What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

Earlier the House voted 420-0 to have the full Mueller report released.

House votes 420-0 for Mueller report to be made public

Then every republican on the judiciary committee voted against subpoenaing it.

View attachment 254249
House panel approves subpoena for Mueller report

The house has zero authority over the internal workings of justice.

You Marxists seriously need to take a course in basic American government. If a Hamas terrorist like you is going to stick her nose into American politics, at least have a clue as to how our government works.
When will congressional Democrats start doing their job? All this investigating is preventing them from addressing our border crisis. Monkey see monkey do Democrats are obsessed with Medicare for all, the green energy act and identity and race politics, all of which will be fatal to our country. The bottom line is they hate Trump and will do anything to prevent his reelection. In the meantime, I got $3500 more in my income tax return. How about those crumbs, Nancy? Thank you President Trump. I think I'll buy one of those Trumpy bears and use it to aggravate my liberal friends.
”I got $3500 more in my income tax return.”

What a dumbfucking perspective. :cuckoo:

The amount you get back is a reflection of how much of your money the government held onto until you asked for it back, not what rate you pay. Your effective tax rate is what determines if you personally benefited from trump’s tax cuts.
Everything else was exactly the same for both years. Thank you Mr. Trump. You monkey see monkey doers should watch who you call stupid.
View attachment 253911
View attachment 253912

We demand to see the full report...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Waaaaaah! They are demanding to see the full report! Who's going to protect dear leader?!?!?! Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh


You get a failing grade for copying...that's cheating....just like a libtard....cheating stealing killing anything goes as long as dembos win....
Wow, you really are a freak. Trump has turned your brain to mush.
Wow, you really are a freak. Trump has turned your brain to mush.
And you are a sucker....a gullible fool that really thinks the dems want what is best for you...can you name one damn thing the dems want that doesn't require them taking more of your tax dollars?.....you sat back as they fucked up the best heath care system in the world...they are for infanticide...open borders with unchecked numbers of human debris flowing into our neighborhoods clogging up our hospitals and schools taking jobs away from Americans...and causing death and mayhem throughout the country...via gang activity and drunk driving...and you say my brain is mush?.....well coming from a fucking jackass lib like you I take that as a complement...you fucking Obama ass licker....how much free stuff is enough you?...... you aging hippy lazy fuctard?.....
Wow, you really are a freak. Trump has turned your brain to mush.
And you are a sucker....a gullible fool that really thinks the dems want what is best for you...can you name one damn thing the dems want that doesn't require them taking more of your tax dollars?.....you sat back as they fucked up the best heath care system in the world...they are for infanticide...open borders with unchecked numbers of human debris flowing into our neighborhoods clogging up our hospitals and schools taking jobs away from Americans...and causing death and mayhem throughout the country...via gang activity and drunk driving...and you say my brain is mush?.....well coming from a fucking jackass lib like you I take that as a complement...you fucking Obama ass licker....how much free stuff is enough you?...... you aging hippy lazy fuctard?.....
Just shut up, you whiny idiot. I am not beholden to a party or to politicians. You are the cultist, not me.
Just shut up, you whiny idiot. I am not beholden to a party or to politicians. You are the cultist, not me
Fuck you...you are a lying fuck and you know it....go lick Pelosi's white wrinkled ass...you are a loser and you will lose in 2020 again because wrong is wrong and you are certainly wrong about everything....
Just shut up, you whiny idiot. I am not beholden to a party or to politicians. You are the cultist, not me
Fuck you...you are a lying fuck and you know it....go lick Pelosi's white wrinkled ass...you are a loser and you will lose in 2020 again because wrong is wrong and you are certainly wrong about everything....
Nah, you're just a delusional, angry little puke trying to keep himself in a constant state of agitation. Putting battery cables on your nipples is quicker, numbnuts...
Nah, you're just a delusional, angry little puke trying to keep himself in a constant state of agitation. Putting battery cables on your nipples is quicker, numbnuts...
I guess that is your personal experience speaking?....I'm not the angry one...I'm the winner...I have my man in the white house.....
When will congressional Democrats start doing their job? All this investigating is preventing them from addressing our border crisis. Monkey see monkey do Democrats are obsessed with Medicare for all, the green energy act and identity and race politics, all of which will be fatal to our country. The bottom line is they hate Trump and will do anything to prevent his reelection. In the meantime, I got $3500 more in my income tax return. How about those crumbs, Nancy? Thank you President Trump. I think I'll buy one of those Trumpy bears and use it to aggravate my liberal friends.
”I got $3500 more in my income tax return.”

