why do most blacks support a party that loves Margaret Sanger?

Sure. The main problem of the piece was that it blamed Sanger for racist things that other people did.

It went conspiratorial, taking the "Okay, Sanger didn't say or do anything racist, but I know what Sanger really meant, and she meant to be racist!" tone, instead of just sticking with the facts.

And it misrepresented the context of the "We don't want word to get out ..." quote, which really damned it as hackwork. It was a piece by a single pro-lifer trying to push an agenda.
So, what you're describing, are the plethora of leftist and race baiters, today, looking for racism under every rock and behind every bush. With some research, it is very easy to see that Sanger is a very polarizing person. With some quick to attack, and some quick to defend, but usually, the side you're on, depends on your political affiliation.

Regardless of what she said, and the gymnastics that both sides take to accuse or defend her beliefs, if what she did, what she said, happened today, she would be labeled an absolute racist. She spoke to the KKK. Today, if anyone would do so, regardless of the intent, she would be vilified. You know that to be true. And there are many statements made by Sanger that question her motives and strategies, but I will conceded, knowing that no one can know one's true intentions, unless that person comes straight out and says it.

Sanger didn't want the poor to reproduce, as they were prone to poor choices and had little control over their sexual desires. This resulted in unnecessary pregnancies, and propagating poverty, White or black, if she promoted such thoughts, especially in the black community today, she would be labeled a racist as a white women telling black people how they should control themselves. But she also knew that being a white women, she didn't have the influence, which is why she engaged Black ministers to help promote her ideology.

Sanger promoted self-control and understanding the personal, physical, and emotional consequences of promiscuity and indulging in sexual desires. Her views are antithesis to what we see today, especially in the Black Urban hip hop community that views sex as reckless and overtly sexualizes and degrades women, but at the same time, you have female artists that promote sexual recklessness and degrading themselves. But we wonder why the black community still has the highest rate of abortions per capita.

But further research in Sanger I come away with this. She was pro-woman. Sanger was pro-choice, but not in the way it is used today. Sanger wanted women to make ALL the right choices. Yes, sexural liberation for women, but not the unbridled, hawk tuah, WAP, and over sexualization of women we see today. Many of her views today, would be considered outdated and archaic when it comes to sexual liberation.

In summary, the evidence for Sanger being a "racist" is circumstantial and up to interpretation. But, activities, ideas, and thoughts for today, she would be scoffed at, and in some circles, she would be labeled a racist if she was a contemporary feminist.
Her ideas aligned with the KKK, ffs. She is as bad as any of the confederate figures honored by statues, which you woke fags tore down. The only reason liberals defend Sanger is because they love murdering babies.

Well, no, not really. The KLan was against Immigrants, Jews, Catholics, and of course blacks. In short, their hatred was based on artificial race and religion standards.

Sanger's MISTAKEN belief in Eugenics was that certain individuals shouldn't reproduce, because they often had poor outcomes. She mistook economic circumstances for genetic circumstances. In short, poor kids often were sickly due to malnutrition. Eugenists mistakenly believed it was because they were from inferior stock (even poor WASP kids) and therefore should be discouraged from breeding.

FFS, even today Sanger’s organization defends the KKK in a historical context.

“In the 1920’s, the KKK was a mainstream movement and was considered a legitimate anti-immigration organization with a wide membership that included many state and local officials. At that time, it defined its enemies as Blacks, Catholics and Jews. Planned Parenthood today denounces Sanger’s address to the Ku Klux Klan.”

again, you miss the point. Sure, she spoke to the KKK's Women's Auxiliary. She also spoke to the Urban League. She spoke to the Rotarians. In short, she spoke to anyone who would listen to her argument that women should have free access to contraception, an idea that isn't even really controversial today.

Sanger didn’t support abortion. Imagine the Nazi party becoming even more Nazi. Baby murdering Nazis.

Sanger didn't support abortion because abortion was dangerous in 1920. She didn't oppose it because she thought fetuses were people, because NO ONE believed that back then. People who were against abortion just didn't like women taking control of their own lives. Back then, they couldn't vote until 1919, they couldn't own property in their own name, they couldn't hold jobs except for very selected professions like teachers or nurses.
So, what you're describing, are the plethora of leftist and race baiters, today, looking for racism under every rock and behind every bush. With some research, it is very easy to see that Sanger is a very polarizing person. With some quick to attack, and some quick to defend, but usually, the side you're on, depends on your political affiliation.

Except there's plenty of racism today. You don't need to look at it under every rock and bush... you just have to check out where Trump is speaking today.

