What is your pet peeve while driving?

I could write a book...but I'll limit my response to the top 3.

People who pass then immediately hit the brakes, slowing down to less than the speed I was going before they passed me.

People who speed up when I'm trying to pass them.

People who drive 150 mph knowing their lane is going to end at road construction so they can swerve in front of you at the last minute before they run into the barrels.
What idiotic behaviors of fellow motorists do you find the most annoying? Why?

Inconsistent speed.

I don't care if you go fast or slow; just maintain the same speed so I can go around you or let you fly.

Especially bothersome are the idiots who go limit + 5 in the straight aways with passing lanes and limit - 5 in the double yellow line curves... pricks. :evil:

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Yup. Tailgaters. Since I moved back out in the country, this is number one.

But back in the city, my number one aggravation was people who run red lights. You'd be sitting there waiting for your light to turn green, and invariably when it did, there would be someone flying through the intersection AFTER your light turned green. You KNEW the sons a bitch ran the light AFTER it turned red. I'd always lurch my big, lifted, 4x4 truck forward, stand on the horn, flip them off and scare the shit out of them.

If they're particularly egregious about it, and I'm feeling particularly aggressive, I slow the car down till they get it that sitting on my tail is only going to make them go slower.

Back in the bad old days, back when editec was a truly violent person, I'd occassionally swing my car around to stop traffic coming both ways, get out and casually walk back to their car and talk to the offending party.

People were typically quite contrite when they found themselves face to face with a less than completely sane (and non hemp smoking) editec who standing next to their window giving them a lecture about their sociopathic driving style.

Editec, that's completely crazy, you say?

Yes, that's exactly right.

Editec was somewhat crazy in those bad old days.

But imagine that you have been aggressively tailgating somebody in a remote Maine road, and now your victim has just swung his car to a screeching stop blocking traffic in both directions JUST TO TALK TO YOU FACE TO FACE ABOUT YOUR ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR.

That has a way of convincing people that perhaps there could be terrible consequences to that kind of aggressive behavior which they'd previously not counted on.

If more people took bullies to task for their behaviors this would be a much more polite society, folks.
What's with the wide swings? If someone is making a left turn, why does he/she need to swing to the right first???
People who pull out onto your road from a side street, in front of you, when there was no one behind you.

You couldn't just wait 5 more seconds?

And people who take FOREVER to make a turn.

Oh, and people in front of you who want to make a left, but drift to the right a bit before they do, blocking you from going around them on the right. When you couple that in with the slow turn I mentioned before, since I'm from NJ, I proceed to follow them to their destination and smash their face into the ground.
People who pull out onto your road from a side street, in front of you, when there was no one behind you.

You couldn't just wait 5 more seconds?

And people who take FOREVER to make a turn.

Oh, and people in front of you who want to make a left, but drift to the right a bit before they do, blocking you from going around them on the right. When you couple that in with the slow turn I mentioned before, since I'm from NJ, I proceed to follow them to their destination and smash their face into the ground.

I so understand that kind of rage.

That's one of the reasons I smoke hemp to be honest.
What pisses me off the most is when I'm driving through an intersection and some jerk decides he doesn't want to hit his brake until he's nearly at the corner. Every time I slam on my breaks thinking I'll be T-Boned.

I swear, sometimes I feel like pulling people out of their car and beating the shit out of them. So many accidents could be prevented if people would quit rushing everywhere.
Drivers in the fast lane of a freeway (with 6 lanes headed in one direction), not paying attention to when their "off ramp" is coming up - and them darting from the fast lane to the exit ramp in front of all the other cars, at the very last minute. :eusa_eh: Grrrrrr :eusa_eh:
Anyone with an Obama bumper sticker. They drive like they just had a frontol lobotomy.

:lol: Get used to it. :lol: If you wanted your candidate to win - why didn't you get out there and campaign for his ass? Instead of sitting here whining about it now? It's kinda of late for that .... and to quote Sarah .... "Doncha know??" :lol:

:( /sniff :(
:lol: Get used to it. :lol: If you wanted your candidate to win - why didn't you get out there and campaign for his ass? Instead of sitting here whining about it now? It's kinda of late for that .... and to quote Sarah .... "Doncha know??" :lol:

:( /sniff :(

Psh, like you got off your ass and did a single thing to help Obama gain votes in your community.

I can't speak for Xsited, but I personally rallied my community to get behind Ron Paul. I won some, and I lost some. But I did my part. I'll be willing to bet that if Xsited was a Paul supporter, he did the same. Most Paul supporters did.

You on the other hand, I have no doubt sat on your wrinkly old ass and watched the media do the work for you. You're nothing special. You picked one of the two candidates that corporate America shoved down our throats. That takes about as much effort as blinking your eyes.
:lol: Get used to it. :lol: If you wanted your candidate to win - why didn't you get out there and campaign for his ass? Instead of sitting here whining about it now? It's kinda of late for that .... and to quote Sarah .... "Doncha know??" :lol:

:( /sniff :(

This has nothing to do with wanting any candidate to win. I have noticed that people with Obama bumper stickers drive like idiots. I'm guessing it has something to do with the Kool-Aid they've been drinking or the required frontol lobotomy they received.
People who forget what it's like to drive when they're walking. Suddnely they are crossing streets in slow motion when you have a 1 minute arrow. People that cross in front of me talking on a cell phone (when is it going to be against the law to cross the street while talking or texting?). People that arrogantly walk in front of you very slowly while you're trying to make a right turn. I get a lot of this in the town I live in because for Long Island it's a touristy town. I always make sure that when I'm walkilng that I hurry to cross streets and give the drivers the right of way because I make sure to have empathy. I'm always amazed at how arrogant so many people can be.

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