What makes people believe in absurd conspiracy theories?

The main stream media may be biased, they may even distort some facts in order to fit their agenda, get better ratings, etc...but for the most part, there is truth to what they report...and if not, it's usually uncovered relatively quickly.

What's unfortunate is the a lot of the independent media goes the complete opposite direction and most spin just about every major news story into some sort of conspiracy....for the same reason the mainstream media may overly dramatize some of their stories....ratings.

YouTube has been infiltrated with independent "news" sources reporting nothing but conspiracy theories for the simple fact that they get more views that way. If they were to just report the facts, the wouldn't get any views.

The same way conspiracy theorists ask people how they can believe mainstream media is the same way most others ask how conspiracy theorists believe so many YouTube hacks (most very poorly done, with little to no facts...just tabloid level opinions) that do most of their stories just to get views.
nutball: "9/11 was an inside job!"

normal person: "No it wasn't, and, if it was, you have to explain all of this______"

nutball: "What, it's wrong to be suspicious of the government? The government is ALWAYS honest, eh? They would never lie to us, eh?"

Rinse, repeat. Every single time. Cheap tricks that only work on stupid people.

You're just an establishment shill, aren't you ? Just a POS shill. Nobody can innocently be as ignorant as you pretend to be.

they got plenty of paid shills such as him and the OP here sent to troll these forums.
If I were paid every time I smacked down some conspiracy nutball holding an empty bag, I would be a very rich man, indeed.

Your notion of "smacked down" someone else's theory is on the level of child on playground calling the other kid a 'poopy head'
I didn't say I smacked down the theory, just the nutball. No, sorry, you got the wrong guy, there. I would not waste a single ounce of energy litigating the truth of your insane bullshit. Nobody would ever need to do so. You are an ineffectual purveyor of hilarious bullshit.
You don't make any sense at all! I haven't even expressed any of my opinions for you to ridicule, and to make the assumption that I'm a "government and media kiss ass"? shows how uneducated you are. I don't know who you are referring to about a link?
I just came across an article titled "10 characteristics of conspiracy theorists" 1. Arrogance 2. Relentlessness 3. Inability to answer questions 4. Fondness for certain stock phrases 5. Inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor. 6. Inability to tell good evidence from bad 7. Inability to withdraw 8. Leaping to conclusions 9. Using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claim 10. It's always a conspiracy. To me, you display every characteristic in that list.
Not once did I mention anything about the CIA. I used an example to explain something. I don't think every single conspiracy theory is absurd, and by you not being able to answer my original question, "what makes people believe absurd conspiracies?". Right there, you are displaying characteristic number 2 on that list, one I believe to be the most important skill out of the list that actually, if can answer questions, shows some intelligence to maybe just maybe get my attention. Jumping to conclusions that I'm a government and media ass kisser this and that, I lack common sense and logic, blah, blah, blah.
Its always a conspiracy, yea you are right I'm sent here from a secret, I mean secret, program developed by trump, and it is a group of super elite anti-conspiracy theorists, that endured intense and difficult training for months with no contact with the outside world, whose main objective is to infiltrate "usmessageboards" forum "Conspiracy theories" to plant and feed false evidence to cover the government trails of alien civilizations, poisonous government snow, invasion of lizard people, siri apocalypse, calendar conspiracies, The moon doesn't exist, shark spies, the reptoids, Denver international airport is actually the den of the devil and there is a FEMA death camp hidden underneath it, most of our world leaders are space leaders, Saddam Husseins alien stargate was the real reason for Iraq invasion, KFC causes sterility in black men, The mars conspiracy, Nazis in Antarctica, The government created HIV, and so on.
My question, "what makes people believe absurd conspiracy theories?", is referring to absurd theories. Not every single conspiracy theory is absurd but come on now. For example The conspiracy theory, "The landing on the moon was fake", is questionable. Why haven't we gone back yet? We were able to do it in 1969 supposedly, but why haven't we gone back? We have more advanced technology this day in age then ever before, I would think we would of made several trips by now. But some of the conspiracy are absurd and if you do not think so you are nuts.
Sheep With Sheepskins

You forgot #11, which is heresy to those who believe that whoever gets ahead must be the best available for the job. Thinking that the government wing of the ruling class, with its typical no-talent richkids and their brownnosing boytoys,"must have known" is a hidden way of championing the Low-IQ regime's right to its status.

