What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

Barr is facing a life-altering choice to make..........Cover-up for the guy that hired him....a guy who will be infamous for his totally inept administration......OR, protect his reputation throughout the many future years after the Trump regime is just a bad memory.
You get to see exactly what Barr will let you see, and there's noting you can do about it.
Do you know what a subpoena is ?
Barr is facing a life-altering choice to make..........Cover-up for the guy that hired him....a guy who will be infamous for his totally inept administration......OR, protect his reputation throughout the many future years after the Trump regime is just a bad memory.
You get to see exactly what Barr will let you see, and there's noting you can do about it.
Do you know what a subpoena is ?
Yep. And a subpoena cannot force someone to break the law.
You know - the law you mentioned here:
Trump erupts over congress demand for Mueller report just hours before deadline for release

You get to see exactly what Barr will let you see, and there's noting you can do about it.

I guess Democrats don't even try to hide that they consider winning more important than the law.
Oh? What law says the Attorney General can’t release the report?

Straw man. I never said the law prevented him from releasing the report, so thank you for your words you tried to shove in my mouth, but they are unwanted.

The law prevents him from releasing it unredacted. And if you don't know what law that is by this point in the discussion, you are too ignorant, uninformed, and slow on the uptake to deserve to remain in the discussion. So by all means, attempt to "cleverly" play dumb and pretend you're the only person in North America who has yet to hear the citation of the law requiring redaction of Grand Jury testimony in the hopes that you can bog down the discussion. I'll just ignore you as you'll have proven you deserve, and move the fuck on to someone who doesn't think "Duuuuhhhh" is a brilliant debate tactic.
Utter nonsense. The non binding resolution called upon Barr to release the Mueller report to the public “except to the extent the public disclosure of any portion thereof is expressly prohibited by law.”

And your point would be what? That your current debate tactic is to pretend the demands for the unredacted report aren't happening?
How far back are we talking? Strzok talked about the Dems' 'Leak Strategy', and McCabe was recommended for Indictment for his about a year ago - which nothing has been done about....

I'm talking about the Congresscritters who are salivating over the prospect of seeing the total Mueller report. They won't accept being able to see something they think can damage the president, but not be able to trumpet it far and wide, so they'll leak what they want, then act all outraged about what was leaked. I have no confidence that they will accept seeing it in secret and leaving it there.
Sorry but what "you are afraid of" has no legal standing

What part of what I said makes you think I believe otherwise? If they exercise their authority in a lawful manner, sure they can see the classified and private information. That's the law. I can still be absolutely convinced that they will not hesitate to leak every single piece of information they think might damage the president.

Especially since they have no valid reason to need to see the redactable information anyway. The only reason they want to know is to continue their fishing expedition.
Utter nonsense. Of course they have a valid reason... they don’t trust Barr to not redact information they’re entitled to because it’s damaging to trump.

Utter nonsense. Whether or not something is "damaging to Trump" does not mean they're entitled to it. If they read the redacted report and think something has been left out that is not covered by the applicable law, then they are welcome to pursue that through legitimate legal means. But since Mueller's report basically cleared him, there is zero valid reason to see any of the material the law requires redacted.

Thanks for putting your finger directly on what's really going on, though: "they're entitled to because it's damaging to Trump". That's really all this is: no answer is ever valid or correct except that leftists get what they want, and fuck any law or right of the people involved that gets in their way.
Utter nonsense. Of course they have a valid reason... they don’t trust Barr to not redact information they’re entitled to because it’s damaging to trump.

Barr is facing a life-altering choice to make..........Cover-up for the guy that hired him....a guy who will be infamous for his totally inept administration......OR, protect his reputation throughout the many future years after the Trump regime is just a bad memory.

Cover up WHAT, exactly? Are you telling yourself that Mueller's report came to different conclusions than Barr said it did? Or are you just pissed at the idea that you don't get to go rummaging around in things that are none of your business to look for dirt?
With the appropriate caveat to members of Congress that names and methods of classified investigations NOT be revealed to the general public, what is the legal standing for Barr to not release the report? (of course, with the exception that Barr IS a Trump stooge appointed SPECIFICALLY to protect his cult leader.)

So, I ask again.....since Mueller's report was authorized by republicans and fully funded by all of us tax payers, what is the LEGAL PRECEDENT for the report to not be FULLY disclosed?

