What Liberal News Sources Aren't Telling You About the IG Report

And they will say no in 2020 when you commies are left with wet tissues in hand yet again.

Trump isn't going to win in 2020. He hasn't won over anyone who didn't vote for him in 2016, and he's probably alienated at least some of the people who voted for him in 2016 to "Send a message", who are probably horrified by his conduct.

And when the recession comes next year, he's done.

We aren't headed for a recession. MSM is telling you that because they hope that if they beat that drum it will come to pass which will at least give the Democrats a shot at winning in 2020. They don't care about America, they only care that their candidate gets elected. It's pretty sad really.

I will make sure to save this post for reference later. You best start working on your excuses now.
Liberal news sources such as the New York Times and Washington Post, not to mention CNN and MSNBC, have pounced on the finding that the investigation was not politically motivated, but they have ignored virtually everything else in the report because the report documents, among other things, that the FISA memo was full of lies.
I call bullshit. Here's an example, a Wa Po headline from today..........
Inspector general says the FBI is not vindicated by his report on Trump campaign probe
Here is one from the NYT.........
Horowitz Hearing Highlights: Watchdog Warns Against Exonerating F.B.I. in Russia Inquiry, Pointing to Flaws
"Senators and the inspector general painted a scathing portrait of the F.B.I., with Republicans accusing agents of exploiting rules and joining Democrats in demanding a surveillance overhaul."

The few shows on MSNBC I've watched all have made a point of mentioning the seriousness of the misconduct.

You folks can jump and scream and whine and bitch all you like. The IG report shows there was no witch hunt, the investigation wasn't a sham, and as much as the Golfer-in-Chief tries to play the victimhood card there is no evidence the FBI was "out to get him."

If they were, they would have blown up his campaign by going public with their investigation in his campaign's contacts with Russians. Kinda like Comey blew up Clinton's campaign.

IG report shows that either the FBI was grossly inept, biased or both. The only explanation for saying otherwise is NOT reading the report.

They attempted to survell Carter Page in Aug. of 2016. They went to the FISA court and asked for their blessing, which they did NOT get, since they diidn't have any evidence. Then, McCabe desides to use the Steele dossier as a reason to get a FISA warrant. We all know the origins of this phony dossier. On top of all of that, they failed to report information from informants that suggested there was no reason for a warrant. They also altered emails to make their case look better to the court.

In the report, Horrowitz said there were "factual misstatements omissions" that when " “taken together resulted in [surveillance] applications that made it appear that the information supporting probable cause was stronger than was actually the case.”

Sorry, but this coupled with text messages from FBI officials showing CLEAR bias against Trump, tends to raise the eyebrow of any reasonable person.
These rehearsed prewritten press releases have been made and sitting there for a long long time.

It is outright treason and I have said if there aren't arrests on a mass scale (there should be executions starting with Brennan) then our country is dead.

Here, let me clarify. Our country is dead. We allow it to happen cause most of us are gutless cowards. Then again, if we do offer the slightest of resistance then we are attacked incessantly. Attacked physically and every other way. So, it will indeed take courage to offer the type of resistance it will take to bring a reckoning to these traitors.

Feudalism is around the corner. Middle class leftists will be getting what they deserve. The conservative middle class, I feel very sorry for.

Oh, boo.hoo.hoo.hoo..

Let's be clear. the people said NO to Trump, we made him president anyway, and every day he proves the people got this right.

Trump isn't a king. People have a right to disagree with him, and when he does something corrupt, someone should call it out.
But since you're on record as saying law enforcement, as well as the FBI, is corrupt, we can't believe what they say about him, so too bad, he stays.
As expected, the liberal news outlets are in full spin and distortion mode
How many more topics are the tards going to start to parrot the same shit they've been told to parrot? Why aren't all these topics being merged?

Horowitz found NOTHING ILLEGAL. He said the FBI investigation was LEGITIMATE.

No matter how many self-deluded topics you people want to start, no matter how much further you want to dive into mental illness, you cannot change reality.

No one can stop you from being stupid or mentally ill. Only you can. You should know, though, that you look unbelievably pathetic.
they didn't do their jobs. they attacked a candidate they didn't like.

WATCH: Inspector General Horowitz admits he cannot rule out political bias as motivation for FISA abuses

stop acting like the victim.

He also can't rule out they are space aliens in disguise, is this really the best you have.

Hey, has it occurred to you that if all these people in the military, diplomatic, law enforcement and intelligence communities don't like Trump, including some of the people he appointed... THERE'S PROBABLY A GOOD REASON.

oh - now he cheated. yet mueller after 2 years couldn't prove it but hey - you FEELZ it so it must have happened.

