What kind of idiot brings a BABY STROLLER into the passenger section of an airliner?

The flight attendant deserved to be sacked. He acted like a complete asshole.

So what about the mother.? Did she have a right to bring the baby stroller with her? THINK
She's packing two babies. As long as the stroller conforms to the carry on standards, which by all accounts, it did, then YEAH. She DOES.

She was having trouble because she had two kids in her arms. Thank you, anti-female, baby killing lefties who refuse to help a woman with kids get situated.

Actually, helping passengers get situated is the job of the flight attendants, not other passengers. And the guy that was SUPPOSED to help the woman did a pretty piss poor job of it.

Wow. Just wow.

So if a woman is struggling with her babies and trying to put a stroller over her head, you aren't going to help her.

Of course, I'm not surprised. You statist pukes are like that.
"Someone else is supposed to do that".

That's why you're all so gung ho for welfare and shit...so you don't ever have to lift a finger yourselves. Lazy, stupid, cowardly, and disgusting, every one of you.

Misogynistic fucks. I sincerely hope you drop at my feet some day with a big chuck of meat stuck in your throat. I will watch you choke to death, and comfort you by saying "any minute someone will be here to help you. any minute."

Yeah, I know the heimlich. Tough.
If I had a baby elephant, I'd try to bring it on as carry-on. I get a twitchy eye and a rash when I think of those bozos losing my shit.
A stroller is a must when you have young babes and kidlins ... I believe if I hadn't had a good stroller with all my brats, I'd of sold them to gypsies
If I had a baby elephant, I'd try to bring it on as carry-on. I get a twitchy eye and a rash when I think of those bozos losing my shit.
A stroller is a must when you have young babes and kidlins ... I believe if I hadn't had a good stroller with all my brats, I'd of sold them to gypsies

These assholes think that women are worthless, and their children shouldn't even exist. You're talking to the scummiest of the scumbags...men who fight hard for abortion.

Of course they're going to say "kick that bitch and her brats off, and nobody should lift a finger to help her. Kids should have been ripped apart in utero, or sometime after birth..meh."
The flight attendant deserved to be sacked. He acted like a complete asshole.

So what about the mother.? Did she have a right to bring the baby stroller with her? THINK
She's packing two babies. As long as the stroller conforms to the carry on standards, which by all accounts, it did, then YEAH. She DOES.

She was having trouble because she had two kids in her arms. Thank you, anti-female, baby killing lefties who refuse to help a woman with kids get situated.

Actually, helping passengers get situated is the job of the flight attendants, not other passengers. And the guy that was SUPPOSED to help the woman did a pretty piss poor job of it.

Wow. Just wow.

So if a woman is struggling with her babies and trying to put a stroller over her head, you aren't going to help her.

Of course, I'm not surprised. You statist pukes are like that.
"Someone else is supposed to do that".

That's why you're all so gung ho for welfare and shit...so you don't ever have to lift a finger yourselves. Lazy, stupid, cowardly, and disgusting, every one of you.

Misogynistic fucks.

So, in your opinion, all the male passengers should have gotten up from their seats, gone to the front of the airplane and helped her? She was still at the entrance for crying out loud, and the flight attendant (whose job it is to do stuff like that) was RIGHT THERE, even if he was crappy at his job.

And no, I'm not gung ho for welfare and shit, but I do believe that assistance should be there for people who need it because they don't make enough money, like everyone in the military who is married and E5 or below who are eligible for WIC because the military doesn't pay them enough. I know, because my First Class pointed me towards it as an E4 with a kid on the way, and after that, I made sure that everyone who came to my desk knew about it if they were having kids.
Wouldnt you think they would have told her before boarding that she couldnt bring the stroller on board?
I know they do for carry on luggage.
Wouldnt you think they would have told her before boarding that she couldnt bring the stroller on board?
I know they do for carry on luggage.

Every time I've flown, there were always flight attendants at the entrance to the passageway who would tell you if something was allowed to go on or not. (But then again, I haven't flown in an airplane since 2002).

If they didn't stop her in the terminal, then why in the hell would this attendant stop her on the aircraft? I don't think that idiot flight attendant even gave her time to fold up the stroller before hitting her with it.
Wouldnt you think they would have told her before boarding that she couldnt bring the stroller on board?
I know they do for carry on luggage.

Every time I've flown, there were always flight attendants at the entrance to the passageway who would tell you if something was allowed to go on or not. (But then again, I haven't flown in an airplane since 2002).

If they didn't stop her in the terminal, then why in the hell would this attendant stop her on the aircraft? I don't think that idiot flight attendant even gave her time to fold up the stroller before hitting her with it.

They all have those boxes when checking in that say if it doesnt fit in this space you have to check it.
aris2chatnearly challe: 17101421 said:
all airlines that the strollers at the door. No room

I personally thing if you have three children and one or more is under five, I think airplanes should require no more than two children per adult. Planes are hard on children and the parent.

