Zone1 What is your philosophy of life?

Because I understand what it takes and it's not that complicated or difficult. So why do you believe being objective is a fantasy?

that does not assure you of success - who reads the christian bible would not be able to accomplish what is implied as the christian bible itself is a work of forgeries and fallacies.
that does not assure you of success - who reads the christian bible would not be able to accomplish what is implied as the christian bible itself is a work of forgeries and fallacies.
Successful behaviors naturally lead to success. :)
I don't have a philosophy of life

I just live my life

No philosophy here.
Successful behaviors naturally lead to success. :)

if you say so ...


you might give it another shot.
"dead to self" is not objectivity
When it comes to oneself (self) we are probably the least objective in that we can often be quick to give ourselves a pass for the same behavior we frown or are annoyed when we see it coming from someone else. Possibly this can most easily be seen in ourselves when driving to and from work. I see a difference in myself when I drive thinking only of others, being 'dead to self'.
I'm not in the mood for your nutty fantasies
Could it be you are not in the mood for reality? What is fantasy to you, and what is reality to you?

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