What makes Singapore so successful?

How much crime are you willing to accept? There are parts of Los Angeles where the people have little to no freedom at all. Their homes have bars on Windows and doors. The do not go out after dark. They can't run out to the store when they want. There are no stores. There are certain colors of clothing they can't wear. All because of crime.

You're comparing one extreme to the other
...wait, I mean the lack of diversity. It's homogenous nation ...

No, it’s not.

Yes it is compared to the multi-racial utopias of the left.

Asians in general are much less diverse than whites, all look the same. The place is so Chinese looking that it is almost offensive. A leftist brain would explode upon hearing how few Africans there are, they need to be enriched.
Singapore has one of the highest per capita GDPs in the world. With a population of 5.6 million people, they have about 900 homeless. Los Angeles, with a population of 3.9 million, has about 50,000. They are at or near the top in education. Their crime rate is so low, many of the stores have no security against shop lifting and do not even lock their doors.

Here is their GDP from: List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
View attachment 294473

"In 2016, the island nation’s police reported 135 total days without any crimes including snatch-theft, house break-ins and robbery. That low crime rate means many small businesses enjoy little concern about shoplifting.

In fact, as CNBC recently observed, many local businesses take few precautions when closing shop at night.

For instance, in the ground floor lobby of a mixed-use building in the downtown business district, many shops don’t have windows, locks — or even doors."

How many American cities with a population of 5.6 million have 135 days in a year with NO crimes reported?

Also, look at Singapore.




Also, when I googled "Singapore shitting in streets", I found zero matching results.

They do not have the big gender gap in voting

Same as China no gender gap because they will not let the lower logic women vote

They have more correct the man and woman issue

All other liberal nations have the lowest gdp scores Because of letting the unwise vote in crooks

Everyone should have known this when Rhodesia and South Africa fell to be basket cases after being prosperous

The cause is lower logic people voting

Liberal Europe is dying because they commited the same sin as eve and Adam type men let it happen
If only we could be more like Singapore . . .
Certainly in some ways. Our solution to the glut of low level criminals in prison is to let them go and make crime profitable. A few sessions with a whip or cane would be a permanent cure.
Immigration is almost non existent.

As of mid-2018, the estimated population of Singapore was 5,638,700 people, 3,471,900 (61.6%) of whom were citizens, while the remaining 2,166,800 (38.4%) were permanent residents (522,300) or international students/foreign workers/dependants (1,644,500).[4]

Singapore - Wikipedia

I was one of those PRs for 10 years. Singapore is a wonderful place. Very authoritarian in some ways, very free economically.

But, ultimately, it's the people themselves. Hard-working, no-nonsense, practical people who don't expect things handed to them make up a large part of the population.
...wait, I mean the lack of diversity. It's homogenous nation ...

No, it’s not.

Yes it is compared to the multi-racial utopias of the left.

Asians in general are much less diverse than whites, all look the same. The place is so Chinese looking that it is almost offensive. A leftist brain would explode upon hearing how few Africans there are, they need to be enriched.

Ignorant stupidity.

Singapore is a racially, culturally, religiously, and linguistically diverse country.
Immigration is almost non existent.

As of mid-2018, the estimated population of Singapore was 5,638,700 people, 3,471,900 (61.6%) of whom were citizens, while the remaining 2,166,800 (38.4%) were permanent residents (522,300) or international students/foreign workers/dependants (1,644,500).[4]

Singapore - Wikipedia

I was one of those PRs for 10 years. Singapore is a wonderful place. Very authoritarian in some ways, very free economically.

But, ultimately, it's the people themselves. Hard-working, no-nonsense, practical people who don't expect things handed to them make up a large part of the population.

How are their titty bars?
Immigration is almost non existent.

As of mid-2018, the estimated population of Singapore was 5,638,700 people, 3,471,900 (61.6%) of whom were citizens, while the remaining 2,166,800 (38.4%) were permanent residents (522,300) or international students/foreign workers/dependants (1,644,500).[4]

Singapore - Wikipedia

I was one of those PRs for 10 years. Singapore is a wonderful place. Very authoritarian in some ways, very free economically.

But, ultimately, it's the people themselves. Hard-working, no-nonsense, practical people who don't expect things handed to them make up a large part of the population.

How are their titty bars?

And if Singapore were 50 times bigger, it would likely have a more complex reality.
Maybe so Unkotare. But they have made the best of a situation in that part of the world. That part of the world has the potential for many jewels as growing nations. It also has some very tough areas.
Singapore has one of the highest per capita GDPs in the world. With a population of 5.6 million people, they have about 900 homeless. Los Angeles, with a population of 3.9 million, has about 50,000. They are at or near the top in education. Their crime rate is so low, many of the stores have no security against shop lifting and do not even lock their doors.

Here is their GDP from: List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
View attachment 294473

"In 2016, the island nation’s police reported 135 total days without any crimes including snatch-theft, house break-ins and robbery. That low crime rate means many small businesses enjoy little concern about shoplifting.

In fact, as CNBC recently observed, many local businesses take few precautions when closing shop at night.

For instance, in the ground floor lobby of a mixed-use building in the downtown business district, many shops don’t have windows, locks — or even doors."

How many American cities with a population of 5.6 million have 135 days in a year with NO crimes reported?

Also, look at Singapore.




Also, when I googled "Singapore shitting in streets", I found zero matching results.


Same as China no gender gap because they will not let the lower logic women vote


There are no national elections in China. Nobody votes, you fucking idiot.
...wait, I mean the lack of diversity. It's homogenous nation ...

No, it’s not.

Yes it is compared to the multi-racial utopias of the left.