Right. It's not nearly challenging enough to travel with little bits. You think anyone daring to have more than two should stick em storage or somewhere till she can pick em up after the trip is done
aris2chatnearly challe: 17101421 said:
all airlines that the strollers at the door. No room

I personally thing if you have three children and one or more is under five, I think airplanes should require no more than two children per adult. Planes are hard on children and the parent.

Right. It's not nearly challenging enough to travel with little bits. You think anyone daring to have more than two should stick em storage or somewhere till she can pick em up after the trip is done

I guess there's always this option......
If I had a baby elephant, I'd try to bring it on as carry-on. I get a twitchy eye and a rash when I think of those bozos losing my shit.
A stroller is a must when you have young babes and kidlins ... I believe if I hadn't had a good stroller with all my brats, I'd of sold them to gypsies

These assholes think that women are worthless, and their children shouldn't even exist. You're talking to the scummiest of the scumbags...men who fight hard for abortion.

Of course they're going to say "kick that bitch and her brats off, and nobody should lift a finger to help her. Kids should have been ripped apart in utero, or sometime after birth..meh."

It may seem hard to believe... but I've always made it a practice to help folks out here and there when I can. I've had some memorable experiences.:) I would definitely help a mom out with her brats I mean precious babes
The flight attendant deserved to be sacked. He acted like a complete asshole.

So what about the mother.? Did she have a right to bring the baby stroller with her? THINK
She's packing two babies. As long as the stroller conforms to the carry on standards, which by all accounts, it did, then YEAH. She DOES.

She was having trouble because she had two kids in her arms. Thank you, anti-female, baby killing lefties who refuse to help a woman with kids get situated.

Actually, helping passengers get situated is the job of the flight attendants, not other passengers. And the guy that was SUPPOSED to help the woman did a pretty piss poor job of it.

Wow. Just wow.

So if a woman is struggling with her babies and trying to put a stroller over her head, you aren't going to help her.

Of course, I'm not surprised. You statist pukes are like that.
"Someone else is supposed to do that".

That's why you're all so gung ho for welfare and shit...so you don't ever have to lift a finger yourselves. Lazy, stupid, cowardly, and disgusting, every one of you.

Misogynistic fucks.

So, in your opinion, all the male passengers should have gotten up from their seats, gone to the front of the airplane and helped her? She was still at the entrance for crying out loud, and the flight attendant (whose job it is to do stuff like that) was RIGHT THERE, even if he was crappy at his job.

And no, I'm not gung ho for welfare and shit, but I do believe that assistance should be there for people who need it because they don't make enough money, like everyone in the military who is married and E5 or below who are eligible for WIC because the military doesn't pay them enough. I know, because my First Class pointed me towards it as an E4 with a kid on the way, and after that, I made sure that everyone who came to my desk knew about it if they were having kids.

No, I'm saying you're a piece of shit for advocating that they sit there and say "oh someone else is supposed to handle it."

One person did stand up. It only takes one person, and don't worry, there will always be someone who is more decent and less cowardly than you, you piece of shit.
Wouldnt you think they would have told her before boarding that she couldnt bring the stroller on board?
I know they do for carry on luggage.
Do you people not read?

They told her she COULD bring it.
She was just having difficulty getting it broken down and stashed up above, because she was hanging onto two kids.
The flight attendant deserved to be sacked. He acted like a complete asshole.

So what about the mother.? Did she have a right to bring the baby stroller with her? THINK
She's packing two babies. As long as the stroller conforms to the carry on standards, which by all accounts, it did, then YEAH. She DOES.

She was having trouble because she had two kids in her arms. Thank you, anti-female, baby killing lefties who refuse to help a woman with kids get situated.

You are so predictable. There was NO POLITICS IN THIS STORY WHATSOEVER.

Your assumptions about who refused to help her show you're a prejudiced bitch, but then we knew that.
If I had a baby elephant, I'd try to bring it on as carry-on. I get a twitchy eye and a rash when I think of those bozos losing my shit.
A stroller is a must when you have young babes and kidlins ... I believe if I hadn't had a good stroller with all my brats, I'd of sold them to gypsies

These assholes think that women are worthless, and their children shouldn't even exist. You're talking to the scummiest of the scumbags...men who fight hard for abortion.

Of course they're going to say "kick that bitch and her brats off, and nobody should lift a finger to help her. Kids should have been ripped apart in utero, or sometime after birth..meh."

It may seem hard to believe... but I've always made it a practice to help folks out here and there when I can. I've had some memorable experiences.:) I would definitely help a mom out with her brats I mean precious babes
Me too.

Apparently *men* think that they are supposed to just sit there while she is mistreated and abused, and likewise don't think anybody else should help her, either.

