the population. The biggest jump was when women were given the right to vote in 1920. Wife beating was also.made illegal in that year. Those were the first steps towards equality for women. Racial Minorities fared worse. Sexual minorities are still fighting for equality and justice under the law.
They're not pushing any agenda, just trying to protect everyone. Ignorance hatred and violence go together. Education fights all that. The kids that need to hear these the most are the ones with parents who are ignorant and hateful. The gay kids already know it's wrong to hate. They've been victims of it all too often.
You're a queer activist who is trying to recruit children.

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