Regardless of what she said, and the gymnastics that both sides take to accuse or defend her beliefs, if what she did, what she said, happened today, she would be labeled an absolute racist. She spoke to the KKK. Today, if anyone would do so, regardless of the intent, she would be vilified. You know that to be true. And there are many statements made by Sanger that question her motives and strategies, but I will conceded, knowing that no one can know one's true intentions, unless that person comes straight out and says it.

Except Sanger's intentions did come out because of her writings. She spoke with the KKK, but she also worked with black leaders who understood family planning was the fastest route out of poverty.

The thing is back in the 1920's, before it was plunged into scandal, the KKK had 6 million members and was seen as a valid political organization that BOTH parties courted for support. The 1920s iteration of the Klan was an end result of America's panic about immigration. (See America, you've always been like this.) So, people with agendas like Sanger would play both sides of the street, talking to the KKK on one hand and immigrant groups and black groups on the other.

So did the Prohibitionists, for that matter. They would tell blacks that alcohol was being used by Whitey to keep them subservient and tell the Klan that alcohol would turn blacks into rampaging beasts.

Sanger didn't want the poor to reproduce, as they were prone to poor choices and had little control over their sexual desires. This resulted in unnecessary pregnancies, and propagating poverty, White or black, if she promoted such thoughts, especially in the black community today, she would be labeled a racist as a white women telling black people how they should control themselves. But she also knew that being a white women, she didn't have the influence, which is why she engaged Black ministers to help promote her ideology.

Again, you lack HISTORICAL CONTEXT. Being poor in the pre-New Deal Days was dangerous to your health. If you were poor, you weren't eating on a regular basis. Child mortality in those days was still pretty high. In 1910, the child mortality rate was 165 per 1000. It went down to 85 per thousand by 1920, due to better medicine and people like Sanger encouraging family planning.

By way of comparison, today, the child mortality rate is 0.28 per thousand.

Sanger promoted self-control and understanding the personal, physical, and emotional consequences of promiscuity and indulging in sexual desires. Her views are antithesis to what we see today, especially in the Black Urban hip hop community that views sex as reckless and overtly sexualizes and degrades women, but at the same time, you have female artists that promote sexual recklessness and degrading themselves. But we wonder why the black community still has the highest rate of abortions per capita.

Wow, here it comes, the Republican Prude coming out! How dare people enjoy their sexuality!

Blacks have a higher abortion rate because they are less likely to have easy access to other forms of contraception. Not that there is anything wrong with abortion. Part of the reason for that is every time the GOP gets in charge of something, they try to cut funding to PP and encourage stupid shit like "Abstinance".

But further research in Sanger I come away with this. She was pro-woman. Sanger was pro-choice, but not in the way it is used today. Sanger wanted women to make ALL the right choices. Yes, sexural liberation for women, but not the unbridled, hawk tuah, WAP, and over sexualization of women we see today. Many of her views today, would be considered outdated and archaic when it comes to sexual liberation.

As she should be. The problem is, why are you so hung up about sex? Why do you spend so much time worried about what kind of sex other people are having?

Sanger's views on morality would be outdated today because they ARE outdated.

In summary, the evidence for Sanger being a "racist" is circumstantial and up to interpretation. But, activities, ideas, and thoughts for today, she would be scoffed at, and in some circles, she would be labeled a racist if she was a contemporary feminist.

Again, she was working off "science" at the time. Eugenics was considered, at one point, a legitimate science, until further science disproved it and Hitler gave the whole thing a really bad name.
Democrats have changed the way they express their racism.

In the mid 1960’s they started to create a dependent class and tear apart the black family structure. This condition of dependency is passed on from generation to generation.

They succeeded as 70%+ of all black babies are born into a single parent family. A significant number of black men have children with multiple women and they provide no support for any of these children.

Liberal Democrat policies created this condition by design.
How do you expect to control people 's sex lives?
again, you miss the point. Sure, she spoke to the KKK's Women's Auxiliary. She also spoke to the Urban League. She spoke to the Rotarians. In short, she spoke to anyone who would listen to her argument that women should have free access to contraception, an idea that isn't even really controversial today.
So, because she talked to a lot of different groups, it’s OK that she spoke to an auxiliary of a group that was LYNCHING BLACK PEOPLE? The KKK was known in Sanger’s time for LYNCHING BLACK PROPLE. So Sanger thought, hey maybe those people in the white hoods who LYNCH BLACK PEOPLE would like to hear about birth control?

FFS Joe…….. did you ever think your love for abortion would cause you to defend an association with the KKK?
So, what you're describing, are the plethora of leftist and race baiters, today, looking for racism under every rock and behind every bush. With some research, it is very easy to see that Sanger is a very polarizing person. With some quick to attack, and some quick to defend, but usually, the side you're on, depends on your political affiliation.