It's got something to do with protecting Grand Jury information. Possibly this is a large part of it and it may require Barr a little time to sort things out. There is LEGAL PRECEDENT for holding off due to Grand Jury Info.
It's very strange how this is such a mystery to Democrats and other leftists
Barr is facing a life-altering choice to make..........Cover-up for the guy that hired him....a guy who will be infamous for his totally inept administration......OR, protect his reputation throughout the many future years after the Trump regime is just a bad memory.
You get to see exactly what Barr will let you see, and there's noting you can do about it.
Do you know what a subpoena is ?
Yep. And a subpoena cannot force someone to break the law.
You know - the law you mentioned here:
Trump erupts over congress demand for Mueller report just hours before deadline for release

You get to see exactly what Barr will let you see, and there's noting you can do about it.
Complying with the subpoena would break no law tardo
I guess Republicans don't want to win the Senate next year. :dunno:

I guess Democrats don't even try to hide that they consider winning more important than the law.
Oh? What law says the Attorney General can’t release the report?

Straw man. I never said the law prevented him from releasing the report, so thank you for your words you tried to shove in my mouth, but they are unwanted.

The law prevents him from releasing it unredacted. And if you don't know what law that is by this point in the discussion, you are too ignorant, uninformed, and slow on the uptake to deserve to remain in the discussion. So by all means, attempt to "cleverly" play dumb and pretend you're the only person in North America who has yet to hear the citation of the law requiring redaction of Grand Jury testimony in the hopes that you can bog down the discussion. I'll just ignore you as you'll have proven you deserve, and move the fuck on to someone who doesn't think "Duuuuhhhh" is a brilliant debate tactic.
Utter nonsense. The non binding resolution called upon Barr to release the Mueller report to the public “except to the extent the public disclosure of any portion thereof is expressly prohibited by law.”

And your point would be what? That your current debate tactic is to pretend the demands for the unredacted report aren't happening?
Not for the public in that resolution, they’re not. And that’s what was being discussed.
Exactly,. There is a distinct difference between releasing the Mueller Report to CONGRESS and releasing it for public consumption.

The release to Congress is a no brainer. It should happen and it should happen NOW
Utter nonsense. Of course they have a valid reason... they don’t trust Barr to not redact information they’re entitled to because it’s damaging to trump.

They wouldn't believe what they receive if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was "co-redactor" with William Barr.

We all know that it doesn't matter what comes out in the report Democrats are going to whine and cry.

Why not wait until you see what comes out in the report?
I'm talking about the Congresscritters who are salivating over the prospect of seeing the total Mueller report. They won't accept being able to see something they think can damage the president, but not be able to trumpet it far and wide, so they'll leak what they want, then act all outraged about what was leaked. I have no confidence that they will accept seeing it in secret and leaving it there.
Sorry but what "you are afraid of" has no legal standing

What part of what I said makes you think I believe otherwise? If they exercise their authority in a lawful manner, sure they can see the classified and private information. That's the law. I can still be absolutely convinced that they will not hesitate to leak every single piece of information they think might damage the president.

Especially since they have no valid reason to need to see the redactable information anyway. The only reason they want to know is to continue their fishing expedition.
Utter nonsense. Of course they have a valid reason... they don’t trust Barr to not redact information they’re entitled to because it’s damaging to trump.

Utter nonsense. Whether or not something is "damaging to Trump" does not mean they're entitled to it. If they read the redacted report and think something has been left out that is not covered by the applicable law, then they are welcome to pursue that through legitimate legal means. But since Mueller's report basically cleared him, there is zero valid reason to see any of the material the law requires redacted.

Thanks for putting your finger directly on what's really going on, though: "they're entitled to because it's damaging to Trump". That's really all this is: no answer is ever valid or correct except that leftists get what they want, and fuck any law or right of the people involved that gets in their way.
More utter nonsense. Obviously, the House is not as confident as you are that Mueller’s report “basically clears him,” they voted 420-0 for Barr to release the full report to him.

And despite your blind devotion, the reality is you also can’t be certain Mueller’s report “basically clears him” since you’ve never Mueller’s report. All you have to go on is what Barr tells you it says. And while I believe in all likelihood he’s telling the truth, 420-0 Congressmen/women want the report, not what Barr tells them is in the report. And 420-0 includes Republicans as well as Democrats; which utterly decimates even more of your utter nonsense.....

”That's really all this is: no answer is ever valid or correct except that leftists get what they want, and fuck any law or right of the people involved that gets in their way.”

.... so no, they’re not looking to fuck any laws and it’s not leftists. It’s the House.
Utter nonsense. Of course they have a valid reason... they don’t trust Barr to not redact information they’re entitled to because it’s damaging to trump.

