What is your Summary of the Nunez Memo Impact?

What the Nunez Memo Proves is....

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I am curious as to how many here take it seriously.

I know I do.

The FISA Warrant courts are supposed to be the ONE AND ONLY ASSURANCE that our intelligence community is not abusing its power to investigate foreign spies by instead investigating innocent Americans for political or personal reasons.

They are only to issue these warrants on an American citizen IF there is 1) Probable cause that the American is working for a foreign government, and 2) it is criminal or treasonous in nature.

The application for the warrant is for transparency to the American people that our intelligence community is not going rogue and turning on its own people for ANY reason.

IT is now a proven fact that the FBI obtained a series of warrants on an American citizen without revealing key evidence and while with holding facts from the FISA court, which is criminal and an attempt to evade the FISA court's oversight of the intelligence collection process.

What are your feelings/concerns about this?
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Republicans say the Dossier was paid for by Democrats.

Only it was started By Republicans and paid for by Republicans until Trump became the nominee.

The GOP said the entire investigation was started because of a FISA report on Carter Page which led to the Steele Dossier only it was started a long time before because the Australians reported Papadopoulis's comments to the FBI and that TRIGGERED the investigation. And that was reported in the last paragraph of the Nunes Memo.

Don't believe me. Here is the memo, read it for yourself.


It even says there was no connection between...........well..........read it for yourself.
It proves the Illuminati are in control of DC
Holy outta left field, Batman!

That answer option isn't one I expected to see.

Just trying to see who is awake, lol.

Some might choose it too, lol.

Oh, and I know why that got your attention, wink-wink, thumb in fist.

You left one important answer out of the voting list regarding the Nunes memo:

Obama is guilty as hell but Trump is getting his revenge.....they never expected Trump to win :abgg2q.jpg:
16 Bombshells in the Nunes Memo the Media Do Not Want You to Know About - Breitbart

Here are 16 things the media do not want you to know about the Nunes memo:

  1. The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.
  2. Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a “wiretap” to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. This spying would last for a year.
  3. It should be noted that the FISA court was set up to stop foreign terrorists. The fact that the FBI and DOJ would use this court to not only wiretap an American but to monitor a presidential campaign belies belief. Why Obama’s FBI and DOJ used this court as opposed to a normal court is obvious. As you will see below, a normal court probably would have denied the application.
  4. Worse still, in the summer of 2016, Obama’s DOJ had already opened a counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. The fact that nothing from that months-old partisan investigation was used to obtain the Page wiretap is revealing.
  5. According to the Nunes memo, an “essential” part of the FISA application was the Steele dossier, which again is a partisan political document created for the Clinton campaign.
  6. So essential was this partisan dossier, Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former-Deputy Director of the FBI, admitted in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” without the dossier.
  7. Not only did the FBI knowingly use a document from a partisan campaign to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the competing campaign, the FBI knew the dossier was mostly “salacious and unverified.” We know this because disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey told us so in June of 2017.
  8. According to the Nunes memo, “Steele told [demoted DOJ official Bruce] Ohr, he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.'”
  9. Ohr, who was part of the FBI’s anti-Trump Russian investigation, was not only friendly with Steele, Ohr’s own wife worked at Fusion GPS doing opposition research (the dossier) against Trump for the Clinton campaign.
  10. Despite a) knowing the dossier was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign b) knowing the dossier was “salacious and unverified” c) knowing Steele was desperate to destroy Trump d) the breathtaking conflict of interest in having an investigator’s own wife working on the dossier, the FBI still went to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent.
  11. In order to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, all of the conflicts of interest above were withheld from the FISA court — an indefensible (and possibly illegal) lie of omission.
  12. Even worse, in order to legitimize a warrant request based on a piece of partisan opposition research they knew was “salacious and unverified,” the FBI and DOJ used a media report to bolster the findings in the phony dossier. The FBI and DOJ told the court that the media report was independent verification of the dossier. But this was not true, and, according to the Nunes memo, the FBI and DOJ knew this was not true. The truth is that the phony dossier was the source of this media report.
  13. Also hidden from the FISA court was the fact that the FBI obtained Steele as a source but had to fire him in October of 2016 when, in a bid to use his phony dossier to derail the Trump campaign, he leaked his information to the far-left Mother Jones.
  14. Although the FBI and DOJ were willing participants in pushing a “salacious and unverified” narrative against a presidential candidate (primarily through media leaks), this was all hidden from congressional investigators. To begin with, for months, while under oath, Comey said he did not know where the dossier came from — meaning from the Clinton campaign. The Wall Street Journal explains:
We also know the FBI wasn’t straight with Congress, as it hid most of these facts from investigators in a briefing on the dossier in January 2017. The FBI did not tell Congress about Mr. Steele’s connection to the Clinton campaign, and the House had to issue subpoenas for Fusion bank records to discover the truth. Nor did the FBI tell investigators that it continued receiving information from Mr. Steele and Fusion even after it had terminated him. The memo says the bureau’s intermediary was Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, whose wife, incredibly, worked for Fusion.