What a dumbfucking perspective. :cuckoo:

The amount you get back is a reflection of how much of your money the government held onto until you asked for it back, not what rate you pay. Your effective tax rate is what determines if you personally benefited from trump’s tax cuts.
Everything else was exactly the same for both years. Thank you Mr. Trump. You monkey see monkey doers should watch who you call stupid.
Someone who thinks they can measure their effective rate by the size of their refund is completely stupid. Sorry, that’s just how it is, there’s no correlation. And yes, something changed. The tax withholding tables changed. That you don’t know that reveals you don’t know what you’re talking about.
When will congressional Democrats start doing their job? All this investigating is preventing them from addressing our border crisis. Monkey see monkey do Democrats are obsessed with Medicare for all, the green energy act and identity and race politics, all of which will be fatal to our country. The bottom line is they hate Trump and will do anything to prevent his reelection. In the meantime, I got $3500 more in my income tax return. How about those crumbs, Nancy? Thank you President Trump. I think I'll buy one of those Trumpy bears and use it to aggravate my liberal friends.
”I got $3500 more in my income tax return.”

What a dumbfucking perspective. :cuckoo:

The amount you get back is a reflection of how much of your money the government held onto until you asked for it back, not what rate you pay. Your effective tax rate is what determines if you personally benefited from trump’s tax cuts.
Everything else was exactly the same for both years. Thank you Mr. Trump. You monkey see monkey doers should watch who you call stupid.
Someone who thinks they can measure their effective rate by the size of their refund is completely stupid. Sorry, that’s just how it is, there’s no correlation. And yes, something changed. The tax withholding tables changed. That you don’t know that reveals you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Who said anything about effective rates beside you? I stated a fact, that's all. I love when inept liberals can't take being wrong. It really highlights their bigotry.
Barr is going to release everything he's legally allowed to release and it doesn't take a 25 page thread to say that.
So it’s up to the discretion of the AG how much gets released...0-100%, correct?

I'm sure that will be wrangled out in the courts. The democrats will demand 100% and Barr will demand something less, and the whole thing won't be resolved until mid way through Trump's second term. The bottom line, though, is Barr has more influence than the democrats want, because of Bubba.

If I'm the Democrats, I'm almost as happy to have the political football in the press for the next year or so.

Trump would use it to mercilessly beat the democrats over the head as obsessed, and they would totally fall for it.

He may. I'm not sure mentioning that you were under investigation for 2 years and several of your hires are doing time is the best way to go but you guys seem to not care that he habitually hires felons. :laugh2:

He would simply remind the people that he was investigated thoroughly and that, even though there was no evidence of wrong doing and the report was released, the democrats continue to wail and attempt to take him down.

Hiring multiple felons may be considered “wrong doing” by folks. Paying off porn stars may be considered “wong doing” by some folks. And if you’re hanging your hat on the Mueller Report, not doing a thing about the Russian hacking of our political apparatus may be considered “wrong doing”.

Is this really the standard we’re supposed to be reaching for? A president who pays porn stars for sex, hires felons and doesn’t care about the part of the report that confirms the Russians hacked our political machines?

The choice should be made clear by the Democrats.
When will congressional Democrats start doing their job? All this investigating is preventing them from addressing our border crisis. Monkey see monkey do Democrats are obsessed with Medicare for all, the green energy act and identity and race politics, all of which will be fatal to our country. The bottom line is they hate Trump and will do anything to prevent his reelection. In the meantime, I got $3500 more in my income tax return. How about those crumbs, Nancy? Thank you President Trump. I think I'll buy one of those Trumpy bears and use it to aggravate my liberal friends.

CBP is under the Executive. He’s failing.
I'm not the angry one..
You certainly are. And stupid, to boot. You say very stupid things, and you are in a constant state of agitation.

But.. back to thr topic, crybaby!

Why do you supoose your cult leader said he was cool with releasing the report, but he now isn't? What changed? Did he have a mini stroke?
I'm not the angry one..
You certainly are. And stupid, to boot. You say very stupid things, and you are in a constant state of agitation.

But.. back to thr topic, crybaby!

Why do you suppose your cult leader said he was cool with releasing the report, but he now isn't? What changed? Did he have a mini stroke?
Who told you he wasn't cool with it being released?...they lied to you...he gave Barr the ok...and just as soon as Barr is sure all methods and witnesses are protected he will release it...whats your hurry?...its only going to show how stupid this whole with hunt has been and it will embarrass the dems and you even more than you dipshits already are...why don't you tell all of us what you think you will find.....lets hear it pea brain....
And I never get pissed so go fuck yourself......just kidding....
And if you’re hanging your hat on the Mueller Report, not doing a thing about the Russian hacking of our political apparatus may be considered “wrong doing”.
Wait... you're critical of The Obama administration?

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