Barr is facing a life-altering choice to make..........Cover-up for the guy that hired him....a guy who will be infamous for his totally inept administration......OR, protect his reputation throughout the many future years after the Trump regime is just a bad memory.

Cover up WHAT, exactly? Are you telling yourself that Mueller's report came to different conclusions than Barr said it did? Or are you just pissed at the idea that you don't get to go rummaging around in things that are none of your business to look for dirt?
Barr’s summary included “does not exonerate him.” Why should anyone count on Barr to not redact details of what that entails, even if it’s not grand jury related?
Cover up WHAT, exactly? Are you telling yourself that Mueller's report came to different conclusions than Barr said it did?

Why, YES......dear Trump cult member......Let me offer you just one.......

Remember that even the Trump staff admitted that on Air Force One Trump himself dictated a response to the meetings between his baby Dob, Kushner and Manafort with a gang of Russian spies claiming to have dirt on Hillary......and the BIG Don (in between Big Macs) dictated a statement covering up the meeting and claiming that it was about those poor Russian children adoptions.
There is LEGAL PRECEDENT for holding off due to Grand Jury Info.
It's very strange how this is such a mystery to Democrats and other leftists

Its very strange how Trumpists FORGET (or are just ignorant) that all it takes to make grand jury testimonies public is a JUDGE review.....Its been done HUNDREDS of times.......

Nixon had grand jury testimony made public
Clinton had gran jury testimony made public.....

So, besides the fact that we have an orangy president right now, can you think of a why grand jury testimony regarding Trump should NOT be made public???
Exactly,. There is a distinct difference between releasing the Mueller Report to CONGRESS and releasing it for public consumption.

The release to Congress is a no brainer. It should happen and it should happen NOW

Nonsense. Utter nonsense.

Within minutes of it being released to Congress, it would be on 100 public sites.

If you think otherwise, you are either lying or a fool You choose.
Exactly,. There is a distinct difference between releasing the Mueller Report to CONGRESS and releasing it for public consumption.

The release to Congress is a no brainer. It should happen and it should happen NOW

Nonsense. Utter nonsense.

Within minutes of it being released to Congress, it would be on 100 public sites.

If you think otherwise, you are either lying or a fool You choose.
Your concerns about leaking have no legal standing. And oh by the way...the Grand Jury report from Watergate was kept secret for decades
Why, YES......dear Trump cult member......Let me offer you just one.......

Remember that even the Trump staff admitted that on Air Force One Trump himself dictated a response to the meetings between his baby Dob, Kushner and Manafort with a gang of Russian spies claiming to have dirt on Hillary......and the BIG Don (in between Big Macs) dictated a statement covering up the meeting and claiming that it was about those poor Russian children adoptions.

Keep your pants on, the report will be released.

Cover up WHAT, exactly? Are you telling yourself that Mueller's report came to different conclusions than Barr said it did?

Why, YES......dear Trump cult member......Let me offer you just one.......

Remember that even the Trump staff admitted that on Air Force One Trump himself dictated a response to the meetings between his baby Dob, Kushner and Manafort with a gang of Russian spies claiming to have dirt on Hillary......and the BIG Don (in between Big Macs) dictated a statement covering up the meeting and claiming that it was about those poor Russian children adoptions.

Didn't bother to read past "cult member", because it meant your entire post was nothing but, "TTTTTTTTRRRRUUUUUUUMMMMPPPP!!!! My obsession with him consumes the world!!!!"

Shockingly, it's entirely possible to disagree with you just because I think you're a dimwitted asshole.
Exactly,. There is a distinct difference between releasing the Mueller Report to CONGRESS and releasing it for public consumption.

The release to Congress is a no brainer. It should happen and it should happen NOW

Nonsense. Utter nonsense.

Within minutes of it being released to Congress, it would be on 100 public sites.

If you think otherwise, you are either lying or a fool You choose.
Your concerns about leaking have no legal standing. And oh by the way...the Grand Jury report from Watergate was kept secret for decades

The grand jury testimony was about to be released in 1974, but was not since Nixon resigned that August.
Your concerns about leaking have no legal standing. And oh by the way...the Grand Jury report from Watergate was kept secret for decades

I believe you are conflating the Watergate Scandal with the Pentagon Papers.

The Watergate Scandal was leaked on almost a daily basis by Deep Throat, who turned out to be identified many years later as W. Mark Felt, a former associate director of the FBI.

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