  1. All of this dishonesty occurred under Comey, the man our media now hold up as a living saint, a man so desperate to destroy Trump, he not only oversaw some of those committing the above abuses, he leaked potentially classified information to the news media in order to see a Special Prosecutor appointed against Trump, which his pal, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, immediately did.
And finally…

16. Much of the “salacious and unverified” material in the dossier came from the Russians. In other words, those disgusting dossier lies about Trump’s personal behavior came from Russian operatives. So there is no question that it was the Clinton campaign, Democrats, Steele, the FBI, and DOJ who colluded with the Russians to rig a presidential election.
Is this treason, to intend to overturn an American POTUS election by Deep State maneuvering?

CNN's Mudd: FBI People 'Ticked' About Memo; Are Saying About Trump 'Game Is Going to Be Played,' They're 'Going to Win' - Breitbart

Friday on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” network counterterrorism analyst Phil Mudd warned the FBI was going to push back against President Donald Trump’s release of the House Intelligence Committee memo and further suggestions of corruption existing within that agency.

Mudd noted the long-running operation of the FBI versus Trump’s 13 months as president and noted the FBI was vowing “to win.”...

“The president is talking about basically corruption at the FBI today, but we oppose the leadership,” he said. “The workforce is going to look at this and say, this is an attack on our ability to conduct an investigation with integrity. There are hundreds of agents and analysts working on this investigation. It’s not just Christopher Wray, the FBI Director.”

“So, the FBI people — I’m going to tell you are ticked, and they’re going to be saying, I guarantee it, you think you could push us off this because you can try to intimidate the director, you’d better think again, Mr. President,” he continued. “You’ve been around for 13 months; we’ve been around since 1908. I know how this game is going to be played, and we’re going to win.”​
It proves the Illuminati are in control of DC
Holy outta left field, Batman!

That answer option isn't one I expected to see.

You think that there is no such thing as the "cabal" or the Illuminati? Their signs and symbols are right in front of your face on a daily basis. Look at the symbol of Google "666". Look at the CBS symbol, look at the symbol of the CFR....why is Albert Pike's statute prominently displayed in Washington, D.C? Pike was a Confederate general and a co-founder of the KKK using the protocols of Scottish Rite Freemasonry as the leadership council? His book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the "bible" of Scottish Rite freemasonry. He took over the head of the Illuminati in 1871....why don't black poverty pimp leaders protest? Because they belong to the Boule society. You really have no clue as to what is right under your nose. This is so far over your head and ability to comprehend and that is exactly how they want it. The greatest trick the devil ever played on the sheeple was leading them to believe that he doesn't exist.
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Memo Fallout: Nine Questions About James Comey’s Role in Fueling Russia Collusion Conspiracy

2 – Why didn’t Comey tell the FISA court that Steele’s dossier was reportedly funded by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC)?

“Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior and FBI officials,” the memo states.

In October, the Washington Post reported that in April 2016, attorney Marc E. Elias and his law firm Perkins Coie retained Fusion GPS to conduct the firm’s anti-Trump work on behalf of both Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Clinton’s campaign and the DNC both were clients of Perkins Coie.

Instead of Fusion GPS receiving lump sums from Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson testified in November that he believes his firm expensed Steele’s payments directly to Perkins Coie. Simpson stated that bank records show Fusion GPS paid Steele about $160,000. Simpson’s November 14 testimony was released last month.

While it is not clear how much the Clinton campaign or the DNC paid Fusion GPS, the UK Independent, citing campaign finance records, reported that the Clinton campaign doled out $5.6 million to Perkins Coie from June 2015 to December 2016. Records show that since November 2015, the DNC paid the law firm $3.6 million in “legal and compliance consulting.”

3 – Why didn’t Comey tell the FISA court the dossier he allegedly relied upon to request a warrant to monitor Page was a product of the controversial Fusion GPS firm?

The memo relates that the initial application notes Steele worked for a “named U.S. person,” but does not name Fusion GPS or its founder Simpson. Breitbart News has released a series of articles documenting credibility issues faced by Fusion GPS and its leadership.

4 – Why didn’t Comey tell the FISA court that Steele reportedly met with Yahoo News at the direction of Fusion GPS?

A Yahoo News article about an alleged trip by Page to Moscow was cited as purported evidence against Page in the FISA warrant, according to the memo.

5 – How did Comey justify relying upon the dossier to monitor Page when he personally called the information contained in Steele’s dossier “salacious and unverified” months later?

Comey first filed the FISA application citing the dossier on October 21, 2016, according to the memo. Yet during his June 8, 2017 prepared remarks before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Comey referred to the anti-Trump dossier as containing “salacious and unverified” material.

6 – How did Comey justify relying upon the dossier to monitor Page when his own FBI determined the document was “only minimally corroborated”?

The memo relates that after dossier author Christopher Steele was terminated months earlier as an FBI source a “source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele’s reporting as only minimally corroborated.” Still, Comey saw fit, according to the memo, to utilize the dossier in the FISA documents and he briefed Trump and Obama on the dossier contents.