Regardless of what she said, and the gymnastics that both sides take to accuse or defend her beliefs, if what she did, what she said, happened today, she would be labeled an absolute racist. She spoke to the KKK. Today, if anyone would do so, regardless of the intent, she would be vilified. You know that to be true. And there are many statements made by Sanger that question her motives and strategies, but I will conceded, knowing that no one can know one's true intentions, unless that person comes straight out and says it.

Sanger didn't want the poor to reproduce, as they were prone to poor choices and had little control over their sexual desires. This resulted in unnecessary pregnancies, and propagating poverty, White or black, if she promoted such thoughts, especially in the black community today, she would be labeled a racist as a white women telling black people how they should control themselves. But she also knew that being a white women, she didn't have the influence, which is why she engaged Black ministers to help promote her ideology.

Sanger promoted self-control and understanding the personal, physical, and emotional consequences of promiscuity and indulging in sexual desires. Her views are antithesis to what we see today, especially in the Black Urban hip hop community that views sex as reckless and overtly sexualizes and degrades women, but at the same time, you have female artists that promote sexual recklessness and degrading themselves. But we wonder why the black community still has the highest rate of abortions per capita.

But further research in Sanger I come away with this. She was pro-woman. Sanger was pro-choice, but not in the way it is used today. Sanger wanted women to make ALL the right choices. Yes, sexural liberation for women, but not the unbridled, hawk tuah, WAP, and over sexualization of women we see today. Many of her views today, would be considered outdated and archaic when it comes to sexual liberation.

In summary, the evidence for Sanger being a "racist" is circumstantial and up to interpretation. But, activities, ideas, and thoughts for today, she would be scoffed at, and in some circles, she would be labeled a racist if she was a contemporary feminist.
Every registered democrat today is a slavery-endorsing racist when using democrats’ own standards.
So, because she talked to a lot of different groups, it’s OK that she spoke to an auxiliary of a group that was LYNCHING BLACK PEOPLE?
Well, yes. Those women weren't lynching black people. And they needed help.

Why tell such a dumb lie?

She was a slut. Imposing values on her is meaningless.
This is the basis of pro-life depravity. They're sick pervs who get their perv jollies from controlling women.

No sane person allows their wife or daughter near a pro-lifer, because that pro-lifer sees women as property to be controlled.
Well, yes. Those women weren't lynching black people. And they needed help.

Why tell such a dumb lie?
Oh, those quaint little old grannies of the KKK auxiliary LOL

The left has come full circle and is now defending the organization that the sore-loser Democrats started. Wild times.
Oh, those quaint little old grannies of the KKK auxiliary LOL
Shall I post the story? I warn you, it has facts, so it will trigger you hard. You won't have a reason to hate any more, and so no more pervy hategasms for you.

The left has come full circle and is now defending the organization that the sore-loser Democrats started. Wild times.
Don't worry. You're not the first pro-lifer to go on a butthurt lying frenzy when his dogshit morality was highlighted. If a discussion continues long enough, all pro-lifers eventually end up melting down.

Thanks for sending so many votes to the Democrats. After all, no decent person wants to be associated with people as awful as you are. We're counting on you and your pals to make the blue wave bigger.

Now, go rave some more about those awful sluts.

Oh, enjoy Hell!
How do you expect to control people 's sex lives?
Who said anything about controlling someone’s sex life?

I was referring to government creating a system which resulted in the destruction of the black family structure and a generational dependent class.

Currently more than 70% of black children are born into a single parent family and most often that single parent is the mother.
Who said anything about controlling someone’s sex life?

I was referring to government creating a system which resulted in the destruction of the black family structure and a generational dependent class.

Currently more than 70% of black children are born into a single parent family and most often that single parent is the mother.
Ironically, the figure was only 20% in the late 1950’s, pre-Civil Rights Act.
Sanger’s British counterpart was even worse than she was.

“Like Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, Marie Stopes, who estabished Britain’s first birth control clinic in London in 1921, was a racist who opposed interracial marriages and promoted the forced sterilization of inferior people she considered unfit to procreate.

Starting Tuesday, abortion and contraception provider Marie Stopes International will be known as MSI Reproductive Choices, leaders of the organization announced.

Stopes advocated fiercely for eugenic programs, an effort to rid society of the weak and undesirable, notoriously practiced by the Nazis against Jews and disabled persons, and by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger against blacks and minorities in the United States…….

…….Marie Stopes International currently operates more than 600 clinics in 37 countries around the world, many of them targeting blacks in sub-Saharan Africa.

The organization has offices or abortion clinics in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Senegal, Niger, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Madagascar, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

According to data from its website, the organization took the lives of 2,628,900 unborn African children in 2019 alone, far more than the sum of all the abortions it performed in predominantly white Europe, North and South America, and Australia combined.”

…2.6 million less black people born just last year. The women of the KKK auxiliary rejoice!

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