Condoleeza Rice, a student of Russia only and incapable of being an expert even on that, had never even heard of Al Qaida. Just like a Diploma Dumbo grade-grubber would act, she skipped over that part of the world because it wasn't part of her assignment. College graduates have no interest or conscience in learning anything about a subject except what they're told will be on an exam.
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative

Conspiracy Theorists USED TO Be Accepted As Normal
Democracy and free market capitalism were founded on conspiracy theories.

The Magna Carta, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and other founding Western documents were based on conspiracy theories. Greek democracy and free market capitalism were also based on conspiracy theories.

But those were the bad old days …Things have now changed.

The CIA Coined the Term Conspiracy Theorist In 1967
That all changed in the 1960s.

Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories. The dispatch was marked “psych” – short for “psychological operations” or disinformation – and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.

The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976.

The dispatch states:

2. This trend of opinion is a matter of concern to the U.S. government, including our organization.........




The aim of this dispatch is to provide material countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries. Background information is supplied in a classified section and in a number of unclassified attachments..................................

And weak minds can't understand why they are told conspiracies are stamped into their heads. Keeping the weak minds right where they want them. Until you allow that brain to wake up and see what's been in front of you all along you will remain a governmental slave where you are easily herded into the same coral.

To keep them voted in what else will they do or use to keep you right where they want you.
But your little SNOPES will tell you omg it's been debunked lmfao. Sheep will believe it.

Meanwhile here is a guy who is a former ATTORNEY deny he doesn't know what he's talking about oh wait leftards always will no matter what or who.

How the CIA Invented and Weaponized the Term "Conspiracy Theory"

“Conspiracy theory” is a CIA-coined term that since the 1960s has become a well-used and effective disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly useful in defining certain events and areas of inquiry off limits to debate and imputing insanity on the part of the proponent. Especially in the United States and today raising legitimate questions about fanciful "official narratives" is deemed a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs. Infra, please find the official document and directive that got the how shebang roaring out of control. CIA Document 1035-960 Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report http://www.jfklancer.com/CIA.html

this is what the OP and all the other government ass kissers do when confronted with pesky facts like this one you posted that prove how evil the CIA is and how corrupt our government is everytime without fail

that is a pesky fact that does not go along with his warped opinions and proves that reagan was much more destructive to america than carter ever was so as you just proved,he is doing this right now as he has every single time you have taken him to school.lol

You don't make any sense at all! I haven't even expressed any of my opinions for you to ridicule, and to make the assumption that I'm a "government and media kiss ass"? shows how uneducated you are. I don't know who you are referring to about a link?
I just came across an article titled "10 characteristics of conspiracy theorists" 1. Arrogance 2. Relentlessness 3. Inability to answer questions 4. Fondness for certain stock phrases 5. Inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor. 6. Inability to tell good evidence from bad 7. Inability to withdraw 8. Leaping to conclusions 9. Using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claim 10. It's always a conspiracy. To me, you display every characteristic in that list.
Not once did I mention anything about the CIA. I used an example to explain something. I don't think every single conspiracy theory is absurd, and by you not being able to answer my original question, "what makes people believe absurd conspiracies?". Right there, you are displaying characteristic number 2 on that list, one I believe to be the most important skill out of the list that actually, if can answer questions, shows some intelligence to maybe just maybe get my attention. Jumping to conclusions that I'm a government and media ass kisser this and that, I lack common sense and logic, blah, blah, blah.
Its always a conspiracy, yea you are right I'm sent here from a secret, I mean secret, program developed by trump, and it is a group of super elite anti-conspiracy theorists, that endured intense and difficult training for months with no contact with the outside world, whose main objective is to infiltrate "usmessageboards" forum "Conspiracy theories" to plant and feed false evidence to cover the government trails of alien civilizations, poisonous government snow, invasion of lizard people, siri apocalypse, calendar conspiracies, The moon doesn't exist, shark spies, the reptoids, Denver international airport is actually the den of the devil and there is a FEMA death camp hidden underneath it, most of our world leaders are space leaders, Saddam Husseins alien stargate was the real reason for Iraq invasion, KFC causes sterility in black men, The mars conspiracy, Nazis in Antarctica, The government created HIV, and so on.
My question, "what makes people believe absurd conspiracy theories?", is referring to absurd theories. Not every single conspiracy theory is absurd but come on now. For example The conspiracy theory, "The landing on the moon was fake", is questionable. Why haven't we gone back yet? We were able to do it in 1969 supposedly, but why haven't we gone back? We have more advanced technology this day in age then ever before, I would think we would of made several trips by now. But some of the conspiracy are absurd and if you do not think so you are nuts.[/

