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Zone1 If Trump isn't pro-life anymore I have no reason to vote for him...

It's now with the voters in each state. That's the very best ourcome

To me fewer abortions would be the very best outcome.

I know that for many that they were simply pretending to care about the lives of the unborn. It was all about politics.

As you note, "In it for you".
In the last two elections, I held my nose and voted for Trump because he was the pro-life candidate. And, true to his word, he appointed pro-life Supreme Court justices and got Roe v. Wade overturned.

But now Trump is making noises like he's not pro-life anymore. Melania published her book recently and made a bold pro-abort statement.

Accordingly, I will not vote for Trump in November. I will vote for all down ballot candidates and state initiatives, but neither major candidate for President.

OK, whatever. Same worries here about Trump dumping gun owners in the trash.


what difference milley.jpg
To me fewer abortions would be the very best outcome.

I know that for many that they were simply pretending to care about the lives of the unborn. It was all about politics.

As you note, "In it for you".
I have no dog in the fight. I really don't care how it all goes. Not my duty. But it will come down to compromise.
Good point. There isn't even a decent choice. But go ahead sell me on your candidate.
I have been voting since 1960 and I can't remember an election in which lots of people claim there was no good choice. Isn't that the way life often is. Often you chose not the house want but the one you can afford. Someday you may have to choose whether to take your child or a parent off of life support. Life is just full of rotten choices. When we vote we are asked to choose who we think is the best option for president.

Personally, I don't like Harris. I cringe every time she gives one of those horse laughs and I would like to have someone with more experience. The option of Trump for me is even worse, a convicted criminal, a pathological liar, and an adulterer, who is rapidly becoming more senile than Biden.

In the last two elections, I held my nose and voted for Trump because he was the pro-life candidate. And, true to his word, he appointed pro-life Supreme Court justices and got Roe v. Wade overturned.

But now Trump is making noises like he's not pro-life anymore. Melania published her book recently and made a bold pro-abort statement.

Accordingly, I will not vote for Trump in November. I will vote for all down ballot candidates and state initiatives, but neither major candidate for President.
Ridiculous! You are confusing his personal beliefs with he thinks is possible in politics. His appointment of judges led to the overturning Roe, but that gave the power back to the states which can best legislate the will of the people. If NY wants to legalize infanticide, that is up to the people of New York, and not the federal government. Unfortunately for you, this country is split on abortion in far too many ways. The will of the people will be reflected in the election of their state legislators and governors, and not a federal decree.

If Cackles is elected, she will attempt to reinstate abortion on demand up to the moment of birth and possibly beyond, on demand. Not voting for Trump just enables her.
I have been voting since 1960 and I can't remember an election in which lots of people claim there was no good choice. Isn't that the way life often is. Often you chose not the house want but the one you can afford. Someday you may have to choose whether to take your child or a parent off of life support. Life is just full of rotten choices. When we vote we are asked to choose who we think is the best option for president.

Personally, I don't like Harris. I cringe every time she gives one of those horse laughs and I would like to have someone with more experience. The option of Trump for me is even worse, a convicted criminal, a pathological liar, and an adulterer, who is rapidly becoming more senile than Biden.


There are always other choices outside of the two failed parties. They are destroying our country.
See, you just poo-poo any proof we give.

He was pro-life, now he is not.
Why? Simple, he switched parties.
Have a nice night. When you take that remedial reading comprehension course get back to me. Hopefully you will be able to read and understand the words better then.
I have been voting since 1960 and I can't remember an election in which lots of people claim there was no good choice. Isn't that the way life often is. Often you chose not the house want but the one you can afford. Someday you may have to choose whether to take your child or a parent off of life support. Life is just full of rotten choices. When we vote we are asked to choose who we think is the best option for president.

Personally, I don't like Harris. I cringe every time she gives one of those horse laughs and I would like to have someone with more experience. The option of Trump for me is even worse, a convicted criminal, a pathological liar, and an adulterer, who is rapidly becoming more senile than Biden.

My God, you are OLD too! I hope I live as long as you. I was born in 1960 and I'm old!
As always, I know I'm in the minority around here, but in my view ^ this^ is one of the biggest problems in this country. People put so much trust in political "leaders." In many cases almost to the point of hero worship.

We can agree to disagree of course, but I just don't buy that he has gone through deep radical changes, going from a New York liberal to a conservative christian. But then, my view since the start has been that Trump is "controlled opposition", just playing a role. I've said this so many times, but I'll say it again. I firmly believe that no one is allowed to the highest office in the land without being "in the club", if you know what I mean. But the public never learns. Trump is a good actor, I'll give him that.

Well Said.

Over the years we have been brainwash to believe the president can do just about anything with totally immunity but that is just not so. Both the Supreme Court and Congress can and will block the president in a dozen different ways. Maybe this belief in the great power the president has helped create the image of Donald Trump as a demigod that can write an executive and 30 million are deported or end asylum or do away with deficit financing or eliminate China's as biggest supplier of goods or Make America Great Again as if we were not already a great nation.

Donald Trump is not a Christian and I doubt seriously that he is conservative.
It's in the hands of each states voters. Explain what more you want.
I would like see it in the hands of the people in each state and women in in particular who are ones that are being forced to carry a fetus to term by men in state legislature. Abortion rights have won wherever they have been on the ballot.
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Overturning RvW did nothing to address the curtailing of abortions.
It wasn't intended to. It simply put the issue back for the conscience of the people in the various states to deal with. Constitutionally the federal government was never given authority to regulate abortion and the Supreme Court was not given authority to make law period.

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