No wonder we're so fucked. What pieces of work. Yuck, makes my skin crawl.
I'm a capitalist and I will tell you that THIS is absolutely /unacceptable/ I don't give 15 shits if her stroller was accidentally sticking out in the aisle, when you're on a fucking plane you look because shit ends up sticking out in the fucking aisles /all/ the time. Passengers fall asleep and slump into the aisle on accident, their feet and hands drop out. You /always/ look, I think most people who fly know that. Stroller's are allowed in the cabin if they are a certain size. When you are walking on the plane there are supposed to be a few attendants there to both great you and to ensure that your carry ons are not to big, and in fact part of that process involves strollers because they can't really be checked unless the passenger is going to their end destination, so if the stroller is oversized then one of those attendants is supposed to inform them it's too big to fit at the seat, ask if the passenger is headed to their final destination, and if the customer needs it for a connecting flight, then the attendant is supposed to put the stroller in an area at the very back of the plane in the warming tray thing they get the meals from. There are straps on the wall to secure the strollers. Us women with babies get special treatment because it's not right to punish babies and mothers, there is also /no/ size limit on a stroller in the cabin, it's like the /only/ items that can be over sized - I used to fly with a double stroller that had two removable car seats. The thing was roughly the size of a Mini. I felt so bad that I was taking up all the area they used to prep the meal carts, but with two kids and needing car seats for driving around I had no choice when I had connecting flight.

The fucked up part is that this attendant is probably in a union and they'll save his ass. You can see how arrogantly smug he is, no doubt believing he's safe from being shit canned. I'm guessing they put him on leave for a month or two until people forget then he's back on the job, maybe pay some lip service to the public with "anger management classes"

Was the second passenger that stood and got into the attendants face a different guy or the same one I can't tell?

(Sorry, I've lost eyesight in one eye for some reason. I'm in a really bad insomnia episode because my synesthesia went into cascade failure with the divorce thing. I'm basically a walking train wreck. Totally messed because I can't even walk a straight line and if I turn anything to fast I almost fall over; I wonder if soldiers who loose an eye have their walking get all fucked up like this, how terrible :( I hope they get special help to get through it, I've fallen over twice... Though It's possible that its my syn that's causing the funky walking, I've taken to turning my bad eye away from the monitor and reading website through the corner of my good eye - I find it very perculier... Uhm... I think it's been idk 5 days since I slept but the doc doesn't want to drug me for my syn or the insomnia because of the stupid eye thing - says he's worried that my stupid brain won't reconnect to it if he knocks me out. I think that's an excuse, they just want to use me as a lab rat. They've stuck so much shit on my head and in my eye that I /know/ they're playing me, but I'm getting the last laugh because I know, and I'm letting them because my nurse is hot, like omg go put on a skirt so I can die hot. Fucking gingers, I am wweeeak. When she puts all the plugs and wires and shit on my head she totally rubs her boobs all over my face because she has no clue... I'm thinking the free feels are totally worth the money :p
If I had a baby elephant, I'd try to bring it on as carry-on. I get a twitchy eye and a rash when I think of those bozos losing my shit.
A stroller is a must when you have young babes and kidlins ... I believe if I hadn't had a good stroller with all my brats, I'd of sold them to gypsies

These assholes think that women are worthless, and their children shouldn't even exist. You're talking to the scummiest of the scumbags...men who fight hard for abortion.

Of course they're going to say "kick that bitch and her brats off, and nobody should lift a finger to help her. Kids should have been ripped apart in utero, or sometime after birth..meh."

You are obsessed and deranged. This thread has nothing to do with abortion and here you are with your vile filth. It was your buddy, Shoots Speeders who said she had no business trying to bring her stroller on the plane and all of the right wing assholes and racists jumped up to agree the woman was a crying loser who couldn't handlle her shit.

Now you're blaming abortion and liberals because a woman and her children were thrown off a plane.

You truly are too stupid to be just one person.
If I had a baby elephant, I'd try to bring it on as carry-on. I get a twitchy eye and a rash when I think of those bozos losing my shit.
A stroller is a must when you have young babes and kidlins ... I believe if I hadn't had a good stroller with all my brats, I'd of sold them to gypsies

These assholes think that women are worthless, and their children shouldn't even exist. You're talking to the scummiest of the scumbags...men who fight hard for abortion.

Of course they're going to say "kick that bitch and her brats off, and nobody should lift a finger to help her. Kids should have been ripped apart in utero, or sometime after birth..meh."

You are obsessed and deranged. This thread has nothing to do with abortion and here you are with your vile filth. It was your buddy, Shoots Speeders who said she had no business trying to bring her stroller on the plane and all of the right wing assholes and racists jumped up to agree the woman was a crying loser who couldn't handlle her shit.

Now you're blaming abortion and liberals because a woman and her children were thrown off a plane.

You truly are too stupid to be just one person.

Go bite butts bitch
I saw on TV that the woman was from Argentina, may she have had trouble understanding. Thank God the attendant is gone.

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