What machine techs said they saw in bungled Florida recount will floor you

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
There are countries in the deepest darkest parts of central Africa that have more honest and more competentently run election count!

Bizpac review ^


The Titanic failure that is the Florida recount has yielded 3,000 missing votes, machine breakdowns, and 80,000 "new" votes in liberal Broward County.

But the hits keep on coming.

It was reported last week that a team of technicians had to be flown in to fix Palm Beach County's tallying machines. What you didn’t hear was how one technician witnessed an election worker jamming a paper clip into one of the vote-counting machines in order to slow it down. "That, in turn, caused a short circuit."

"its technicians had witnessed Palm Beach County elections workers, apparently worried that one of the machines was running too fast, jam a paper clip into the scanner's 'enter' button in an effort to slow it down. That, in turn, caused a short circuit" Nearly 3,000 Votes Disappeared From Florida’s Recount. That’s Not Supposed to Happen

— Rich Lowry (@RichLowry) November 17, 2018

Let that sink in a moment.

"Nearly 3,000 votes effectively disappeared during the machine recount of Florida's midterm races, according to election records," the New York Times reported in the first paragraph of its damning exposé.

Buried in the New York Times story was the outrageous revelation that the vote count in heavily Democrat Broward County rose by 80,000 in the four days after the election — in part due to illegally altered mail-in ballots.

Those bogus "new" votes would have favored Democrat Senator Bill Nelson, who now appears to have lost his re-election bid despite suspected voter fraud.

Dem official's attempted use of bogus altered ballots in Florida a serious offense, could trigger RICO probe Dem official's attempted use of bogus altered ballots in Florida a serious offense, could trigger RICO probe pic.twitter.com/7HdZTC32hF

— Conservative News (@BIZPACReview) November 17, 2018

Broward Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes isn’t the only incompetent elections official in Florida.

Liberal Palm Beach County found "dozens of precincts missing a significant number of votes during the machine recount, according to the supervisor of elections, Susan Bucher, causing the county to conclude that entire boxes of ballots may not have been counted."


democrat susan bucher palm beach county elections supervisor

Susan Bucher is (surprise!) a Democrat. As BizPac Review reported, Bucher has a long history of partisan game-playing and voter suppression of Republicans.

Palm Beach County's incompetent elections supervisor Susan Bucher is a Democrat. Learn more about RevenueStripe...

Twitter tore into the epic incompetence in the Florida recount, which was too stupid to be believed.

"My God."

My god. Nearly 3,000 Votes Disappeared From Florida’s Recount. That’s Not Supposed to Happen pic.twitter.com/rLgU92piE9

— Eric Geller (@ericgeller) November 17, 2018

"Election Fraud 2018."

Finding 80,000 votes for Nelson one day after the election isn't supposed to happen either. #tcot #ElectionFraud2018 #FloridaRecount Nearly 3,000 Votes Disappeared From Florida’s Recount. That’s Not Supposed to Happen

— Jack Moss (@macranger) November 17, 2018

"No surprise here. As long as Snipes is in charge it will continue to happen."

No surprise here. As long as Snipes is in charge it will continue to happen. Shit can this dumb woman. The Florida Recount: Missing Votes, Machine Error and an Errant Paper Clip Nearly 3,000 Votes Disappeared From Florida’s Recount. That’s Not Supposed to Happen

— David Teply (@teply_david) November 17, 2018

Florida attorney Bryan Rotella — who's not affiliated with any Florida candidates — said it's high time for Senator Bill Nelson to concede. He has no path to victory based on the LEGAL votes that he’s trailing by, which tops 12,000.

"Game over," Rotella told Fox Business host Neil Cavuto. "Senator Nelson needs an intervention. He's done. He's had a long career [with few accomplishments]. I think he should look into something [like the] Hall of Presidents. He's kind of robotic, so he could be the front guest show host for that."
Nothing is surprising to me. Palm Beach has still not made public any precinct totals. It pisses me off to no end. And she was given $11 million for new machines, but she decided to wait, rather than get them.

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