Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

What do you think Jesus was teaching about Kosher law when he said "eat my flesh" Think!

You can do it!

(maybe not)

That he had problems with late puberty...

like Gretta 'how dare you!?' what's her name.
No, Jesus had problems with actors and lying frauds who pretended to be experts on the moral law without knowing the meaning of the words or subjects about which they were so dogmatic.
Not so.

Everyone loved Jesus to death from what I read.


Sure, they crucified him, but at least he was not a convicted felon, eh democrats?
No, Jesus had a problem with actors and lying frauds who pretended to be experts on the moral law without knowing the meaning of the words or subjects about which they were so dogmatic.

Jews were actually called "atheists"

by the pagans of antiquity.

How does an animal become human?

By circumcising the flesh of the foreskin of their mind, the yetzer hara, the evil inclination.

When are you going to get around to doing it like Abraham did?
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Jews were actually called "atheists"

by the pagans of antiquity.
Right. Abraham was an atheist too. A real one. Until God revealed himself to his rational mind.

And I'm called an atheist because I don't believe in an almighty yet edible triune mangod. So what

Jesus was called an atheist because he didn't believe that God gave a crap about what you eat or what you wear or the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds like some lecherous pervert.

What then? Are you a believer? That the concerns of an incorporeal God for humans are carnal? Don't you know that belief is as ridiculous as believing that God became an edible human being?
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By circumcising the flesh of the foreskin of their mind, the yetzer hara.

Do you remove the foreskin of an animal and it becomes human??!

Get real this is 5th grade stuff, don't give
me your preaching allegories.

A simple question.
Just wondering because it seems like all the prophecies that I've been having lately have been coming true and I want to know what others around here think.
I believe there are still prophets and prophecies that are spiritually communicated. The gift of prophecy is one of the spiritual gifts imparted to us as needed. We just need to have a listening ear and spiritual heart to receive it.

I think much may be lost in this modern culture that is so full of 'stuff' that it crowds out our God consciousness far too much of the time.

A PoliticalChic thread recently reminded me of how much great fiction has been shown to be prophetic whether that was intentional or the author did not know he/she was writing prophecy. I think many Old and New Testament prophets may not have been able to interpret the prophecies they wrote or how the manifestation of fulfillment would appear.
Do you remove the foreskin of an animal and it becomes human??!

Get real this is 5th grade stuff, don't give
me your preaching allegories.

A simple question.

A simple question from a simple animal who failed spectacularly to comprehend what I posted.

You uncircumcised dickhead. (That right there is some ancient nomadic Hebrew humor.) Ha ha.
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Just wondering because it seems like all the prophecies that I've been having lately have been coming true and I want to know what others around here think.
A prophet is one who speaks for God (I've heard)

not necessarily to predict the future.

My favorite prophet is Brother Peter Dimond

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