Black MAGA Lies for Trump

America has been so great you don’t want to leave for Africa.
I was born here. You gripe about the government that has gven whites such as you every preference. So how about if you don't like the government here, move back to Europe? Because this ain't your land white man.
If you support MAGA, you support white supremacy. You can be black and support white supremacy.

maga means making America Great again... you're the one who associates that with people wanting racism because you use some hardcore fringe and try to say its every one.
America has been so great you don’t want to leave for Africa.

America HAS been great but at the same time it has had its problems. Its really simple. If America was not a great place to be then millions of people around the world wouldnt want to stand in line to be here. There was a time you could work hard even without a collge education and do pretty well, raise a family, now even with college degrees people are deciding not to have kids because they cant afford it.
Mark 8:36

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

To the right wing, whites Byron Donalds is successful and educated, while a man like Michael Eric Dyson is an uneducated loser. Dyson is a Ph'd who has taught at various prestigious institutions. Donalds was a credit manager who married a white women whose family has money. In his quest for power Donalds has sold his soul. But to white right wingers, Donalds is great because he pushes their agenda, giving them cover because they can point to him and claim how they are not racist because a black man says the same thing.

Alarming: Black MAGA Like Byron Donalds Use Social Media to Disinform the Next Generation of Blacks​

North Carolina's second-largest newspaper condemns Trump for 'ridiculous' Helene response 'falsehoods'
maga means making America Great again... you're the one who associates that with people wanting racism because you use some hardcore fringe and try to say its every one.
I am associating MAGA with what it is. When was America great?
America HAS been great but at the same time it has had its problems. Its really simple. If America was not a great place to be then millions of people around the world wouldnt want to stand in line to be here. There was a time you could work hard even without a collge education and do pretty well, raise a family, now even with college degrees people are deciding not to have kids because they cant afford it.
Millions of people leave this country every year also. People migrate all over the world. America has never been great for everyone.
Acting white? So we implement a policy to exterminate whites or to enslave whites for 245 years, then pass laws to restrict their freedom for 100 years. We exclude whites from every chance of advancement, take their income for 245 years the let them make half of what we make for another 100. We exclude whites from everything by public policy. And if any white ersn looks like they re dvancing, then we burn dwn or bow u wht they wn. Then we tke over the SCOTUS and create a law where “A white man has no rights a black man is bound to respect.” After that, we move whites outof their homes and make them live in barren territories. Any resistance and we shoot the white person dead. We deny whites housing while enacting prgrms that give us triionsof dolars to purchase homes. We refuse to let whites vote. Then after 345 years we pass laws saying whites are equal but still pay them less for the same jobs and continually gripe about how giving whites equal opportunity means that better qualifed blacks are denied opportunity and that it's racist because we can't get all the jobs like we used to and after 60 years of giving whites equal opportunity, we decide to end the laws that provided equal opportunity. Then we implement legislation that reduces white representation, and make it harder for whites to vote.

I don't think you should be telling us to act white. Be very glad we have not acted white or a of shit woud have been blown up.
That was done. We got over it and moved on, built nations and provided for our families. It’s well past time you do the same and stop whining like a little negro bitch. Nobody gives a flying fuck about your ancestors a hundred years ago.

Something you should think about…
How is it every other race had been slaves among other hardships and are able to build functioning, modern, prosperous nations. Except blacks.
America HAS been great but at the same time it has had its problems. Its really simple. If America was not a great place to be then millions of people around the world wouldnt want to stand in line to be here. There was a time you could work hard even without a collge education and do pretty well, raise a family, now even with college degrees people are deciding not to have kids because they cant afford it.
Stop voting democrat.
I am associating MAGA with what it is. When was America great?

It's been great throught its history but you can pick any era and find things that were wrong it doesnt take away the fact that there was greatness. One basic things is we have a system of government with checks and balances, along with a Bill of Rights which allows for citizens like yourself to speak your geivance and allows for the country as a whole, to try and make corrections.
That was done. We got over it and moved on, built nations and provided for our families. It’s well past time you do the same and stop whining like a little negro bitch. Nobody gives a flying fuck about your ancestors a hundred years ago.

Something you should think about…
How is it every other race had been slaves among other hardships and are able to build functioning, modern, prosperous nations. Except blacks.
You need to stop lying to yoursef about 100 years go when whites llike you do the same things now. I don't need to thnk about anything you suggest because the excuse of every other race has been slaves has nothing to do with Jim Crow and modern forms of white racism that exist today which you and others here practice.
It's been great throught its history but you can pick any era and find things that were wrong it doesnt take away the fact that there was greatness. One basic things is we have a system of government with checks and balances, along with a Bill of Rights which allows for citizens like yourself to speak your geivance and allows for the country as a whole, to try and make corrections.
America has never been great. Not for everybody. That sytem hs not worked for us. People looking like me get vilified and some have been killed for speaking our grievance. The country has not made the corrections necessary and what "corrections" that have been made have always resulted in a backlash from whites. We see that today and MAGA is the end manifestation of that backlash.
America has never been great. Not for everybody. That sytem hs not worked for us. People looking like me get vilified and some have been killed for speaking our grievance. The country has not made the corrections necessary and what "corrections" that have been made have always resulted in a backlash from whites. We see that today and MAGA is the end manifestation of that backlash.
You are THEE biggest liar on this forum. You create all kinds of lame socks. You wrote fake reviews for your own self-published book. You get busted over and over and over again. And yet, you continue. You are truly pathological.

North Carolina's second-largest newspaper condemns Trump for 'ridiculous' Helene response 'falsehoods'

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