What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

Show us where he has said he does not want the report released.
I did. His words show it, for the reasons i said. I know i am not going to budge a trump cultist from his entrenched position of licking trump's butthole, so i think i have said all I plan to say about it.


I provided a quote. You have not. Please show us a reliable source and working link where President Donald Trump is saying he does not want the report released. President Trump disparaging the report is NOT saying he does not want it released. Step up or face facts.

So your position is that any official appointed to a position is automatically disqualified from holding that position by virtue of having been appointed, because said appointment makes him a "stooge".

No, eternal moron...You have the reading comprehension of a 6 years old.........

When Barr wrote an UNSOLICITED memo telling everyone that he...Barr....thought that a president is ABOVE the LAW as long as he sits in the oval office.........THAT was an audition for Trump to say...."I WANT THAT GUY TO BE MY (not the country's) ATTORNEY GENERAL........HE IS GOING TO PROTECT MY SORRY< FAT ASS"......................LOL

Earlier the House voted 420-0 to have the full Mueller report released.

House votes 420-0 for Mueller report to be made public

Then every republican on the judiciary committee voted against subpoenaing it.

View attachment 254249
House panel approves subpoena for Mueller report

Let me get RIGHT on being upset and outrage on the basis of YOUR half-assed, badly-informed "understanding" of the situation . . . right after I start viewing you as a person, instead of a sea slug which mysteriously sprouted arms and legs. Hold your breath waiting.

So it’s up to the discretion of the AG how much gets released...0-100%, correct?

I'm sure that will be wrangled out in the courts. The democrats will demand 100% and Barr will demand something less, and the whole thing won't be resolved until mid way through Trump's second term. The bottom line, though, is Barr has more influence than the democrats want, because of Bubba.

If I'm the Democrats, I'm almost as happy to have the political football in the press for the next year or so.

Trump would use it to mercilessly beat the democrats over the head as obsessed, and they would totally fall for it.

He may. I'm not sure mentioning that you were under investigation for 2 years and several of your hires are doing time is the best way to go but you guys seem to not care that he habitually hires felons. :laugh2:

You guys seem not to care that you VOTED for one.
I'm sure that will be wrangled out in the courts. The democrats will demand 100% and Barr will demand something less, and the whole thing won't be resolved until mid way through Trump's second term. The bottom line, though, is Barr has more influence than the democrats want, because of Bubba.

If I'm the Democrats, I'm almost as happy to have the political football in the press for the next year or so.

Trump would use it to mercilessly beat the democrats over the head as obsessed, and they would totally fall for it.

He may. I'm not sure mentioning that you were under investigation for 2 years and several of your hires are doing time is the best way to go but you guys seem to not care that he habitually hires felons. :laugh2:

He would simply remind the people that he was investigated thoroughly and that, even though there was no evidence of wrong doing and the report was released, the democrats continue to wail and attempt to take him down.

Hiring multiple felons may be considered “wrong doing” by folks. Paying off porn stars may be considered “wong doing” by some folks. And if you’re hanging your hat on the Mueller Report, not doing a thing about the Russian hacking of our political apparatus may be considered “wrong doing”.

Is this really the standard we’re supposed to be reaching for? A president who pays porn stars for sex, hires felons and doesn’t care about the part of the report that confirms the Russians hacked our political machines?

The choice should be made clear by the Democrats.

Again, Democrats didn't mind VOTING for someone who was just as much a felon as those people were when they were hired. So it's pretty hypocritical of them - and you - to try to claim the moral high ground on that subject, Cornball.
Trump would use it to mercilessly beat the democrats over the head as obsessed, and they would totally fall for it.

He may. I'm not sure mentioning that you were under investigation for 2 years and several of your hires are doing time is the best way to go but you guys seem to not care that he habitually hires felons. :laugh2:

He would simply remind the people that he was investigated thoroughly and that, even though there was no evidence of wrong doing and the report was released, the democrats continue to wail and attempt to take him down.

Hiring multiple felons may be considered “wrong doing” by folks. Paying off porn stars may be considered “wong doing” by some folks. And if you’re hanging your hat on the Mueller Report, not doing a thing about the Russian hacking of our political apparatus may be considered “wrong doing”.

Is this really the standard we’re supposed to be reaching for? A president who pays porn stars for sex, hires felons and doesn’t care about the part of the report that confirms the Russians hacked our political machines?

The choice should be made clear by the Democrats.

You would think that, but they don't have clean hands either. And when a multi year investigation by a seasoned prosecutor with virtually unlimited funds and resources fails to uncover illegal activity, further hounding by the usual suspects is rightly seen as overreach.

So in your book....that it has come out that the President paid off porn stars is a plus?
So in your book....that the President who said he will hire the "best people" hired multiple felons is a plus?
So in your book....that the President who has done nothing to punish Russia for hacking our election apparatus is a plus?


"So in your book . . . a bunch of things you didn't say, but that I wanted you to say, so I'll pretend you did."

Typical Cornball bullshit.

So in your book, it's okay to VOTE for someone who's under investigation for felonies, but it's outrageous to hire people who haven't been accused of anything at the time, because they WILL be somewhere down the line.

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