But your little SNOPES will tell you omg it's been debunked lmfao. Sheep will believe it.

Meanwhile here is a guy who is a former ATTORNEY deny he doesn't know what he's talking about oh wait leftards always will no matter what or who.

How the CIA Invented and Weaponized the Term "Conspiracy Theory"

“Conspiracy theory” is a CIA-coined term that since the 1960s has become a well-used and effective disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly useful in defining certain events and areas of inquiry off limits to debate and imputing insanity on the part of the proponent. Especially in the United States and today raising legitimate questions about fanciful "official narratives" is deemed a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs. Infra, please find the official document and directive that got the how shebang roaring out of control. CIA Document 1035-960 Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report http://www.jfklancer.com/CIA.html


this is all this paid shill of the CIA the OP here can do is cry in defeat after you took him to school and gave him a major ass beating.

he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.
The main stream media may be biased, they may even distort some facts in order to fit their agenda, get better ratings, etc...but for the most part, there is truth to what they report...and if not, it's usually uncovered relatively quickly.

What's unfortunate is the a lot of the independent media goes the complete opposite direction and most spin just about every major news story into some sort of conspiracy....for the same reason the mainstream media may overly dramatize some of their stories....ratings.

YouTube has been infiltrated with independent "news" sources reporting nothing but conspiracy theories for the simple fact that they get more views that way. If they were to just report the facts, the wouldn't get any views.

The same way conspiracy theorists ask people how they can believe mainstream media is the same way most others ask how conspiracy theorists believe so many YouTube hacks (most very poorly done, with little to no facts...just tabloid level opinions) that do most of their stories just to get views.

the fact that the CIA's government paid shill and resident troll agent SAYIT liked this post.,is proof enough you are another paid shill for the CIA that has penetrated this forum.:D

you asskissers of the media and government are the biggest conspiracy theorists,you trolls wont get off the weed you been smoking to see that this conspiracy theory here below in post # 9 of mine,is a conspiracy theory that would only work in a fairy tale novel,NONE of you trolls have any answers for it with everyone of you covering your ears and eyes to it.:D:itsok::itsok:

What makes people believe in absurd conspiracy theories?

and mindwars just took you to school and handed your ass to you on a platter as well in post#83 and #85 as well.lol

oh and sorry charlie,but there are countless videos out there that have have pesky facts on government corruption and how evil the CIA is that none of you agents can stand toe to toe with and ever have any evidence to counter their pesky facts.:itsok:
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In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative

Conspiracy Theorists USED TO Be Accepted As Normal
Democracy and free market capitalism were founded on conspiracy theories.

The Magna Carta, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and other founding Western documents were based on conspiracy theories. Greek democracy and free market capitalism were also based on conspiracy theories.

But those were the bad old days …Things have now changed.

The CIA Coined the Term Conspiracy Theorist In 1967
That all changed in the 1960s.

Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories. The dispatch was marked “psych” – short for “psychological operations” or disinformation – and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.

The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976.

The dispatch states:

2. This trend of opinion is a matter of concern to the U.S. government, including our organization.........

View attachment 154291

View attachment 154292


The aim of this dispatch is to provide material countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries. Background information is supplied in a classified section and in a number of unclassified attachments..................................