7 –Why did Comey push back against a request from President Donald Trump to possibly investigate the origins of claims made inside the dossier?

According to the memo, senior officials at the FBI were aware that Clinton and the DNC partially financed Steele’s work when they applied for the FISA warrant on October 21, 2016. That disclosure raises questions about Comey’s June 2017 prepared remarks for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in which he related that he pushed back against a suggestion from Trump to investigate the origins of the dossier claims.

The former FBI chief stated that following a January 6 Oval Office meeting with Intelligence Community leaders, Comey “remained alone with the President Elect to brief him on some personally sensitive aspects of the information assembled during the assessment.”

It is clear Comey was referring to the dossier since he writes that the “salacious and unverified” material was about to be publically reported by the news media. Four days after that briefing, the dossier was published by BuzzFeed.
It proves the Illuminati are in control of DC
Holy outta left field, Batman!

That answer option isn't one I expected to see.

Just trying to see who is awake, lol.

Some might choose it too, lol.

Oh, and I know why that got your attention, wink-wink, thumb in fist.


It's not a joke, Jim.......not a joke in the slightest. Our founding fathers spoke of the Jesuits and the Illuminati that they started. 6,000 books have been written about them. Many of those books have been suppressed and are very hard to find. Ever heard the old saying "All roads lead to Rome"? It's true and in ways you couldn't even fathom.
It's not a joke, Jim.......not a joke in the slightest. Our founding fathers spoke of the Jesuits and the Illuminati that they started. 6,000 books have been written about them. Many of those books have been suppressed and are very hard to find. Ever heard the old saying "All roads lead to Rome"? It's true and in ways you couldn't even fathom.
I know you take that stuff seriously, Dale, but it is funny when you look at it knowing that the Illuminati were eliminated centuries ago and what we have today are people trying to wear that dead skin to frighten targeted audiences.
Yes Carter Page who is an American citizen should not be making deals with members of the Russian sanctions. They surveilled Page back in 2013.

Also as we know the report, dossier, didn't fuel the Fisa warrant on Page, and do you remember we had sanctions on Russia for trying to take over Ukraine, which Manafort did a Russian coup there.

Why did Trump first mention Page back in early 2016 and then say he never even knew him??
You think that there is no such thing as the "cabal" or the Illuminati? Their signs and symbols are right in front of your face on a daily basis. Look at the symbol of Google "666". Look at the CBS symbol, look at the symbol of the CFR....

Okay, the crazy pills aren't working today, are they cocksucker Dale?

The CBS Symbol? Really?

They're watching you from your computer right now.
The businessman, Carter Page, met with one of three Russians who were eventually charged with being undeclared officers with Russia’s foreign intelligence service, known as the S.V.R. The F.B.I. interviewed Mr. Page in 2013 as part of an investigation into the spy ring, but decided that he had not known the man was a spy, and the bureau never accused Mr. Page of wrongdoing.

The court documents say that Mr. Page, who founded an investment company in New York called Global Energy Capital, provided documents about the energy business to one of the Russians, Victor Podobnyy, thinking he was a businessman who could help with brokering deals in Russia.


The trip caught the attention of United States intelligence agencies. Later that month, the F.B.I. opened a counterintelligence investigation into Russian attempts to influence the presidential election and whether any of Mr. Trump’s associates were involved in that effort. American businessmen who visit Russia, even those who are not advising a presidential campaign, are frequently targeted by Russian operatives trying to collect information about the United States.

Mr. Page has given few specifics about whom he met with on that trip. In an interview with The New York Times last month, he said he had met with “mostly scholars.”

According to the court documents filed in 2015, the F.B.I. secretly recorded Mr. Podobnyy and another Russian operative named Igor Sporyshev discussing efforts to recruit Mr. Page, who was then working in New York as a consultant.

Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump
It's not a joke, Jim.......not a joke in the slightest. Our founding fathers spoke of the Jesuits and the Illuminati that they started. 6,000 books have been written about them. Many of those books have been suppressed and are very hard to find. Ever heard the old saying "All roads lead to Rome"? It's true and in ways you couldn't even fathom.

My God, you're right! My 7th Grade Math Teacher WAS in on a conspiracy!!!

It proves the Illuminati are in control of DC
Holy outta left field, Batman!

That answer option isn't one I expected to see.

Just trying to see who is awake, lol.

Some might choose it too, lol.

Oh, and I know why that got your attention, wink-wink, thumb in fist.


It's not a joke, Jim.......not a joke in the slightest. Our founding fathers spoke of the Jesuits and the Illuminati that they started. 6,000 books have been written about them. Many of those books have been suppressed and are very hard to find. Ever heard the old saying "All roads lead to Rome"? It's true and in ways you couldn't even fathom.

Yes back in the Roman Empire all roads led to Rome and that is why Jesus said when someone forces you to walk one mile with them, go two miles, (meaning carry the soldiers stuff) , today all roads do not lead to Rome.

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