Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Palestine is clearly regarded as a "country" within the mandate text and Jews are to be supported in gaining Palestinian citizenship, no other kind of citizenship is even mentioned.
By definition of being a Mandate, it was NOT a "country" (state) as it was not yet able to "stand alone". That is the entire meaning and purpose of the mandate system. When emerging state was able to stand alone, then the Mandate would be dissolved and the State would declare its independence.
It envisages a concept of Palestinian citizenship and then calls out that that citizenship must be an option available to Jews, so clearly the country of Palestine was to have citizens that were not Jews, i.e. Palestinians.
Obviously. No where did I state that only Jews could be citizens. The Mandate for Palestine text clearly outlines this. Don't conflate individual rights with sovereign rights.

But, back to the point. There were not TWO peoples who were to be the recipients of an independent state, with rights to a national homeland, administration, government, immigration, close settlement, etc. There was only one -- the Jewish people.
I was working in my Garden today and needed some supplies from the DIY store i was building a fence, i had a choice of two stores to get the timber, i ended up driving to the second choice because the one nearest to me had a very antisemitic name its' called Jewsons thought better safe than sorry. :abgg2q.jpg:

how antisemitic is that building?
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Au contraire, it is the Palestinians that are the bastard children of the marriage between Islamism and Nazism.

I’ve been watching the testimony of Oct 7th survivors. One, a hostage who was released, and the other a girl who hid in a dumpster with 15 others. A terrorist fired his machine gun into that dumpster while shouting “Allāhu ʾakbar”. Only four of the sixteen survived. When you hear the personal experiences, a human face is put onto the one dimensional newspaper reports, and a deeper repugnance is felt at the moral depravity of that barbaric event one year ago.
By definition of being a Mandate, it was NOT a "country" (state) as it was not yet able to "stand alone". That is the entire meaning and purpose of the mandate system. When emerging state was able to stand alone, then the Mandate would be dissolved and the State would declare its independence.

Obviously. No where did I state that only Jews could be citizens. The Mandate for Palestine text clearly outlines this. Don't conflate individual rights with sovereign rights.

But, back to the point. There were not TWO peoples who were to be the recipients of an independent state, with rights to a national homeland, administration, government, immigration, close settlement, etc. There was only one -- the Jewish people.
As has already been demonstrated the term "recipient" is never used, yet you just cannot express yourself without using it, the document has no need for it because the concept itself is not present in the text.

The "point" was your erroneous claim "The Jewish people were the only recipients of the territory of the Mandate for Palestine" this is Zionist entitlement screwing with your mind again.

The terms "Palestine" and "Jewish national home" are not synonymous, they are distinct and they mean quite different things.

Of course the document was and is a curse, although it does not say what you think it says, it is still the end result of Zionist lobbying and secret planning with the British and seeks to further the goals of the Zionists, most of which are not evident to anyone reading the mandate.

This is just one of the reasons the Palestinians were resistant and the full list of their grievances are to be found in the telegram to the League of Nations here. which I strongly encourage any truly interested individuals, to read.

This is of note from that text

5. Great Britain however placed Palestine in such a position as made it possible for the Jews to flood the country with waves of immigrants and factually helped their establishment on the soil despite the saturation of the land with its population which did exceed the absorptive capacity of the country economically and otherwise, thereby neglecting the provided for interests and the rights of its lawful inhabitants. The Arabs used all means at all times to express their deep concern and anxiety at such a policy which they felt was undermining their future and their very existence. But at all such times they were met with utter disregard and harsh treatment such as jail, exile, etc.

You'll note that "flooding the country with waves of immigrants" (and this is speaking of before any Holocaust) is EXACTLY what the US far-right make a huge fuss over in their nimbyism, they decry flooding our country with waves of immigrants yet hypocritically approve of it when those immigrants are Jews and the place being flooded is Palestine.
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I was working in my Garden today and needed some supplies from the DIY store i was building a fence, i had a choice of two stores to get the timber, i ended up driving to the second choice because the one nearest to me had a very antisemitic name its' called Jewsons thought better safe than sorry. :abgg2q.jpg:

how antisemitic is that building?
View attachment 1022898

I had no idea that antisemitism had become this bad in Britain, so sad, how awful for Jews there.
I’ve been watching the testimony of Oct 7th survivors. One, a hostage who was released, and the other a girl who hid in a dumpster with 15 others. A terrorist fired his machine gun into that dumpster while shouting “Allāhu ʾakbar”. Only four of the sixteen survived. When you hear the personal experiences, a human face is put onto the one dimensional newspaper reports, and a deeper repugnance is felt at the moral depravity of that barbaric event one year ago.

Time to join the army then and take care of all those evil Palestinians, don't want people wandering around raping Jewish girls...

Man those Israeli knuckle draggers will rape anything that moves, even women aren't safe there :auiqs.jpg:
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The "point" was your erroneous claim "The Jewish people were the only recipients of the territory of the Mandate for Palestine" this is Zionist entitlement screwing with your mind again.

The terms "Palestine" and "Jewish national home" are not synonymous, they are distinct and they mean quite different things.

The PURPOSE of the mandate system was the development of independent states under the tutelage of the Mandate holder (in this case the British).

League of Nations Covenant, Article 22 (as referred to in the Mandate for Palestine)

To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modem world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant. The best method of giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility, and who are willing to accept it, and that this tutelage should be exercised by them as Mandatories on behalf of the League. The character of the mandate must differ according to the stage of the development of the people, the geographical situation of the territory, its economic conditions and other similar circumstances. Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognised subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory.

ONLY the Jewish people have their rights to self-governance, a national home, a re-constitution of their national home, administration, immigration and settlement recognized in the Mandate for Palestine. There are not TWO peoples who have these rights recognized. There is certainly no discussion of a division of land, in which each of two peoples has a distinct territory.

There is no way around this. You can cry all you would like, but only one peoples were recognized for the Mandate for Palestine.
Time to join the army then and take care of all those evil Palestinians, don't want people wandering around raping Jewish girls...

Man those Israeli knuckle draggers will rape anything that moves, even women aren't safe there :auiqs.jpg:

I wasn’t posting to you, you sick freak.
Au contraire, it is the Palestinians that are the bastard children of the marriage between Islamism and Nazism.

It trendy these days to blame the mufti for the Holocaust instead of the Germans. The Zionists thinks it justifies what they have done.
Here's a tip for you, if you really want to know what Zionist means ask a Palestinian, I mean if I wanted to know what Nazi means I'd ask a Jew not a German, it's simple, stop pretending to be an intellectual.
so your sense of what a word "means" is driven by the biases of one particular group. Interesting.

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