And weak minds can't understand why they are told conspiracies are stamped into their heads. Keeping the weak minds right where they want them. Until you allow that brain to wake up and see what's been in front of you all along you will remain a governmental slave where you are easily herded into the same coral.

To keep them voted in what else will they do or use to keep you right where they want you.

the blind sheep like the OP and the recent agent that posted on this thread for the CIA,are all doing this since they know they are cornered by this informative post of yours.:up:


they ALSO did this when they saw Johns two informative posts here as well in posts # 29and # 30 did you notice that?
What makes people believe in absurd conspiracy theories?

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The main stream media may be biased, they may even distort some facts in order to fit their agenda, get better ratings, etc...but for the most part, there is truth to what they report...and if not, it's usually uncovered relatively quickly.

What's unfortunate is the a lot of the independent media goes the complete opposite direction and most spin just about every major news story into some sort of conspiracy....for the same reason the mainstream media may overly dramatize some of their stories....ratings.

YouTube has been infiltrated with independent "news" sources reporting nothing but conspiracy theories for the simple fact that they get more views that way. If they were to just report the facts, the wouldn't get any views.

The same way conspiracy theorists ask people how they can believe mainstream media is the same way most others ask how conspiracy theorists believe so many YouTube hacks (most very poorly done, with little to no facts...just tabloid level opinions) that do most of their stories just to get views.

the fact that the CIA's government paid shill and resident troll agent SAYIT liked this post.,is proof enough you are another paid shill for the CIA that has penetrated this forum.:D

you asskissers of the media and government are the biggest conspiracy theorists,you trolls wont get off the weed you been smoking to see that this conspiracy theory here below in post # 9 of mine,is a conspiracy theory that would only work in a fairy tale novel,NONE of you trolls have any answers for it with everyone of you covering your ears and eyes to it.:D:itsok::itsok:

What makes people believe in absurd conspiracy theories?
I'm a paid shill? Nice! Then looks like the CIA owes me some money...lmfao...:badgrin:

You really believe the CIA pays people to go on online forums and talk to conspiracy theorists? Considering the fact that there are thousands of online forums and thousands of people that post on them, it would take hundreds of agents working 24/7 posting on message boards....instead of doing what they're supposed to be doing

..like preventing terrorist attacks, etc etc etc

You can't be serious, are you?

The main stream media may be biased, they may even distort some facts in order to fit their agenda, get better ratings, etc...but for the most part, there is truth to what they report...and if not, it's usually uncovered relatively quickly.

What's unfortunate is the a lot of the independent media goes the complete opposite direction and most spin just about every major news story into some sort of conspiracy....for the same reason the mainstream media may overly dramatize some of their stories....ratings.

YouTube has been infiltrated with independent "news" sources reporting nothing but conspiracy theories for the simple fact that they get more views that way. If they were to just report the facts, the wouldn't get any views.

The same way conspiracy theorists ask people how they can believe mainstream media is the same way most others ask how conspiracy theorists believe so many YouTube hacks (most very poorly done, with little to no facts...just tabloid level opinions) that do most of their stories just to get views.

No you see what goes right over the heads of most dumbasses is this fact more people are turning to ALTERNATIVE MEDIA because they are NOT paid to tell ppl wtf they want to hear.
They are not controlled by HUGE CORPORATIONS.

This is how pathetically dumbed down and stupid leftist are.

It's all right in their faces for example : Ever see during a football game all the " ADVERTISEMENTS" wtf do you think they are there for .........................

MSM IS CONTROLLED by big money money bigger than you will ever see in your leftist life.

The media controls what you think and weak minds are those who fall victim to it and you all won't ever see it, nor see it coming. You can't.
The main stream media may be biased, they may even distort some facts in order to fit their agenda, get better ratings, etc...but for the most part, there is truth to what they report...and if not, it's usually uncovered relatively quickly.

What's unfortunate is the a lot of the independent media goes the complete opposite direction and most spin just about every major news story into some sort of conspiracy....for the same reason the mainstream media may overly dramatize some of their stories....ratings.

YouTube has been infiltrated with independent "news" sources reporting nothing but conspiracy theories for the simple fact that they get more views that way. If they were to just report the facts, the wouldn't get any views.

