What kind of sense does it make to buy oil from nations that hate us and shut down our own oil production?

Biden needs to ask Trump how to get gas under $2 per gallon.
Biden doesn’t give a shit he doesn’t pay for his gas. Biden is completely disconnected from the American people it’s more than obvious.
I don't know... I'm not a politician or a scientist or anything

but ... but

it just doesn't make sense to me... why a nation would do that...

Please explain, those of you to whom it makes sense...

thank you

In the Bidenista Bizarro World, it shows Russia how strong we are!!!
You are confusing normal fluctuation with the lowest prices in decades during Trump. But then you knew that.

Nope, that's what you're doing right now. Gas prices stayed under $3 for 4 out of 8 years of Obama's presidency. i guess "fluctuations" only happens when a democrat is president. The problem with Trumptards is that they attribute anything remotely good that happened during Trump's presidency to him, regardless of whether he had anything to do with it and you patently ignore all the bad things he was directly responsible for.
Sorry I don’t get my facts from Tucker I get my facts from real life experience unlike you. Your stats are bullshit anyway

Why are facts bullshit? Is it because they don't square off with your fake narrative that rolling back environmental controls, which in of itself is incredibly stupid, lowers gas prices? I'll take facts over your real life experiences which you can't even recall properly, since you don't seem to remember 4 years of gas prices during Obama's presidency.
Why are facts bullshit? Is it because they don't square off with your fake narrative that rolling back environmental controls, which in of itself is incredibly stupid, lowers gas prices? I'll take facts over your real life experiences which you can't even recall properly, since you don't seem to remember 4 years of gas prices during Obama's presidency.
Gas prices were higher during Obama, you can stop lying now.
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What kind of sense...

...does it make to buy oil from nations that hate us and shut down our own oil production?


Gas prices were high during Obama and lowest in decades during Trump. If you ask me, the only 'glut' here is the glut of misinformation you are spewing.
Yes. When gas prices are high oil companies invest in production.
Yes. When gas prices are high oil companies invest in production.
Yes but the cost of investment is high when government controlled land is withheld and pipelines are not allowed because of 'pie in the sky' 'green' policies that depend on technology not yet mature enough to support the American economy. Biden is cow towing to the radical leftists who think that they can create Utopia. They are juvenile thinkers who will eventually bear the cost of their own bad decisions. Then they will blame everyone else. BTW 'surada' got nothin'
Yes but the cost of investment is high when government controlled land is withheld and pipelines are not allowed because of 'pie in the sky' 'green' policies that depend on technology not yet mature enough to support the American economy. Biden is cow towing to the radical leftists who think that they can create Utopia. They are juvenile thinkers who will eventually bear the cost of their own bad decisions. Then they will blame everyone else.
You don't know your ass from a hot rock. You're a real waste of time. The facts have been posted 100 times.
You don't know your ass from a hot rock. You're a real waste of time. The facts have been posted 100 times.
You might have noticed but due to the anti petroleum position of the current administration there has been no rush to drill this time.

It's too big of a gamble when likely as not as soon as things cool down in Ukraine prices will fall and they will continue the war on Fracking and Drilling offshore as well as on Federal land.
You might have noticed but due to the anti petroleum position of the current administration there has been no rush to drill this time.

It's too big of a gamble when likely as not as soon as things cool down in Ukraine prices will fall and they will continue the war on Fracking and Drilling offshore as well as on Federal land.
Biden basically stimulated high stock prices in energy thereby screwing most Americans who invest. He doesn't really care anyway because he doesn't pay for his own gas. I said before he is detached from the reality of the American people and is living in a D.C. fantasy world. Like most career D.C. politicians. Time to clean house, think about your vote in 2020.
Biden basically stimulated high stock prices in energy thereby screwing most Americans who invest. He doesn't really care anyway because he doesn't pay for his own gas. I said before he is detached from the reality of the American people and is living in a D.C. fantasy world. Like most career D.C. politicians. Time to clean house, think about your vote in 2020.
He and his envirowacko fringe want this. Pricing gas out of the market for average Americans is the only way to make their EV's competitive.

Of course, a year from now when the grid melt's down it'll be "Trump's Fault".

Six to ten years down the road when there's a republican president they'll also be stuck with the massive environmental problem of used batteries that have to be somehow recycled but can't be in the US due to environmental law/concerns.

This isn't an accident, they are creating a problem that demands their solutions to correct it.
You might have noticed but due to the anti petroleum position of the current administration there has been no rush to drill this time.

It's too big of a gamble when likely as not as soon as things cool down in Ukraine prices will fall and they will continue the war on Fracking and Drilling offshore as well as on Federal land.
I don't know how many small wells are fracked. We aren't very good at production emissions.
I don't know... I'm not a politician or a scientist or anything

but ... but

it just doesn't make sense to me... why a nation would do that...

Please explain, those of you to whom it makes sense...

thank you
Perfect sense to those that hate us and vote for the very people that hate us and btw they are all loud and proud about their hatred toward us.
I don't know how many small wells are fracked. We aren't very good at production emissions.
Most wells today are fracked before they ever go into production and thousands upon thousands of wells that had been shuttered for low production were brought back online with fracking producing great results.

As far as I know all gas wells for the last 20 years were fracked before starting production in all of the newly discovered formations as well.

Fracking in the 90's is what created cheap gas that we're still enjoying today and it's powering the majority of US electrical generation as a result.
Most wells today are fracked before they ever go into production and thousands upon thousands of wells that had been shuttered for low production were brought back online with fracking producing great results.

As far as I know all gas wells for the last 20 years were fracked before starting production in all of the newly discovered formations as well.

Fracking in the 90's is what created cheap gas that we're still enjoying today and it's powering the majority of US electrical generation as a result.
Like Manifa, but it produces more than 50 barrels a day.
VZ, Iran, and Russia for a good start.
We don't buy oil from Iran. When Trump sanctioned Venezuela we started buying lots of oil from Russia. https://www.aramco.com/en/who-we-are/mega-projects/manifa#

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