What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

He knew about it and allowed it to happen...?
I'm sorry -- if you aren't willing or able to pay attention to the conversation and the information given to you, you'll have to head back to the kiddie pool.
Sissy copout.

And not one sentence of the artocle presents any possible way to have stopped the russian propaganda. But maybe you can tell usyour genius solution.
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He knew about it and allowed it to happen...?
I'm sorry -- if you aren't willing or able to pay attention to the conversation and the information given to you, you'll have to head back to the kiddie pool.
Sissy copout.
OK - buh-bye now. Don't forget your favorite floatie

With the appropriate caveat to members of Congress that names and methods of classified investigations NOT be revealed to the general public, what is the legal standing for Barr to not release the report? (of course, with the exception that Barr IS a Trump stooge appointed SPECIFICALLY to protect his cult leader.)

So, I ask again.....since Mueller's report was authorized by republicans and fully funded by all of us tax payers, what is the LEGAL PRECEDENT for the report to not be FULLY disclosed?

None...but since he is a trump leg humper...he will try.
He knew about it and allowed it to happen...?
I'm sorry -- if you aren't willing or able to pay attention to the conversation and the information given to you, you'll have to head back to the kiddie pool.
Sissy copout.
OK - buh-bye now. Don't forget your favorite floatie

View attachment 254504
Yeah, I didnt think so. Just another stream of impotent, rabid obama Tourettes syndrome.
No cultist, you should already know he is panning the report and the release of it. If you don't, then you are a goddamn idiot.

Thank you for the courtesy of your response. PLEASE show us "goddamn idiots" where President Donald Trump has stated that he does not want the report released.

PLEASE show us "goddamn idiots" where President Donald Trump has stated that he does not want the report released.

So,in the minds of you cultists, trump disparaging the efforts to release the report...encouraging the efforts to block its release...and saying it should not exist...

...means he wants the report released. Trump gas turned your brains to tapioca.
Well, Trump is a bit LESS enthusiastic about releasing the ENTIRE Mueller report.....No doubt, Barr has spoken to some of Trump's ass kissers in the WH.
There are laws that must and will be followed...Trump and Barr respect those laws...you and Pelosi I guess do not....
Dumbasses like you wont be taking anything from anyone. You are quickly going extinct, and the trump cult is your death knell.
You are already extinct dummy....your side will be waiting years for a legitimate shot at the white house....we are taking back the courts...reversing the Obama years....actually wiping that Kenyan's entire presidency of destruction from the books....so enjoy the future...once you realize how wrong you have been your entire freaking life we will be here for you....
Dumbasses like you wont be taking anything from anyone. You are quickly going extinct, and the trump cult is your death knell.
You are already extinct dummy....your side will be waiting years for a legitimate shot at the white house....we are taking back the courts...reversing the Obama years....actually wiping that Kenyan's entire presidency of destruction from the books....so enjoy the future...once you realize how wrong you have been your entire freaking life we will be here for you....
All short term nonsense...sorry freak, your wingnut fantasies are only being given lip service to extract seal like applause form you morons, so that the rich can get richer. The minority party's cheating is close to over. And then fools like you will have to go back to cussing at brown people from your porch swings, instead of being mindless moron footsoldiers for rich people that wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire..
Thank you for the courtesy of your response. PLEASE show us "goddamn idiots" where President Donald Trump has stated that he does not want the report released.
He hasn't. They choose to lie to themselves to maintain the narrative.
Right. Heis just disparaging the efforts to release the report, encouraging the efforts to sequester it, saying it shouldn't exist...

...means he wants it released. To the trump cultists. Who are fucked in the head.
So,in the minds of you cultists, trump disparaging the efforts to release the report...encouraging the efforts to block its release...and saying it should not exist...

...means he wants the report released. Trump gas turned your brains to tapioca.

Show us where he has said he does not want the report released.

Be careful what you wish for! :D
Show us where he has said he does not want the report released.
I did. His words show it, for the reasons i said. I know i am not going to budge a trump cultist from his entrenched position of licking trump's butthole, so i think i have said all I plan to say about it.
There are laws that must and will be followed...Trump and Barr respect those laws...you and Pelosi I guess do not....

So, regarding the 1924 LAW that states that the IRS (sec. 6103) MUST turn over Trump tax returns, is something that Trump and Barr and Mnuchin (he needs to "buy a vowel") SHOULD follow???


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