The same way conspiracy theorists ask people how they can believe mainstream media is the same way most others ask how conspiracy theorists believe so many YouTube hacks (most very poorly done, with little to no facts...just tabloid level opinions) that do most of their stories just to get views.

the fact that the CIA's government paid shill and resident troll agent SAYIT liked this post.,is proof enough you are another paid shill for the CIA that has penetrated this forum.:D

you asskissers of the media and government are the biggest conspiracy theorists,you trolls wont get off the weed you been smoking to see that this conspiracy theory here below in post # 9 of mine,is a conspiracy theory that would only work in a fairy tale novel,NONE of you trolls have any answers for it with everyone of you covering your ears and eyes to it.:D:itsok::itsok:

What makes people believe in absurd conspiracy theories?
I'm a paid shill? Nice! Then looks like the CIA owes me some money...lmfao...:badgrin:

You really believe the CIA pays people to go on online forums and talk to conspiracy theorists? Considering the fact that there are thousands of online forums and thousands of people that post on them, it would take hundreds of agents working 24/7 posting on message boards....instead of doing what they're supposed to be doing

..like preventing terrorist attacks, etc etc etc

You can't be serious, are you?


you are either a paid shill for the CIA or Israel like agent sayit is who liked your post,or you are a branwashed sheep in denial mode how evil and corrupt our government really is the way you have proved it on this entire thread whenever we have exposed government corruption by do this-

EVERY SINGLE TIME:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

oh and if you dont think there are many paid shills for the CIA and Israel such as agent sayit on all these message boards and assuming you are not one like him,you are indeed clueless and in the dark :lmao:

WE have addressed all the posts of your babbling rambles,you cowards though run off with your tail between your legs everytime and play dodgeball with our posts when we post something that exposes how evil the government is.:rolleyes:
"Their agenda is hidden in plain view. They think you are so stupid, they have written all their plans down in whitepapers, books, and their websites, and have been implemented their plans for years. And, they are following their plan to the tee, although they are six or seven years behind, but are following it all exactly as they said they would."
The main stream media may be biased, they may even distort some facts in order to fit their agenda, get better ratings, etc...but for the most part, there is truth to what they report...and if not, it's usually uncovered relatively quickly.

What's unfortunate is the a lot of the independent media goes the complete opposite direction and most spin just about every major news story into some sort of conspiracy....for the same reason the mainstream media may overly dramatize some of their stories....ratings.

YouTube has been infiltrated with independent "news" sources reporting nothing but conspiracy theories for the simple fact that they get more views that way. If they were to just report the facts, the wouldn't get any views.

The same way conspiracy theorists ask people how they can believe mainstream media is the same way most others ask how conspiracy theorists believe so many YouTube hacks (most very poorly done, with little to no facts...just tabloid level opinions) that do most of their stories just to get views.

No you see what goes right over the heads of most dumbasses is this fact more people are turning to ALTERNATIVE MEDIA because they are NOT paid to tell ppl wtf they want to hear.
They are not controlled by HUGE CORPORATIONS.

This is how pathetically dumbed down and stupid leftist are.

It's all right in their faces for example : Ever see during a football game all the " ADVERTISEMENTS" wtf do you think they are there for .........................

MSM IS CONTROLLED by big money money bigger than you will ever see in your leftist life.

The media controls what you think and weak minds are those who fall victim to it and you all won't ever see it, nor see it coming. You can't.

Your so called "alt media" makes money off of advertising just like the main stream media does. I guess you don't notice the ads that run before every YouTube clip or the dozens of supplement ads all over infowars?....lmao..
The Global Age is right upon us.
It is on the horizon of our lifetime.

This New World Order is not some prophetically speculative or futuristic fairy tale, but a real world reality. It is not some “wacko conspiracy theory” advanced by the fringe of society like the powers that shouldn’t be would have us believe.

It is not a “conspiracy,” rather it’s an agenda.
Anybody that will end their soma induced “holiday” and unplug from the delusional “matrix” will see the evidence all around them.