Asians in general are much less diverse than whites, all look the same. The place is so Chinese looking that it is almost offensive. A leftist brain would explode upon hearing how few Africans there are, they need to be enriched.

Ignorant stupidity.

Singapore is a racially, culturally, religiously, and linguistically diverse country.

They have accomplished all that diversity without open borders. They are very stringent on who they let in, not necessarily on the basis of race or religion, except in terms of vetting who you are, your potential criminal background, your marketable skills and the contribution you are likely to make.
Same as China no gender gap because they will not let the lower logic women vote

They don't let men vote either, Commander INCEL. I guess you don't get a lot of information living in your Mom's basement, huh.
Singapore has one of the highest per capita GDPs in the world. With a population of 5.6 million people, they have about 900 homeless. Los Angeles, with a population of 3.9 million, has about 50,000. They are at or near the top in education. Their crime rate is so low, many of the stores have no security against shop lifting and do not even lock their doors.

Here is their GDP from: List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
View attachment 294473

"In 2016, the island nation’s police reported 135 total days without any crimes including snatch-theft, house break-ins and robbery. That low crime rate means many small businesses enjoy little concern about shoplifting.

In fact, as CNBC recently observed, many local businesses take few precautions when closing shop at night.

For instance, in the ground floor lobby of a mixed-use building in the downtown business district, many shops don’t have windows, locks — or even doors."

How many American cities with a population of 5.6 million have 135 days in a year with NO crimes reported?

Also, look at Singapore.




Also, when I googled "Singapore shitting in streets", I found zero matching results.


Same as China no gender gap because they will not let the lower logic women vote


There are no national elections in China. Nobody votes, you fucking idiot.

Are you a crazy loon

China does indeed have elections and from a democracy of their most wise

Which will now be copied world wide

Look at China to understand how liberalism is toast all over the world

Uk is simply setting up to stop their destruction coming from liberals

They have learned from China’s high gdp scores that their unwise voters must be stopped from voting

This will spread world wide

Only a democracy of the wise voters voting will be allowed any where

Very few women will be voting

Logic tests for voting will come everywhere

This will totally stop liberalism and crooks from getting elected

Trump will start logic tests for voting in America

Let’s understand what is really going on in China now ...


Between 1982 and 2018, the constitution stipulated that the president could not serve more than two consecutive terms.[3] During the Mao era and also since 2018, there were no term limits attached to this office.[7]

Qualifications and electionEdit
According to the current Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the president must be a Chinese citizen with full electoral rights who has reached the age of 45.

The president is elected by the National People's Congress (NPC), China's highest state body, which also has the power to remove the president and other state officers from office. Elections and removals are decided by a simple majority vote.[8]


What one sees in today’s China is a big change ... they have seemed to copy America’s wise founders formula for success by having only the most wise voting in their leader and did even better with having the age at least 45 and not the less experience of 35 min age for president ....all polls show age makes a person more conservative and with better understanding of life.
Again see how conservative China is ??

Age makes a person more conservative as they learn

China limits their president to be at least 45. America is 35

Their highest gdp scores success will be copied world wide which was the same from America’s wise founders

Trump will bring a logic test for America’s voters

World wide liberalism will be stopped by stopping the unwise from voting

The world has learned

Liberalism is over !!
Singapore has one of the highest per capita GDPs in the world. With a population of 5.6 million people, they have about 900 homeless. Los Angeles, with a population of 3.9 million, has about 50,000. They are at or near the top in education. Their crime rate is so low, many of the stores have no security against shop lifting and do not even lock their doors.

Here is their GDP from: List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
View attachment 294473

"In 2016, the island nation’s police reported 135 total days without any crimes including snatch-theft, house break-ins and robbery. That low crime rate means many small businesses enjoy little concern about shoplifting.

In fact, as CNBC recently observed, many local businesses take few precautions when closing shop at night.

For instance, in the ground floor lobby of a mixed-use building in the downtown business district, many shops don’t have windows, locks — or even doors."

How many American cities with a population of 5.6 million have 135 days in a year with NO crimes reported?

Also, look at Singapore.




Also, when I googled "Singapore shitting in streets", I found zero matching results.

Because they simply don't put up with any bullshit, that's why. Shit in the streets? Hell you'd probably do time and get a beating just for spitting on the street in Singapore.
Singapore has one of the highest per capita GDPs in the world. With a population of 5.6 million people, they have about 900 homeless. Los Angeles, with a population of 3.9 million, has about 50,000. They are at or near the top in education. Their crime rate is so low, many of the stores have no security against shop lifting and do not even lock their doors.

Here is their GDP from: List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
View attachment 294473

"In 2016, the island nation’s police reported 135 total days without any crimes including snatch-theft, house break-ins and robbery. That low crime rate means many small businesses enjoy little concern about shoplifting.

In fact, as CNBC recently observed, many local businesses take few precautions when closing shop at night.

For instance, in the ground floor lobby of a mixed-use building in the downtown business district, many shops don’t have windows, locks — or even doors."

How many American cities with a population of 5.6 million have 135 days in a year with NO crimes reported?

Also, look at Singapore.




Also, when I googled "Singapore shitting in streets", I found zero matching results.

Because they simply don't put up with any bullshit, that's why. Shit in the streets? Hell you'd probably do time and get a beating just for spitting on the street in Singapore.

They are controlling their unwise like China is doing and like nations will do by copying

America’s founders were doing the sane thing by controlling their unwise and stopping the unwise from voting

America’s founders started chinas success

Controlling the freedoms of the unwise is the answer for great progress

America’s founders started this and now China has this

Only the most wise votes

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