What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?

And the fact that Republican ideology disgusts me.
It is cynical, dishonest, often racist and misogynist with its main goal making the rich richer
And thus, an example of the "unwashed masses".
The protestant work ethic built the middle class, to which progressive ideology bears little to no resemblence.

The rich profited from that Protestant work ethic for decades...and there was very little middle class..until the New Deal and the progressive policies that came with it
And the fact that Republican ideology disgusts me.

It is cynical, dishonest, often racist and misogynist with its main goal making the rich richer
Funny Republicans believe in GOD , Jesus, the bible and USA

Democrats follow Satan, read the anarchy cook book and hail to North Korea
Funny Republicans believe in GOD , Jesus, the bible and USA

What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
all those horrible white people have moved from big cities now they are essentially third world shit villages enjoy

Yeah, I mean I guess we could all be like most Democrats, don't even make and effort to be moral unless it benefits you personally. For example, Democrats are all about "making the rich pay their fair share" until the rich Democrats are unable to skirt some taxes in high tax states via the SALT deduction and all of sudden their tune changes. Hypocrites...ALL of them.
Some do. Some don't. Just like Dems

Personally I believe the TEACHINGS of Jesus...and I love the USA

If you believe the teachings of Jesus, you are voting for the wrong party.
If you believe the teachings of Jesus, you are voting for the wrong party.
Actually I would say that you are.

"Easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than to get into heaven"?

"Love thy neighbor"?

"Blessed are the meek"

and much more LIBERAL ideology

You folks sre obsessed with the Old Testament and Revelation
Mac1958 doesn’t ‘identify’ as Democrat he just admits to voting Democrat.

Long ago, and in a galaxy far, far, Democrats realized that they could hold power by getting in beds with unions, and their constituents were in cities. As that began to fall off, they created public sector unions to take their place. When they did this, they OVERPAID them, and gave them MASSIVE retirement benefits to keep them in the fold, all on the public dime. These political entities were almost all Democrats, but their nickname was "The Machine!"

Want a job in public works? Join the MACHINE! Want a toll booth job, same. Garbage collector? Yep, you got it, same thing. These people were NOT the majority of voters, but they kept tabs on you. If you didn't show at the polls, they CALLED you and threatened YOUR job. How do I know? I was in the MACHINE for 5 years when I was in my early 20s. They did that to me!

We worked for the county. When good ole Jimmy Carter was on his whistle stop tour, we were PAID to show up at one of his stops with Carter signs. Along with us, there was city and state workers, all doing the same damn thing. This is how the unions and Democratic party rolls; of course for all I know, the GOP could do it too.

The BEST blue collar job in a large city is..........working for the city! Good pay, massive benefits, retirement up and beyond any of your peers. How many of you have seen city workers just taking it easy on the side of the road! Think they are going to vote in an administration that is going to end that? If you do, I have some swampland in Florida I will sell you.

I can NOT say it is the same today, but I will tell you what a councilman told me years ago, and BLACK Americans should listen to this------------->unless a large city is run by mostly BLACK Americans, do you know WHY their City workforce is predominently white? You would say.........seniority, correct? NOT! As the councilman told me...........because they already know Black Americans are going to vote 96% Democrat. They need White city workers to be a force in their communities, and sway as much white vote as they can and bring them to the polls. This is how politics work!

Democrats are bad I suppose, but they are not STUPID! They know without a Presidential election going on, most times voter participation falls off dramatically. This makes their UNION affiliations worth more, waaaaaaay more. Get out these people, and they have LESS people to cancel their vote. Why do you think they are pooping bricks looking at Americas current take! They are afraid that they are going to be swamped with people who can NOT wait to get to the polls, meaning their payoffs to city, county, and state workers are going to be worth much, much, less.

So why do cities lean LEFT? For the same reason they are going el-broko! Because they are BUYING votes on the taxpayer dollar which is actually a work around, and unless you are in the TOTAL Private sector, you have to go through the MACHINE to get anywhere. That is fact, and if you don't believe me, just start investigating it.
I guess one could surise he was way ahead of his time.
And the fact that Republican ideology disgusts me.

It is cynical, dishonest, often racist and misogynist with its main goal making the rich richer
Give examples.Of any Republican who fits that description.
Or President.How about Obama.Who never missed a chance to denounce
the Country and pick apart it's faults when in Europe.
Then the guy gets a $ 65 Million dollar book deal w/o as much as
submitting a manuscript.Then another $ 100 Million for signing onto Netflix.
Plus his attempts along with Al Gore to score rich with Carbon Credits.

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