The players in this grand deception understand it is a dangerous and risky undertaking, for they are vastly outnumbered. If average Americans woke up and understood their true agenda, there would be an uprising of revolutionary proportions.

Therefore, demonizing the opposition and controlling people throughdisinformation, fake news, and contrived fear is critical as they conceal their true agenda… to control and dominate the world.

They will use every tactic available to them including “divide and conquer” to keep us distracted and fighting among ourselves. Already we see Christians and American patriots characterized as terrorists and a threat to law enforcement. They ridicule us and call us names like racist, homophobic, or misogynist in the hopes of discrediting our voice.

World economic systems are threatened with catastrophic consequences unless the international banksters are allowed to consolidate their power into a global banking system.

The New World Order | Jeremiah Project
The main stream media may be biased, they may even distort some facts in order to fit their agenda, get better ratings, etc...but for the most part, there is truth to what they report...and if not, it's usually uncovered relatively quickly.

What's unfortunate is the a lot of the independent media goes the complete opposite direction and most spin just about every major news story into some sort of conspiracy....for the same reason the mainstream media may overly dramatize some of their stories....ratings.

YouTube has been infiltrated with independent "news" sources reporting nothing but conspiracy theories for the simple fact that they get more views that way. If they were to just report the facts, the wouldn't get any views.

The same way conspiracy theorists ask people how they can believe mainstream media is the same way most others ask how conspiracy theorists believe so many YouTube hacks (most very poorly done, with little to no facts...just tabloid level opinions) that do most of their stories just to get views.

No you see what goes right over the heads of most dumbasses is this fact more people are turning to ALTERNATIVE MEDIA because they are NOT paid to tell ppl wtf they want to hear.
They are not controlled by HUGE CORPORATIONS.

This is how pathetically dumbed down and stupid leftist are.

It's all right in their faces for example : Ever see during a football game all the " ADVERTISEMENTS" wtf do you think they are there for .........................

MSM IS CONTROLLED by big money money bigger than you will ever see in your leftist life.

The media controls what you think and weak minds are those who fall victim to it and you all won't ever see it, nor see it coming. You can't.

Your so called "alt media" makes money off of advertising just like the main stream media does. I guess you don't notice the ads that run before every YouTube clip or the dozens of supplement ads all over infowars?....lmao..

still MORE evade mode,.classic.:scared1:

this link here is talking about agent sayit,the OP and and you.

you have been exposed shill.:haha:

I Was a Paid Internet Shill: How Shadowy Groups Manipulate Internet Opinion and Debate
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The Global Age is right upon us.
It is on the horizon of our lifetime.

This New World Order is not some prophetically speculative or futuristic fairy tale, but a real world reality. It is not some “wacko conspiracy theory” advanced by the fringe of society like the powers that shouldn’t be would have us believe.

It is not a “conspiracy,” rather it’s an agenda.
Anybody that will end their soma induced “holiday” and unplug from the delusional “matrix” will see the evidence all around them.

The players in this grand deception understand it is a dangerous and risky undertaking, for they are vastly outnumbered. If average Americans woke up and understood their true agenda, there would be an uprising of revolutionary proportions.

Therefore, demonizing the opposition and controlling people throughdisinformation, fake news, and contrived fear is critical as they conceal their true agenda… to control and dominate the world.

They will use every tactic available to them including “divide and conquer” to keep us distracted and fighting among ourselves. Already we see Christians and American patriots characterized as terrorists and a threat to law enforcement. They ridicule us and call us names like racist, homophobic, or misogynist in the hopes of discrediting our voice.

World economic systems are threatened with catastrophic consequences unless the international banksters are allowed to consolidate their power into a global banking system.

The New World Order | Jeremiah Project

this shill,the OP and agent sayit have been exposed.
I Was a Paid Internet Shill: How Shadowy Groups Manipulate Internet Opinion and Debate

they will consult with their handlers on what the next garbage to post will be after seeing this link exposing them.hee hee.

like clockwork,they have no answers for the most crazy wacky conspiracy theory ever invented by mankind in this link here.:lmao::haha:

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

Like clockwork,they have done THIS everytime i put this link up.-:scared1:
The main stream media may be biased, they may even distort some facts in order to fit their agenda, get better ratings, etc...but for the most part, there is truth to what they report...and if not, it's usually uncovered relatively quickly.

