What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?

Will any Lefty step up and be honest enough to admit:
”Because I’m gay”
”Because my son or daughter is gay”
”Because I’m a man who wears a dress and lipstick”
”Because I’m an illegal or I’m of illegal descent”
”Because I like and need free shit”
”Because I hate old white people since they built this nation to work against me”

I’m inclined to believe the aforementioned are some of the most common forces driving people to the Left.
There’s just no way one becomes Left for REAL political reasons….Leftism always seems to be driven by emotion and unconventional lifestyles.
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My thoughts: The closer people live to each other, the more they want government to regulate their interactions with each other. The farther people live apart from each other, the more they just want the government to butt out and leave them the hell alone.
Too simplistic to be proved.There are apartments all over every state and
most neighborhoods.It is far easier to just use the example of Homes or
mansions that have iron gates surrounding their turf.Those type usually
are more out of touch with reality and average Joe American.
Many examples.Most Hollywood successful actors and actress and those
running the show.Nancy Pelosi a proven example of a Leftist.
Thomas Jefferson had great disdain for large cities

Firstly, large cities spread a Pandemic at that time that killed 1 in 10 people, just like we saw New York City have the biggest numbers of people dying during our Pandemic. Considering this, cities are the least ideal places to be in a Pandemic for obvious reasons, and just a tender box waiting for the flame.

Secondly, Jefferson saw large cities as full of corruption which created an underclass that would eventually threaten the Republic at some point.

To his closest friend, James Madison, he wrote in 1787, the year of the American Constitution, “When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as in Europe.”

From his disciplined reading of the Latin and Greek classics, Jefferson derived his belief that the ideal citizen of a republic was a modest family farmer living on the land, growing his own food, and providing his own shelter and clothing. Since this farmer depended on no other person or institution for his livelihood, he was truly free. His relations with the state were entirely voluntary rather than necessary. City dwellers, by contrast, could not grow their own food. By living away from the fecundity of nature, they were dependent on others for food, shelter, clothing and employment. This made them less free. But “those who labor in the earth,” Jefferson wrote, “are the chosen people of God.”

Jefferson believed that cities were breeding grounds not just for economic and political dependency, but that they generally attracted an urban underclass. An unemployed and perhaps unemployable urban proletariat was dangerous to peace and social stability.

“The mobs of great cities,” he wrote, “add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.”

He knew enough of European history, particularly of ancient Rome, to understand that urban mobs are susceptible to the blandishments of demagogues, who use what the French called the “canaille” (packs of urban “dogs”) to further their own despotic goals. In his only book, Notes on the State of Virginia, Jefferson wrote, “Dependance begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.” Better that everyone find happiness on what Jefferson called “the republic of the farm.”

Jefferson believed that cities were unhealthy places. In the absence of modern sewage systems, people merely tossed the contents of their chamber pots (and often enough dead animals) into the gutters of the streets and waited for rain to carry it untreated down to the river. Garbage, mostly organic, was discarded out the back of the house. Pigs, dogs, and horses roamed the streets leaving their excrement behind. Colonial streets were narrow; urban crowding put people into close contact with each other. Modern notions of cleanliness and hygiene had not yet been formulated. There were no adequate storm drains to carry away standing water. Modern police forces did not exist. Nor did streetlamps except in a few privileged neighborhoods.

On the surface, it seems only logical that people in larger cities are more dependent on government for pretty much everything, which is why I think Europe has been so farther to the Left since everyone there lives in a major city.

All of the support for the DNC resides mostly in large cities, otherwise, it does not exist.
I guess one could surmise he was onto something.Thoroughly ahead of his time.
I think he would trust in his motto as long as it { wherever one places their head }
" neither picks my pocket or breaks my leg. "
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Democrats support public transportation, education, public services, social programs….that is why Cities support Democrats

Republicans support lower taxes.
That is why rural areas support Republicans
And the fact that Republican ideology disgusts me.

It is cynical, dishonest, often racist and misogynist with its main goal making the rich richer
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
Cheap labor and no morals.
Too simplistic to be proved.There are apartments all over every state and
most neighborhoods.It is far easier to just use the example of Homes or
mansions that have iron gates surrounding their turf.Those type usually
are more out of touch with reality and average Joe American.
Many examples.Most Hollywood successful actors and actress and those
running the show.Nancy Pelosi a proven example of a Leftist.
I think about lots of things that are not proven. Yet they are still my thoughts.
And the fact that Republican ideology disgusts me.

It is cynical, dishonest, often racist and misogynist with its main goal making the rich richer
But isn’t todays republican ideology what America was built on?
“It is cynical, dishonest, often racist and misogynist with its main goal making the rich richer”
So feelings and emotions?
While your ideolgy is aimed at building up the emotions of the uncoventional and abnormal in the now, Republican ideologies are aimed to build up and sustain a nation for eternity.
Do you find it odd that ALL of America’s richest people are well know Democrats?
But isn’t todays republican ideology what America was built on?
“It is cynical, dishonest, often racist and misogynist with its main goal making the rich richer”

So feelings and emotions?
While your ideolgy is aimed at building up the emotions of the uncoventional and abnormal in the now, Republican ideologies are aimed to build up and sustain a nation for eternity.
Do you find it odd that ALL of America’s richest people are well know Democrats?
It was the PROGRESSIVE ideology that built the middle class...
It was the PROGRESSIVE ideology that built the middle class...
We‘re talking about the workings of today…Remember when Democrats wanted to keep blacks enslaved?
Why did you run right past the meat on the bone?…Here, try again.

“But isn’t todays republican ideology what America was built on?
“It is cynical, dishonest, often racist and misogynist with its main goal making the rich richer”
So feelings and emotions?
While your ideolgy is aimed at building up the emotions of the uncoventional and abnormal in the now, Republican ideologies are aimed to build up and sustain a nation for eternity.
Do you find it odd that ALL of America’s richest people are well know Democrats?”
There are two types of people in the big cities.
1. Those who are from shit hole countries.
2. Those who like being around people from shit hole countries.
You're an idiot.

I don't live in NYC but I have spent a lot of time there and have many friends who love it.

You can get anything you want at any time. That's pretty friggin amazing. When my friends visit me here in the woods...I have to work at keeping them entertained because they are not used to the slow pace and quiet.

City life is interesting and exciting but not my taste for every day life
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
An overwhelming desire by the leeches to live at the expense of the productive.
My thoughts: The closer people live to each other, the more they want government to regulate their interactions with each other. The farther people live apart from each other, the more they just want the government to butt out and leave them the hell alone.
People in cities want city services to improve their quality of life. Those in rural areas just want low taxes with little government interaction

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