What Kind of Movie Would You Like To Star In?


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
If you had the choice what genre or type of movie would you pick?

Personally I would love to star in a Matrix or Blade type movie playing a good character of course. Id get to really pump up, do some great acrobatic fight scenes, wear patent leather, and get to use some very cool fake James bond weaponry....
Bonnie said:
If you had the choice what genre or type of movie would you pick?

Personally I would love to star in a Matrix or Blade type movie playing a good character of course. Id get to really pump up, do some great acrobatic fight scenes, wear patent leather, and get to use some very cool fake James bond weaponry....

In real life I got beat up quite a bit...so I'm with ya on the Blade movies..it would be nice to be able to come back so easily...maybe I will opt for the tech guy position... :tng:
A really funny comedy, like Office Space or Young Frankenstein. It must be so much fun to make those kinds of movies.
rtwngAvngr said:
PORNO! My screen name would be Harry Sack.

When I fist saw this thread title I planned on entering porn as my response as well. Of course I didn't know "Harry Sack" had already beaten me to it! :laugh:
jimnyc said:
When I fist saw this thread title I planned on entering porn as my response as well. Of course I didn't know "Harry Sack" had already beaten me to it! :laugh:

It's a no brainer, isn't it?

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