What's unfortunate is the a lot of the independent media goes the complete opposite direction and most spin just about every major news story into some sort of conspiracy....for the same reason the mainstream media may overly dramatize some of their stories....ratings.

YouTube has been infiltrated with independent "news" sources reporting nothing but conspiracy theories for the simple fact that they get more views that way. If they were to just report the facts, the wouldn't get any views.

The same way conspiracy theorists ask people how they can believe mainstream media is the same way most others ask how conspiracy theorists believe so many YouTube hacks (most very poorly done, with little to no facts...just tabloid level opinions) that do most of their stories just to get views.

No you see what goes right over the heads of most dumbasses is this fact more people are turning to ALTERNATIVE MEDIA because they are NOT paid to tell ppl wtf they want to hear.
They are not controlled by HUGE CORPORATIONS.

This is how pathetically dumbed down and stupid leftist are.

It's all right in their faces for example : Ever see during a football game all the " ADVERTISEMENTS" wtf do you think they are there for .........................

MSM IS CONTROLLED by big money money bigger than you will ever see in your leftist life.

The media controls what you think and weak minds are those who fall victim to it and you all won't ever see it, nor see it coming. You can't.

you are making wayyyyyy too much sense for the shill to comprehend.
The main stream media may be biased, they may even distort some facts in order to fit their agenda, get better ratings, etc...but for the most part, there is truth to what they report...and if not, it's usually uncovered relatively quickly.

What's unfortunate is the a lot of the independent media goes the complete opposite direction and most spin just about every major news story into some sort of conspiracy....for the same reason the mainstream media may overly dramatize some of their stories....ratings.

YouTube has been infiltrated with independent "news" sources reporting nothing but conspiracy theories for the simple fact that they get more views that way. If they were to just report the facts, the wouldn't get any views.

The same way conspiracy theorists ask people how they can believe mainstream media is the same way most others ask how conspiracy theorists believe so many YouTube hacks (most very poorly done, with little to no facts...just tabloid level opinions) that do most of their stories just to get views.

No you see what goes right over the heads of most dumbasses is this fact more people are turning to ALTERNATIVE MEDIA because they are NOT paid to tell ppl wtf they want to hear.
They are not controlled by HUGE CORPORATIONS.

This is how pathetically dumbed down and stupid leftist are.

It's all right in their faces for example : Ever see during a football game all the " ADVERTISEMENTS" wtf do you think they are there for .........................

MSM IS CONTROLLED by big money money bigger than you will ever see in your leftist life.

The media controls what you think and weak minds are those who fall victim to it and you all won't ever see it, nor see it coming. You can't.

Your so called "alt media" makes money off of advertising just like the main stream media does. I guess you don't notice the ads that run before every YouTube clip or the dozens of supplement ads all over infowars?....lmao..

So why is the mainstream media so bad? The following are 7 things about the mainstream media that they do not want you to know…

#1 The Mainstream Media Has Very Deep Ties To The Establishment

Did you know that the president of CBS and the president of ABC both have brothersthat are top officials in the Obama administration?

The big news networks have developed an almost incestuous relationship with the federal government in recent years. But of course the same could be said of the relationship that the media has with the big corporations that own stock in their parent companies and that advertise on their networks.

This is one of the reasons why we very rarely ever see any hard hitting stories on the big networks anymore. The flow of information through the corporate-dominated media is very tightly controlled, and there are a lot of gatekeepers that make sure that the “wrong stories” don’t get put out to the public. As a result, many of the “big stories” that have come out in recent years were originally broken by the alternative media.

#2 The Mainstream Media Gets Things Wrong Very Frequently

Even prominent members of the mainstream media admit that this is the case. For example, during a recent speech at Quinnipiac University CBS anchor Scott Pelley confessed that journalists in the mainstream media “are getting big stories wrong, over and over again”
7 Things About The Mainstream Media That They Do Not Want You To Know

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