Black MAGA Lies for Trump

Since 90 percent of the blacks in this country will be voting for Harris, we are indeed voting for our best interests. Don't post links to me from the post or any other right wing source. I see the data from back pollsters who actually sample large numbers of blacks. Not white pollsters who ask 5 backs and 1 says they are voting for trump then claim that a poll shows that trump has 20 percent black support.
Since 90 percent of the blacks in this country will be voting for Harris, we are indeed voting for our best interests. Don't post links to me from the post or any other right wing source. I see the data from back pollsters who actually sample large numbers of blacks. Not white pollsters who ask 5 backs and 1 says they are voting for trump then claim that a poll shows that trump has 20 percent black support.
Looks like the black population is turning more towards Trump.
Mark 8:36

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

To the right wing, whites Byron Donalds is successful and educated, while a man like Michael Eric Dyson is an uneducated loser. Dyson is a Ph'd who has taught at various prestigious institutions. Donalds was a credit manager who married a white women whose family has money. In his quest for power Donalds has sold his soul. But to white right wingers, Donalds is great because he pushes their agenda, giving them cover because they can point to him and claim how they are not racist because a black man says the same thing.

Alarming: Black MAGA Like Byron Donalds Use Social Media to Disinform the Next Generation of Blacks​

Pretending to be black on the internet is racist
"But to white right wingers, Donalds is great because he pushes their agenda, giving them cover because they can point to him and claim how they are not racist because a black man says the same thing."

Why do those like you always see anti black opinions as some form of independent thought?

Try not translating things based upon your racist beliefs.
No, it's not his fault you prefer victim status, and he can think for himself without liberal massas help!
Mark 8:36

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

To the right wing, whites Byron Donalds is successful and educated, while a man like Michael Eric Dyson is an uneducated loser. Dyson is a Ph'd who has taught at various prestigious institutions. Donalds was a credit manager who married a white women whose family has money. In his quest for power Donalds has sold his soul. But to white right wingers, Donalds is great because he pushes their agenda, giving them cover because they can point to him and claim how they are not racist because a black man says the same thing.

Alarming: Black MAGA Like Byron Donalds Use Social Media to Disinform the Next Generation of Blacks​

STFU racist punk.
No, it's not his fault you prefer victim status, and he can think for himself without liberal massas help!
Try using different language son. Gaslighting doesn't work wth me, white punk. Just because Donalds is step n fechit for whitey doesn't make him an independent thinker. In fact, it is quite the opposite. He is a fat house n word doing his white masters bidding hoping to get some scraps..
If you support MAGA, you support white supremacy. You can be black and support white supremacy.
It’s weird that you think making American great again is white supremacy

I for one thing American greatest is based on not being racist

Obviously there not a demklan idea of greatness
So here we see this sorry black MAGA supporting voter suppression. I was born before blacks had the right to vote. This fat slob needs his black ass whipped.

Byron Donalds Voted To Support Black Voter Suppression And White Supremacy​

You still believe the 2020 election was stollen.

That's ignorance.

I have posted from AG Paxton's lawsuit that prove laws were ignored and broken. He can prove those facts. The equal protection clause was violated.
I have posted from AG Paxton's lawsuit that prove laws were ignored and broken. He can prove those facts. The equal protection clause was violated.
AG Paxton couldn't prove squat. Trump won Texas.
Educate yourself. He can prove his allegations. Why do you think he never got the chance?
He went to SCOTUS and was to to turn around and go back. I do believe that what he tried was unconstitutional.

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