What it means to be a political moderate

Ether you want to save the USA or destroy it there is no middle ground this time....You cant be a pussy and act better cause your to chicken shit to make a decision.

Wake up, chicken little. The sky ain't falling. Someone wants you to believe that, though, because fear is a powerful motivator for some folks.

This country has weathered George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter. We've survived being torn apart by civil war, World Wars 1&2, slavery, the racial upheaval of the 1950s-60s, Vietnam, and giving the vote to women. We'll muddle through like we always do, regardless of who gets elected.

There is plenty of irony in using a fear-based argument (ZOMG, the country is being destroyed!!!) and then calling other people cowards and pussies for being unswayed by it.

The facts are Obama will be the death of this nation. So ether you are for the USA or you are for whatever Obama creates.
Ether you want to save the USA or destroy it there is no middle ground this time....You cant be a pussy and act better cause your to chicken shit to make a decision.

Wake up, chicken little. The sky ain't falling. Someone wants you to believe that, though, because fear is a powerful motivator for some folks.

This country has weathered George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter. We've survived being torn apart by civil war, World Wars 1&2, slavery, the racial upheaval of the 1950s-60s, Vietnam, and giving the vote to women. We'll muddle through like we always do, regardless of who gets elected.

There is plenty of irony in using a fear-based argument (ZOMG, the country is being destroyed!!!) and then calling other people cowards and pussies for being unswayed by it.

The facts are Obama will be the death of this nation. So ether you are for the USA or you are for whatever Obama creates.

obvious unamerican pussy is obvious

grow a pair
"The moderate does not believe that there are policies that are permanently right. Situations matter most. Tax cuts might be right one decade but wrong the next. Tighter regulations might be right one decade, but if sclerosis sets in then deregulation might be in order."

Good article...

There's the proof that moderates are idiots. Economic policies are either always right or always wrong. The laws of economics don't change.
"The moderate does not believe that there are policies that are permanently right. Situations matter most. Tax cuts might be right one decade but wrong the next. Tighter regulations might be right one decade, but if sclerosis sets in then deregulation might be in order."

Good article...

There's the proof that moderates are idiots. Economic policies are either always right or always wrong. The laws of economics don't change.

They don't but the factors affecting them do.
America has one chance to stop Obamacare.

But you will waste your vote on an anarchist.

Please explain the differences between Obamacare and Romneycare.

One is a Federal program, one is a State program.


So? I didn't hear one single right winger during the leadup to the passage of ObamaCare, including you, saying the problem with ObamaCare is that it was a federal program. It was all about the mandate, and "death panels".

You people are like the hate rallies in Orwell's 1984. There's a scene where they are chanting against Eurasia as their enemy. Right in the middle of the hate rally, the leadership changes alliances and suddenly Eastasia is the enemy and Eurasia is the ally. Without missing a beat, the crowd begins chanting against Eastasia. "We have always been at war with Eastasia." They tear down the anti-Eurasia posters, exclaiming that Eastasia spies must have put them up.

Along comes Romney, the first person in history to force the individual mandate on people, running for President, and all during the campaign he is attacked for this.

But the second he wins the nomination, you drink his piss and suddenly the chant is "his program is a state program, dumbass." As if that magically erases everything said against him and individual mandates before then!

Amazing. Seriously. That kind of willful brainwashing is some incredible shit to observe.

Actually, it is fucking scary as hell to see.

They both force you to buy a commercial product against your will. That is an incredible encroachment on personal liberty.

There is no difference between the two.

Romney attacks ObamaCare by saying we should let the private market solve healthcare. That takes some serious balls to say considering he created RomneyCare in Massachusetts.

Healthcare costs are still rising in Massachusetts, too.

Wake up.

And you know what? If, and when, Romney loses the election, you and your ilk will be here the next day attacking him for being a fucking two-faced, shallow, flip-flopping mandater who gets his principles from polls. You'll be saying he wasn't your first choice, running away from him as fast as you can. I guarantee it.

That's exactly what he is, but you have deluded yourself for the rally.

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Wake up, chicken little. The sky ain't falling. Someone wants you to believe that, though, because fear is a powerful motivator for some folks.

This country has weathered George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter. We've survived being torn apart by civil war, World Wars 1&2, slavery, the racial upheaval of the 1950s-60s, Vietnam, and giving the vote to women. We'll muddle through like we always do, regardless of who gets elected.

There is plenty of irony in using a fear-based argument (ZOMG, the country is being destroyed!!!) and then calling other people cowards and pussies for being unswayed by it.

