why do most blacks support a party that loves Margaret Sanger?

Doesn't mindless radical leftist extremism ever get tired for you?
My abortion position is mainstream, supported by a strong majority of Americans.

Your position is that of a wild-eyed radical. It's literally the same position that Islamic jihadists hold.

Why do you believe mainstream America shold be forced to follow your barbaric religious superstitutions? What gives you the right as the fringe minority to tyrannize the moral majority?
Sanger wanted to make contraception available to Black women and poor women....so there wouldn't be so many abortions and miscarriages.

There were abortionists in every city and towns before it was legal. It just wasn't as safe.
Sanger wanted to sterilize them.
I don't care what Margerate Sanger believed. I wouldn't care if she was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and kicked kittens for fun. She is long sense dead, and planned parenthood does not endorce all the bad things you accuse Sanger of, so she isn't really relavant in a discussion of today's planned prenthood. Trying to make her a point of contention is as dumb as trying to say that since some Democrats participated in the formation of the KKK 150 years ago, then today's Democratic party supports the KKK. That's just stupid.
Sanger, like modern liberals, endorsed the murder of unborn people.
Why do you believe mainstream America shold be forced to follow your barbaric religious superstitutions? What gives you the right as the fringe minority to tyrannize the moral majority?
What morality would you this discussion to be filtered though?
My abortion position is mainstream, supported by a strong majority of Americans.

Your position is that of a wild-eyed radical. It's literally the same position that Islamic jihadists hold.

Why do you believe mainstream America shold be forced to follow your barbaric religious superstitutions? What gives you the right as the fringe minority to tyrannize the moral majority?
You hold no mainstream positions.
Sanger, like modern liberals, endorsed the murder of unborn people.
No, she didn't. Sanger opposed legalizing abortion, because abortion was still a dangerous proposition in 1920.

In Sanger’s opinion, abortion was an evil practice that would become obsolete once birth control was practiced and understood by women and families throughout the world. In 1932, Sanger wrote: “Although abortion may be resorted to in order to save the life of the mother, the practice of it merely for limitation of offspring is dangerous and vicious.” Although she strongly condemned the practice, she felt even more strongly that “it is a woman’s duty and right to have for herself the right to say when she shall and shall not have children.” (MS, “Debate On Birth Control: First Speech,” Dec. 12, 1920 [Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm: Smith College Collection, MSM S76:0923 ].) Women’s right to control their reproduction took precedent over any moral or religious position. Unlike many today, Sanger trusted women to make the best decision for themselves:
We get it, the left finds human life offensive and oppressive.
We find you forcing women to gestate life against their will offensive and deplorable. At least be proud of your argument you pussy. If you were proud you'd present the steelman argument of your opponents argument rather than the strawman.
Only a democrat would come up with a statement that includes "life against their will."

Fucking ghouls.
Only a democrat would come up with a statement that includes "life against their will."

Fucking ghouls.
Only a pussy would erase the context because they were too afraid to address it. You're being fairly obvious how little faith you have in the strength of your argument. :lol:

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