Naw, it's kind of obvious that is what happened.... the problem is, we don't really have a remedy. Do you think the government would tell us if they found out that the Russians HAD hacked our elections?
We aren't headed for a recession. MSM is telling you that because they hope that if they beat that drum it will come to pass which will at least give the Democrats a shot at winning in 2020. They don't care about America, they only care that their candidate gets elected. It's pretty sad really.

Manufacturing sector is already in recession. First time unemployment filings hit a two year high today.

Trump is probably beatable without a recession, but one is coming... it's just a matter of when. Hopefully before the election because the blame can be put where it belongs.
But since you're on record as saying law enforcement, as well as the FBI, is corrupt, we can't believe what they say about him, so too bad, he stays.

Two unrelated issues.

Yes, Law Enforcement CAN be corrupt.

Yes, Trump is utterly unfit for office and needs to go.
IG report shows that either the FBI was grossly inept, biased or both. The only explanation for saying otherwise is NOT reading the report.

They attempted to survell Carter Page in Aug. of 2016. They went to the FISA court and asked for their blessing, which they did NOT get, since they diidn't have any evidence. Then, McCabe desides to use the Steele dossier as a reason to get a FISA warrant. We all know the origins of this phony dossier. On top of all of that, they failed to report information from informants that suggested there was no reason for a warrant. They also altered emails to make their case look better to the court.

In the report, Horrowitz said there were "factual misstatements omissions" that when " “taken together resulted in [surveillance] applications that made it appear that the information supporting probable cause was stronger than was actually the case.”

Sorry, but this coupled with text messages from FBI officials showing CLEAR bias against Trump, tends to raise the eyebrow of any reasonable person.

No, it just shows that the professionals in government were rightfully concerned about Trump.

If they were really out to get him, they'd have dropped the Steele Dossier into the NYT, Washington Post, etc. A week before the election.

Instead, the FBI reopened the bullshit Hillary Email investigation... which probably doomed her campaign.
we have proven they falsified evidence
we have proven they set people up
we have proven they lied when they said the steele report wasn't used
we have proven their hate for trump
we have proven they had "insurance policies"

and you need more.

yet "can you look into that" is a high crime and trump needs to go.

fuck that shit.

Um, yeah, when Trump held up 491 Million in aid, he committed a crime.

Here's the underlying problem. Everyone in Washington knows that Trump is unfit for office and no one expected him to "Win". They really thought the Russian interference wouldn't have an effect, but it needed to be stopped.

Then the Electoral College fucked up, and we have to kind of admit the Russians snookered us.

So much bullshit, where to begin? The aid wasn’t held up. There was no “Russian interference” that helped Trump win. The fact you cling to that makes you a fool. Poor baby doesn’t know how elections work with the Electoral College. 30 states to 20. Supermajority. You lose. As always. Your constant crying will do you good come next year.
Every media outlet has paired the news that there was no witch hunt with the news that Carter Page's FISA warrants were lacking.

Since Page wasn't working with the Trump campaign at the time, it's a matter of civil liberties being trampled for an individual.

The investigation was without political bias.

Womp Womp.

Did you not read the OP? The FISA warrants were not just "lacking": they were based on information that the FBI knew or had good reasons to suspect was false. And what about the other irregularities documented in the report.

I have yet to see or read a liberal news report on the IG report that even comes close to adequately discussing the serious issues with the FBI's investigation and FISA application that the report documents. Perhaps you could cite one for me?
He only knows what Fredo Cuomo and Don Le Mon tell him.
JoeB said ‘Hillary in a landslide!’ for anyone wondering about his prediction accuracy.
And they will say no in 2020 when you commies are left with wet tissues in hand yet again.

Trump isn't going to win in 2020. He hasn't won over anyone who didn't vote for him in 2016, and he's probably alienated at least some of the people who voted for him in 2016 to "Send a message", who are probably horrified by his conduct.

And when the recession comes next year, he's done.

You go with that. It’ll make the mocking you after Trump’s landslide re-election that much sweeter. There aren’t enough idiots like you praying for a recession to win. Sorry moron, per Quinnipiac (one of you lefties favorite places to quote) 51% OPPOSE impeachment. Oops. Seems YOU”RE done.....
Democrats are corrupt.

Democrats are the party of trash.
But since you're on record as saying law enforcement, as well as the FBI, is corrupt, we can't believe what they say about him, so too bad, he stays.

Two unrelated issues.

Yes, Law Enforcement CAN be corrupt.

Yes, Trump is utterly unfit for office and needs to go.
Well, he's not going anywhere. In fact, he will likely get a complete not guilty verdict, a ready made campaign issue. I know you meatheads will run around shrieking that he's guilty no matter who says he isn't, but he'll still be there until the election. And, if the democrats don't come to their senses between now and then, he'll likely not only win, but have greater majorities to work with.

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