The facts are Obama will be the death of this nation. So ether you are for the USA or you are for whatever Obama creates.

obvious unamerican pussy is obvious

grow a pair

I have a pair maybe you need to stop trying to suck them.
Obama is the biggest spender in the history of the country. You can't vote for him and be a moderate at the same time.
Please explain the differences between Obamacare and Romneycare.

One is a Federal program, one is a State program.


So? I didn't hear one single right winger during the leadup to the passage of ObamaCare, including you, saying the problem with ObamaCare is that it was a federal program.
It was all about the mandate, and "death panels".

You people are like the hate rallies in Orwell's 1984. There's a scene where they are chanting against Eurasia as their enemy. Right in the middle of the hate rally, the leadership changes alliances and suddenly Eastasia is the enemy and Eurasia is the ally. Without missing a beat, the crowd begins chanting against Eastasia. "We have always been at war with Eastasia." They tear down the anti-Eurasia posters, exclaiming that Eastasia spies must have put them up.

Along comes Romney, the first person in history to force the individual mandate on people, running for President, and all during the campaign he is attacked for this.

But the second he wins the nomination, you drink his piss and suddenly the chant is "his program is a state program, dumbass." As if that magically erases everything said against him and individual mandates before then!

Amazing. Seriously. That kind of willful brainwashing is some incredible shit to observe.

Actually, it is fucking scary as hell to see.

They both force you to buy a commercial product against your will. That is an incredible encroachment on personal liberty.

There is no difference between the two.

Romney attacks ObamaCare by saying we should let the private market solve healthcare. That takes some serious balls to say considering he created RomneyCare in Massachusetts.

Healthcare costs are still rising in Massachusetts, too.

Wake up.

And you know what? If, and when, Romney loses the election, you and your ilk will be here the next day attacking him for being a fucking two-faced, shallow, flip-flopping mandater who gets his principles from polls. You'll be saying he wasn't your first choice, running away from him as fast as you can. I guarantee it.

That's exactly what he is, but you have deluded yourself for the rally.


That you didn't hear it isn't my shortcoming, tard.

We didn't bitch when Mass passed their State program, or Oregon either.

We are a FEDERAL system, afterall.
Please explain the differences between Obamacare and Romneycare.

One is a Federal program, one is a State program.


So? I didn't hear one single right winger during the leadup to the passage of ObamaCare, including you, saying the problem with ObamaCare is that it was a federal program. It was all about the mandate, and "death panels".

You people are like the hate rallies in Orwell's 1984. There's a scene where they are chanting against Eurasia as their enemy. Right in the middle of the hate rally, the leadership changes alliances and suddenly Eastasia is the enemy and Eurasia is the ally. Without missing a beat, the crowd begins chanting against Eastasia. "We have always been at war with Eastasia." They tear down the anti-Eurasia posters, exclaiming that Eastasia spies must have put them up.

Along comes Romney, the first person in history to force the individual mandate on people, running for President, and all during the campaign he is attacked for this.

But the second he wins the nomination, you drink his piss and suddenly the chant is "his program is a state program, dumbass." As if that magically erases everything said against him and individual mandates before then!

Amazing. Seriously. That kind of willful brainwashing is some incredible shit to observe.

Actually, it is fucking scary as hell to see.

They both force you to buy a commercial product against your will. That is an incredible encroachment on personal liberty.

There is no difference between the two.

Romney attacks ObamaCare by saying we should let the private market solve healthcare. That takes some serious balls to say considering he created RomneyCare in Massachusetts.

Healthcare costs are still rising in Massachusetts, too.

Wake up.

And you know what? If, and when, Romney loses the election, you and your ilk will be here the next day attacking him for being a fucking two-faced, shallow, flip-flopping mandater who gets his principles from polls. You'll be saying he wasn't your first choice, running away from him as fast as you can. I guarantee it.

That's exactly what he is, but you have deluded yourself for the rally.


+9000. I wish I could rep you 30 times for this post.

"Our way is the only way! Only we have the answer! No retreat, no surrender, no cooperation, no capitulation! We cannot bend! We must completely defeat our enemy!"

Sounds like something one might expect to hear at an Al Qaeda meeting.


I have a pair

If this is true, please sack up and respond to this:

Ether you want to save the USA or destroy it there is no middle ground this time....You cant be a pussy and act better cause your to chicken shit to make a decision.

Wake up, chicken little. The sky ain't falling. Someone wants you to believe that, though, because fear is a powerful motivator for some folks.

This country has weathered George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter. We've survived being torn apart by civil war, World Wars 1&2, slavery, the racial upheaval of the 1950s-60s, Vietnam, and giving the vote to women. We'll muddle through like we always do, regardless of who gets elected.

There is plenty of irony in using a fear-based argument (ZOMG, the country is being destroyed!!!) and then calling other people cowards and pussies for being unswayed by it.

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