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Black Trump Supporters JUMPED At Rally by White Supporters… TRUMPERS Screamed “They Not Like Us”

You don't know when trump stokes racial tension? Are you serious? What I posted is not nonsense. But I know that whites like you live to deny things we say about race. I won't be taking instructions from you. What needs to happen is for whites to get rid of the racism in their community, not me stop watching videos. I don't need to watch video to now tht white racism is out there bad right now and Trump is the instigator. If you can't see it, then you are part of the probem.

You don't know when trump stokes racial tension? Are you serious?

I don’t really pay attention to Trump, I don’t watch his speeches, nor do I watch his rally’s, I just can’t recall a time when he said something that made me think he was a racist. Perhaps you could share a couple for me.

But I know that whites like you live to deny things we say about race.

Whites like me? :lol:

The only thing I deny about your take on race is that you use the word racist way too much. I’ve heard it used exhaustively on the radio, and here on the forums. Anymore, I suspect it’s just a word liberals throw around to try and put people on their back foot, to try to get them to back down, you know “oh no! Don’t use the “R” word!!”

I won't be taking instructions from you.

About relaxation videos? You should, they are very good. I use them myself sometimes when I’m in need of relaxation, I’m telling ya, a change of pace from the standard fare you watch would be good for you. Hell, I’m not even saying you have to give up the hate videos, just throw in some healthy videos from time to time, it’ll change your life! 😊

What needs to happen is for whites to get rid of the racism in their community, not me stop watching videos

I agree, everyone should eradicate racism from their lives, but I also agree that you should watch some rainstorm videos or some asmr or something. Wear headphones for maximum effect though. It’s great!

I don't need to watch video to now tht white racism is out there bad right now and Trump is the instigator. If you can't see it, then you are part of the probem.

I never said to watch videos about white racism, I said to watch videos for relaxation.

I don’t know that trump is the instigator, please provide some context here.

Because I don’t agree that Trump is a race instigator, that makes me part of the problem? Look, i agree that racism exists, but it’s real hard for people to fight racism when lefty’s like you call EVERYTHING racism. Also, they probably don’t get very motivated when you have these hardcore lefty’s accusing them of being racist all the time. I would imagine it makes them downright reluctant, because they don’t get any desire to see eye to eye with someone who brow beats them the time.

Just something to consider.
Didn’t you claim several times that you are not a Trump supporter?

Yeah ya did.

Nothing you say should be considered after that lie

I said I’m not trump supporter, that is correct. I’ve also explained my position of why I push back. It has nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the games lefty’s have been playing for 9 years. The lawfare, the radio programs where it’s lefty’s always accusing the right of stuff.

I’ve said, I don’t support a person, I support the party and the ideology of conservatism. I’d be saying these things no matter who it was, trump or anyone else who was being treated in this fashion
Blah. Blah. Blah. Deny. Deny. Gaslight.

The trump supporter racism denier playbook is getting old.
Black Trump supporters were taught a hard lesson at a trump rally recently.

The black MAGA is just prop used by white MAGAS

There's IM2. What's it like, grown azz man, blaming others for you being a b!tch? You had the same text books I had, Your local library was not so much farther or closer that mine. In my hood 1+1=2 just like in your hood. You're a grown azz man blaming me, being white for your own lazyness/not cracking a book/not waking up in the fu(kin mornin and asking your neighbor if you can mow their yard for $5. What fu(kin white man ever stopped you from buying a Chilton's Car Manual and a few wrenches sos you could figure out how to fix your drive shaft on your Hoopdie? My white azz is not responsible for you not figuering out the molarity in your chemistry test. My skin color or your skin color is not responsible for you being a loser. You are. I've never owned a slave, you've never been a slave yet you want my white azz to give you cash? Fu(kin loser. Tell us all the story about how some white man stopped you just when you about to begin reading Tolstoy's War and Peace. What? Your baby Seester only had white Barbies and you could never get over it? White lines in the road kept you on the black part of the road? Joe Nameth wasn't black enough? Racists with white chalk writing on the black part? Did being black make you stupid? Just cause I'm a gazillion times more smarter than you has nuttin to do with my skin color. That's because you are a loser.

I can go on.
So, liberals, what should the highest federal income tax rate be and at what income level should it start at?

Then, please to splain exactly why you think that should be so.
I said I’m not trump supporter, that is correct. I’ve also explained my position of why I push back. It has nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the games lefty’s have been playing for 9 years. The lawfare, the radio programs where it’s lefty’s always accusing the right of stuff.

I’ve said, I don’t support a person, I support the party and the ideology of conservatism. I’d be saying these things no matter who it was, trump or anyone else who was being treated in this fashion
Not a Trump supporter

So, liberals did ya'll know that with the Trump tax cuts in high taxed states (blue states) the rich could only defer so much of their state taxes from the federal taxes making the rich actually pay more in taxes?

You dumb fu(ks have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?
The law of Supply and Demand.

If SlowJoeBiden adds millions of illegal aliens to America doesn't that make demand go up/supply to become scarce then necessarily the price of stuff goes up?
Inflation: SlowJoeBiden shut down the pipe lines so immediately oil, as it's a globally speculated upon commodity price went up. Then, as it takes gas to deliver gas doesn't the price of everything automatically go up? And stay up?

Wassamatta, IM2, am I moving too fast for you?

Or is the fact that you are black making all this very hard for you to read so it's my white azzes fault?
pagers 1.1.png
I'll risk it. Here's a joke I told in the basement the other day...


From where the last man standing stands.

Top Ten inventions by gay men.

Sawbuck. Snap!
Nein. Broadway musicals.
Ate. "You go, girl."
Lucky 7. Pole sitting.
Sex. Aids.
Fin. Pastel colored mesh tank tops.
IV. The 'G' in 'LGB...'
Craps. Circle jerks.
The Deuce. Recreational enemas.

And the number one invention by gay men...

1. Gavin Newsom.

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