Carson’s claim that Planned Parenthood targets blacks to ‘control that population’

Check it out. The race-baiting righties are out in force. Nobody else brings up Carson's race, but the righties here focus on it to the exclusion of all else. In their race-hustling minds, every single thing in the universe depends entirely on race.

All the stuff said about PP is a flat out lie, of course. And knowing that just makes the righties love Carson more. They literally believe that God has given them a free pass to lie for the cause. Sadly for them, it wasn't God telling them that. It was Satan, the lord of lies, and Satan now has their souls snagged in his satanic vice-grip pliers.
dont expect that left-wing coward that said nobody on the Left brought up Carson's race to come back and apologize

left-wing losers dont do that
dont expect that left-wing coward that said nobody on the Left brought up Carson's race to come back and apologize

left-wing losers dont do that
No, they continue to lie in the face of incontrovertible truth.
Seeing how excluding blacks like Carson turn entire cities to shit...I wouldn't say this is a bad thing.
dont expect that left-wing coward that said nobody on the Left brought up Carson's race to come back and apologize

left-wing losers dont do that
No, they continue to lie in the face of incontrovertible truth.

Well, this is better then single mothers(which are 72% of black families today) attempting to raise the children only to end up creating thugs. This is the better thing to do for society.
dont expect that left-wing coward that said nobody on the Left brought up Carson's race to come back and apologize

left-wing losers dont do that
No, they continue to lie in the face of incontrovertible truth.

Well, this is better then single mothers(which are 72% of black families today) attempting to raise the children only to end up creating thugs. This is the better thing to do for society.
Except abortion on demand doesn't actually reduce single parent families...which is where most of those thugs come from.
dont expect that left-wing coward that said nobody on the Left brought up Carson's race to come back and apologize

left-wing losers dont do that

So Hannity melting down in a fit of race-baiting and race-card playing proves what?

No, I don't expect you to have the honesty to answer that. You'll just do some more frantic race-baiting instead. And I approve. You should focus on what you're best at.
Check it out. The race-baiting righties are out in force. Nobody else brings up Carson's race, but the righties here focus on it to the exclusion of all else. In their race-hustling minds, every single thing in the universe depends entirely on race.

Coming from one who belongs to the party that started the trend... the use of identity politics... racism. Come now. Guess which side the black lives matter cult belongs to? Yours. Us? We think all lives matter, but not you. It is a forbidden subject in your party to say that all lives do matter. Your stances on abortion reflect that.
Templar, that was nearly intelligent.

Of course, identify politics is the conservative thing, the whole eternal victimhood thing you do, so that's where it fails.
79% of pp clinics are in minority communities. I guess minorities just need referrals for mammograms more than white people?

Or maybe that's where the financial need is. I can't imagine too many women in Beverly Hills needing to rely on Planned Parenthood
Check it out. The race-baiting righties are out in force. Nobody else brings up Carson's race, but the righties here focus on it to the exclusion of all else. In their race-hustling minds, every single thing in the universe depends entirely on race.


Pretty much what you idiot left loons have done to us since Obama was elected. Don't be tossing stones while living in a glass house
Check it out. The race-baiting righties are out in force. Nobody else brings up Carson's race, but the righties here focus on it to the exclusion of all else. In their race-hustling minds, every single thing in the universe depends entirely on race.

Coming from one who belongs to the party that started the trend... the use of identity politics... racism. Come now. Guess which side the black lives matter cult belongs to? Yours. Us? We think all lives matter, but not you. It is a forbidden subject in your party to say that all lives do matter. Your stances on abortion reflect that.

When have you ever heard someone who says black lives matter also say that other lives don't?
Check it out. The race-baiting righties are out in force. Nobody else brings up Carson's race, but the righties here focus on it to the exclusion of all else. In their race-hustling minds, every single thing in the universe depends entirely on race.


Pretty much what you idiot left loons have done to us since Obama was elected. Don't be tossing stones while living in a glass house

I'm not seeing too many caricatures of Ben Carson as a witch doctor or a chimpanzee being posted.
Of course, identify politics is the conservative thing

No it isn't. First off, we aren't the ones pervading college academia with "white guilt" and the theory of "microagressions" or "perceived racism." We aren't the ones who manufactured "the war on women." We aren't the ones labeling black people "Uncle Toms" for switching sides. Finally, only people like you can label someone a bigot for opposing homosexual marriage for religious reasons. This all coming from a party which claims to support diverse philosophy and ideas. Do you truly stand by that slogan? Or is it merely a catchphrase?
the whole eternal victimhood thing you do, so that's where it fails.

I can't breathe!

Black Lives Matter!

That word offends me!

Everything offends me!

Sound familiar? That's a liberal like you in summation. That is you crying victim at anything which offends you.
Calling BLM a cult doesn't make you look rational or moral, you know.

Nor does your hysterical victimhood-claiming act.

So, is it bigoted to oppose interracial marriage for religions reasons? Almost everyone would say it is. But not by your logic. That's because your logic fails hard. You're invoking political correctness to excuse bigotry, which is part of your identity politics.
Of course, identify politics is the conservative thing

No it isn't. First off, we aren't the ones pervading college academia with "white guilt" and the theory of "microagressions" or "perceived racism." We aren't the ones who manufactured "the war on women." We aren't the ones labeling black people "Uncle Toms" for switching sides. Finally, only people like you can label someone a bigot for opposing homosexual marriage for religious reasons. This all coming from a party which claims to support diverse philosophy and ideas. Do you truly stand by that slogan? Or is it merely a catchphrase?

Bigotry in the name of religion has several thousand years of historical evidence behind it.
Templar, that was nearly intelligent.

Of course, identify politics is the conservative thing, the whole eternal victimhood thing you do, so that's where it fails.
Omg you're being funny!

I didn't know you were funny!

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